Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 51: Love Heart

At this moment, Wang Chen’s words directly made the atmosphere in the venue suddenly solidify.

Wang Chen, at this time, I looked at the prayers so lightly, and the prayers looked at Wang Chen with my eyes open.

The eyes of the two people, at this time intertwined in the air, as if to rub the sparks, the atmosphere of this moment, even has solidified to the point of suffocation.

"Oh, I just told my thoughts."

After looking at each other for a while, Prayed and laughed and said lightly.

The voice fell, and he turned to walk in the distance, and did not say anything else.

Looking at the figure that the prayer disappeared in his sight, Wang Chen looked cold and could not see a trace of expression.

Until the praying figure is about to disappear into his own sight, this reveals a sneer: "To admit defeat, impossible, who wins and loses, knows in a battle."

At this moment, the cold light in Wang Chen’s eyes flashed slightly.

Obviously, it is impossible for this prayer to pass this and let Wang Chen retreat without fighting.

Even, because of this incident, Wang Chen has more vigilance against prayer.

"Pray, I don't know what your purpose is, but no one can stop me from moving forward, the devil can't, you, can't,~"

A deep breath, Wang Chen snorted, and then turned and headed for the direction of the inn.

"Oh, interesting."

After Wang Chen left this moment, in a corner in the distance, a figure appeared on the other side.

Looking at the direction of Wang Chen’s departure, the figure’s mouth showed a sneer.

If Wang Chen is here, he will be shocked, because this person is not a broken day.

The broken sky that had already left before, at this moment, appeared in the place where Wang Chen left.

"Pray, Wang Chen, hehe, pray, what do you want to do, want Wang Chen to directly admit defeat, this is not a good thing, or you are afraid,"

Squinting at the eyes, screaming and sneering and whispering to himself.

Although the distance is very far, it is not difficult to find out the conversation between the two before, with the strength of the sky.

Praying for Wang Chen wants to lose, this is not the result that Tian Ren Ren wants to see.

Because, the idea of ​​breaking the sky is directly on the platform, killing Wang Chen, this is the result he wants.

As for praying, the toughness of the heavens has never been seen.

Although, the wind of this prayer is very loud and the momentum is like a rainbow. However, his strength is still a little worse. If it is not the relationship between the city and the government, the prayer is only the upper level. It’s gone.

Compared with the killing of prayer, it is natural to want to kill Wang Chen.

"Less Lord, that Wang Chen..."

After a moment, there was a thin figure on the side of the broken sky, which is the elder of the magic moon.

"Wang Chen appeared, is it now..."

The old man looked at the toughness of the sky, and cautiously asked, his hand, this moment made a stifling action.

From the thought of the elders of the cattle, Wang Chen now appears on his own. That is a good thing. If this is the time to take the shot, he will believe that Wang Chen will die.

Is that map not just getting it?

Why are you so troublesome, and you have to kill Wang Chen in the ring.

"Not in a hurry, huh, huh... let him live another two days, I like to watch a person die in the torment, I prefer to pinch those things that I don't know how to live and die."

A wave of hands, directly rejected the advice of the cattle elders, the cold and cold knife.

The moment in the eye, the murderous moment, is rich.

Now killing Wang Chen, it is not too cheap Wang Chen, and, here, if Cang Long City rushed to take the attention of the city government, even if it is pursued, it is not a good thing.

"I know it."

The attitude of seeing the sky is so determined, the cattle elders quickly closed their mouths and did not continue.

He knows too much about the toughness of the sky. Since the decision is made, it is no room for change.

However, it is so good, anyway, Wang Chen will die, with the strength of Wang Chen, how could it be a tough opponent.

Even, the elders of the cattle can conclude that they look at the entire Cangchu County and even the entire Jin Dynasty, and the warriors under the Xuanyue class can overcome no more than ten or even five.

Be aware that the toughness of the sky is already in the middle of the star-level perfection.

If it wasn’t for this decade’s big fighting, if it’s not because of the rewards and qualifications after this fight, the toughness has already rushed into the Xuanyue class, and he stayed, It is waiting for this fight competition, but it is because of the stop, so that the strength of the broken sky has been infinitely compressed, and even, it can be said that it is unceremonious, today's broken and tough, almost has a beautiful first entry The strength of the Xuan Yue class warrior.

There is a difference between the two.

Imagine how strong the strength of the sky is.

With his strength, to defeat Wang Chen, it is not as simple as pinching an ant.

