Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 251: gambling

"This Wang Chen really wants to compete with Ji Xueyu."

"It seems that Ji Xueyan is waiting for this moment. She is destined to crush Wang Chen with Tianmo."

"Go, let's catch up and see."

Seeing the appearance of Wang Chen and Ji Xueyan looting outside the city, suddenly, within the state of Youzhou, endless spectators have a lot of arguments.

For a time, people are surging, and everyone is moving away from Youzhou.

"Hahaha...Your arrogant woman has already gone out, Ji family went to the city outside the battle, today, we will destroy your Jijia Tiannv, destroy your Ji family heritage, as for this ruin, wait for me to destroy You, come back and level."

After that, Jiang Chenyuan was laughing. He looked at the endless people of Ji family and shouted.


It’s like a gryphon’s voice, shaking the world, so that endless people can’t help but feel the ear hurt.

The laughter fell, but the next moment was to see Jiang Chenyuan's body flashing, and it was also going outside the city.


The sound of breaking the air is endless. In the twinkling of an eye, everyone in the magic moon and Jiang family is going outside the city of Youzhou, following the pace of Wang Chen.


Looking at this scene, everyone in the Jiang family looks ugly.

Today, Jiang Chenyuan is really deceiving too much.

Now, they can't follow.

Not to mention how important Ji Xueyan is for Jiang. If Ji Xueyan is killed, their Jiang family will suffer a lot. Therefore, they have to go with them. What's more, even if they can give up Ji Xueyu, how can they be the whole? Devils are timid and timid, and then, even if they don’t follow, when Ji Xueyan is besieged to death, Wang Chen and others will certainly be killed.

This war is inevitable.

So, the Jiang family had to go outside the city of Youzhou at this time.

"Hey, I have to see, how is his strength, how can he extermination of the elders of the Sun Yat-sen."

In the Jijiazhi, an old man snorted.

"This matter, too old ancestors had expected, I can wait for it, they can't smile for a long time."

After then, the old man’s mouth showed a sneer.


The light flickers, and the Ji family goes with it.

With the appearance of this scene, the entire state has shook.

The final battle is about to open.

Especially Ji Xueyan, this one-day arrogant woman, can this wash the shame, this time can avenge Wang Chen.

In the state of Youzhou, the crowd is surging.

"Let's go, let's see what the strength of Wang Chen is. In the beginning, the elders of the elders and the elders went down one after another. I have to see how big he is."

In the state of Youzhou, in a hidden corner, at this moment, a middle-aged man is cold.

He is not one of the two elders sent by Lie Zong.

This war, of course, they are also concerned, but relatively speaking, the Lie Sunzong is more concerned about Wang Chen.

Before Jiang Chenyuan’s shot, they couldn’t help but marvel.

Now, Wang Chen will bring shocks.

"Go, go see, after this battle, Wang Chen will die."

Beside the middle-aged man, another man was cold and cold.

The voice fell, and the two walked quickly toward the outside of Youzhou with the crowd.

"Wang Chen."

No one noticed that at this time, within the surging crowd, there were a few people who were gloomy and gnashing their teeth.

"Wang Chen, I didn't expect us to come too, hey, my Fuji family is destined to let your blood flow into the river."

One of the men who was headed at this moment looked gloomy and gloomy.

He is a man of the Fuji family. If Wang Chen is here, you can see that this is not the vine that he always wanted to kill.

At the beginning, within the city of Tiancheng, Fujisawa escaped from the sky with the help of the Golden Order and fled back to the Tian Xuan mainland.

Now, after a long period of rest and recuperation, Fujisawa not only recovered from injury, but also gained strength.

A few days ago, within the Devil's Circle, the Fujiko and the Warriors suffered heavy losses. The Fujisawa led the infinite strong to the Devil and chased Wang Chen.

They knew that Wang Chen had entered the domain of the heavens, but unfortunately, they did not go in, so they could only wait, now, the time has come.

Today is the day of the fall of Wang Chen.

"Wang Chen, I did not expect this kind of strength to be so strong. At the beginning, my warrior did not completely crush him, let him linger, and made a mistake. Now, it is very difficult to kill him."

At the side of Fujisawa, a warrior and old man could not help but succeed.

He, his brow is locked up.

Devil world, where the strong people gather, but the step is that Tian Xuan mainland can be comparable.

In the beginning, you were able to enslave the Terran. It is conceivable that the Mozu is so powerful. If it is not because of the true manifestation of the gods, the Terran may still be struggling.

Rao is the Mozu being sealed inside the demon world. He is still unparalleled, and Wang Chen is able to open a world in such a place. His strength cannot be underestimated.

"He, how powerful is it, this time, we must be able to kill her, don't forget the people of Ji family."

Fujisaki didn't take it for granted, sneer again and again.


The voice fell, and the vines went to the outside with the vines and the warriors.

