Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 90: Strong and boundless (below)

In the moment when Fujisawa and War Chuge saw that Lingyu would be killed, Ling Yu finally had a move.

Between the electric and the flint, he punched at the same time.

The two punches are not fancy, so simple, so simple, but they contain amazing power.


It’s like a cold, like a thunder.

The anger and anger made the vines and the war songs only feel that their blood stagnated, as if they could not flow, let them feel that the body seems to be bound, and the action is fixed at this moment.


It was followed by two dull explosions.

Ling Yu’s two punches are simple, but they are fast, accurate, and ambiguous. Moreover, if a master like Teng Li is in the presence, he will be shocked, because this seemingly random two punches is actually direct. Reversing the heavens and absorbing all the forces of the heavens, these two punches can be called the fist of heaven.


The crisp bone fractures followed, and the vines and the Chu songs were screaming in the middle of a scream, and the body was like a cannonball.


The blood is floating, the blood is blooming, how gorgeous.


The body's shackles fell on the ground that was dozens of meters away. The body of the vines and the songs of the Chu songs were twitching.


It was sprayed with a blood, and the two vines and the sorrowful songs were pale at the moment.

" are are you so strong..."

A deep breath, struggling to struggle with the body, this moment, the vine's eyes are full of stunned look, he struggled to stand up, looking at the front of the silk, the face is still cold and incomparable Ling Yu, asked in vain.

This is far beyond the imagination of Fujisawa. The strength of Lingyu is too strong.

In his own field, under the tenfold speed increase, he and the Chu Chu Ge teamed up with a stroke and was defeated by Ling Yu, which made Fujisawa unacceptable.

The strength of the field makes the vines chill at this moment.

" can you..."

The battle Chu song is also a gray face at this time, he is also struggling to stand up and erase the trace of blood hanging on the corner of his mouth, he looked at Ling Yu with a look of fear.

At this moment, even if the vine and the war song are idiots, then they can all know how powerful Lingyu is, and the two can't be his opponents at all. This Lingyu at least reaches the vine. The strongman of the level of the chestnut.

When I heard the words of the two people, looking at the two people's fears, Ling Yu showed a sneer of disdain.

"Two reptiles."

Lingyu snorted and he slowly walked toward the two.


Ling Yu’s words were deeply stimulated by Fujisawa and the Chu song, and their faces were all smashed.

The reptiles, both of them are all Shenwu martial artists, and they are powerful and unparalleled. But now, in Lingyu’s mouth, they have turned into reptiles and humble reptiles.

This is simply an insult.

The pale faces of the two became red with anger.


Between the mouths of the mouth, two people squirted a blood.

This kind of insult makes them tumultuous.

"Not a reptile, what is it?"

Ling Yu is a sneer, and he step by step toward the two people.


Looking at Ling Yu step by step, the pupils of both the Chu song and the Fujisawa are violently contracted, and his eyes change again and again.

The depths of the eyes reveal a hint of fear.

This man, like a devil, is approaching them, what he will do.

The breath of death seems to be shrouded in an instant, letting Fujisawa and War Chuge become paler in desperation.

Before, the two showed their full strength, but they were not the enemy of Lingyu. Now, both of them are seriously injured. Under such circumstances, how can they both be Lingyu’s? opponent.

The threat of death shrouded and the two men stepped back and forth.

Lin Yu’s footsteps are as if they are roaring in the hearts of two people, shaking them and making them feel terrible.

At this moment, Ling Yu seems to be the spokesperson of the **** of death. Step by step, Ling Yu makes the blood of both of them seem to have solidified.

"You...what do you to."

Under the strong pressure, both Fujisawa and War Chuge are feeling dry and talking, and they are so difficult to talk. They dragged the scarred body step by step toward the back, then Asked palely.

"I, do what I should do."

Ling Yu sneered.

" can't kill us, you can't do this... If you kill us, it will lead to the infinite anger of the Fuji family and the warrior. Our two families will definitely not let you go, for sure.

Under fear, the vine screamed loudly, and he looked like crazy.

The threat of death has brought him close to collapse.

