Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 634: Select (third!)


The roar came.

Finally, under Hongwu’s serious injury, under the urging of Wang Chen’s full force, this Hongwu’s body crashed to the ground.

Holy purification is successful.

At this moment, Hongwu was thoroughly purified and integrated by the Jiutian Sanctuary.

"Giant Luohan, homing."

Between the vagueness, Wang Chen could feel the tremor of the entire nine-day sacred hall, and then a burst of majestic voice came.

Additional Lohan to the Jiutian Sanctuary, the giant roar.

And, this is a powerful and unconstrained Lohan.

With the majestic and majestic sound falling, the long-haired giant elephant on the ground at the moment is unconscious, but the figure is a virtual shadow of Huawei, which is integrated into the nine-day church, and the three-eye giant is seriously injured in the distance. The tiger is also integrated into the nine-day sanctuary.

It is a serious injury, but it does not require too much worry from Wang Chen.

Because, within this nine-day sanctuary, as long as it is not directly smashed into slag, it will certainly not perish.

With the three-eyed giant tiger and the long-haired giant elephant integrated into the church, at this moment, Wang Chen felt a feeling of solidity.


Yes, it is promotion.

At this moment, Wang Chen felt the improvement of the church and became more solid.

The integration of the two arhats, so that today's sacred church is no longer comparable to the three-eyed giant tiger, the strength does not know how much is improved.

As for combat power, it has increased several times.

Now, if Wang Chen fights with Jiahui, such as the three-eyed giant tiger, summoning the long hair giant elephant, it will be easy and enjoyable.

Under this battle, although it is difficult, but Wang Chen once again harvested huge.

Especially the giant elephant Luohan, this is definitely an unimaginable harvest.

If he relies on Wang Chen himself to fight for such a harvest, then he does not know how long it will take him to have this strength.


Thinking of this, Wang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.


Afterwards, Wang Chen sat on the ground with a shocking squat.

This battle, let him run out of energy, this battle, so Wang Chen is also no strength.

If it is not because Liu Yan is entering the field, if it is not because Liu Yizheng is desperately trying to reinvent the long hair giant elephant, then at the moment, the consequences are simply not to imagine.

Wang Chen knows that if that is the case, he will die.

Because he has no ability to fight against the long hair giant elephant.

"Liu Zhengzheng..."

Thinking of this, Wang Chen quickly jumped into the distance.

At the moment, in the distance, Liu Yuzheng’s unclear shackles on the ground are completely unaware.

When I saw this, Wang Chen was busy dragging his tired body toward Liu Yan.

The next moment, I came to see the front of Liu Yan, and Wang Chen frowned.

A dying, life is on the eve.

This is the answer that Wang Chen got.

Yes, Liu Yan is dying at this time.

If it is not untimely, he will die.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen did not take a lot of things, and quickly took out a white medicinal medicine from his arms to Liu Weizheng to take down.

"Sanqing continued life Dan, this is Wang Chen before entering Tiancheng, the drug king worried about the accidental situation left to Wang Chen's life-saving medicinal herbs, precious and incomparable, if the transaction goes out, do not know how many good things can be traded It.

At this moment, Wang Chen did not hesitate to take Liu Xizheng directly.


The entrance to the medicinal herbs was instant. As Liu Yan was taking the ammunition, the next moment, the warm current spread all over, he snorted softly, but still did not wake up.

"It seems that serious injuries and their eyes are unlikely to recover within a short period of time. Further treatment is needed."

When I saw this scene, Wang Chen browed and thought secretly.

This Liu Yanzheng’s injury is more in the eye than Wang Chen’s thought.

Wang Chen can even be sure that if it is not because he has given him a Sanqing continued life, the life of this guy must be unable to maintain an hour.

And now, Rao is so, and at most it can only last for three days.

Within three days, you must find a more powerful remedy to help Liu Yongzheng. Otherwise, he will still die.


This makes a bit of bitterness between Wang Chen’s eyebrows.

Liu Yu is in a critical situation.

However, the situation outside is not critical.

In the current situation, I don’t know what’s going on outside.

Hongwu is so horrible, and even more powerful than the Hongwu shadows, quicksand, he is tough to what extent.

White whistling wind can resist.

There are also 弑天·雄, Zhu Tianyu is able to withstand the 弑天·雄.

This is almost impossible.


Under a sigh of relief, Wang Chen removed the field.

Whether it is for the holy flower, or for Bai Xiaofeng and Zhu Tianyu, Wang Chen must leave the current field.

As Wang Chen slammed down, the nine-day church gradually distorted and finally disappeared.

The next moment, Wang Chen once again returned to the altar.

Puff puff……

When I returned to the altar, Wang Chen saw the distance, and Bai Xiaofeng was shot by a palm. The whole person was like a cannonball and fell to the side of Wang Chen, a hundred meters away.

At this moment, Bai Xiaofeng is bloody, and he is not even human.

I only saw him on his body, full of scars of all sizes, and the whole person became a blood man. The situation is really terrible.

On the other side, Zhu Tianyu was also shot by Yu Tian·Xiong.

