Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 610: Seal God Spirit

More importantly, today, this worry-free old man is just a god, and there is no strength in the spirit of the body.

In particular, being trapped in this 10,000-ghost order has been full for 6,000 years, and his soul is consumed and does not know much.

I believe that if you are a worry-free old man in the heyday, even if there is only the soul, you can completely devour the soul of Wang Chen in an instant, and **** the body of Wang Chen.

But now, the situation is different.

Now, after 5,000 years of baptism and ruin, the intensity of this worry-free old man’s spirit is reduced.

The years of six thousand years are enough to consume too much.


Wang Chen sighed and started his resistance.

The baby of the reincarnation was urged by Wang Chen.

In an instant, under the control of Wang Chen, the space within this 10,000-ghost order is distorted.

Hell, evil spirit, Shura...

The endless illusion came out.

This is the powerful place for the reincarnation of the baby. In the fight against the soul, Wang Chen has an absolute advantage.

"Infants of the reincarnation."

As Wang Chen launched a counterattack and looked at the changes in the surrounding scenes, the worry-free old man discovered the incident of Wang Chen’s reincarnation, and immediately made a scream.

There was a slight panic in the sharp scream.

Because the old worry-free old man is pregnant with a reincarnation, he naturally knows the horror of the infant of reincarnation.

Unfortunately, in the great battle within the Death Valley six thousand years ago, his body was destroyed, and the infants of the reincarnation were even bombarded.

If it is not because his strength is absolutely strong, the moment when the reincarnation baby is bombarded, it is estimated that his soul is already divided, and there is no left.

If that's the case, there won't be him today.

However, at that time, it was already a very horrible level of strength, so that the worry-free old man was forced to take out the spirit of the reincarnation, and abandoned the reincarnation of the baby, hiding in the Among the thousands of ghosts.

Then, relying on the last trace of power to display the method of returning the ghosts to the ancestors, the Wan Guilings were pulled out of the space of Tian Xuan mainland and came to this Tiancheng.

So, once again, I feel the energy of the reincarnation baby, and even the horrible worry-free old man is in a hurry and exclaimed.

Reincarnation, this is a fantasy space dedicated to the gods.

After a moment, the worry-free old man is caught in an endless illusion.

At this moment, it is not only the soul of Wang Chen that is to be confronted, but also the illusion of endless endlessness.

And, it is obvious that this Wang Chen has a very high degree of fit with the reincarnation of the baby. Under such circumstances, it is difficult to devour the soul of Wang Chen. what.

"Kid, stop."

In a hurry, the worry-free old man shouted loudly.

Then, his soul temporarily released the soul of Wang Chen who had gradually broken out at the moment: "The kid, I did not expect that you have a baby in the reincarnation."

The ugly look of Wang Chen’s soul, the worry-free old man said complexly.

"Hey, so today, you can't think about it, die."

In the moment when the reincarnation of Vientiane was displayed, Wang Chen felt great benefits.

This round of Vientiane, if it is placed in daily battles, the help to Wang Chen is very small, but in the confrontation between the spirits, this reincarnation of the baby shows a huge advantage and benefits. Let Wang Chen taste the sweetness.

The years are a killing knife, the most horrible thing.

The years of six thousand years, it really is to let the soul of the worry-free old man weaken and do not know how much.

In the space of reincarnation, Wang Chen can feel that the worry-free old man can't beat himself. Under such circumstances, Wang Chen's confidence is of course greatly improved.

He wants to take advantage of this opportunity to swallow up the soul of a worry-free old man.

If you can devour the soul of the worry-free old man, the benefits for Wang Chen are huge.

This crisis is likely to turn into a bigger chance.

This is really a blessing and a disaster. Who can expect that this will be the result in the end? This situation really happened to be reversed in an instant.

Wang Chen will certainly not give the worry-free old man the opportunity at this moment. He once again controls the soul and flies toward the soul of the worry-free old man.

"Kid, dare."

When Wang Chen ignored his own words, he once again rushed toward himself, and the worry-free old man was angry.

"Kid, give up your soul, let me blend, just let me blend, with your chances of reincarnation, I can definitely let you stand at the peak of Tian Xuan mainland, even I can help you see through The last layer of mystery will take you into a brand new world, never die, heaven and earth, how."

The worry-free old man avoided the attack of Wang Chen and shouted loudly.

"And, kid, you don't have the greatest ability to start the reincarnation. As long as your body gives me, I can let you open the biggest mystery. I can help you with everything you want to accomplish.

With the help of Wan Guiling, I can even help you to settle the entire Tian Xuan mainland.

