Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 76: Rewards

The Fighting Wars ended in the end, and the results were unexpected.

The person who won the first place is a lone wolf. The thirteen swords played by his murderous spirit are extremely powerful. Even more powerful than when fighting with Wang Chen three days ago.

I don’t know if the Lone Wolf hides its strength when fighting with Wang Chen, or that the battle made him even stronger.

All this is not known to Wang Chen.

But, Wang Chen is very clear: that is the lone wolf, very strong, stronger than imagined.

Ge Hao is already strong enough, but in front of the lone wolf, Ge Hao has nothing to do.

Since the strength above, Ge Hao is not as strong as a lone wolf.

Under the speed of the solitary wolf's horror, Ge Hao has no chance to demonize, and loses the strength of the increase after the demonization. Under the thirteen swords of the Lone Wolf, the Lone Wolf is the ultimate killer. Next, Ge Hao defeated very thoroughly, which is beyond everyone's expectations.

At the beginning of the battle, the lone wolf took over an overwhelming advantage until the end of the battle, and even the lone wolf did not suffer too much challenge.

"Very strong."

Looking at the lonely wolf who walked slowly to the west, Wang Chen took a deep breath and muttered to himself.

Even Wang Chen, who is today, is not sure that he can fight a lone wolf.

"Douwu Contest, end."

And with the final finale, this fight is finally a complete end.

The first place was captured by the lone wolf. The second place was Ge Hao, the third place was Wang Chen, and the fourth place was broken.

After the end of the fighting contest, there was a burst of cheers in the Colosseum.


At the same time, above the stands, in the box, a figure flashed out, and the next moment appeared in the ring.

This is not the case of the county of Cangchu County.

Finally, at the end of this fight, he appeared.

Looking at the standing Wang Chen, Lone Wolf, Ge Hao three people, Hao Tianzheng showed a smile of satisfaction: "Ha ha ha ... I Cang Chu County, talented people."

珂天正大笑笑, the voice is majestic and loud, and people can’t help but feel shocked.

"I am very pleased with this fight, I am very happy, my talents come forth, and the strong people emerge." Then he looked at Wang Chen and three others and said loudly: "Congratulations to the three young talents. Jun entered the top three, this time, the top three in the fighting contest, each person will receive a Xuanyue Dan."

There was a turn of his wrist, and three white jade boxes appeared in his hands.


A sneak peek, the three jade boxes instantly turned into virtual shadows, and went straight to Wang Chen, Lone Wolf and Ge Hao.


Looking at this white film, Wang Chen and others are still dare to care, they are quickly reaching out to catch this jade box.

"Xuanyue Dan."

Looking at the small jade box in his hand, Wang Chen showed a smile.

Now, his strength is at the peak of the stars, this Xuanyue Dan is too important for Wang Chen, this Xuan Yuedan is fully hopeful to help Wang Chen directly impact the Xuan Yue class.

Even if Wang Chen can go further and reach the great level of the stars, with the help of this Xuan Yuedan, he will enter the Xuanyue class and it will be a matter of stability.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen carefully took this Xuan Yue Dan.

Seeing this scene, there was a burst of cheers on the stands.

Xuanyue Dan, how many military people dreamed of things, but unfortunately, this thing is too precious, almost in the hands of those powers and nobles, ordinary people have no hope of seeing and contacting.

"It looks like there are rewards."

"It seems to be..."

Even, some people are looking forward to the next reward.

It is said that this fight is not only a reward for this, but also a more generous reward waiting for everyone.


In the expectation of everyone, Hao Tianzheng’s mouth hangs with a smile.

Speaking of this, his words are: "In addition, the top six of this fight will have a chance... to get a chance to enter the magical house."


The words of Hao Tianzheng are like a thunderstorm that blasts in the crowd.

"What, the devil's house."

"Oh my God, it turned out to be a demon house."

"When did we see the demon house in Cangchu County?"

"What the **** is going on here."

The crowd is awkward and boiling.

God Magic House, this is the legendary, the temple of the gods, heaven, which contains infinite opportunities, among which is the collection of endless treasures.

This place is definitely the place where the strong guys dream of going.

Unexpectedly, another reward for this fight is actually this, and even the top six people have hope to enter it, which can make people feel shocked and shocked.

Although there are many crises in the demon house, the opportunities are endless.

This reward is too rich.

"Hey...the devil's house, this Cangchu County seems to have a demon house to be born."

