Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 42: Blood Law

Under the trace of the seduce in the deepest part of the blood, this time the Emperor also widened his eyes.

Although he himself does not know how terrible the day is, but he can feel that when he speaks of the heavenly order, in the depths of his blood, he feels a trace of trembling, feeling To a trace of fear.

This is the fear that has been passed down for thousands of years.

It is conceivable that in the ancient times, when the gods came to the world, what a terrible day is this day.


When you hear the words of Emperor Huang, this moment, Wang Chen is not shocked.


Looking at the symbol in his hand, at this moment, Wang Chen’s eyes are shocked.

"Well, heaven."

蝎皇 once again confirmed.

"Pure yang is really a fire, Suzaku flames should be counted, true blood, maybe my blood..."

There was a glimmer of light in his eyes. Suddenly, Wang Chen’s expression became excited. He looked at the heavens in his hands and his eyes were wild.

Maybe, this day is in the hands of ordinary people, the effect is really small, but in his hands is completely different.

Wang Chen did not activate the conditions of the day, although the blood may be weaker, but at least there is hope, isn't it?

The royal blood...

Wang Chen squinted and fell into meditation.

"It is not possible to refine this day, refining the day, it will take some time."

At this time, Emperor Huang slowly said on the side.

"I know."

When he heard the words of Emperor Huang, Wang Chen nodded.

Time is running out.

The only time left is the time when the fighting contest begins.

The time left for Wang Chen is impossible to refine the heavens.

May... still have to wait until the end of the fighting contest.

"Before you prepare for the Fighting Competition."

Don't pause, Wang Chen put away the heavenly order, then he screamed.


Heaven, sunny, late winter sky, there is already a little warmth.

The Canglong City of today seems to be particularly lively, or that Cang Long City in these days has been in the most noisy and prosperous situation.

Especially today.

Because today is the time for the start of the Fighting Competition.

The sixty-four most powerful warriors will start the final competition today, which represents almost the most powerful existence of the young generation of Cangchu County, and can almost be said to represent the future strength of Cangchu County. Going.

It not only attracted the crowds of many people in Cangchu County, but also attracted the infusion of the fire kingdom and even the whole devil world.

It can accommodate nearly 200,000 people in the Colosseum.

"珂盈姐, why didn't the guy come yet?"

In a luxurious box in the Colosseum, at this moment, Ninger slightly frowned and looked at the envy of the side.

Wang Chen.

Yes, she said Wang Chen.

This guy, isn’t he getting a fight? Now almost all the people who participated in the fighting contest are present, but in the crowd, Ninger didn’t find Wang Chen, so I couldn’t help asking. Road.

"He, don't know." Hearing Ning's words, his brow was also wrinkled for undetectable, and then faintly said.

Just, the voice just fell, and the next moment, the 瞳 瞳 瞳 是 是 却 却 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

"He is coming."

珂盈 whispered.

At the moment, in the direction of the Colosseum, a figure slowly walked into the Colosseum.

This is not what Wang Chen is.

"Just... his breath... seems to have changed, more...strong."

珂盈眉眉 is locked, seeming to mutter.

With the keen insight of women, she felt the change of Wang Chen.

is getting even stronger.


"Douwu Contest, race, now draw lots."

Between the words of Yingying and Ninger, on the site of the Douwu Contest Center, an old man’s figure appeared there, looking at the sixty-four people who had arrived in front of him, he said slowly.

It seems to be between the mouths and mouths, but the sound is like a thunder, and it is poured into the ears of 200,000 people present.

This makes Wang Chen stunned.

Now, he may be able to do this, but it is impossible to do so easily.

Strong, very strong.

This is the only feeling that Wang Chen looks at the old man.

Under the supervision of the old man, the lottery is over soon.

Sixty-four people were divided into thirty-two groups. The winner entered the next round and then continued the two-two match until the final decision was made.

This time, the first opponent Wang Chen encountered was a man of about forty years.

Bulky and complex.

"Douwu Contest, start now."

With the end of the grouping, the old man continues to announce.

The large Colosseum is now divided into sixteen venues.

At the same time, it is possible to play 16 games, which is extremely large.

Because there is the maintenance of the Xuan Yue class strong, so do not need to worry about so many strong people fighting, will make the Colosseum, and even Canglong City collapse.

The first wave of sixteen battles was quickly kicked off.

Because it was the second wave of the game, Wang Chen got more chances to take a break.


