Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 119: 大衍阵法

"Whether it is a great devil, the things inside this wooden box must be earth-shattering."

After a moment of silence, Qian Qian said, suddenly, she added: "So, to open this wooden box, you must print the enchantment, prevent the breath, let me join the breeze, two If people perform such an enchantment, they may not be able to completely block the atmosphere. They only hope that this Xuanyu secret room and the upper pool can help to block some breath."

Speaking of this, the face of the moon is more dignified.

The emergence of the Great Array method has made her unable to rest assured that the seals of the Great Array can be simple things. If it is really earth-shattering, it can’t be completely impossible with today’s thousand months and breeze. Sealing the breath, this is what the thousand months are worried about at the moment.

"There should be no problem. The Xuanyu secret room here has the ability to leak the house atmosphere. Plus you and me both enchanted and the upper pool, even if there is a breath leaking out, I don't think it will be too strong.

This place is even within the forest of the Moriyama. It is extremely difficult for ordinary people to find out.

The breeze is a comfort to the thousand months: "The matter of the law is handed over to me. At the moment when the seal is opened, I will arrange thirty-six small arrays to help block the breath."

Indulge in a bit, the breeze continues.

"Well, so good, Wang Chen, there may be jade, the breeze is very sophisticated in the study of the law, even in the beginning, he is also the master of the top of the Tian Xuan mainland, he has thirty-six arrays, the problem should be small Now."

Xuanyue said to Wang Chen.

A few words, let Wang Chen jump in the heart, watching the breeze's eyes but there have been some changes.

I didn’t expect that the breeze had such a deep understanding of the law. He turned out to be a master of the array, which was what happened to Wang Chen.

Thinking of this, retracting his thoughts, Wang Chen quickly took out some jade from the storage space and handed it to the breeze.

"Well, that's it."

Through the jade, said indifferently.

"Get started."

As the jade is ready, the thousand months are also inquiring toward the breeze.

Looking at the two people, Wang Chen’s heart is also a little more nervous. Looking at the small wooden box in front of him, Wang Chen’s heart is more infinite expectation, which can make the thousands of strong people of this level worry. What will be in the end.

"Okay, kid, it's not too late, I will help you break this big law with a thousand months."

When Wang Chen looked at the wooden box in front of him, the breeze reminded Wang Chen.

After a moment, the breeze, Qianyue, Wang Chen, three people sitting around the small wooden box at the moment.

"The big ray method is to block the breath and block the energy. So it is not difficult to break. All we need to do is to block the breath when the breakout method is broken. The energy is gone, you and the thousand months. Set the enchantment separately, I will open the first floor of the Great Array, you set up a layer of enchantment, the big ray method, one hundred and eight layers, you and the thousand people will set up a hundred and eight enchantments, as for After that, I will naturally arrange thirty-six arrays."

The breeze reminded Qian Qian and Wang Chen.

Although they are enchanted, they still have to block the breath at the first time.


The big ray method is very complicated and profound, but in the face of the two superpowers of the Qing Dynasty and the Xuanyue, it is not without any solution, especially the breeze, for the study of the formation, It is even more transparent.

After about an hour, the breeze finally found the cut.

"I want to open the battle."

A deep breath, the breeze screams and wipes the latter Wang Chen and Qian Qian.

The voice fell, and his hand quickly pinched out the seal.

In the soul, a strong breath of the stock is drawn out.


The huge breath of that stock is visible to the naked eye, and even Wang Chen feels awkward.


As a strand of energy influx into the Great Array, a rune begins to distort, and the quaint wooden box begins to glow with a white glow.

Finally, after a lap of light, the breeze slammed.

There is another stamp in the hand, which is quickly printed inside the wooden box.


The rune that flashed with glare, suddenly became blurred because of the energy of the breeze until it disappeared.


And in the moment when this rune disappeared, the thousand months began to act, and she quickly sealed a layer of enchantment.

Until the enchantment seal was completed, Wang Chen came back to God. Looking at the thousand months, he couldn’t help but reveal a sly look, because at that moment, he had forgotten the breeze.

"Be careful, don't distract."

Aware of Wang Chen’s embarrassment, a thousand months smiled and reminded him.

The voice is falling, but the thousand months are no longer words, and the eyes are once again focused on the wooden box.

At this time, the breeze began the lifting of the second rune.

The speed of the hand prints is getting faster and faster, the flow of energy is becoming more and more overbearing, and the breeze shows his ability to the extreme.


With a strand of energy, such as a layer of runes, such as a layer of runes, is released.

