Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 96: 虎啸口

Ge Hao appears here, definitely not an unexpected thing. However, what is surprising is that Ge Hao will actually say this?

Pray for danger? Then directly pinch it to death?

No one can think of Ge Hao’s words.

This makes the people present stunned, especially the praying moment that just came over is even more wide-eyed.

"Oh... isn't it? One hand will be defeated! What are the fears?! Wang Chen, don't tell me you can't pinch him!"

In the face of the strangeness of everyone, Ge Hao is very interesting to look at Wang Chen said.

It seems that with the silence and mystery after the sudden appearance, after the fighting contest, Ge Hao began to show off!

"Your opponent is me! Remember, you will be defeated in my hands. As for the jumping clowns, if you are not convenient to pinch, I will pinch!"

Then, after waiting for Wang Chen to speak, Ge Hao continued to add.


A few words, so that the people present can not help but take a breath.

What happened to Ge Hao? Is he challenging Wang Chen? Or is it that he is challenging with prayer?

The prayer has come here, and everyone has seen it. However, Ge Hao dared to say this, this is undoubtedly a provocation to pray for nakedness.

"I killed him myself!"

Looking at Ge Hao in front of him, Wang Chen frowned, and he said after taking a deep breath.

At this moment, Wang Chen looked at Ge Hao’s eyes, and there was a bit of doubt and puzzle.

This Ge Hao, who is it? Why does Wang Chen always have a weird feeling! It seems to be from the depths of the heart, as if from the depths of the blood! Ge Hao gave him a familiar feeling.

As if Wang Chen realized that Ge Hao would be his biggest enemy in the near future.

"Well, haha... then I will wait!"

Ge Hao laughs!


Finally, in the dialogue between Wang Chen and Ge Hao, the prayers that stood still were mad.

He screamed at Wang Chen: "Okay, very good! Wang Chen, remember your words! Then we will see who is the one who killed it!"

Praying for the moment is an anger. He is going to be mad.

This Wang Chen and Ge Hao actually said to pinch themselves? And the tone is so light? This is simply not putting yourself in the eye.

The prayers of today are already in the level of the mysterious moon. Xuan Yue class, this is definitely a strong person, even in the devil world, still the same!

Now, in the mouth of Wang Chen and Ge Hao, such as ants, this makes the prayers not angry.

"And you! Ge Hao! You remember your words!"

At the same time, looking at Ge Hao, the eyes of praying are also getting cold.

"God House, goodbye!"

After taking a deep breath, after praying for a word, the next moment is to turn and walk towards the distance.

"Not self-reliant. Ignorance!"

In the face of the jealousy of the prayer, Ge Hao did not care at all, and his mouth showed a sneer of sneer.

Xuanyue? This guy thought that he was very good when he stepped into the Xuanyue class? Whether he is present, or is it tough, or is it a lone wolf and Wang Chen, can you pinch him? Such a person who does not even have the self-knowledge is actually trying to become the top powerhouse? He thought it was too naive.

"Hey...God House, goodbye!"

After the cold, Ge Hao also dropped the words and then turned and walked toward the distance.

"You, it's mine! Hey... I hope you won't die in the hands of praying for the waste!"

Shou Tian Ren also laughed and looked at Wang Chen. The voice fell, and the toughness of the sky was also toward the front of the array.

At this moment, the formation has been opened. The road to the demon house has been opened.

"Be careful! This time, the demon house is open, and there are countless rushes. Your enemies are not praying, nor are they tough and Gehao. But more powerful!"

The lone wolf on one side, after everyone left, took a deep look at Wang Chen.

The tone of the lone wolf seems to have some dignity and seems to be worried about something.

"I own my own size!"

Wang Chen nodded and said to the lonely wolf.

"God House, I am coming!"

Next, Wang Chen exhaled and then went to the battle.

After handing in the qualification token, Wang Chen smoothly entered the formation. As the formation is turned on, the white light is shining, the time and space are distorted, and the wind whistling in the ear.

The surrounding world began to violently twist and tremble.

The devil's house, at this moment, Wang Chen took the road of this trip.


After a full day, the world seems to be quiet.

When I opened my eyes again, Wang Chen was surprised to discover that he had appeared in a place of a demon.

Looking in the distance, surrounded by 100,000 mountains, one piece! This is the depths of a mountain range.

Green mountains and green waters, the surrounding environment is beautiful.

In the canyon where Wang Chen and others are located, at this moment, the wind whistling, like a roaring sky.

"The tiger is coming! Going through this canyon, the front is the entrance to the demon house. You take care!"