"Hahaha... fight, smash that chick, grab it as a close-knit girl."

At the same time, the other side of the crowd, at this moment, someone was laughing in the heart, and his eyes sparkled with excitement.

On this day, Youzhou is destined to become the most eye-catching place.



The figure is flashing and the dust is everywhere.

At the moment, outside the city of Youzhou, Wang Chen and Ji Xueyu’s body shape fell on this plain.

The horror of the two people seems to be making the entire plain tremble at this moment.


The wind is cold, and Wang Chen and Ji Xueyu are separated by 100 meters at the moment.

"Today, you have no chance."

Looking at Ji Xueyan, Wang Chen took a deep breath and said with a deep voice.

The long white dress, the unique appearance of the world, makes Wang Chen’s mind seem to have a picture of Liu Xinyan.

The battle of today, I don’t know if she is coming.

Whether she came or not, Wang Chen knew that Liu Xinyan was definitely watching this battle.

He will not let Liu Xinyan disappoint, and will not let Liu Xinyan worry.

The pump in the eyes is cold. At this moment, Wang Chen looks at Ji Xueyan with no expression.

"Today, it is no longer the original me, under the celestial piano, you have nowhere to hide."

In the face of Wang Chen’s momentum, Ji Xueyan said faintly.

The next moment, I saw her hands crossed, and the Tianmo Qin in the hands was suspended in the air.

On the magic piano that day, the strings that were broken at the beginning of the day are now complete and complete, stronger than they were at the beginning.

The day of the magical piano, a faint majesty sweeps the world.

All the creatures felt a trembling within the eight parties.

"That is the Tianmo Qin, it seems that this day the magic piano has been thoroughly refining."

"Yeah, the second big demon thing, really, Wang Chen how to fight."

Feeling the majesty of the celestial piano, people who rushed to the plains in the back, could not help but look awkward and amazed.

The air in the field seems to be gradually solidifying at this moment, and everyone is gradually quieting down. They stare at Wang Chen and Ji Xueyan with their eyes, and they wait for the battle to begin.

The battle between these two days of arrogance makes people feel helpless when they can't help breathing.

"Tian magic piano, all refining, but not enough, today, I will call you with Hong Zhong."

When you have a wrist, Wang Chen has a lot of Hou Zhong in his hands.


Hong Zhong is alive and the world is shaking.

"Hidden treasures."

"The original deputy lord of the Sun Yat-sen."

"Songzhizong Town Zongzhibao."

"This is the treasure that Wang Chenzhen won after killing the deputy lord of the Liezong. This person is really taken."

Looking at Hong Zhong in the hands of Wang Chen, the rear again made a bang.


"After today, Hong Zhong returned to my Lie Zong."

In the crowd, the two elders of the Liezong sect looked at the gloom of Hong Zhong’s face.

Hong Zhong, how can such treasures fall into the hands of outsiders?

Especially Wang Chen is a bastard.

The appearance of Hong Zhong seems to remind people all the time, how they are in the hands of Wang Chen.

The appearance of Hong Zhong, as if he was always slap in the face of the sun.

Listening to the exclamation around, the Sun Yat-sen, who is mentioned from time to time, these two elders are almost crazy.

If it is ok, they can't wait to rush out to kill Wang Chen at this moment and recapture Hong Zhong.

"Hong Zhong, this thing is good, the treasures of the wild, the treasure of the sun and the sun, I did not expect that you can actually kill the deputy lord of the sun, it seems that your strength has improved."

The opposite of Wang Chen, looking at the hand-held Hong Zhong, Wang Chen, who passed through the sky, Ji Xueyan could not help but sigh.

Suddenly, before the battle, she was a turn: "This war can be a gamble with me."

Ji Xueyu suddenly asked.

The sound is not big, but it seems to fall into everyone's ears.

This Ji Xueyan, actually wants to gamble with Wang Chen, they have to gamble.

The crowd could not help but horrified, erected their ears and waited for the answer.

"Bet on, gamble,."

Wang Chen is also a wrinkle, a strange question.

He did not expect that this Ji Xueyan, such a arrogant person, suddenly made such a request at this moment, which is surprising.

"Gambling, if you lose, sell my life to my family for a hundred years, let me be sent to my family, and be based on me."

Ji Xueyu suddenly said.


A few words, let the people who are watching and changing around are taking a breath.

This Ji Xueyu has such a purpose.

"If that I win,"

Wang Chen asked with an eye.

"I am the mainstay of you. From now on, I have nothing to do with Jijia. I respect you for a hundred years."

Ji Xueyu said indifferently, her face is unchanged at this moment.

But every word is so thrilling.

When the voice fell, Ji Xueyan looked at Wang Chen quietly. She was waiting for Wang Chen's answer. She was waiting for the answer.

At this moment, between heaven and earth, everything is silent.

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