Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 314: One shot"

The breath of death is shrouded. . . At this moment, Wang Chen and others fell into the danger of boundlessness.

Looking at the rattan strongmen who rushed in all directions, Wang Chen, Jiang Chenyuan and the twisted and tough face have some paleness. There was a crazy look in his eyes.

"It's over!"

"This time, Wang Chen, they are really dead!"

"However, this Wang Chen is also true, and he can fight against so many strong ones in the Fuji family with his own power! Even if it is fallen, it is difficult to eradicate this glory!"

Looking at this scene, those who watched the battle in the distance also sighed again and again.

Wang Chen, dead!

Even at this moment, even Wang Chen is ready to die.

Unexpectedly, the Fuji family has appeared so many strong! It is really a tens of thousands of years of inheritance, one of the six blood. Converging the endless glory of the ancient times. This is not even the family that Ji family can match.


Thinking of this, facing the threat of death, Wang Chen shouted.

If he dies, he has to pull a few people together!

The crazy look in the eyes flashed, and Wang Chen was even ready to burn the real yuan, burning blood and burning life!

The last glorious battle, he wants to bloom like never before.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

However, just when Wang Chen and others were ready to fight, suddenly a burst of laughter came.

The next moment, the space suddenly twisted.

"Hey, Fujiko, do you want to kill me?"

A burst of anger followed.


Along with this raging scream, the heavens and the earth exploded, and everything was gone.

The wind is sweeping, the sun and the moon are dull!

At this moment, the whole world is shaking with this anger.

In the face of this scene, the hearts of the powerful members of the Fuji family who rushed toward Wang Chen and others suddenly jumped, feeling only the boundless majesty to them.

In the face of this scene, Wang Chen and others who are ready to fight are all able to resist a stagnation, but they are very incomparable.

"God... what's going on!"

"Good strength!"

In the squally winds, those who watched the tens of thousands of meters of appearances changed their faces at this moment, and went backwards again and again.

This majesty makes them have the urge to kneel down!

"Good! Who is it!"

Jiang Chenyuan and Tian Tian Ren are also changing face, I don’t know what to say.

For the first time in life, I feel such a strong atmosphere.

This... is the strongest of Tian Xuan mainland?

Who is he?

In the crowd, at this moment, perhaps only Wang Chen’s complexion is so complicated, so excited, so indescribable!

The space is torn, and a figure like the **** of war is usually volleying.

Every step, seemingly random, but it blends with Heaven. Even let the heavens crack.


Step by step, the pace of the mountains and rivers is shaken, and the heavens and the earth are dull.

One step of tens of thousands of meters, this figure in the blink of an eye is coming to the battle circle.

"Teng family, when it is off!"

A scorn, this figure is a gloomy palm.


This palm is to make the world collapse.

There is a ray of light, and there is no end to the murder.

This palm, even covering the whole world at this moment, makes the world seem to be isolated!


Under a palm, blood is flowing, life is dying, and the notes of death jump.

The blood is filled with rain, and there is a scream of screams in the inside of the Fuji.

In this move, the top ten of the Fuji family are falling!

Even one of the ancestors of the Fuji family was shot and flew out.


This scene is really shocking! Let some people's faces in the place be distorted.

They only feel difficulty breathing.

This is what strength! What is the majesty of this?

"In the world, do you have such a strong person?"

Jiang Chenyuan and Shu Tian Ren, the two devils, are also stunned.

The city is silent, the world is solid!

At this moment, everyone in the Fuji family is frustrated, and there is no fear.


Finally, in such a dead silence, Teng Li shouted with a trembling voice.

The battle! That's right, the people who appear at the moment are actually a battle!

He appeared at the most critical moment. Once again, Wang Chen pulled back from the edge of death.

Before, he was like a god, stepping through the void, with supreme majesty, suppressing the Quartet.

The battle, at this moment, shocked everyone in the Fuji family!

At this time, the vine is pale and blue, with a trace of incredible.

The battle! He actually appeared. This is definitely the result of the unexpected can not be imagined.

A year ago, the three kings disappeared. The battle is also gone.

I didn’t expect that he will appear again today, even more so that he has such supreme majesty?

"Hey! Fujiki, how? Want to bully less?"

In the face of the screams of Teng Li, Ling Ling looked at him coldly.

At this moment, the eyes of the battle, as if it can penetrate the entire sky, directly into the heart of the vine, so that the heart of the vine can not help but jump wildly.

A terrible atmosphere, a strong majesty.

Under the gaze of the battle, in the atmosphere of the battle, at this moment, Teng Li could not say a word.

Cold sweat, a drop of water falling from his forehead, the clothes are already invaded!


In this silence, finally Wang Chen at the rear, shouted with a trembling voice.

