Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 524: mutation

The vine gradually calmed down after being barbed by the vine.

Looking at Wang Chen, he can only hate to bite his teeth.

"Bastard." After a snoring, he could only resist the murder, quietly followed the vines toward the front, and walked in the direction of Wang Chen.

Looking at the vines and the vines, this time, Wang Chen is not worried at all. He looks at the two people, and the sneer of the mouth is screaming.

Looking at the ugly face of the vines and the vines, it’s definitely awkward, but they just don’t dare to do it, which makes Wang Chen feel like laughing.


When he walked to Wang Chen, Wang Chen, who was sneer at the corner of his mouth, couldn’t help but scream.

"Wang Chen, don't be proud." Fujisaka is a gnashing snarl: "You are dead, I will let you go today, but you can't escape the end of death."

Now can't move Wang Chen, watching Wang Chen look like this, Fujisaki can't help but threaten Wang Chen.

"I am waiting."

Wang Chen is cold.

The emperor on the other side did not speak, but the gloomy face was more useful than speaking.

This led to the vines watching the eyes of the emperor, but also a cold voice.

"Young people, don't be too arrogant, otherwise, you don't know how to die."

"Who is Zhang Huan, my heart is clear." Wang Chen replied coldly.

"Good, very good, Wang Chen, you remember your words, go."

In the face of Wang Chen’s remarks, Teng Liqiang endured anger and sneered and looked at Wang Chen again and again, and the voice fell and he went away.

"Haha, kid, this time, the Fuji family is mad."

After the vines and vines went far away, 咲天启 finally couldn’t help but smile.

The face of Fujiwara just now, don’t mention how wonderful it is.

The three surnames and slaves seem to be arrogant and arrogant in the past few years. With that powerful strength, they have not seen anyone who can make his face so ugly.

In the face of Wang Chen’s younger generation, I have suffered such a big loss today. I can imagine how angry he is now.

"Okay, let's go, the battle is about to begin. In the past, I received a number plate."

There is no worries on the side of the water, listening to the laughter of Tianqiqi, laughing a bit and sighing.

This vine, but a full-fledged villain, offended him, but there is no good thing, maybe when will you give you a scorpion?

In particular, he is fascinated by the strength of the Fuji family, and he is not worried about dealing with such guys.

Under the rush of water, everyone went to the gathering area before the collapse.

At this moment, almost all of the Shenwu people have come. Here, there are already twenty-six seven Shenwu martial artists, and they are really strong.

When Wang Chen and others came over, everyone talked about it.

The things that happened before are all in their eyes.

Original, I thought that something would happen, but now it seems impossible.

Even if it is Teng Li, he does not dare to violate the rules and requirements left by the Three Kings.

The hatred between Fujia and Wang Chen is really full of gunpowder, but unfortunately, all of this may only be solved after waiting for the token battle today.


With Wang Chen and others coming to the gathering area, the time for drawing lots is also here.

This time, there are 24 people who participated in the battle for the last five tokens.

Teng Yu, Teng Li did not participate.

Obviously, Teng Li has a token and is simply not eligible to participate. As for Fujisawa.

Perhaps, a few days ago, Teng Li was planning to let him participate in the competition, and Fujisawa also wanted to participate in the competition.

It’s a pity that the battle before the three days really made the vines hang a line.

Now, relying on the powerful medicinal herbs is such a quick recovery. However, such recovery is not enough for Rattan to participate in this competition. He simply cannot exert all the strengths. Said that there is no chance.

This is also a very important reason why Fujia hates Wang Chen. Wang Chen not only let the Fuji family lose his face, but also let the Fuji family lose this opportunity.

Otherwise, with the strength of Fujisawa, it is very likely that a token will be obtained, so that with the vines, they will enter the city.

Now, all this is impossible.

Twenty-four people participated in the five tokens of this time, and people are really not too small.

Twenty-four people, and finally were divided into eight groups, two for each group.

Among them, people like Water Worry and Qi Tianqi are directly qualified to enter the next round. There are also eight people in this group. Together with the previous two groups, there are eight groups. The distribution of sixteen and twenty-four people was quickly completed.

Wang Chen, the emperor was quickly divided.

This time, Wang Chen’s luck is still quite good, and it’s a Zhu’s martial artist.

When seeing Wang Chen and himself in a group to compete for qualifications, the Zhu family's Shenwu people first glanced, and then revealed a hint of hidden smile.

"Wang Chen, yes." He nodded secretly.

As a martial artist of the Zhu family, he knows more things.

