Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 346: Wind and rain (on)

Night, completely covered in this sky.

In the inner city, the lights are bright.

The ruins of the piece of Yuehua Auction House are now surging.

Thousands of people appeared on this open space at the same time, and the sound of jingle was heard.

The ruins, under the cleansing of thousands of people, were cleaned up during the day and have now begun to recast the auction house.

Many people are more powerful, but this sentence is what is said.

Soon, an easy but luxurious luxury auction house re-established.

Under the moonlight, watching this scene, I don’t know how many people are feeling.

"The spirits are really going to die."

"They have no retreat, they can only stand firm with the Fuji family and the warriors. Otherwise, the spirits will perish."

"They have embarked on an incorrect road. They can only be black. If they return, they will say that it is Wang Chen. Even the Fuji family and the warriors will destroy the spirits first."

"Yes, the spirits are destined to be only enemies with the Wang family."

Looking at the auction house that is gradually rising, many people are feeling a lot.

"Tomorrow, it will be the day of the blood."

For a time, everyone is even more embarrassed.

This night, everyone seems to have smelled blood.

This night, the sly moon seems to be covered with a layer of blood.

This land of tomorrow will be stained with blood.


"Lingnan adults, do you think this is okay?"

At the moment, in the manor, in Lingnan’s study, Ling Ling looked at Lingnan with a dignified look.

"This is the only way."

Lingnan is ugly.

"Who was attacking you yesterday, but the Wang family."

After that, Lingnan’s face was dignified.

"No, there is only one person, strong and unparalleled, not like the people we should have in southern Xinjiang. Under one stroke, it is the five strongest people who have perished my spirits. If I am not lucky, I will not escape." /

Thinking about the last night, the coffin is still dignified, with fear.

Last night, he and the several strong people of the spiritual family took the purple orchid to transfer, and did not expect that Wang Chen and the battle against the sky were too fierce, which directly caused the piece of land to collapse.

After the underground passage collapsed, Lingbi and others had to return to the ground with the purple orchids, fleeing along the mountain road, and preparing to return to the spiritual city.

However, at that time, someone was shooting against them.

Under a trick, the land is destroyed, and there is no sound.

Between the blink of an eye, the five Ling masters were killed on the spot, and the spirits themselves were dangerous.

Zilan, after all, was taken away by that person.

This is the situation today.

"Strong, not like our southern Xinjiang, but not the Wang family, who will be."

Lingnan brows are locked.

"It’s a woman."

The coffin added.


After hearing this, Lingnan’s face suddenly changed.

Is it her?

The mind of Lingnan instantly thought of a name, fantasy dance.

Wang family magic dance, life is fierce, even the guardian of the Holy Mountain, are taboo three points, if she appears, it is bound to have such strength.

"No, it can't be a fantasy dance, it can't be a royal family."

Just, Lingnan quickly denied his thoughts.

Wang family magic dance, strong and boundless, if she appeared, saved the purple orchid, then now Wang Chen must know.

Once Wang Chen knows that Zilan is not in their hands, it will be unscrupulous.

At this moment, the spiritual city may have turned into a **** sea.

Moreover, with the power of magical dance, the spiritual city is bound to be destroyed.

Now all the moves are gone, which means that this person is definitely not a member of the royal family.

Who would be that.

On the Tian Xuan mainland, the strong is endless, but there are not many female heroes.

It seems that no one meets the description of the spirits...

"This thing will be left first, and will be said after the killing of Wang Chen tomorrow."

Lingnan’s face is condensed and smashed.

No matter what identity the woman is, in short, the most important thing is that he is not a friend of the royal family.

As long as it is, then it will be easy to do, everything can be left alone.

Now, the most important thing they face is the auction that will start tomorrow, which is to kill Wang Chen.

"How are our people prepared?"

Then he asked, squinting.

"Selected the genius of the family, specializing in the shape, with her ability, can change the same as the purple orchid, but the momentum and temperament, perhaps it is difficult to look like."

Spirit sighs.

At this time, what Lingnan and Lingbi said was a shocking conspiracy.

Where there is purple orchid,.

Ling and Lingnan sown a big lie. They deceived the warriors and the vines and deceived the sky.

The purple orchids have long since ceased to be. They actually want to be a peach and a peach, and come to steal a day.

"This is the only way we have no choice. Today, my spiritual family has no retreat."

In the face of the coffin, Lingnan sighed.

This is no way to do it.

They are spiritual, and in this cooperation, they have always been at a disadvantage.

They know this very well.

However, for the future of the spiritual family, for the rise of the spiritual family, they resolutely chose this.

This opportunity, for the spiritual family, is a rare event, how to fight, and how.