"I heard that last night, the **** of punishment appeared."

When the old man closed his mouth, it was only a faint inquisition.

"Yes, the target heard that it was a lone wolf, and God took the punishment for the second time."

The old man sank a bit and nodded.

"Oh, God's punishment failed for the second time, interesting,." Hearing the old man's answer, the day was tough and awkward, and then laughed.

Be able to make God's punishment so delicious, the lone wolf is really an unusual figure.

"Lone Wolf, this time maybe you and I are the biggest competitors." I thought of this, taking a deep breath and resentment.

This time, with so many participating warriors, nowadays, the most difficult thing to pay attention to is the lonely wolf.

Quickly, murderous, all this, even let the heavens to appreciate.

"However, this person who is punished seems to stretch their hands too long."

A voice screamed, and the tone of the broken sky suddenly changed, watching the old man faintly asked.


If you break the sky, let the old man's face change, he feels the dissatisfaction of the broken sky.

"Who is going to kill the lone wolf."

Indulge in a bit, and the sky is tough with a hint of curiosity.

"I heard that it seems to be a Li family."

Think about it, the elders of the cow whispered.

"Lijia is the Lijia of Nanfeng County."

A glimpse of the eyes, a glimmer of light in the eyes of the broken sky.

Nanfeng County, Lijia, which is also a small family in the Jinjin Kingdom. There are thousands of members of the Li family. Among them, it is said that the Xuanyue class has more than three people. The family, the power can be called powerful.

I didn’t expect that they were chasing the lone wolf.

"Why." I thought about this, and I asked the story.

"It seems that...the lone wolf killed the younger son of the Li family, which attracted the anger of the Li family."

The cow elders smiled bitterly.

Lonely wolf, this courage is really big enough, even dare to kill the younger son of the Li family. It is said that this young son is still very popular with the Li family.

This kind of move can not attract the rage of the Li family.

"Li Jia Shaozhu, huh, huh... interesting."

The answer of the elder of the cow is also to make this sturdy smile show a ridiculous smile: "I heard that the guy is not a good person."

Stop the tough mouth: "Dead is good."

"Tell those people, the lone wolf is my prey."

After the pause, the eyes followed, and the toughness of the sky said to the elders of the cattle.

A few words made the elders look changed again. He showed a dilemma: "This is a punishment..."

God punishment, this is the first killer group in the fire country, and can even be called the most powerful killer group in the whole devil world. It is unceremonious to say that the power of this **** punishment is not even worse than the magic moon. Ah, even the reputation of God's punishment is above the magic moon.

Let God punished his hand, how could this be, and it’s mad?

The elders of the cows became very bitter at one time.

"I said this is what I said." I felt the embarrassment of the elders of the cattle. After a stern look in the eyes of the toughness, I was cold and cold: "If God does not agree, then I will find Li."

The tone of the toughness of the sky is unquestionable at this moment.

"But we..."

The elders of the cow can't figure out why they want to help the lone wolf.

The strength of this lone wolf is obviously too strong. Helping him is not a good thing. He can be said to be the biggest opponent of this day. Since the person who is punished is interested in helping solve it, it is not good. But what's the matter, now...

"Lonely wolf, huh, huh... killing extremes, hehe... I can’t limit it in the future. Don’t you think that we need such talents for the magic moon, as for the Li family... oh, my magic moon is still watching. No, God’s face is believed to be given.”

There is a lot of confidence in the sky.


A few words, this is to let the elders of the cattle widen their eyes.

He didn't think that it was such a thought.

The lone wolf is indeed a great talent. This is not bad. If the lone wolf does not offend the Li family and does not offend the punishment, there is no need to say that the cow elders want to pull him to the magic moon. Within the teaching, even if given the position of an elder, then what?

This kind of person can bring a lot of ruin to the magic moon.

But now, this guy has offended the Li family and the gods, so that...

Before you say Li Jia, although the strength is not as good as the magic moon, but the power is also huge, especially in Nanfeng County, has a pivotal position, such a person, it is not worthy of being offended by a lone wolf.

As for the punishment of God.

Do they give face?

Not good to say.

At the very least, this time God suffered a lot of suffering in the lone wolf and failed two missions. This is not acceptable to God.


This made the bulls brows locked up.

Looking at the expression of the straits at this moment is unquestionable. The elders of the cow are even sighing in their hearts: "Well, less master, I will communicate with the gods."

In desperation, the cattle elder sighed and said.

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