At this time, the leader of the fire Jin Dynasty who came here led the crowd and reminded everyone. There was a hint of dignified eyes in the eyes. Obviously, this messenger had some taboos on the demon house. Even if he was, he would not dare to look down on this trip. This time, the demon house opened, although the chances are endless, but how many dangers are there? This is no one knows! After the presence of more than 100 people, how many more can you return smoothly?

"Thu Xiaokou, haha... I know. This place is the forbidden land of my demon world? The 100,000 mountains in the wilderness, I did not expect that the demon house was opened in this place"

With the announcement of the name Hu Xiaokou, suddenly a middle-aged man laughed.

"Abandoned Ridge?"

"The 100,000 mountains in the wilderness?!"

"Oh my God, is this place?!"

There was a burst of exclamation.

The 100,000 mountains in the ruins, this is definitely a dangerous place. As a forbidden place in the devil world, it is conceivable that there is a lot of danger in it.

It is said that within the wilderness, the beasts are rampant, and the powerful Warcraft monsters are endless. Even on this side, there are hidden passages leading to the Tian Xuan mainland and the Red Moon continent. It is more legendary that this place was the place where the gods and the devils fought hundreds of thousands of years ago. Not only are there poisonous snakes and beasts, but there are also infinite fog barriers. If you are not careful, you may be killed!

There is no known for many years. However, there are very few people who can cross the ruins.

This place is definitely a dangerous place for most people.

It’s no wonder that the demon house was opened here, and no one had received the news before. It is no wonder to directly quote the array method, which consumes powerful resources for everyone to come directly to Huxiaokou.

Otherwise, how many people can get there in Huxiaokou, deep in the wilderness?

In the face of the exclamation of everyone, at this moment, Wang Chen’s face is also becoming serious.

The devil is forbidden, is this a small room?

"Be careful, the crisis is endless. If it is powerless, choose to retire, don't take your life!"

When Wang Chen was very incomparable, his ear was a reminder of a lone wolf.

The voice fell, and the lone wolf took a deep breath: "Then I will take a step first!"

The look of the lone wolf is very gloomy at this moment. At this moment, he is full of body and cold, unprecedented.

Looking at this passing figure, Wang Chen’s eyes became more and more dignified.

The words of the lone wolf are inevitably not open to the mouth. It seems that this part of the tiger’s mouth is definitely not taken lightly.

"Hahaha... I will take another step!"

The crowd began to commotion as the lone wolf first left.

Although I know the dangers of the wilderness, I know that the tiger is in danger. However, man is dead. At present, the danger seems to be reduced infinitely. Everyone started to act.

After a while, the people present were rushing in and heading towards the other end of the Tigers.

"It should be gone!"

Seeing that everyone has left, Wang Chen naturally does not dare to fall behind, he took a deep breath and muttered to himself.

The voice fell, and Wang Chen’s figure was hidden in the tiger’s mouth.

"Hey, Wang Chen, Huxiaokou is your place of burial, today is your festival!"

When Wang Chen stepped into the tiger's mouth, at the rear, the prayer that had not left at the moment was a cold, cold eyes in his eyes.

Even at this moment, even if it is difficult to protect itself, praying still does not forget the hatred of Wang Chen.

Xuan Yuedan, the shame of failure...

These are not allowed to be completely put down.

"Go, kill Wang Chen!"

Think of it, praying to a middle-aged man around him suddenly said.

When you hear the prayer, the middle-aged man frowned: "Don't forget, the main purpose of our trip!"

For the arrangement of prayer, the middle-aged man has some dissatisfaction.

He is a man of punishment, and there are two places in this punishment! He is one of them. Their main purpose is the demon house, not Wang Chen.

Now, praying is in such a situation, killing Wang Chen?

"The purpose? I will not forget it. But, don't forget it. God punished you to obey me! Go and kill Wang Chen. A jumping clown can pick up how to sing lang! Even if he steps Into the Xuan Yue class, what ability is there. Do you and I have the power of two people, can not kill him? He, but also the prey of your gods!"

In the face of the dissatisfaction of the middle-aged man, praying for a sneer.

The voice fell, and he went straight in the direction of Wang Chen’s departure.


After that, the man who punished the man could not help but scream. However, in the end, I had to choose to follow.

He, this time is really to obey the prayer.

Just, chase Wang Chen?

Although this person is a prey for God's punishment. However, I don’t know why, but the man’s heart is faint.

"Wang Chen... Hope... you won't bring us any trouble!"

With a sigh, the man was sinking like ice and the killing machine emerged.

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