Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 545: Into God (on)

After a while, Yao Huang returned to the cave of the white crystal jade. .

"Kid, you are cheaper."

Looking at the small jade bottle in his hand, Yao Wang looked at Wang Chen.

The small jade bottle stored in it is also a few remedies that he tried hard to refine.

These medicinal herbs have a strong conditioning effect. At this time, for Wang Chen, these medicinal herbs are suitable.

There was a medicinal herb, and the drug king quickly slammed into the mouth of Wang Chen: "Kid, quiet, go with my true power."

After Wang Chen swallowed this remedy, the drug lord shouted.

The voice fell, and both hands slammed on the back of Wang Chen.


Under the light drink, the drug king quickly mobilized the real power to rush into Wang Chen.

At this moment, Wang Chen’s body has accumulated too much energy and cannot be controlled. What he needs to do is to help Wang Chen to straighten out these energies. As long as these energies are smoothed out, Wang Chen will be able to This energy directly rushed into the ranks of the Shenwu people.

The key is very important at this time.

Yes, it is to step into the martial arts, defeat, that is, a road of death is waiting for them.


A stock of real yuan is like a big river running into the body of Wang Chen.

With the entry of this real yuan, and under the effect of the rapid development of the medicinal herbs, Wang Chen only felt a shock.

The dark world, with which it retreats, Wang Chen only feels that he is in a violent world.

The endless real power constantly impacts on his muscles, as if to blast his body.

Feeling this, Wang Chen suddenly became shocked and screamed.

This situation of course he knows what is going on.

Because he only felt this situation a year ago.

At that time, he almost lost his life. If it wasn't for the help of his predecessors, he still didn't know how to die.

And this time...

This time...the energy doesn't seem to be inferior.

"Kid, don't think too much, hurry, follow me."

When Wang Chen was shocked, the voice of Yaowang came at this time.

Every word is like a thunder in the mind of Wang Chen.

Under these words, it is to let Wang Chen’s heart calm down.

This is an extremely deep sound wave.

When I heard the words of the drug king, I felt another powerful force in the body, and there was a soft energy. Wang Chen secretly exhaled.

He caught hope.

He knows that this moment is definitely the drug king is helping himself.

The power of that power is not unexpected, it is the real power of Yaowang.

As for this soft power, perhaps the power of the drug, from Dantian, into the internal organs.

Under such circumstances, Wang Chen did not dare to care about it. He quickly followed the running route of Yao Yao to control these violent energy.

At this moment, these violent energies are too much due to the power of absorbing lightning, so it is difficult to tame.

How could Wang Chen control if it wasn’t for the help of the drug king?

Rao is the help of the drug king, and the help of the drug, but it is still difficult to conquer at this moment.

Step by step, a little bit, one inch, Wang Chen, with the help of Yaowang and Dan medicine, constantly regained his own lost ground.

A little bit of energy is being controlled, and Wang Chen’s situation is constantly improving.

This time it looks a lot better than the danger of a year ago.

The main reason is that the drug that Wang Yao took to Wang Chen was too strong, and Wang Chen had already had experience.

So, after spending about half a day, Wang Chen gradually controlled all his energy.

This process is extremely thrilling, but the results are very good, even beyond the imagination of the drug king, even simpler than he thought.

This makes the drug king do not know what to say about Wang Chen, this kid... seems to always surprise people.

"Kid, look at your own now."

With the control of this energy cup in Wang Chen, he is now fully recovered.

After hearing the words of Yaowang, he nodded and did not dare to have the slightest care. He quickly entered the cultivation again.

"Come, kid, this medicinal drug is swallowed."

Slightly drink, Yaowang stuffed another medicinal herb into Wang Chen’s mouth.

The entrance is instant, and a faint fragrance suddenly fills up.

This energy spreads out, and Wang Chen suddenly feels a faint warmth.


There was a scorn in my heart, Wang Chen was busy running the real yuan, refining this potion.

The strength of the body has already reached the level of the peak of the Emperor Wu, even far beyond the level of the Emperor. Now, what Wang Chen needs to do is to lead this energy to the level of the Shenwu.

The power of thunder and lightning has been transformed into a true force, but at the moment, it is still unbearable.


It seems that there is lightning flashing, and it is raging in Wang Chen’s body.

