Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 166: 傀儡


There was dozens of miles in one breath. At this moment, Wang Chen and Jiang Chenyuan both went deep into the domain of the heavens and people. They finally came to a safe place to stop and wheezing.

"Hey... This time, the group of guys should be crazy. There are quite a few people who are Ji family."

After looking at it, I was sure that no one was catching up. Jiang Chenyuan’s face showed a smile of excitement.

The previous killing and crushing made his blood boil.

Thinking of the loss of Jijia, Jiang Chenyuan feels very comfortable.

"Unfortunately, Ji Yiren's coward didn't come. If the Ji's chick came, it would be better. Let's just have a pot."

Gang mouth, Jiang Chenyuan said with a sigh.

Then, as soon as the eyeball turned, he came to Wang Chen with a hint of wretched smile: "Or else we will go to Ji Yiren, the girl of Ji family must be by his side, let's tie her up. ."

Speaking of this, Jiang Chenyuan’s eyes are shining.

Looking at Jiang Chenyuan, Wang Chen looks strange. He doesn't know what to say. Can this guy be more promising? How can he always remember the Miss Ji family, he is invincible...

Spoken, Wang Chen is too lazy to pay attention to this guy.

"Hey...I’m talking to you, you answer it, then, the girl’s chick is really good, let’s go and be a close-up maid.”

Jiang Chenyuan is not willing to suggest again.

This time, Wang Chen simply walked straight ahead.

Continue to entangle with Jiang Chenyuan in this regard, it is definitely endless.

He looked up and looked around. Unconsciously, he went deep into the dozens of miles and didn't know where it was.

In the domain of heaven and man, the opportunity is endless, and Wang Chen does not want to waste time on Ji’s body.

"That's true, I promise that you will not be indifferent after seeing Ji's chick."

Following the footsteps of Wang Chen, Jiang Chenyuan muttered with a look of discomfort.

The two walked forward, and after about ten miles, they came to a valley.


Looking at the valley, at the moment more than 20 people stood, Jiang Chenyuan browed and shook his voice.

At this time, within the valley, there is a team of people standing, which has to be taken care of. Who let Jiang Chenyuan in the fire city before, almost everyone will be offended, now, in the heavenly Among the domains, they can really be regarded as the enemy on all sides.

In the face of this scene, Wang Chen is also looking sad and alert.

"Hey, you two, come over."

At this moment, there was a sudden scream in front of him.

Wang Chen and Jiang Chenyuan were discovered by these people. A middle-aged man took the lead and walked over here.

"Not our people in the Jin Dynasty."

Looking at the group of people who came over, watching Wang Chen prepare for the battle, Jiang Chenyuan whispered his voice.

He exhaled.

The domain of the gods, the magic world, the three magical capitals, each with an entrance, in front of you, Wang Chen, the people they met, from the point of view of clothing and style, obviously, not the people of the Jin Dynasty.

This is to make Jiang Chenyuan feel relieved a lot, at the very least, the danger is not big.

"You two, come over for me."

When Jiang Chenyuan and Wang Chen secretly exhaled, this pedestrian came to Wang Chen and others.

"Take us into the valley."

Afterwards, the middle-aged man headed down to look at Jiang Chenyuan and Wang Chen, undoubtedly said.

The voice fell, and the middle-aged man quickly walked out of five or six people and surrounded Wang Chen and Jiang Chenyuan.

The atmosphere is very heavy in a moment.

"Don't start, look at it."

Looking at the people around him, Jiang Chenyuan showed a sneer in his mouth, then secretly said to Wang Chen.

Obviously, for these people, Wang Chen did not intend to do it directly.

Now, in the domain of heaven and man, finding the chance is the most crucial. A good creation may bring endless benefits to Wang Chen. If it is not necessary, he will not do it.

Under the leadership of a middle-aged man, Wang Chen and Jiang Chenyuan were brought into the valley.

In the valley, in addition to the more than 20 people around the middle-aged man, there are seven or eight other warriors. At the same time, Wang Chen and Jiang Chenyuan saw three or five bitter warriors.

These people, obviously, seem to have encountered the same situation as Wang Chen and Jiang Chenyuan, who were detained by the pedestrian to the valley.

"Dragon Fruit."

At the same time, when Jiang Chenyuan and Wang Chen saw the fruit in front of the valley, a fruit tree growing on a cliff condensed the three fruits, it was even more exclaimed.

