Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 233: All are ants

At this moment, after retracting his thoughts, Wang Chen turned his head and looked at the elders of the three Liezong who cried in the distance.

The three men were pale and seriously injured.

Seeing that the deputy lord Zhao Heng was smashed into blood by Wang Chen, the three of them were crying at the moment.

This is their deputy lord, but among the Sun Yat-Sen, the top is there.

But, he is now being killed by Wang Chen, and even the bones are not left, which makes the three people cry.

They almost have a desperate crash.

At the moment, Wang Chen looked at the three crying people, but his face was cold and incomparable.

He, slowly, step by step toward these people.

"Heaven, Wang Chen has to kill it."

"The three elders can't escape."

"Zhao Heng is dead, they are seriously injured, unable to resist."

When Wang Chen walked toward the three elders, the crowd was once again stunned.

This Wang Chen is obviously not going to let go of the three elders of the Sun Yat-Sen.

"It seems that Wang Chen really wants to be inseparable from the Lie Zong."

An old man is full of emotions.

"Hey, it is already endless, and the celestial sun is completely slain in the domain of heaven and man. Wang Chen’s robbing the dragon fruit is not a dead end."

A middle-aged man disdains the cold road.

"Why don't you die, Wang Chen is the person who fired me in the Jin Dynasty. How can he be the same as the Sun Yat-Sen? These three elders will die, and Zhao Heng will fall apart in front of Wang Chen. These people are in Wang Chen's In front of you, you are not an ant."

A young man said proudly.

He is Wang Chen's brain powder, Wang Chen, is the idol of the young generation of the fire Jin Guo, especially in today's World War I, the power of Wang Chen broke out, shocking and intoxicating.

This moment, this young man is convinced.

"Ha ha ha... Good, Zhao Heng is dead, how can the Sun Yat-sen be, Wang Chen, kill them, like killing chickens and killing dogs."

After, Jiang Chenyuan was unusually excited at the moment, and he laughed again and again.

"Wang Chen."

In the field, this moment, watching Wang Chen step by step approaching, the remaining three elders of the Lie Zongzong face ugly.

This time, they followed the deputy lord to come to the fire and Jin Guo to kill Wang Chen. I thought it was a lighthearted thing. With their strength, hunting Wang Chen is not a simple matter.

But who thinks, it will be the result now.

The deputy master died and the bones were gone. The other elders had already lost their lives. Even the elders were killed by Jiang Chenyuan.

This time, their actions by Lie Zong were fiasco.

They not only did not find the lost face, but they lost their face and suffered heavy losses. Now, even their lives are not guaranteed.

"Wang Chen, you are deceiving too much, I am fighting with you."

One of the elders looked at Wang Chen, who was approaching, and finally couldn’t help but stand up again, and he shouted loudly.

He knows that Wang Chen will not let them go.

In this case, there is only one battle, and it is better to wait for it to die.

So, maybe there is hope.

"Tear too much."

When he heard the words of the elders of the sun, Wang Chen smiled coldly.

There is too much deception. Who is this Lie Zong who is talking about?

It’s not that Wang Chen went to the door, but they killed the fire in the Jin Dynasty.

In this regard, Wang Chen dismissed, his appearance became more and more cold.

"Wang Chen, want to kill us, you won't be so easy, if we die, it will make you pay a painful price."

Another elder also stood up and shouted loudly.

They are not willing to accept the results.


But, when I heard this elder, Wang Chen snorted.

He stared at the opposite side and stood up, stopping the three elders who cried: "You, not qualified enough."

Wang Chen said softly.

The voice is very light and light, and it is almost hard to hear.

But the one that is contained in it is what everyone feels.

In this remark, Wang Chen said who he is, and this time, Wang Chen’s domineering shocks the world.

The three elders of Lie Zong, who are tyrannical, can shock one of the strong, and in Wang Chen’s eyes, they are not qualified to fight with him. How disgusting is this.

The voice fell, Wang Chen was screaming when the three elders changed his face: "I kill you, like a dog."

This sentence, Wang Chen suddenly raised the tone.

A few words, the vibrations creaked.


The world is exploding, and the voice is lingering.

This sentence shocked everyone's heart.

There were three elders who killed the Sun Rijong, as simple as a dog slaughter, which made people feel shocked.

"Hahaha... That's it, three are counted, your deputy lord is annihilated, how can you do it, Wang Chen kills you, as simple as killing a chicken and a dog." /

Jiang Chenyuan was also hailed by Wang Chen’s words, shouting loudly.