Seeing you again, it’s like being separated. At this moment, the thoughts in my heart broke out instantly. Let Wang Chen not have the shackles of the past. There is no such kind of sword that refers to the domineering of the mountains.

In the face of the battle, he was still the boy who was the original.


When I heard Wang Chen’s words, it was said that Jiang Chenyuan and Tian Tian’s tough eyes were wide.

The man who is boundless and boundless in front of him, handsome to the man who feels inferior... is actually the master of Wang Chen? incredible.

"Ha ha ha...good. The progress is not small! It seems that this year, you have gained a lot, and there are many opportunities!"

Looking at Wang Chen’s coming towards himself, the coldness on the face of Ling’s battle was gradually turned away.

There was a smile on his lips.

Looking at Wang Chen in front of him, there is gratification in the eyes of Ling Zhan, and there is pride!

So strong, really unparalleled!

If you give him another few years, who is fighting between the world?

"Come on! Today, our mentor and the disciples have killed the Fujiji!"

Afterwards, I took a shot of Wang Chen’s shoulder and said that the battle was faint.

A few words, but it is so overbearing.

A few words, but it seems to determine the fate of the Fuji family!

In this case, Jiang Chenyuan and Tian Tian Ren, who heard the distance, were stunned.

The man who is so overbearing, such a strong man...

In a flash, the spirit of both of them even has some flaws.


At the same time, all the onlookers froze.

The tens of thousands of meters away, they clearly heard the words of the battle.

Is it out of the Fuji family?

It’s so easy!

Is this the momentum of the supreme power? Rattan, in his eyes, but ants?

"Let's fight, you're going to be crazy!"

In the midst of a series of arguments, the people of the Fuji family are distorted.

Not far from the vines, the ancestors of the Fuji family screamed toward the battle: "I see what strength you have to destroy my vine family! Today, my vine family is your place of burial!

This old man’s heart is raging.

The overbearing battle of Ling war made him unacceptable! The battle is so contemptuous of the Fuji family? This is even more unforgivable!

The roots of the Fuji family, is this guy able to provoke?

Kill! I must kill this guy, blood-washing the king's house, to be able to recover the glory of the Fuji family!


When the old man rushed out, the face of the vine in the stunned face changed, and he cried.

Unfortunately, he is still a step late.

I saw the old man’s figure and went straight to Wang Chen and Ling Zhan.

"Hey, little ants, dare to let go!"

The face of the old man of the Fuji family suddenly burst out, and there was a sneer in the corner of Ling’s mouth.

The next moment, he took a step forward: "Look at me to destroy you!"

A light sigh came, and the next moment of the battle, it disappeared directly in place.

When he appeared again, it was already in front of the old Fujiko.

The speed is fast and the shape is very different. It is already stunned. Even let the old man of the Fuji family jump in the heart.

"Not good!"

A voice screams, the old man of the Fuji family turns around and wants to avoid the slap in the face!

"If you are here, you don't have to go!"

Looking at the appearance of the veteran of the Fuji family, the sneer!

Since it is here, I still want to go?


A fist punches the heavens and the earth. This punch seems to be simple, but it is to let Teng Li, Wang Chen, Fujio ancestors, Jiang Chenyuan, and Tian Tian Ren... everyone is as if suffocating.

Under this seemingly simple punch, the battle has directly integrated into the endless power of heaven, combining the power of countless avenues!

What is the extent of this blow?


Under this boxing, the ancestors of the Fuji family are inevitable. He seems to feel that he has been shackled by heaven and earth. He seems to feel that this is the ants!


In the screams of heartbreaking, the boundless blood bursts.


The air wave blasts, the body blasts, and the flesh and blood blasts!

It’s just such an instant, the body of this Fuji family is actually torn apart.


The blood is sprayed, and the eyes of life will be dying!


Looking at this scene, the world is silent.

The battle is a punch, and the majesty is full.

This fist, the world must retreat.

Under this boxing, let a strong person who stepped into pure yang fall apart? !

The shooting of the battle, once and for all, once shocked everyone's heart. People feel that breathing is so difficult!


"Are you spiked?"

Between the vagueness, there is only such incredible thought in the hearts of all.

Does it... a strong man of pure yang level, so beaten by a punch, blasted?

This... is too unscientific?

Jiang Chenyuan and the broken corner of the mouth of the tough mouth, face each other.

Looking at the front of the battle, it seems so suffocating.

Even Wang Chen, this time is also a sip of a sip!

Master, what level did he reach?

Would the pure martial arts be killed by the second?

Looking at the **** fog in the void, Wang Chen’s expression is complicated.

God? Is the master he has stepped into this level?

Thinking in my heart, let Wang Chen know what to say.

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