Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 318: Strongly gathered (middle)

"Hey, eight pure yang, Ling war, I see how you resist."

Seeing that the battle at the moment is still so strong, Fujio sneered again and again.

"Wang family, today you will completely disappear into this world, Ling war, Wang Chen, let it die."

The sacred mountain ambassador is also cold.

The eight pure martial arts, one half-step pure yang, and the endless strong, such a lineup, is not enough to kill the battle, Wang Chen, even if he joined the Zhu family ancestors, then how.

Know that, soon, there will be more powerful people coming to their holy mountains.

The scene is chilling, and at this moment, the atmosphere is solidified.


With a burst of anger, the Holy Mountain Messenger took the lead.


When the wrist trembles, it is now that I have seen a silver token in the hands of the ambassador of the Holy Mountain.


The token is sacrificed and the world is blown up.

The silver light bursts out, illuminating the heavens and the earth, and rushing into the sky.

"Be careful, this is the sacred mountain order, the sacred mountain order, sixteen pieces. In the rumors, it was the original **** that passed down, and must not be taken lightly."

Looking at this token, the face of Zhu’s ancestors suddenly changed.

Sacred Mountain Order, sixteen, shocking Tian Xuan mainland.

In the rumors, this thing was originally passed down by the true God.

Each token is a jewel, and now exists in the hands of sixteen sacred mountain messengers.

The power of this thing is boundless.

At the moment, with the sacred mountain ambassador showing this sacred mountain order, suddenly the world is ringing.

A horrible majesty shrouded, so that Wang Chen and others only felt suffocated.

"A strong and powerful atmosphere."

Feeling this breath, Wang Chen's face changed slightly.


Beside Wang Chen, Ling War saw this scene at this time but it was cold.

Looking at the token folder with boundless majesty, the long sleeves fluttered, and suddenly it was a punch and a straight dragon.


A big earthquake swayed and the wind blew.

Along with the battle of the sacred mountain, the sacred mountain was suddenly eclipsed.

The smear of silver shines like a star blasts, and there is no limit to it.


Only this one-click hit, the battle figure actually turned out to be a fierce, then quit and then took a few steps.

At the same time, the silver light suddenly dimmed, and the sacred mountain was also bombarded.

"It’s not a holy mountain order, hey, but, can you resist me?”

After a confrontation, it is already able to clearly feel the power contained in the sacred mountain, and the battle is cold and cold.

The tumbling of blood in the body made his eyes become awe-inspiring.

This alone sacred mountain command is so powerful that it is a big loss.

"Hahaha... battle, today I see how you can resist."

Recovering the order of the Holy Mountain, and seeing that the battle was forced to withdraw, the ambassador of the Holy Mountain laughed loudly.

A sacred mountain order, shocking thousands of homes.

"The town."

A scream of anger, at this moment two sacred mountain ambassadors also sacrificed the sacred mountain order.


Sun and moon food, silver light has become the only one in this world.

The two holy mountains make this time like the vast expanse of the Milky Way, sweeping toward the battle.

"I resist one."

Zhu's ancestors saw this scene, and quickly yelled, two sacred mountains, that horrible atmosphere made the Zhu family ancestors also face a big change, this power can not be underestimated.

The voice fell, and I saw the ancestors of Zhu’s ancestors flashing, and the battle was left and right, and they were resisted by a holy mountain.

"Hahaha... let the battle die."

However, at this time, the pure yang of the Fujia and the warriors is leaving.

The warrior's eyes flashed in the cold, his wrists trembled, and a long gun appeared in their hands.

The rifle is red, the murder is chilly, and the breath is cold.

With the appearance of this long gun, the sky seems to be shrouded in red light.

The breath of blood is rising from the sky.

"A good and powerful murderous."

In the face of such a scene, Wang Chen smashed.

"Hume it."

Looking at this rifle is going toward the battle, Wang Chen is leaving.


The force of chaos that was restored by returning to Yuan Dan was booming at this time.

The boundless breath was injected into the Qiankun Ding, and suddenly the sound of the Kunming Ding.


When the wrist trembles, 乾坤鼎 throws out.


Between the eyes of Kun Kun Ding, it is turned into a giant ding like the size of a mountain.


There was a snoring sound, and the whole glory shook.


A chaotic long river emerges from the inside of Qiankun Ding.

This long river is full of waves, and this long river is like a rainbow.


In the meantime, this long river has become a skylight, and in the twinkling of an eye it is swept away toward the red rifle.


The roaring sound exploded in the next moment.

In the tumbling of the Chaos River, the long shot was dimly lit.

The boundless murder, as if swallowed up, instantly converges.

The long river vibrates and makes a sound of dragons.

The boundless waves were shot by a long gun.


At the same time, that Kun Kun Ding rushed into the river at the moment, and the smash hit the rifle.