"Threats, I don't like others to threaten me." Ling Yu sneered again and again: "Now, we are already enemies, aren't we?"

"No, no, if... If you leave now, we can't be enemies. I promise, I will not pursue this matter."

Teng Yu said quickly.

He didn't want to die. How many years of cultivation have reached the point where he is today. How can he be willing to die like this? What's more, the biggest enemy, Wang Chen, has not yet killed him. How can he be willing to hate this place.

"My warriors will never be held accountable. Later, in the future... our warriors can become the best friends with the stars."

The war Chu song is also a quick statement.

Listening to the words of the two, Ling Yu’s mouth showed a sneer of disdain.

These two people are simply the shame of the Fuji family and the warriors.

He sneered, step by step to the front of the two: "I don't like friends like you."

"No... you can't do this... you can't kill us."

The vine and the war Chu song collapsed and shouted loudly.

"I don't kill you, rest assured, how can I be willing to kill you?"

The cold road of the field, the corner of the mouth is a sneer with bloodthirsty.

The next moment, he gradually came to the front of two people: "Your life, Wang Chen, the kid himself, I...just help the king to get some interest."

In the blink of an eye, Ling Yu came to the front of the two, he said quietly.

The next moment, the white and slender hand caught the two people in front of him.


Looking at Ling Yu’s hand, Fujisawa and the war Chu song pupils zoomed in. They exclaimed, they resisted, they ducked.

But, the two of them are ants, and they are reptiles in front of Lingyu, and they have the right to resist.

No suspense, two people were directly caught by Ling Yu.


The crisp bone breaks come.


The screams are heartbreaking.

The arms of Fujisawa and War Chuge were directly broken.

But all this is just the beginning, the beginning of the devil's general punishment.


After that, there was a burst of crisp bone breaks, and the screams of the vines and the Chu Chu songs were heartbreaking.

This makes the people outside the field, the warriors, the rattan, the Wang family, the Zhu family, the stars of the ancestors face pale.

They don't know what is happening in this field. After all, the field of Fujisawa is also a space field, which directly cuts off the connection.

The screams gradually faded and gradually disappeared. Finally, there was a wheezing sound.

The sweat is dripping, and there is no trace of blood on his face. At this time, the vines and the war songs are like reptiles, squatting on the ground, breathing heavily.

The vines and the war songs are no longer screaming. They even feel even more uncomfortable than death.

There is nothing in the eye, the two mourn softly, but the sound is so small, so small.

Because, just now, their whole body bones were all crushed by Lingyu. Now they are both reptiles and cartilageworms.

This kind of pain, such damage, if not because they are Shenwu, must have lost their lives, even the Emperor, can not bear such torture.

"Oh... well, rest assured, you can't die, you won't be abolished, you will be able to recover almost a year."

When the vines and the war songs directly sucked in the air, when they were not as good as death, Ling Yu seemed to have finished a piece of art, stood up, and then smiled and watched the two people talking unhurriedly. "It’s a pity to kill you. At that time, Wang Chen’s majestic anger, where to vent.”

Ling Yu, as if to add to his own words.

The voice fell and he patted his hands, and this exhaled: "Remember, sometimes, the field, you don't need to break, fight, pay attention to absolute strength."

Looking at the two people who have gradually passed out on the ground, Ling Yu seems to think of something to add.

The field is torn.

In the face of these two people, Ling Yu does not need to do this at all. It is not too time-consuming. Under the absolute strength of the small field, there is fear, and the field is sometimes useless.

In the murmur of Ling Yu, the field that Fujisawa continued to support was lost, and finally it began to gradually collapse. Finally, disappeared, the field can be solved.

As the field disappeared, Ling Yu and others returned to Wangcheng again.


When Lingyu appeared, everyone who was anxiously waiting here was sucking a cold breath.

In the field, it’s quiet at the moment.

Everyone seems to have seen a ghost, incredulously looking at the front, watching Lingyu, they, this moment seems to be messy.

The scene that appeared in front of them, the impact on these people is really too strong.

This...what is happening, how is it possible... this will happen.

At this moment, Ling Yu is like a **** of war with his hands on the vines and the Chu song, which has caused too strong impact on everyone.

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