He was shot down by Bai Xiaofeng, and at this time he was pale and dying.

In addition, the elderly in the distance and the green robe are not in danger.

The situation at the moment is still tense.

Wu Gan was seriously injured in a coma in the distance. Liu Wei was on the verge of death. The rest of the people were seriously injured and dying, leaving Wang Chen weak.

How can they still compete with the mainland of the Red Crescent?


This is a complete defeat.

"Hahaha... Wang Chen, I didn't expect it, you didn't expect that you were still alive, hahaha... Hongwu that idiot."

When Wang Chen appeared, Shadow·Rainbow looked at Wang Chen and laughed.

At the same time, his eyes flashed a strange look.

Obviously, Wang Chen can appear, making him unexpected and shocked.

This Wang Chen was not killed.

This is simply an incredible thing.

The strength of Hongwu, Shadow and quicksand is the clearest, because they have played against each other.

Shadow and quicksand know the horror of Hongwu, even if he wants to kill Hongwu, it is not that simple.

And now, Wang Chen is actually returning safely with Hongwu, and Hongwu is a trivial matter.

What is the injection, the shadow and quicksand are naturally known.

Hongwu, dead, was killed by Wang Chen.

How is this possible...

Thinking of this, the shadows of the shadows and quicksands changed a bit, and his eyes were more solemn and dignified.

The strength of Wang Chen seems to be far beyond his own imagination.

"Oh, yes, I didn't expect Hongwu's stupid guy to be killed by you."

Shadow and quicksand took a deep breath and said with a deep voice.

Afterwards, he stood side by side with Hao Tian·Xiong and looked at Wang Chen’s mouth with a smile: “It seems that your field is very unusual and you can let Hongwu die, but, you think You can beat us."

Between his words, there is a strong domineering and confident.

This is self-confidence and domineering based on strength.

"They have no more fighting power."

After that, it refers to Bai Xiaofeng and Zhu Tianyu who are seriously injured at the moment lying on the ground, and the shadows and quicksands are cold and cold.

Yes, right now, this white whistling wind and Zhu Tianyu obviously have no fighting power.

When Wang Chen wants to turn things around, he must defeat him and Hao Tianxiong. This is impossible...

When he heard him, Wang Chen jumped in his heart and his brow suddenly locked up.

"Wang Chen..."

"He killed Hongwu.


At this time, seeing Wang Chen, Zhu Tianyu and Bai Xiaofeng lying on the ground dying are also dumbfounded, and they all have a flash of shock in their eyes.

Wang Chen, did you do it? He really did it.

How did he do it?

Before, Hongwu’s battle scenes were all seen.

The strength of Hongwu is understandable.

That is, they have no hope of fighting with Hongwu.

But now this guy is actually...

This made Bai Xiaofeng and Zhu Tianyu flash infinite shock.

"Wang Zu, go, you will have time to go now."

Hey, who was standing next to the shadow and quicksand, was also said with a voice, and he finally spoke.

For Wang Chen to be able to kill Hongwu, this makes Hao Tian·Xiong feel shocked.

In any case, Haotian·Xiong knows that if he is fighting Hongwu, it is difficult to kill Hongwu. At most, it is not divided, even if he still falls into the wrong wind.

And now that Wang Chen has done it, it makes him feel awkward.

But, as soon as he thinks about the situation, he is opening his mouth to Wang Chen. He hopes that Wang Chen will leave now.

Even if Wang Chen’s strength is far beyond his imagination, then what?

The current situation, that is, does not allow Wang Chen to have any resistance.

He, unable to fight again, can see this, and he is not qualified to fight again.

After all, the relationship between Wang Chen and the Red Moon King is over there, and Tian Tianxiong naturally hopes that Wang Chen will choose to leave, so that death can be avoided, isn't it?

"This holy flower, I have to fix it."

弑天·雄 followed by a firm and unspeakable voice, the tone is beyond doubt.

"Oh, yes, this holy flower, we have to fix it."

Shadow and quicksand is also sneer: "Hongwu’s stupid guy is dead, just right, we have one more person to divide, you leave, give you more, plus I am in the sky. Give you one piece, you can get three petals, how,."

Shadow and quicksand once again said the conditions.

After all, he is not arrogant, and the impression of Wang Chen is still very good, isn't it?

A few words, let the people present are sucking a breath.

If this is the case, then it is equal to the shadow and quicksand, and the three people of Wang Tian and Wang Chen divide the holy flower.

What is the condition of this, this condition is even stunned by Bai Xiaofeng and Zhu Tianyu lying on the ground.

This condition is really an exciting qualification.

Even if they are made, their hearts are shaking.

"If you don't go, it's dead."

Just, it’s paused, and afterwards, Shadow Shasha added.

Get huge gains, and death. At this moment, it is such a multiple-choice question in front of Wang Chen.

One side is a way to live, and you can get huge gains. On the other hand, you have to pay for your life and how to choose.


(Three finishes, today's three more broke out, before uploading two chapters all showed failure, shame, inside, so now only upload Ha, everyone forgive me, and tomorrow seems to be the last day of the seal, Hello, everyone, a lot of support, a lot of power,)

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