In this case, controlling your own energy is a great effort for Wang Chen.


On the other hand, Wang Chen is also very excited at this time.

At the end of the day, it is also necessary to step into the level of the Shenwu.

After stepping into this level, it will open a new world, and Wang Chen can not be excited.


After controlling this real element to run in the body for a full eighty-one days, Wang Chen sighed and sighed, and immediately led this energy, and went to the Shenwu level.


The tens of thousands of real yuan dragons are like the rivers and rivers, and they are roaring away under the control of Wang Chen.

The roar of the roar, this moment, in Wang Chen's body, this is a huge battlefield, Wang Chen's body, suffering unimaginable pain.

The layer of invisible shackles under the impact began to emerge.


With each impact of the true Yuan force, this layer of shackles is a violent vibration. At the same time, Wang Chen’s blood is also starting to roll up violently. The body, at this moment, seems to be torn. Cracked in general.


It was a heartbreaking pain, as if there were countless silver needles that plunged into Wang Chen’s body and penetrated into every cell of his body.

The impact of three consecutive times, Wang Chen ended in failure.


After another failure, Wang Chen finally couldn't help but spurt a mouthful of blood and his face became pale.

However, this blood spit out, but it is also for Wang Chen at this moment, the whole person has become relaxed.

It seems that a turbid gas has been sprayed out, and the body is instantly clear.

"Give me a rush."

A deep breath, Wang Chen screamed again.

The sweat of the bean began to flow down his cheeks, and his clothes had already been infiltrated by sweat.

This time the impact is only crucial for Wang Chen. He almost put all the bets on this impact.

At this moment, Wang Chen is really nervous.

"Kid, come on."

Not only Wang Chen, at this time, the tension of the drug king outside the Dongfu is not inferior to the tension of Wang Chen.

The success or failure of this move is crucial.

After such a long time, I want to come to Wang Chen has been shocked several times, failed several times.

If this time fails again...

One bang, then decay, and exhausted.

This kind of impact, the first wave of impact, the success rate is often the biggest, the second chance is reduced a lot.

Now Wang Chen is at least the time to pass the first wave of impact.

No matter whether this is the second wave or the third wave, no problems are allowed.

Otherwise, it basically declares a failure.

Once it fails, the next time... it will be very difficult. It is possible that Wang Chen will be trapped outside the threshold of the Shenwu people for a lifetime.

This kind of thing didn't happen.

How many martial artists are there because they are farther away from the martial arts.

How many more martial artists are there, so they can only look up to the martial artists in their lifetime.

Although, now Wang Chen’s combat power is not inferior to the ordinary warrior, but he is still too far and far from the peak.

He, if he can't step into the ranks of the martial arts, he can't stand on the peak of the real pyramid for a lifetime.

So, at this moment, Yaowang is very nervous and looks at the direction of Dongfu.

And Wang Chen.

He can't know the truth.

The first wave of shocks has ended, and it ended in failure.

Now, the second wave of shocks began. Wang Chen is very clear. If this is a failure, basically it will fail.

Because his real power is being consumed quickly, his physical strength is also rapidly consumed. The most important thing is that the body's ability to withstand is also rapidly consumed.

If this is not successful, the next wave of impact will be even more powerless, and how can we break through this layer of shackles at that time?

The level of the Shenwu, it is not so easy to step into it.

"Give me a break...ah..."

The body is subjected to severe shocks, and Wang Chen screams.

He even concentrated all the energy to a little impact.


Under the violent shock, Wang Chen’s mind was even blank.


The blood is floating, his face is pale and bloodless.


The impact of a ** is more crazy than before.

The layer of shackles, finally under the madness of this kind of shock, began to loosen a little bit.


Finally, under the last impact of Wang Chen, this layer of shackles was opened a small hole.

There are countless real yuan forces who have found the mouth of catharsis.

Under the rush of these real elements, this channel has become larger and larger, and has gradually been broadened.

At this moment, that layer obstructed the Emperor and the Shenwu, in the middle, like an insurmountable peak, and finally under the impact of Wang Chen's madness, was defeated and began to collapse.


(You are a good man, Yuan Hao is happy, the dark night is here, I wish you all a happy new year, everything goes well, the horse is successful, the money is rolling,)

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