Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 246: Uncover the dust seal

At this moment, Wang Chen can't wait to enter the secret room.

What is hidden inside, why it has not been opened for millions of years, why should we wait for the blood of the true God and the blood of the demon **** to enter.

Wang Chen has a strong feeling, and there is bound to hide a huge secret.

"Well, I will take you to the secret room that has not been opened."

When he heard Wang Chen’s words, the Golden Lion King hesitated after hesitated.

With Wang Chen walking towards the depths of Dongfu, Wang Chen came to the deepest part of the Great Magic Cave House in a short time.

This is a closed stone gate.

On the quaint stone gate, the blue and white are lingering, and the beasts gather.

"Put your blood on Shimen, only the blood of the gods and the blood of the devil can open the stone gate and enter it."

The Golden Lion King said to Wang Chen.

The voice fell, and after a deep look at Wang Chen, he slowly retreated toward the rear.

Leaving Wang Chen alone in the face of this quaint stone door, his eyes sparkled with a hint of light.


Without hesitation, Wang Chen made a hole in his hand. The next moment, the blood sprayed out, and in a twinkling of an eye, it splashed on the stone door.


With the integration of the blood of Wang Chenzhen, the quaint stone door, the next moment seems to tremble.

The next moment, the red light suddenly broke out.


The whole cave house swayed violently.

At this moment, the lines above the stone gates, the beasts, seem to be active, start to rush and start to growl.

A spectacular picture of the scene began to appear in Wang Chen’s line of sight.

Looking at this scene, Wang Chen could not help but stunned.

In particular, the stock of the stock that broke out from the Shimen Gate made Wang Chen almost suffocate.

"This movement..."

Far away, watching this scene, the Golden Lion King can not help but marvel.

"I feel his breath."

The eyes of the Golden Lion King, there are some confusion at the moment, he, as if thinking of something, but, so blank.

"After sealing millions of years of dust, is it finally open? In the end, what did he leave, what did he know at the beginning?"

At this moment, the Golden Lion King muttered.

For millions of years, can he count everything that is today? Such a horrible ability to deduct, this is what the big devil can have.

Golden Lion King at the moment, the heart is turbulent.



Finally, in the midst of a roar, the dusty stone door, which opened in the red light, slowly opened.

A burst of harsh sound came and shook the entire Great Cave House.


With the opening of the gate, a burst of cold whirlwind swept through, with a breath of time.


Finally, in the snoring, Shimen was completely open in front of Wang Chen.

But, standing at the door at the moment, what Wang Chen can see is only a layer of red light curtain, in addition to nothing else.

"It seems that in addition to Shimen, there is a seal on this room, I have to go in to know everything."

Looking at this scene, Wang Chen murmured, and slowly walked toward Shimen in the next moment.


The footsteps are so clear.

Wang Chen gradually integrated into the red light curtain.


With the stepping into this layer of light curtain, Wang Chen felt that his blood was covered, and this moment seemed to start to roll.

The inexhaustible temperament of a stock seems to have been incorporated into this light curtain, giving the endless pressure to a complete release.

After a moment, Wang Chen did not encounter too much obstacles, relying on the blood of the blood, through the enchantment of this layer of great devil.

"This is..."

Into the enchantment, when looking at everything in front of him, Wang Chen couldn’t help but wrinkle.

This is a very small secret room.

In the secret room, there are dust.

The dust of millions of years is filled with a pungent smell.

In front of Wang Chen, there is a crystal clear green jade at the moment.

Besides this, there is nothing else in the secret room.


Not waiting for Wang Chen to look at this jade carefully, but suddenly, this jade exudes a flawless green light.

"The endless years, after all, is it over?"

In the green light, the next moment, there was a faint sigh.


When he heard this voice, Wang Chen’s heart suddenly tightened, and he watched as he watched the green light.

Because, at this moment, Wang Chen not only heard the breath, but also felt a strong majesty and felt the power of the soul.

"I am just the big devil in your mouth."

When I heard Wang Chen’s inquiry, the voice said quietly, with endless vicissitudes.


This sentence is enough to stop Wang Chen’s heartbeat.

Great devil.

At this moment, the words turned out to be Taikoo, but he is still alive.

"No, it’s just a sigh of sorrow. It should have been that the Great Devil was separated by the supreme means, and with the help of unique ability and the help of this jade, he has kept the endless years."

The next moment, Wang Chen denied the horrible speculation, and he suddenly said to himself.