There are quite a few young generations present. At this moment, they are even more bloody. They look at Wang Chen’s eyes and shine.

This style is admirable.

"Bastards, it’s too much to deceive."

"Wang Chen, you are too young."

"Wang Chen, come and try."

The three elders of the Liezong were screaming loudly.

"Try, then I will marry you."

Wang Chen sneered.

The voice falls and the moon is coming out.


The footsteps are shaking, and the body shape of Wang Chen disappears instantly.

The speed is coming to an extreme.


The figure is flashing, but it is a blink of an eye. Wang Chen appeared in front of the three elders of the Lie Zong.

In their stunned look, Wang Chen’s cold face burst into flames.


The air wave blasts and the world solidifies.

Under this boxing, it is simply an opportunity not to respond to the three elders.

The exclamation sounded, and the three elders tried to escape.



But, Rao is their best to avoid, but it is still too late.

Wang Chen’s fist is so fast, this punch is how hard it is.

The elder of the sorcerer who was injured, the slowest retreat, was directly hit by Wang Chen.

In the roar, flesh and blood flutter.


The screams of heartbreaking came, the elder's eyes widened, and his face was gray.

At this moment, the bones of the whole body are under the fist of Wang Chen, all of them blasted out, flesh and blood flew out, and the blood mist instantly filled.

Every drop of blood is like a river, and it washes the world.

A fist is violent.


Wang Chen’s fist directly killed a strong man of the 9th level.

This is the benefit of the blood of the drug king.

After a few days, Wang Chen refining Kun Kun Ding, constantly taking medicine king blood.

Although, the energy of Yaowang's blood has been transformed into his own blood by Wang Chen. However, invisible, Wang Chen's body is more than a little bit sturdy, his strength, explosive power, and overall improvement.

The power of his chaos is even more improved. It is a step further from the 9th level of Xuanyue.

Now, open the eight armor, blood talent, under the flames of Suzaku, Wang Chen this punch, comparable to Xuan Yue nine, even stronger.

This elder is just a short time before entering the Xuanyue 9th level, plus serious injuries, how to resist.


The body blasted, the fly ash annihilated, and an elder was killed by Wang Chen.

Wang Chen looks calm, his feet seem to be flat, not rushing.

But every step is across the kilometer, chasing the two elders who escaped.

The speed is fast.


Wang Chen hit the second punch.

The air blasts and the air waves roll.


Wang Chen’s second goal is even to resist, but it is also under this boxing, the big mouth spurting blood and flying out.

Although there was no one-shot death, the blood that he spurted out contained unexpectedly visceral debris.

This punch, Wang Chen blasts hard, and the damage is from the inside out.

This elder is not dead, but it is almost the same. His internal organs and skeletons have been destroyed by Wang Chen’s fists.

"Next, it's you."

One trick, Wang Chen blinks between an elder and kills an elder, leaving the last one, he has not let go.

There was a sneer in the corner of his mouth. Wang Chen stepped out and chased it.

Stepping into the bloodline level of the Emperor of Heaven, Wang Chen’s blood martial arts has reached the peak of the peak.

The current blast is terrible.

One kilometer in a step, very fast, every step out, Wang Chen's momentum is soaring.


Every step makes the earth tremble.

In the eyes of the last elder's fear and madness, Wang Chen blasted in the third round.

It turned out to be another Tiandi boxing.




This boxing champion did not exert all the power, but it was amazing enough.

It’s like a broken bamboo, it’s unstoppable.

Under the punch, not only did the smashing of the last soldier in the hands of the elders of the sun, but also smashed his whole body.

Zhao Hengshang is under this boxing, and it falls apart, not to mention the elder in front of him.

It’s just a blow.

In the midst of the **** fog, there were not even screams, and the third elder was violent.

Three strokes, Wang Chen only used three strokes to defeat the three serious injured elders of Lie Zong.

This moment, the silence is full.

Wang Chen put down the speed, he gasped slightly, slowly moving toward the dying, elder-stricken elder.

His internal organs are all broken, and the bones of the whole body are shattered. Even if he is not dead now, it will not last long.

Wang Chen slowly came to him in his fearful and resentful eyes.

He looked at the elder in a condescending manner, as if he was despising an ant.

"It seems that the dog is said to be high, you kill me, it is as simple as crushing the ants."

Faceless, looking at the dying elder, Wang Chen muttered.

He is very disappointed.

These people are vulnerable.

Maybe, in the heyday, they still have the power to resist, and they will not be killed by one stroke. However, after the serious injury, they are too weak and too weak.

For Wang Chen today, it is really too small, just like an ant.

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