Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 182: Treasure for competition

With the disappearance of evil spirits, for a moment, as if the heavens and the earth are clear.

It’s just that when you see the scene of the corpse, the people are silent.

The warriors of these deaths have no blood, and some are just distorted faces! The pain caused by the tearing of the soul makes them feel abnormal pain and fear.

This kind of death is chilling.

The rest of the more than one hundred warriors, at this time, face each other, but no one knows what to say.

"Now, the evil spirits should be handled almost!"

After a long time, the resilience said.

"It’s just that the evil spirits at this level are almost the same. The next level, there are endless evil spirits, and more powerful. In the deepest level, even the ancient spirits exist, that is not the place we can go!"

A middle-aged man sighs.

"However, this is also true! In this level, there is already an endless opportunity!"

It’s another old man’s feelings.

The initial level of this level is to make them so badly injured. How can they enter a deeper level?

That’s just a dead end.

It’s good to be at this level.

With the disappearance of Wang Chen’s field, this innocent land is presented to everyone.

This is like an independent world in the domain of the heavens, which seems to be out of place.

Although, the endless evil spirits were eliminated. However, there is still a gust of wind.

Day, still depressed, the ground is still deep red! It seems to indicate how much blood has flowed here and how many names have been sacrificed.

Looking at this piece of land, at this moment everyone has already got rid of it from the previous repression, and the eyes are shining!

"This is mine!"

A scream, a middle-aged man laughed and rushed toward the front of a long sword.

The weapons that can be left in this sword field are unmistakable. At this point, looking at the long-sword with a black light shining hundreds of meters ahead, how can this middle-aged man still care so much?

I saw that his figure flashed, and he rushed toward the common.


However, just when he saw that he had to catch a long sword, when many people couldn’t help but want to fight for it, it suddenly changed.

The sharp tears suddenly came, and a virtual shadow flashed.


Under the screams, the soul of this middle-aged man was only so momentary, it was directly pulled out.

"No, there are evil spirits!"

Looking at this scene, those who are eager to move suddenly stop their bodies and their faces are pale.

Evil ghost! This middle-aged man was only in an instant, even when it was not responding, the soul was directly pulled out of the body and lost his life. This scene constantly stimulates everyone's nerves and makes them feel cold.

"How could this be?"

"Isn't the evil spirits all eliminated?"

The voice of fear came.

The people who just got rid of the danger, the heart is once again tightened.

"Oh, just destroy a part. There must be a powerful evil spirit wandering around, you can shoot at any time!"

There were people who watched the frightened battle, and they snorted.

These brainless guys really think that the evil spirits inside are so good to destroy?

It’s hard to hear that it’s just a part of the evil spirits in the first layer of the sword field.

And I don’t know how many evil spirits are scattered around.

Moreover, these evil spirits must be stronger. They are waiting for the opportunity!


In the face of this scene, someone roared.

"I am coming!"

An old man is not reconciled.

The opportunity is in front of you, the long sword does not know how many years have passed, still blooming cold, can imagine, how extraordinary. Are they willing to give up?

This old man is self-satisfied with the strength of the eighth grade, and he is unwilling to be lonely.

咻咻..., the figure is flashing, and in the blink of an eye, the old man is rushing toward the front.

"Get me off!"

In the moment when he saw that he would seize the long sword, a shadow would pass by and attack the old man.

In the face of this scene, the old man screamed and took a shot.


The gas lang rolls like a substance, and the endless flames are sprayed out.


The flames burn, the phantom tumbling, screaming.

In this flame, the evil spirits were hit by the earthquake.

And the old man is already standing before the sword.

"Hahaha...this is mine!"

He laughed loudly.

Stretch your hand and grab it toward the sword.


However, in the eyes of everyone, the moment the old man seized the sword, he did not wait for him to pull out the sword. Suddenly, the earth violently oscillated. Above the sky, a horrible lightning falls.

The speed is fast, so that the old man has no chance to respond at all.

There is no time here...

In the lightning, the old man didn’t even have a screaming sound, and in an instant, the whole body was full of smoke, and the whole person turned into coke in this terrible thunder.

"The treasures that can appear here are inevitable. Their former masters are even more powerful. Under the years of use, these weapons have already been born with a sense of autonomy. Not everyone can get it! Even Some powerful spirits can accumulate through the years, comprehend the power of heaven, and borrow the power of heaven! This thunder and lightning must be brought out by the spirits within the soldiers!"

