Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 10: Zooming

Douwu contest!

At this moment, Wang Chen deeply remembered this meeting!

The Mozu strong, at least the strong people of Cangchu County gathered together, which made Wang Chen full of curiosity and interest.

Between the vagueness, even Wang Chen felt the boiling of his own blood! Deep in the blood, it seems that this moment exudes a faint incitement.

Just, although there are some instigations. However, at this moment, Wang Chen had to solve the immediate trouble.

Because, at this moment, he is still controlled by Yu Ying.

Wang Chen at this moment can even say that he has not completely escaped the danger.

Under the leadership of the group, they soon came outside the city government.

The main city of Canglong City, this is the center of Cangchu County, the most central area.

The mansion covers an area of ​​a thousand acres, which is broad and magnificent!

When you look at the house in front of you, Wang Chen will inevitably have some emotions.

When the group was ready to walk inside the mansion, at this time, it was within the mansion and quickly walked out of the figure.

The head is a man who looks like he is about 27 years old. He only saw his colorful gold crown on his head at the moment, wearing a blue robes and a blue tiger belt at his waist. Wearing a pair of azure boots on the feet, the imposing manners, really give people a sense of elegant elegance, graceful.

With his appearance, for a moment, as if all the guards around, the body shape is suddenly short! Their light seems to have been covered by this man.

When I came to the door, I saw Wang Chen and his entourage who were preparing to enter the mansion. This man’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light, and then quickly came to a few people: “珂盈,宁儿, are you okay? I just got I received a message saying that you have been attacked by the Tianyuan County Assassin on the side of the Snowy Mountains?"

In front of a few people, the man’s face showed an anxious and worried concern, looking at Yu Ying and Ning Er. His face was filled with tension at this time.

After going back and forth between Yu Ying and Ning Er, I watched it several times.

Then, when they saw that the two were really fine, he only breathed a sigh of relief.

"Nothing, those are being defeated at the moment!"

When I heard the man’s words, Yu Ying’s cold face was finally showing a smile.

In an instant, it seems that the glaciers are melting, and for a moment, it seems like the earth spring blossoms! The atmosphere suddenly changed.

As if facing this man in front of him, Yu Ying is a gentle woman. In addition, she is more like a woman! Gives a strong cold feeling.

"You are fine! Oh, those people in Tianyuan County are too arrogant. This time, we must not let them go!"

When I heard the words, the man nodded, then hated the sorrow, and his face was full of indignation!

"However, this time, you are all the best. Otherwise, we must let Tianyuan County corpse everywhere!"

Then, the man exhaled and said quietly.

After that, he seems to have noticed Wang Chen in general: "This is..."

Seeing the strange face of Wang Chen in the team, his brow wrinkled.

The people present, he is all aware.

There are members of the escorts in the house. This Wang Chen alone is something he has not seen.

So, after a glimmer of light in his eyes, he asked Xiangying.

"He? This is the person he helped us to repel the Tianyuan City!"

Speaking of Wang Chen, after Ying Ying sank a bit, he said faintly. Obviously, she still did not completely relax her doubts about Wang Chen.


When I heard Wang Chen’s words, the man’s eyes flashed a glimmer of color, and then took a deep look at Wang Chen: “Sure enough, the hero is a teenager! I didn’t expect Xiongtai to be as young as it is!”

This time, Yu Ying attacked, thanks to Xiongtai help! If the gangsters were allowed to succeed, the consequences would be disastrous.

This matter, I Cangchu County will definitely thank Xiongtai!

After looking at Wang Chen, the man said quickly.

The man at the moment has a grateful look on his face. That words and deeds seem to give people a sense of humility.

This scene, even, people feel flat and flattered!

Although Wang Chen does not know what kind of status this Cangchu County has in the devil world. However, it is certainly not going to be low.

And this man, apparently within Cangchu County, is an unusual presence. Such a person can show such a approachable, so humble and kind side, and people really have some admiration. This kind of temperament is not something that anyone can have.

Just, I don’t know why it’s because of the man’s temperament, but it makes Wang Chen feel a little uncomfortable.

Maybe this man is too perfect. The perfection displayed in front of him makes Wang Chen feel uncomfortable! Or maybe, under the man's temperament, Wang Chen feels that he has some vulgarity?

Always, Wang Chen looked at the man in front of him, but it was a faint feeling that there was something wrong with it.

