Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 561: Magic will go to heaven

As the man suddenly released his momentum, the atmosphere inside the room seemed to be solidified.

Wang Chenxian was shocked. He didn't know why this man suddenly happened. This momentum suddenly soared. Is it because he is not going to fight with himself? He is also an enemy. This makes Wang Chen full of doubts.

Just, very soon, Wang Chen gave up the idea and turned his look, stunned.


When I feel this breath support, Wang Chen is very incomparable.

Magic, yes, because, at this moment, Wang Chen is actually feeling the existence of a magical spirit from this momentum.

This magic is extremely rich.

Magic, what is represented, Wang Chen is clear.

In the Tian Xuan mainland, Wang Chen only felt that one person has the magic, and there is the glory of the Qingliu Pavilion.

Because Liu Jia’s engagement was destroyed by Wang Chen and defeated, after taking away Liu Xinyan, this 晏承月 entered the extreme. He chose the most dangerous and mysterious cultivation method, and he became a real person. Yuanli turned into magic.

He, perhaps the only person in Tianxuan mainland who has magical power.

The man in front of him...the same is true.

Obviously, he is not a tribute to the moon.

Even... Wang Chen can conclude that this guy is not a Tian Xuan mainland.

"Magic will."

A very quick idea emerged in Wang Chen’s heart.

Wang Chen can almost conclude that now, the man standing in front of his eyes is not a human being, but a World of Warcraft. Only Warcraft can release such a powerful, so majestic, so pure magic, especially This place in Tiancheng.

Tiancheng, today there are thirty-six strong people entering it.

Among them, Tian Xuan mainland eighteen gods, the Red Moon mainland 18 magic.

This man is definitely a magician.

Magic, Warcraft, people on the mainland of the Red Crescent.

Now, Tian Xuan mainland is still not dead with the Red Moon continent, it is still fighting.

Purgatory is the most important battlefield. Wang Chen has been with many magical hands for so many years.

Just a while ago, he also killed a mysterious ten-order Warcraft that has been transformed into a human form.

Now, standing in front of him is the magician, so to speak...

"is an enemy,"

Wang Chen’s heart leaps and secretly thinks.

"Ha ha ha..."

Seeing Wang Chen’s horrified look at the moment, watching him change his mind, the man laughed too.

"Yes, the Red Moon mainland, the Red Moon King sits down and the devil will: 弑天."

Next, the man’s words gave Wang Chen’s affirmative answer.

The red moon continent, the sky, the devil will be the sky, he is really a magical man.

When I heard the man, Wang Chen’s look was even more serious. He looked at the other side with vigilance, and his face was complicated and confused.

The devil, since it is a magical man, he seems to be inseparable from the Tian Xuan mainland. This, the devil, should be the enemy of himself, this is a fate.

And he just saved himself, what he wants to do.

"弑天。" Take a deep breath, Wang Chen with doubts, Shen Sheng said: "The devil will be the sky, you ... why save me."

This is the place where Wang Chen can't figure out.

Anything in the Tianxuan mainland is killing each other. Isn't that a good thing? Why do you take the risk of helping yourself?

"Haha...why save you."

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, Hao Tian was laughing again.

At this moment, Haotian is a slogan, and the momentum is compelling.

"Red Moon Demon King, you can know."

He turned his head and asked suddenly.

Red Moon Demon King...

Wang Chen brows a wrinkle.


The next moment, he opened his eyes again.

Red Moon demon king... Wang Chen’s expression began to become awkward, his mouth even began to twitch slightly, the body began to tremble, the Red Moon demon king, how could he not know the Red Moon demon king, also In the purgatory, Wang Chen knew the Red Moon demon king.

This Red Moon demon king is accompanied by his own experience. I don’t know how many days and nights, and I have gone through countless hard and dangerous months with myself.

Yes, it’s not Yanyue.

In the fifth floor of Purgatory, Wang Chen knew this secret for the first time in the mysterious cave. He knew the identity of Yanyue. Even Yanyin himself was the only one who knew his own. Identity.

Red Moon Demon King, the king of the Red Moon, the king of the Red Moon continent, the Red Moon demon king who dominated the thousands of Warcraft, the Yanyue is the person of this family, and even the last bloodline of this pulse. It.

After knowing his own life and accepting the inheritance, Yanyue chose to leave on the fifth floor of Purgatory and chose to return to the Red Moon continent. He has his mission to complete, he has his things to go. Do, he can't continue to accompany Wang Chen.

When Wang Chen refused, but in the end, he agreed to the requirements of Yanyue and agreed to let Yanyue return to the mainland of the Red Crescent.

This is no more news.

In a twinkling of an eye, such a long time passed, and I don’t know how it is now.

This time, entering Tiancheng, Wang Chen does not want to know the situation of Yanyue through some information.

I didn’t expect that the devil in front of me would not wait for her own inquiry and take the initiative to talk about the Red Moon demon king.

"Yes." This time, Wang Chen’s thoughts suddenly came back to God.

Before this man said something.

He said that he was sitting under the Red Moon King, and that was his introduction to himself.