As the battle began, on the 16th platform, the powerful enchantment was raised at the same time. The momentum was magnificent and the scene was shocking.


There is a curtain between the battle and the blink of an eye.

A moment, along with the beginning of the battle, the shouts shook in the Colosseum.

200,000 people cheered at the same time, and how the momentum was shocking and sensational.

"Haha...Look, that is the last time I hope to win the first place, I heard that he has already reached the peak of the 9th level of the stars."

"Yeah...the star of the nine-level peak, it is said that he is fully able to step into the mysterious month, but has been suppressing the strength."

"At the very least, the star-level is perfect."

Between the vagueness, a burst of argument came.

When I heard these arguments, Wang Chen frowned and his eyes narrowed slightly.

In the blink of an eye, at the moment, what is in his sight is a man who is about 35 or 6 years old.

The face is cold.

The battle has just begun, and he has gained an overwhelming advantage.

In the face of such a strong person, even his opponent, the star of the nine-level powerhouse, has no counterattack force.


In the roar of the roar, in the twinkling of an eye, the man of the 9th grade of the star was severely wounded.

Three strokes.

Under only three strokes, this man named Haotian won the victory.

"Sure enough, it's very powerful."

Seeing this scene, Rao is the heart of Wang Chen, can't help but shake it.

There are no counterattacks in the face of Stars and Nine.

There is exactly what this chat has reached.

The star-level grand perfection, perhaps, the surface strength is the star-level great perfection.

But, he still hides a lot, and so is the overwhelming advantage, still in the case of hiding the strength of Wang Chen.

"Hahaha, die."

A burst of crazy laughter came from afar.

The moment the sound appeared, Wang Chen’s heart twitched slightly.

Familiar sounds &...

Stop the sky.

The next moment, Wang Chen's face changed.

In the direction of the sound, he actually saw the shadow of the sky.

Unexpectedly, this time the Fighting War Contest, Tian Tian Ren has even joined in.

As a young man of the Magic Moon, he actually participated in this fight.

This made Wang Chen’s heart suddenly heavy.

Magic Moon, I did not expect it to be earlier than I imagined.

It seems that this time the fighting contest is unusual.

"Dead, **** Dafa."

In Wang Chen’s gaze, this is obviously not intended to delay the time. He directly displayed a **** Dafa.

With the **** Dafa exhibition, in the twinkling of an eye, there seems to be a rise of blood fog in the whole ring.

The fog is getting thicker and thicker. In the blink of an eye, the entire platform is covered, and the scarlet red is so thrilling.

The ghosts are whistling, causing pervasiveness and murderousness.

Ah ah...

In the **** fog, screams spread from time to time.

The scream of heartbreaking, people are listening to chilling.

"Blood law, this..."

"I didn't expect that the toughness of the sky would be so vicious."

"Yeah, he is also the number one hot spot this time."

"His opponents seem to be suffering."

Listening to the screams, the scene suddenly became a lot quieter, but after a while the arguments began to break out.

The strength of the broken sky is naturally powerful.

Especially the means of the haze.

Looking at the **** fog, many people showed a sympathetic look.

Sure enough, in the sympathy and discussion of Azi, the screams from the blood fog gradually became smaller.

In the end, it disappeared without a trace.

Therefore, the blood mist slowly dissipated.

Finally, when the ring was once again presented to everyone’s eyes, many people took a breath of cold air.

The scene in front of you is really too bloody, too horrible.

Because, within the ring, this moment, except for the toughness of the sky, there is only one boneless bone left.

This is not the opponent of the previous toughness.

Unexpectedly, in the blood fog, this opponent actually turned out... It was turned into a bone, and the flesh and blood disappeared without a trace.


The scene is quiet and quiet, and only everyone can hear the sound of cold air.

Blood law...

Even Wang Chen, at this time, I felt that my heart was slightly tightened, and my look became a lot dignified.

Blood law, if it is encountered, how to resist, Wang Chen has not yet come up with a good way.

Only, this is so powerful and powerful, but there is no doubt about it.

It seems... this time the fighting contest is not that simple.

And when Wang Chen was squatting, he felt a murder.

It’s a sudden departure from the direction of the sky.

Look up and see that everyone at this moment is not watching Wang Chen.

There was a bloodthirsty sneer in his mouth.

He found Wang Chen and saw Wang Chen. This is a war with Wang Chen.

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