In the original, the spirits naturally wanted to take the opportunity to control the purple orchid, which is the biggest trump card in their hands.

It’s a pity that the purple orchids are disappearing now, which is to push the spirits to a dead end.

They have no choice.

Otherwise, the warriors and the vines and the sacred people will take the lead to spare them.

So, in a hurry, Lingnan has come up with a way to steal the day.

"Okay, then I will arrange it, just, etc. If it is a covert..."

The coffin can't help but worry.

The occultist has been with the purple orchid for a long time, if it is recognized by the sacred person.

"Zilan, huh, huh... Isn't she poisoned? Since poisoning, my spirits don't just have a way to seal the toxicity."

Lingnan said with a smile.

"I know."

When you heard Lingnan, the spirits suddenly showed a hint of joy.

He knows how to do it.

"Tomorrow, if Wang Chen is successful, I hope that Zilan will disappear."

Looking at the eyes, Lingnan continues to add.


The spirit smiled.

The voice falls into the night.

"Sky, hey, if it is not because of the ancestors of the dark ancestors, how will my spiritual family care for you, and wait until my spiritual family breaks away the secrets of the ancestors of the dark ancestors, leaving you unacceptable."

There is only one Lingnan in the study.

Looking at the empty room, he murmured to himself.

The voice fell, Lingnan got up and walked outside.

Wan Xiang and others don't want to see Zilan, so let them see.

This night, the wind and rain have begun to fall, silent, and the passage of time, the storm is getting more and more fierce.

Until the dawn of dawn dawns.

Lingcheng woke up from the silence.

On the street, very quickly, the pedestrians are endless.

This day is very different.

"Oh my God, Yuehua Auction House has stood up."

"The auction is really about to begin."

"Today, it must be extraordinary."

This morning, everyone found the re-established Yuehua auction house.

This day, starting in the early morning, Lingcheng is caught in boiling and stunned.

The passage of time, very quickly, I don’t know how many people are gathered outside the Yuehua auction house.

They looked at the auction house and they had different expressions.

On this day, all the forces are eager to move.

The strong parties have different expressions and different moods.

Wang Chen, Fuji family, warrior, spiritual family, cover the sky, everyone is waiting.

Awaiting the start of a violent collision, waiting for the spark of the spark.


"Homeowners, Yuehua Auction House has been re-established, it seems that they really want to prepare for the auction."

At the moment, Shen Hao looked at Wang Chen’s voice in the house that was inconspicuous in Lingcheng.

Everything seems to be moving in a bad direction.

"There are a lot of strong people gathered in this spiritual family. It is said that the Fuji family and the warriors have also come to a number of strong people. Moreover, the mainland has received news that the strong players of the Fuji family and the warriors have approached the city to the past." /

Shen Haodun continued to say.

Undoubtedly, the purpose of this Fuji family and the warrior is too clear.

Once the South Xinjiang side, they succeeded in killing Wang Chen, the mainland will inevitably set off a **** rain, the Wang family, the entire king city, will be baptized.

"Teng family, warrior,."

When you heard Shen Hao’s words, the expressionless Wang Chen’s mouth showed a sneer.

There was a cold flash in his eyes: "I won't let them succeed."

Wang Chen’s tone is strong and firm at this time.

The voice fell, he looked at Shen Hao: "Ready, follow the original plan."


When he heard Wang Chen’s words, Shen Hao said quietly.

The voice fell and he quickly retreated out of the hall.

Leaving Wang Chen alone is gradually getting into the silence.

After a long time, he took a deep breath and went outside the hall. He looked up at the sky: "Autumn is a good weather for killing."

Wang Chen muttered.

The words are murderous.

The voice fell, and Wang Chen slowly walked outside the king's house.

His action, this moment begins.

As Wang Chen started his actions, the other side of the Yuehua Auction House also launched an action.

In the morning, the Yuehua auction house did not know how many people gathered before.

Suddenly, the spirit squad gathered together.

Between the blink of an eye, hundreds of people formed a strong cordon that excluded everyone from the square.

Afterwards, it’s good to have a team that slowly enters.

"The people of the Spirit are coming."

"Teng family, the warrior is coming."

"Look, that is not the Tenglong caravan."

"Everyone is here, I don't know if Zilan is there."

Looking at the one team entered the auction house, the Lingcheng was at a loss.

In the air, I suddenly smelled a trace of gunpowder.

At this moment, the atmosphere has solidified.

The auction is about to begin. The Ling, Fuji, and Warriors have already started their operations. The rest is the Wang family.

Wang Chen, where is he now?

The auction is about to begin, and in what way will he appear?

Looking at this sky, everyone is full of expectations while at the same time.

Southern Xinjiang, the most lively day in history, this moment kicked off.

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