"I am not alive, it is no longer important, the descendants of the true God, after the boundless waiting, you finally came."

It seems that I know the idea of ​​Wang Chen in general, this big devil said slowly.

"You, now you must be wondering in your heart, maybe, I can tell you some."

The big devil continues to say.

This sentence directly touches the deepest part of Wang Chen’s soul.

He, tempted at once.

"In the ancient times, what happened, the gods and the war, why broke out, the true God, the demon, where is it, the gods, the great devil, why is it fallen, the times, why the chaos, the secret, who is blinded..." /

Wang Chen suddenly asked all his thoughts.

The Golden Lion King could not give him a reply, because the Golden Lion King was sealed.

The soul of the great demon is separated.

Maybe, he knows.

When looking at the green light curtain, the figure that could hardly be seen clearly, Wang Chen looked a little nervous.

"Historical dust..."

When I heard these questions from Wang Chen, the virtual shadow was silent.

A long time later, finally, in Wang Chen’s anxious waiting, the phantom slowly sighed and said: "The ancient times, the world has changed, there are some secrets, and they are blinded by power, but not ordinary people can know, I can't tell you too much. This soul is too weak to resist the destruction of the heavens."


The big devil’s answer made Wang Chen stunned. He widened his eyes: “How can you...”

Wang Chen can't believe it, don't you know this big demon.

No, impossible, he definitely knows what, he...

Wang Chen stared at the light curtain, and the breathing gradually accelerated.

"But I can tell you something I know."

Looking at Wang Chen’s appearance, that phantom shadow said.


Wang Chen is an urgent question.

"In the ancient times, the devil was the Tao, the human race was the slave, the heavens of Warcraft raged infinitely, the true **** rose, the gods accompanied, unwilling to oppress, so the resistance, the gods and the war, it came from this, after the war, the three circles split.

The battle of the gods and gods, tearing this piece of heaven and earth, Shura invaded, the evil is coming, the heavens and the earth are bleeding, and they are in hell, the corpses are everywhere, and the blood flows into the river.

Finally, the true god, the demon **** seals the demon world together, then breaks away, and the gods, also follow, Tian Xuan mainland, the beast guards, within the demon, the remaining six big demon guards, the rest of the demon, follow The gods and the demons broke through together.

The big devil said slowly.

A pause, he continued: "I am one of the six great devils left. I just know this, more detailed, but it has been suppressed by the influence of the great energy, maybe, you One day, if you can enter the cave house where the true gods remain, or the cave house where the demon gods remain, you can know one or two, the beast god, perhaps the most."

The words of the great demon, at this time let Wang Chenxi stand in the same place.

In the beginning, the gods and the wars, is it because of the dispute between humans and demons?

Why did the beast **** join, and why did the monsters join?

This is a secret, perhaps blinded. It seems that the memory of the big devil is not complete.

And then, seal the three worlds, is it... the devil also participated, the beast god.

Why did the picture I saw before was just a god, the devil and the beast.

In addition, what makes Wang Chen unbelievable and shocking is that the true demon god, who went through the air, was because of the invasion of Shura, and the evil came.

What the scene is.

The gods who are forced to leave have to leave this place.

They are going to fight against evil.

Wang Chen’s brow, at this moment, locked up, he, his face is very dignified.

It seems that he has seen a new world, but this piece of heaven and earth is making him more and more uneasy.

This is perhaps a bigger secret.

"True God, the devil is going to fight against evil, where is that and where it is."

Wang Chen asked.

"I don't know, maybe, when you are strong, you will naturally know that your appearance also represents a great change in the world. Is the era of chaos coming? The days are coming, the days will come, the dust will be Gradually uncover, you will naturally know everything."

The big devil sighs.

He, but did not say more news.

In the secret room, at this moment, it fell into a silence.

Wang Chen discovered that he knows more and more, this world seems to be getting more and more.

The original, including all the people in the three worlds today, is not a frog at the bottom of the well.

They, their eyes are too small, they know too little.

Who is it, why is it blind?

At this time, Wang Chen could not help but have some anger, and more is taboo.

It is the supreme energy that can make the big devils sealed.

"You, are you going to disappear?"

Retract your thoughts and look ahead.

The next moment, Wang Chen was shocked.

Because he found that the green light curtain is now infinitely thin, as if it might disappear at any time.

The boundless fluorescent shimmering split, the shadow of the big devil is getting lighter.

This made Wang Chen worried and nervous.

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