"Go, 珂盈! Let's go in and see my uncle. Knowing the news of your attack, my uncle is extremely anxious! Now that you are back, he can definitely get down!

Yes, and this Xiongtai also went in with us. When your uncle sees you, you will definitely thank you!

When Wang Chen had just produced a strange feeling, the man said quickly.

At the same time, several guards around him, the man smiled and said: "This time, you have worked hard. Come and rest for a while. Uncle is definitely a reward for your reward."

For these guards, the men did not neglect and gave enough respect! Looking at these people, he showed the kind smile. In the tone, he did not hide his gratitude.

This gives a few movements to the faces of several guards.

Know that in such a big family, they are the guards, life has never been valued!

Even, their appearance was prepared for death. Therefore, it is natural to let them have a feeling of death for the confidant.

So, the young men in front of you can be so respectful to them, so what more luxury they have?

"Thank you, son! This is what your subordinates should do!"

Several people are busy saying that they are saluting.

The words of the man at the moment seem to give them a feeling of liver and brain. The sorcerer died for the confidant, followed by such a master, what is the fight for the escorts?

The voice fell, and this went back to the other side.

After these escorts left, the man, the leader, was ready to walk inside the mansion.

However, just as the man followed the mansion, I don’t know why, but Wang Chen suddenly felt a trace of coldness!

The feeling is very subtle, very short.


However, Rao felt the coldness of this silk, and Wang Chen’s heart suddenly jumped slightly at this moment.


But, but in a blink of an eye, this killing is disappearing! Even, let Wang Chen have to doubt that the moment before he felt that he felt wrong?


What is the killing in this house?

Is it the guards hidden in the dark?

Maybe so?

Because, in the moment of stepping into this house, Wang Chen actually felt it, and he was directly locked by several breaths.

Among them, the two breaths are even more undisguised.

The two breaths are powerful and far superior to Wang Chen.

Is it a sense of killing that these breaths are unintentional?

Maybe so?

Looking around, Wang Chen shook his head and smiled a bit in his heart.

In the two days of entering the Devil World, it seems that your nerves have become more sensitive!

Soon, the subconscious Wang Chen ignored the slightest sense of killing that moment.


"You are not my Cangchu County? Isn't it a Tianyuan County?"

In the hall of the mansion, at this moment, Wang Chen saw the county guard of Cangchu County!

This is an old man who seems to be about sixty years old. Hefa is a childlike face, with a red face and a thunderous voice, giving a strong and strong feeling.

It’s also here, Wang Chen knows that this old man is the father of Yingying, and also the uncle of the imposing man who he saw before!

At the moment, after listening to the description of the things in the snowy mountains, the old man squinted and looked at Wang Chen in front of him!

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Just after watching Wang Chen for a while, the old man suddenly laughed.

"Oh, if you are offended, please forgive me!"

The next moment, he said slowly.

Then, watching the old man nod and nodded: "This thing, you are doing it right! However, he is not a person in Tianyuan County!"

The old man’s words directly determine the identity of Wang Chen.

The answer is so fast, obviously it makes Wang Chen have some surprises.

He looked at the old man and his face showed a trace of doubt.

"If Tianyuan County has such a young star-level seven-level warrior, I can't receive the news!"

In the face of Wang Chen’s doubts, the old man said very directly.

Cangchu County and Tianyuan County have been deadlocked for many years.

The relationship between the two sides is tense. Under such circumstances, how can Cangchu County not pay attention to the situation of Tianyuan County?

Wang Chen, now it looks like it’s just thirty years old!

This age is able to step into the level of the seventh level of the stars, which is considered a genius.

If there is such a genius in Tianyuan County, it will definitely be valued and famous! How can Cangchu County not receive news?

And, Tianyuan County will let such a genius come out to take risks?

And is it a clumsy way? Less likely!

The main thing is, if he is a person in Tianyuan County, how can he help Yu Ying and others in the crisis?

In combination of these points, the old man gave his judgment at once.

Immediately after the color, take a deep breath, the old man looked at Wang Chen: "Oh, you are not the person of my Cangchu County, I do not have such talents in Cangchu County.


Speaking of this, he paused, and his mouth showed a smile: "No matter where you are, this time, I Chou Chujun owes you a favor!

Of course, if you like, I can provide everything for you..."

The old man looked at Wang Chen’s eyes, and suddenly he became very meaningful.

Come on!

At this moment, the old man is directly pulling on Wang Chen!

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