The worry-free old man continues to say.

At this moment, he is in a hurry. He wants to seduce Wang Chen and tell Wang Chen with endless benefits. It is the most sensible choice to let the flesh come out.

But, is Wang Chen a fool?

Obviously, he is not a fool, so it is naturally impossible for him to promise the worry-free old man at the moment.

Even, the request of the worry-free old man at the moment, heard in Wang Chen, seems so ridiculous.

Let your own body, what is the difference between this death.

Use your own death to complete a worry-free old man, that is what a madman is willing to do.

"Hugh, you, die."

Wang Chen smiled a little and shouted.

"Okay, are very good, don't face your face. If so, wait until I occupy your body, you can't think of the benefits, I will refine your memory and destroy all of you. Friends and family, destroy your family and sects..."

When Wang Chen refused his request, the worry-free old man was angry.

Seeing the soul of Wang Chen once again rushed in, and in the case of avoiding inevitable, he chose to fight back.

Under a roar, he was madly entangled with Wang Chen, the soul of the crazy tearer Wang Chen.

"Want to let me die, let me die first..."

The worry-free old man is screaming in anger.

He is like a madman.

Wang Chen’s soul is under such a crazy counterattack, and it really bears a huge shock.

But just in such a precarious situation, the infant of reincarnation seems to be inspired.

At this moment, the reincarnation of the baby sent a hint of incitement, so that Wang Chen gave up the control of the soul, but turned into a reincarnation of the baby to completely control the soul.

Wow wow...

With the reincarnation of the baby controlling the soul, for a moment, Wang Chen invaded all the souls into this singular order.

The powerful character of the reincarnation of the baby allowed him to penetrate directly into the space of this ghost.

The soul returned to the infant of reincarnation. At this moment, it is the infant of reincarnation who is fighting against the old man.

"Wow wow..."

The sharp voice came, and every sound was like the shock of the dementor bell, which made the worry-free old man retreat.

The reincarnation of the baby shows its crazy side, and the black body is turned into a streamer that is swallowed up on the soul of the worry-free old man.

The infant of reincarnation is an entity, but the old man without worry, his soul is an illusory existence.

With the characteristics of the reincarnation of the baby to devour the soul, for a moment, the worry-free old man is in danger.

His spirit, a little bit swallowed by the reincarnation of the baby.

"Ah... bastard, boy, you remember, you remember, I can't die, I can't die, you can't think about it, you can't think about it later."

Seeing that he is going to be swallowed up, the worry-free old man growled desperately.

"Emoling, turn back."

After, under the anger, the worry-free old man chose the last resort.

His spirit, in an instant, actually condensed into a substantial general rune, turned into a streamer directly into the body of the reincarnation of the baby.


The infant of reincarnation seems to have been struck by lightning. In a flash, it was blasted out for thousands of meters, and the space of the scorpion was smashed out of the space of Wan Gui, and was rushed back to Wang Chen’s Dan Tian.


At this moment, as the baby of the reincarnation was slammed back into Dantian, Wang Chen had a mouthful of blood that suddenly spewed out.

His face is pale and the spirit is languid.


Wang Chen was shocked and stunned, and quickly went to observe the reincarnation of the baby.

It is to see that at this time, the surface of the infant of the reincarnation was actually wrapped in a complex rune, as if it was sealed, and the soul of Wang Chen was also under great control. The spirit of the gods displayed is not as good as half of the peak period.

"Damn, this is..."

Feeling this, Wang Chen was shocked and ugly.

"Hahaha... Kid, don't you let me swallow it? The deity doesn't make you better, hahaha... Reincarnation baby, don't forget, the deity also has a reincarnation baby, the deity seals you now. Two-fifths of the power of the gods seals the ability of the reincarnation to communicate with the six worlds. Hahaha... Kid, your soul, now even worse than an ordinary warrior, hahaha...

You wait, I will seal you forever, and you will take a step in your life.

When Wang Chen looked at it, the voice of the worry-free old man was introduced into Wang Chen’s mind at this moment.

Old worry-free old people...

When I heard this voice, Wang Chen was even more shocked.

The rune...

Yes, just now, at the last moment, the soul of this worry-free old man turned into a rune, he did... He even sealed his own reincarnation, and sealed nearly half of his soul.

And under such circumstances, Wang Chen even had to extract some of the spirits to resist the erosion of the runes, which made Wang Chen’s souls that can be mobilized now less than half of the peak period. This is really an ordinary warrior. Not as good as it is.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen’s heart suddenly sinks.

A huge crisis is spreading.

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