Dragon Fruit, a magical Zhuguo born in the heavens and the earth, after ten thousand years of nourishment, after maturity, contains infinite energy, can bring great benefits to the military, but also rumors, among the dragon fruit, Containing the power of heaven, if you can take it, you can not only wash the marrow, strengthen your body, prolong life, improve your strength, but also be able to explore the mystery of heaven, and use it infinitely.

These fresh fruits, even within the devil world, can be met and not available, but appear in rumors. I did not expect that at this moment, they saw the dragon fruit in this valley.

"You, go in."

When Wang Chen and Jiang Chenyuan were shocked, the middle-aged man headed by him suddenly shouted at a bitter man who was not far from Wang Chen.

He, let the man enter the valley to pick the dragon fruit.

"Be careful."

Seeing this scene, standing next to Wang Chen, Jiang Chenyuan whispered.

There will be demons in the abnormal situation. These treasures are in front of you, but these people are not going to pick, but controlling others to pick, which is a huge problem in itself.

What's more, the appearance of these dragons and fruit treasures is often accompanied by endless dangers. It is so simple to pick the dragon fruit.

Want to come, these people are arrested by Wang Chen and others. When they become their tools, they become road-openers and test roads. They want Wang Chen and others to go to the road and take risks.

Looking at this scene, Wang Chen and Jiang Chenyuan’s face seemed to be cold for a moment, and they looked coldly at the scene.

At the request of the middle-aged man, the man who was named to the name looked bitterly toward the front.


However, just when the man came out without a few steps, it was suddenly that the world was discolored.

A thunder roared, a purple lightning struck the sky and descended from the sky.

Everything, coming so suddenly, without warning.


The thunder and lightning roared, along with the first thunder and lightning, and then, the thunder and lightning were falling like raindrops.

The test passer who was sent out, even if the screams did not come out, it was directly dumped on the ground.

The blue smoke is rolling, he, the whole person is turned into coke.


This scene, let everyone in the room take a breath of air.

The middle-aged man's face is also becoming dignified.

"You, the past, fast."

After Shen Yu, he quickly pointed out the second person and asked him to enter the valley.

The long, swaying sword in his hand screamed and chilled, and under the threat of this cold air, the second man who was named to his name showed a look of fear and despair. .

Before, there is no danger. He just saw it. He, of course, is not willing to be a test stone for others. However, how can he, this middle-aged man is strong and strong, with the momentum that he exudes at this moment, the most At least it reached the level of Xuan Yue eight, not to mention, behind this middle-aged man, followed by almost 30 people, such a lineup, people can not resist.

In the end, this man named to the name can only be a war-torn station.

"This is a lightning protection, you take it."

At the entrance to the valley, the middle-aged man took a medicinal herb from his arms and handed it to the man in front of him.

Obviously, they are fully prepared to avoid Ledan.

Seeing the lightning protection, the man was exhaled, he swallowed quickly, and then carefully walked toward the valley.


After he did not take a few steps, the lightning that had just subsided had started again.

The roaring sound continued, and a purple thunder fell, and the power was endless.


The blue smoke rolled, and the screams of heartbreaking came.

Rao is taking the lightning protection. He has strong resistance to the power of lightning. The man is still screaming again and again. He, the whole person is suddenly drowned by lightning, the skin is dark and the smoke is rolling, as if It is cooked and cooked.

This purple thunder, power, is really terrifying.

Step by step and hard forward, in the end, relying on the help of Ledan, the man just walked out of more than 30 steps and was drowned in the thunder and turned into coke. He was still dead.

"You, go in."

Afterwards, the middle-aged man was the third one.

This time, he took out two lightning protections and handed them to the men.

Taking two lightning protections, the man was pushed into the valley with his face of despair and fear.

In the thunder and lightning, he struggled.

However, the effect of the two lightning protections is still reflected. The power of these drugs is still not to be underestimated.

The man walked straight out of a hundred meters and he finally crossed the thunder and lightning area.

"Ha ha ha...good, continue, fast."

Looking at the man passing through the lightning area, the middle-aged man in the rear laughed.

At this moment, he saw hope.

Dragon Fruit... Looking at the dragon fruit hundreds of meters ahead, the man’s face is full of excitement and excitement.


However, when everyone is exhaling, it is suddenly changing.

The man who crossed the minefield did not wait for a breath, but was covered by a fire.

This fire has come without warning, fierce and fierce, hundreds of fire dragons appear out of thin air, and swallowed.

Even the screams were too late to be sent, and the third man was directly in the sea of ​​fire and turned into ashes.

This scene, so that Wang Chen and others in the rear are stunned and look blank.

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