Red Moon King, is that the red moon king in this guy’s mouth is the Red Moon Demon King, is it the Yanyue?

Thinking of this, Wang Chen was greatly surprised.

If this is the case...


Wang Chen’s breathing speeds up and looks at the man. His eyes are completely different at the moment.

He also realized that he was more valuable in a moment. He said that if he did not meet him this time, he would be finished and he would die faster.

So, let Wang Chen have a huge suspicion about his identity.

Red Moon King, is it really Yanyue, Wang Chen’s heart, this moment, it is a river.

"Haha... It seems that you know, the Red Moon King is sitting under the magic, and the sky, see Wang Zu."

The next moment, seeing the change of Wang Chen's look, the man suddenly came to Wang Chen's face, said the ceremony.

"Oh...", the last trace of doubt in Wang Chen’s heart is gone.


This title...

It is estimated that Yanyue wants to come out, this man, it seems that this is the Yanyue to let him come, let him come here to find his own.

"This...the inflammatory month...but the inflammation month..."

Wang Chen took the man with a hint of excitement and asked him.

"Yeah, Red Moon King, Yanyue, Yanyue is the Red Moon King." The man answered affirmatively.

"Hahaha...well, very good." With this reply, Wang Chen couldn't help but laugh, his heart, this moment is also beginning to endure excitement, and sure enough, sure enough It’s an inflammatory month.

Red Moon King, the name is not small, it seems that he is worried about this Tan Yue guy, it is not necessary, obviously, now, the Yanyue has been very good, the development is also very good. .

If you don't have it, how can you have such a strong man?

And, it seems that Yanyue also asked him to find himself within this Tiancheng.

The idea of ​​Yanyue is the same as myself.

This is really...

Wang Chen smiled a bit.

Moreover, when I first entered Tiancheng, I met Haotian, and in the most dangerous time, I appeared in the sky and saved my life. This is what I have to let Wang Chen feel this luck.

Our luck, it’s really good to go against the sky.

"What is the situation on the mainland of the Red Crescent now?"

After a moment, Wang Chen couldn’t help but ask,

Obviously, the Chiyue Continent is definitely not yet controlled by the Yanyue. Even the Yanyue just controls a little bit of it.

How is his situation, and now the situation on the mainland of the Red Moon.

Wang Chen can't help but care.

"The Red Crescent continent is now divided into three.

The return of the Red Moon King, let a lot of Warcraft come back. At the beginning, the strong parties of the Red Crescent mainland were divided, and the mess was very incomprehensible. However, the return of the Red Moon King changed all of this.

Although the Red Moon King has disappeared for a long, long time, but the oldest vein of the Red Crescent, we are waiting for the return of the Red Moon King. I am this vein. Member, my father was a strong man at the time.

In the end, we waited for the return of the Red Moon King.

The return of the Red Moon King, this news, was so sensational in the Red Crescent.

After all, the original king of Warcraft, the original leader, now back this tender is not exciting.

The Red Moon family has accumulated too many contacts and majesty in the Red Crescent.

The return of the Red Moon King, rapid development, and soon there are many strong people who joined the Red Crescent King and chose to help the Red Moon King.

It’s a pity that today it’s not the Red Crescent continent thousands of years ago.

The Red Moon Kings have disappeared for a thousand years, but they will always let some people who are ill-intentioned to start moving.

The strong parties at this time are willing to return to the Red Moon King.

Therefore, the turbulent Red Moon continent once again fell into the midst of a great war.

Among them, the power of the Three Devils is the largest, not... the Four Devils.

The four devils and my father, a total of five people, divided the Red Moon continent into east, west, north and south, five, these five people are the strongest, they are almost the innocent king.

Now, the Red Moon King suddenly returned, and of course they did not want to become the Red Crescent King again, so they began to fight against the Red Moon King.

For a time, the Chiyue Continent was incomparably chaotic, and the interior was even undercurrent. The situation faced by the Red Moon King was very bad. The battle finally broke out afterwards.

In this battle, I don’t know how many Warcraft are involved.

Those scattered powers have to choose the Lord in the tough situation.

The five parties separated the law and restrained each other. At the same time, they began to encircle the Red Moon King.

For a time, the Red Moon King is really dangerous.

Among them, only my father's mind is different.

Our family is the oldest family in the Red Crescent, but too many people don't know. We are always guarding the Red Moon King. How can we be with them and they dream.

So, my father helped the Red Moon King at a critical moment, and, in the unlikely event that everyone could have imagined, chose to return to the Red Moon King to help the Red Moon King re-enter the peak...

This shocked too many people in the Red Moon continent...

Ha ha ha...

Those idiots, how can you not think of this result?

They will be punished. The return of the Red Moon King is unstoppable. I will definitely return to the Red Crescent.

In the face of Wang Chen’s inquiry, Hao Tian said with a big smile.

The words are simple, but they are probably clear about the situation at hand.

Listening to the words of Haotian, for a time, Wang Chen was very emotional.

Unexpectedly, there have been so many things happening in this red moon continent.

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