"Is that the..."

"This time, this day is just so generous."

"The royal family of the Fire Kingdom must have participated in it."

"It’s a hurricane that will open, but... At this time, the demon house appears, it seems...not a good thing.”

In the box, those big powers and nobles heard this, and they couldn’t help but talk about it. Many people frowned and fell into meditation.

Now, the devil does not ask, the space gap is disordered, and they can't detect it.

At this time, it is unusual for the demon house to be born suddenly. It seems to have a deep meaning.

It seems that the situation is really going to change.

For a time, everyone was silent.

"God House..."

In the field, when he heard the words of Hao Tianzheng, Wang Chen was also a heartbeat, secretly surprised.

The devil's house, there really is such a place. If it really exists, there is an infinite chance. Compared to this, it seems that this reward is more attractive.

"This is the token that enters the Devil's Mansion, and waits for it to be collected. After January, the City Hall is assembled. At that time, you will go to the Devil's Mansion."

When Wang Chen sighed, it was black light flashing, and then, Wang Chen had a token in his hand, the token of the demon house.

"Hahaha... I hope that within a month, I will be able to go further."

With the token being issued, Hao Tianzheng laughed, and the next moment, his body flashed and disappeared.

Douwu contest, at this moment is a complete fall.

Looking at the token in his hand, Wang Chen looked very dignified.

"One month, and one month, I must improve my strength as soon as possible."

Wang Chen’s heart soon has a judgment.

After a month, if you have not stepped into the Xuanyue class, you will enter the Shenmo House and you will die."

In the ear, there is a voice of a lone wolf.

When I heard this voice, Wang Chen turned to look.

"The devil's house, although the opportunities are endless, but the crisis is fourfold, the greater danger is competition. This time, the demon house is opened, there must be an influx of invincible powers, and even the mighty moon will enter." /

Feeling the eyes of Wang Chen, the lone wolf reminded.

"Well, there must be great energy to enter. This time the fighting contest is a lot of strong people. I want to come. Many people have received the news. At that time, not only the strong people of Cangchu County entered, the whole fire. Jin Guo, and even the entire Devil World will have strong players to enter, and the Royal Family of the Fire Kingdom has already intervened in this matter. This time the Fighting War Contest, the Royal Family of the Fire Kingdom has already intervened."

Ge Hao’s voice came, his voice was slightly low. It seems that Wang Chen first heard Ge Hao say a complete story.

"Hope, you can go further, otherwise you will die in the hands of those people."

Suddenly, Ge Hao took a deep look at Wang Chen.

This remark made Wang Chen look like a body.

I don't know why, just at that moment, Wang Chen actually felt the eyes of Ge Hao flashing, and he felt a touch of familiarity.

"See you one month later."

Just, not giving Wang Chen too much time to think, Ge Hao’s body shape flashed, and he walked outside the Colosseum.

Leaving Wang Chen and the lone wolf stood in the same place watching him leave.

"He is not a general Mozu."

The lone wolf took a deep breath and muttered. It seems that this is what he said to Wang Chen.

"Not the general Mozu, that is..."

Wang Chen brows a wrinkle.

I don’t know why, but I have a different feeling.

This Ge Hao seems to be more and more mysterious. The more he knows about him, the more he feels. On his surface, it seems to be covered with a thick fog, which makes people go deep into it.

"Be careful with God, it is best to leave Canglong City today."

After, the lone wolf looked at Wang Chen and then turned and slowly went outside the Colosseum.

Leaving Wang Chen alone stood in the Colosseum, his brow was locked.

After a moment, dragging his tired body, he also walked outside the Colosseum.

Before, the lively and incomparable Colosseum seems to have calmed down with the departure of three people.


"Bastard, Wang Chen, Xuanyue Dan is mine, mine."

What Wang Chen didn’t know was that when he turned away from the Colosseum, he looked at the back of Wang Chen’s departure in a box in the Colosseum. The roar and roaring.

Xuan Yuedan, this is one of the things he needs most now. Although, it is the son of the city government, but this Xuan Yue Dan is what he wants.

In the original contest, he came to Xuan Yuedan, but now he is stopped by Wang Chen, how can he not hate?

"Kill him, I don't want to wait too long, Xuan Yuedan, I want it."

Afterwards, Praying turned to the man around him.

The voice falls, the murder is complete, and the space solidifies.

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