The violent impact, there was a scornful voice.

A layer of sound waves spread out infinitely around the perimeter.


Where this rag is going, everything is Hua for nothing.


In the shock, the **** rifle seems to break at any time, and the whole bends and makes a harsh sound.


A collision once and for all, bursting with endless fire.

"Give me a break."

In the face of such an impact, Wang Chen’s soul seems to have been greatly shocked at the moment.

Looking at the rolling river, Wang Chen roared.

The hand prints out, and Wang Chen thoroughly evokes the energy of Qiankunding.


In the roar of Wang Chen, in an instant, the roar blew open.

The long gun swayed, and in the low snoring, the rifle flew to the sky.


A scream came from the screams, and with the rifle flying, the entire ancestor of the warrior was in a shape, and suddenly slammed away from the rear by a few steps.

He, at this time, his hands are already full of blood in the shock of Qiankunding.

"Do not be self-sufficient, give me death."

A blow to the rifle, forced to retreat to the ancestors of the warrior, Wang Chen’s eyes were murderous.

Recovering Kun Kun Ding, he flashed his body and chased the moon.

Between the blink of an eye, it is the hand-lifting Dading to go to the warrior ancestors.

"Wang Chen, rest."

Looking at Wang Chen, he actually forced the ancestors of the warriors to force themselves to the ancestors of the warriors with powerful power.


The hand prints and pinches out, causing the boundless lightning to flash.

With a roar, I saw that this vine was actually seen by a hand, and a black ball of light went straight to Wang Chen.

This light ball screams with the heavens and the earth, making a burst of snoring, power is not terrible.

Seeing such a scene, Wang Chen's look suddenly changed.

This light ball reminds Wang Chen of his blue light burst.

Obviously, this is even more martial arts than the blue light burst.

Unexpectedly, Teng Li actually had such a stunt.

In the face of the blast of light, Wang Chen did not dare to have the slightest care. He had to give up the pursuit of the ancestors of the warriors and turned to resist.


In the hands of Qian Kun Ding directly, Wang Chen used Qian Kun Ding to resist this light ball.


The sky is shining, the stars are shining, and the world is falling.

The whole of Kyushu’s land, this moment seems to tremble.

Red light, black light anxious.


The sound of dragons and tigers is constant.

The black and red light at this time seems to be the long tiger.

God tiger slays, the dragon walks away, for a time, the two rays are constantly entangled and consumed.

One light is centered on the place where the two meet, and they go wildly above the sky.


A layer of invisible air waves exploded.

The wave of waves is like a wave of waves.

Before the sky, as this energy bursts, a huge black hole appears.


In the squally winds, strong suctions were generated, and the ruins of the ruins of the Dragon City, the endless gravel, and the rubble were all taken into it, instantly annihilated and disappeared without a trace.


Even, tens of thousands of meters away, there are some warriors who watched the war, and under the circumstance of this storm, they made a scream of screams, and they were twisted into meat **** in an instant.


A blow is broken, Wang Chen has a body shape, and his face brush is pale, and his body shape retreats toward the rear.

The power of chaos in his body has not been completely restored.

At this moment, it is more and more confrontation against two pure martial arts people, and the pressure can be imagined.

At this moment, if there is no Qiankunding in hand, maybe this attack, Wang Chen can not resist.

However, even if Kun Kun Ding is in the hand, in the face of this attack, Wang Chen is also tumbling in the body, chattering.

"Wang Chen, died."

But, not waiting for Wang Chen to stand firm, the third pure Yang strong is now attacking Wang Chen.

This is another ancestor of the warrior.

I saw him holding two scarlet mountain axe, falling from the sky and coming across Wang Chen’s head.

"Not good."

Don't care about the tumbling blood in the body. In the face of this scene, Wang Chen changed his face and he quickly resisted.

At this moment, Wang Chen fell into a layer of encirclement.

He, one person is facing three pure Yang strong.

Obviously, Teng Li, and the two pure Yang strongmen of the warriors, this is to kill him directly, Wang Chen became their first goal of killing.

Looking at the distance, Ling and Zhu’s ancestors were surrounded by groups, especially the shock of the Holy Mountain, which made the two people not be restricted. They didn’t have time to help.

As for Jiang Chenyuan and Tian Tian Ren, these two people are even more difficult to protect themselves.

In the face of the immediate crisis, Wang Chen can only rely on himself.

Looking at the boundless axe under the emptiness, this moment, Wang Chen's pupil shrinks.

The huge crisis has permeated him, and it seems that at this moment, he has fallen into a bigger crisis.

The eight pure yang martial artists, the strongest vines, and their encirclement, let Wang Chen, Ling Zhan, Zhu Jia ancestors are quite strenuous.

If this is the case... the consequences are unimaginable.

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