For example, the identity of Wang Chen, the importance of Wang Chen today.

Zhu Jia, can always be a family that firmly supports the true blood.

After knowing this result, he directly chose to give up.

This is equivalent to direct Jiang Wangchen to the top 16.

"True blood, good, come on, we Zhujia, stand on your side."

After giving up, in the ear of Wang Chen, the voice of the Zhujia Shenwu was heard.

Zhu Jia, this is already a token, so it is not a special pursuit for this token, and Zhu’s now has another Shenwu which directly entered the 16th It is in the middle, so it doesn’t matter if he gives up.

When I heard the rumors of the Zhujia Shenwu, Wang Chen looked at him and then looked at him, showing a bitter smile and gratitude.

The wry smile is, when do you need someone else to let yourself be like this.

Grateful is that Zhu can still sacrifice such a battle for himself.

This Zhu family... is not the first time to help yourself.

For a time, Wang Chen’s heart sighed.

Not only Wang Chen’s dissent and sigh, at this time, the rest of the Shenwu people on the other side, after hearing Zhu’s decision, made it even more bizarre.

This Zhu family... They even gave up the opportunity to compete, and gave it directly to Wang Chen, directly admit defeat.

This is not surprising.

This Zhu family, this move is not because they feel that they can't beat Wang Chen. On the contrary, Wang Chen's strength is too clear, but this has not yet entered the existence of the Shenwu, although three days ago The two wars made him famous, but it didn't make too many people regard him as the most dangerous person.

Instead, more people think that Wang Chen is a good deal.

And now Zhu is doing this...

This is obvious, Zhu Jia is selling Wang Chen's human feelings, this is in good with Wang Chen, and even hope to draw Wang Chen.

This makes many people look strange and strange.

After being surprised, more people looked at the vines and vines of the Fuji family.

This Fuji family is now with Wang Chen. There is no end to it. Before the two sides met, it was already full of gunpowder. This is an obvious thing. I believe Zhu’s family must have seen this.

And now, Zhu’s family is doing this...

The content inside is very big, and the amount of information contained is so much that many people are excited after being surprised.

This Zhu family... Is it necessary to support Wang Chen against the Fuji family?

Zhu Jiahe and Fujia, the relationship between the past may not be very good, but it is definitely not bad. At the very least, the relationship between the two sides belongs to the kind of well water that does not violate the river.

Between the two, there is no contradiction.

And now this move is bound to make the Fuji family angry, and between the Fuji family and the Zhu family...

Zhu, doing this is tantamount to setting up support for Wang Chen, and they have to fight against the Fuji family.

When the Fuji family offended the Zhu family, let the Zhu family do this.

The strength of Zhujia is even stronger than that of Fujiko... If it is true that Zhujia is against Fujiwara...

Thinking of this, everyone looked at the Fujiko's eyes and became strange, and some people even started gloating.


Feeling a lot of look at the eyes, the two sides sitting on the side of the tall and the vines and the vines look even more ugly.

Especially, Teng Li, before he saw Wang Chen participating in this token fight, he was very angry.

This has no chance to be assigned to the Zhu family at once, which makes Teng Li sneer again and again.

This strength of Zhu’s **** is not weak, Wang Chen... This is troublesome.

He even hopes that Zhu Jia can help himself kill Wang Chen.

Zhu Jia, although the relationship with Fujia is not very close, but it is not bad.

In the view of Teng Li, Zhu Jia saw the previous things. After knowing the hatred between Wang Chen and Fuji, he believed that he would know how to do it. After all, if he killed Wang Chen, it would definitely be given. Fujiko’s big face, when Fujikura is bound to double the reward.

Even if Zhu Jia will not kill Wang Chen, it will definitely not make Wang Chen feel good.

So, Teng Li almost waited to watch the show.

And now.

Now, what I got was such a result, which made Teng Li stunned.

Zhu, this **** Zhu family, what exactly is this?

He just let go of Wang Chen’s not giving Fujii’s face so simple. They did it, it was like a slap in the face of Fujiwara’s face, and it was undisguised. Kind.

Under such eyes, they so ruthlessly slap the vines of the vines, and for Wang Chen, they, what exactly do they want to do.

The vine family, when did they offend their Zhu family.

"Damn bastard."

Feeling the eyes of everyone singing and gloating, Fujio is about to blow up and be mad.

His roaring roar, his eyes turned red at this moment, and this feeling made him crazy.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the venue is gradually becoming weird, and between the major families, it seems to be undercurrent.

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