After a full day, with the cooperation of three people, the fifty-four runes were lifted, and the Dafa array of one hundred and eight seals and one hundred and eight runes were released. At this moment, it has been lifted by half. .

Until then, the breeze finally stopped and continued to lift, and he gasped.

The release of these seals cost him a powerful soul. Even Wang Chen can see that his soul is weak and has become faded.

This scene, let Wang Chen owe a debt, know that the current breeze is a evil spirit, his energy is the power of the soul, and the power of the soul once consumed by the evil spirits, where is so easy to recover of.


In the hustle and bustle, Wang Chen quickly thought of the spirit liquid.

Since this spirit liquid can restore the power of the soul, repair the soul, and want to come to the soul is also a huge advantage.

"Predecessors, this spirit should be helpful to you."

Quickly took out a bottle of spirit liquid from the storage space, Wang Chen handed the breeze.

"This is..."

Looking at the jade bottle handed over by Wang Chen, the breeze reveals a trace of doubt.

"This turned out to be..."

Soon, after opening the jade bottle, the breeze widened his eyes.

He can clearly feel the energy emanating from the jade bottle. This energy has a direct ascension and recovery effect on his soul, which makes the breeze shocked.

This magical spirit, even if he had not seen it at first, did not expect that Wang Chen’s body contained such a treasure.

"Okay, there is this help. After an hour, we can continue to resolve the seal."

After that, the mind is stable, the breeze is no longer spoken, and he sits cross-legged and begins to restore the power of the soul.


A deep breath, in an instant, a spirit liquid poured into the mouth of the breeze. As the spirit fluid was injected, the power of the soul was quickly transformed, and the spirit of the breeze began to recover at a horrible speed.

"Predecessors, this bottle of spirits for you."

Seeing this spirit liquid really helped the breeze, Wang Chen quickly took out another bottle of spirit liquid and threw it for a thousand months.

"Well, you will recover as soon as possible, and the enchantment will be harder to set up later."

With no politeness, he directly took over the spiritual liquid of Wang Chen. He said with a smile, it seems that she is always a so easy-going appearance.

With the help of the spirit liquid, the breeze and the thousand months have a strong backing support, and the lifting of the big ray method begins again after half a day.


After two days.

"Prepared, this is the last rune seal. Once untied, the big ray method will lose its function. The hidden things will inevitably erupt. The last enchantment, you pay attention to the arrangement, the runes disappear, I will start the deployment immediately."

The breeze looks very grim and looks at Qian Yue and Wang Chen.

It took nearly four days. Nowadays, the big ray method is finally to be solved, but at this moment, the breeze mood is getting more and more heavy, because with the release of the rune, along with the big squad The ability of the law has declined, and the breeze can deeply feel how terrible the things contained in the wooden box are.

The breath, Rao is under the blockade of more than one hundred to the enchantment. Rao is under the blockade of the big force, still unbridled, if not before the breeze and the thousand months If you arrange the enchantment, this breath has already rushed out of the Xuan Yu Chamber.

As the breeze that is the most direct contact with this breath, if it is not the help of the spirit liquid, it has already been stuck.

In the past few days, he has consumed Wang Chen’s two bottles of spirits.

He can hardly imagine what will happen after the last rune is lifted.

Take a deep breath and hold your breath. Look at Qianyue and Wang Chen. After the breeze nodded, the final impact was launched.


The constant power of the soul is drawn by him, and the prints in the hands are pinched out, and the speed is fast, even dazzling.

Looking at the move of the breeze, Qian Yue and Wang Chen have already been holding their breath, and the atmosphere is not afraid to smash it. They are afraid of interrupting the breeze. The last rune will be solved. It will be a horror to disappear and show them in front of them.

Wang Chen’s forehead, there was a glimmer of sweat at this time.

Heartbeat, it seems to stop, the blood seems to solidify.

A deep breath, Wang Chen and Qian Yue havetened to join hands to arrange the final enchantment. This enchantment will be crucial.


In the gaze of Wang Chen and Qian Yue, in their waiting and preparation, finally, the last rune was cracked open.


Along with the disappearance of the last rune, the Great Law, this moment completely lost its effect, and a burst of sound like a real general erupted after the big ray was lost.

The entire Xuanyu secret room seems to have started to vibrate. The powerful momentum, even the Wang Chen and the thousand months, the breeze three people flew out.

That imposing manner is simple and overbearing. It is like crossing the ancient floods. It is like reversing the universe. This dust does not know how many years of breath. At this time, I found a venting vent, and seemed to declare his return, proclaiming His strength.

The momentum of the overbearing road, at this time, people can not help feeling, blood stagnates, time and space pause, everything trembles.

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