Looking at this scene, Wang Chen was secretly surprised.

"Nothing, no way, give me a way!"

A warrior of the Eighth-level Moon fell, and he could not let everyone give up this extraordinary soldier. The old man of the magic moon, this moment finally could not help but shoot!

If this sword is in hand, it will inevitably surpass the so-called top ten soldiers of the fire kingdom, and even the top ten soldiers of the devil world. How can such a treasure not be tempting?

With the voodoo veteran rushing out, several powerful fighters were also competing for the competition.


The palm of the hand whistling, in the twinkling of an eye, several people confront each other.

The earth roars and the thunder is not limited.



The earth cracked, and finally, the black soldier was pulled out of the ground.


A powerful sword rushed into the sky and spread out.

This sacred soldier finally fell into the hands of the old man of the magic moon.

With the strength of the sky, the old man of the magic month first took the lead.

"There are some treasures left over there, maybe you can find them, treasures!"

"There is also..."

A burst of exclamations came from the next moment.

The most conspicuous sword was taken and fell into the hands of the magic moon, which made many people have to give up. They can only look away from other places.

Know that there are many treasures in the first layer of this sword field.

The figure is flashing, but in a blink of an eye, everyone is scattered and rushing!

"Wang Chen, fast, don't be preempted by these bastards!"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chenyuan can't stand it anymore.

These masters in front of you, where is the style of the strong at the moment? How to say, these people are placed in the devil world, but also can be regarded as a strong. But now, in the face of treasures, they are already crazy.

Jiang Chenyuan’s body shape flashed, and it rushed toward the front.

There is a benefit to not let these **** swallow. You know, you can stand on the first floor, but Wang Chen has a great power. If it is not Wang Chen, who can look for opportunities here?

Now, Wang Chen hasn't done it yet. These people started first. Can Jiang Chenyuan fall to the rear? How to say it, you have to find one or two things that you can get.

Looking at this scene, Wang Chen brows. He, but there is no action, still standing still in the same place.

He turned his attention to the entrance to the second floor.

On there, there is a strong enchantment blockade. It is even more dangerous.

However, Wang Chen did not give up the idea of ​​entering it.

The first layer of this sword field, although there are many opportunities. However, at first glance, more are wrecks.

Endless weapons and treasures, looking for opportunities here, is tantamount to Taobao in the garbage.

The best **** soldiers have been acquired by the Magic Moon, and what better is it to get?

The really better thing is on the second and third floors.

The third layer, with Wang Chen’s current strength, he is afraid to think about it! The power of Taikoo Yingling, Wang Chen is deeply experienced! That look is even enough to kill yourself.

But, the second layer?

There is a powerful evil spirit in the second layer. However, within the Chen Chenwan ghost order, hundreds of evil spirits are still watching.

If you can go to fight, maybe, you can find the chance of Tianda!

"Jiang Chenyuan!"

Thinking of this, Wang Chen will be like a headless fly, and Jiang Chenyuan, who is running around, called back.

"What's wrong? Is there something?"

When I heard Wang Chen’s cry, Jiang Chenyuan came to Wang Chen’s body: “Damn, it’s a pile of rubbish. Nothing is better than the one that was won by the kidnapper.” Something. The guys got a few unusual things, it’s a joyous, awkward, ignorant guy!”

At the same time, Jiang Chenyuan was not looking at this time. He muttered.

"Help me open the second level!"

Wang Chen said quietly.

Jiang Chenyuan’s complaints did not surprise him, and it was because of this that Wang Chen was not in a hurry to find opportunities.

Because he knows that there is nothing good. Wang Chen is determined to fight, he wants to enter the second floor.


When I heard Wang Chen’s words, Jiang Chenyuan, who was still complaining, suddenly opened his eyes.

"What? Kid, I didn't get it wrong? have to go to the second floor? Are you crazy?!"

Jiang Chenyuan exclaimed.

Sword field! This is the sword field. Known as the most dangerous place, the battlefield of Taikoo, the land of death.

What is the danger of not seeing this first layer?

Before more than 400 people came in, there were less than 200 people left at the moment, which was half full. This is just the first layer.

That second layer is even more dangerous.

Wang Chen, if you go in, not looking for death, what?

This is the place where even the magic moon teaches them not to rush to make an idea.

Jiang Chenyuan looked at Wang Chen’s eyes at this moment, shocked and weird!

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