Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 522: Couple meets

In the depths of the Valley of the Dead, this is a huge open space.

The length and width have reached tens of thousands of meters. Within the open space, the vegetation has already been cut down. At this moment, a huge downfall has been built.

The contrast with this huge platform is that at this time, the people gathered here, but a dozen people, with Wang Chen, the emperor and the water without worry, but also the arrival of the apocalypse, also However, it is twenty-three.

This may be all of them.

Because there are 18 tokens in the purgatory, there are already 13 of them, and the remaining five are vying for today.

In other words, at the very least, there are thirteen people who won't participate in the token fight.

In the purgatory, but there are thirty ** gods.

Now it was killed by Wang Chen in one breath, seriously injured one, leaving thirty-seven, after subtracting thirteen, the remaining people, that is, twenty-three.

Among these 234 people, there are even a few who will not participate in the competition.

At the very least, the representative of the three kings will not participate.

In this case, the number of people competing for tokens suddenly dropped to around twenty.

So, the twenty-three people gathered here at this moment, that is, all the people who might be vying for the token, this can be said to be the largest level of personnel.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen sighed.

At the same time, my heart has risen to infinite hope.

"Chen, murderous."

When Wang Chen was filled with emotion, suddenly, at the side of Wang Chen, the emperor Bai Bai said quietly.

Even, you don’t need to talk in vain. At this moment, Wang Chen has already felt this murderousness. In an instant, the whole person is tense.

Hurricane, yes, it is murderous, and, Wang Chen can be 100% sure, this murder is directed at himself, otherwise, it will not be so deep into the bone marrow.

Looking in the direction of murderous, Wang Chen’s pupil instantly shrank.

"Teng Li,."

When I saw the person who released the murderousness to myself, Wang Chen’s heart suddenly jumped.

Teng Yu, yes, at this moment, the person who looks at Wang Chen silently is not the vine.

A few hundred meters away, two figures appeared in Wang Chen’s sight.

Teng Li, Fujisaki, is the two of Fujiko.

Unexpectedly, they even came to this place, just arrived here in front of Wang Chen.

Especially Fujisaka, he even came, and he was seriously injured...

Looking at this time, Wang Chen’s brow was locked in the vines wrapped in the bandage.

After the battle of the third day, Fujisawa was not killed, but he was also seriously injured. This kind of injury is impossible to recover without a month.

Even if it is Wang Chen, there is a body that King Kong is not bad. Under such an injury, it may take another two or three days to recover.

And now the rattan...

Does he also have any powerful methods of quenching the body, or, in other words, the vines have found a powerful drug for the vine, so...

Wang Chen’s pupils contracted, and his eyes became cold and serious.

As for the vines...

This is what Wang Chen is most worried about. It is not a good thing that he appears here.

Even, Wang Chen had to feel that his luck was still very good.

If you don’t come to the side with a worry-free water and apocalypse, if you come across the cane alone, even Wang Chen can’t reach here.

Today, even if he is teamed up with the Emperor, he is not an opponent of Teng Li.


When seeing Wang Chen, when Wang Chen’s brow was locked and his expression was dignified, Teng Li was a cold voice.

Wang Chen, he really came.

Before three days, because of the blockage of the Xuanwu family, and because of the worry-free blockade of water, it was not able to kill Wang Chen. This is the biggest knot of Fujio.

This makes him hate to bite his teeth.

In a few days, in order to find the Tiandi Dibao treatment for Fujisawa, he had to give up looking for Wang Chen’s revenge.

Tiancheng is about to open, and Fujiko has a token. Of course, Fujiki does not want to miss this opportunity.

Under his permission, he spent huge financial and material resources to exchange a holy medicine with a predecessor.

With the help of holy medicine, the vines in the three days have recovered most of their injuries. Now they are able to walk freely. Before Tiancheng starts, they will all recover.

Thinking of that effort, Teng Li is even more murderous.

The one-off effort made the Fuji family lose almost half of the resources.

The capital of all these crimes is Wang Chen. For this remedy, even if this time can't find the most compensation resources in Tiancheng, they will be energized for the next ten years. The big injury, the strength is greatly reduced, this has a little feeling of killing chickens and taking eggs. It can be said that the vine is fighting.

Under such circumstances, he can not hate Wang Chen.

Today, he did not intend to appear in such a place.

But, because I heard that Wang Chen might come back, so Teng Li also came, he was looking for an opportunity to kill Wang Chen.

Now, seeing Wang Chen Teng Li, while exhaling a breath, even unabashedly released his own murderousness and shrouded Wang Chen.

Today, you must kill Wang Chen.

Not only the vines hate to bite their teeth at this time.

This is especially true in the vines around the vine.

Under the bandage, the eyes are like the eyes of a viper at the moment, full of haze, full of aggression.

This Wang Chen, let him almost die, let the Fuji family face lost, the loss is heavy, these days, he became a laughing stock, and also became a stepping stone for Wang Chen to make Wang Chen famous again...

All this, let him not hate Wang Chen.

Even, he hates Wang Chen more than Teng Li, and wants to kill Wang Chen.

"Damn bastard."

There was a snoring in my heart, and the eyes of Fujisawa constantly changed. He even wanted to rush to the front to kill Wang Chen.

The two people’s eyes became more and more cold, which made Wang Chen more nervous.

This is really true of the sentence: not the family does not gather, the enemy meets extraordinarily jealous.

Now is this the case?

"Chen, they are very strong."

White 犟 also noticed the two, and felt the momentum of the two people do not hide, said in front of Wang Chen.


Wang Chen smiled a bit and just said two words.

"Tengjia,, Fujisawa was killed by you."

蝎皇 has been sleeping for half a year, too many things are not understood, including things that were three days ago.

But, he also guessed something in the first place.


Wang Chen nodded.

The white **** suddenly wrinkled his brow.

If it is a hand, he and Wang Chen can hardly resist the two people.

Even if the other person has a serious injury, it will not be shot.

For a time, the day is also silent.

The atmosphere in the room, because the murderousness at this moment has solidified.

Before those who said that they were laughing, they were quiet at this time, and they noticed the situation here. They quickly looked at Wang Chen and Teng Li and others.

"Teng Li, Wang Chen."

"Yeah, Teng Li has come, he is looking for Wang Chen."

"Isn't it, oh... this vine... oh... he must have killed Wang Chen."

"This Wang Chen, let the Fujiko face lose a lot of damage, vine can let him go."

"The relationship between Fujisawa and Fujimori... all know, now that Wang Chen has killed the vines and seriously injured the vines. This vine can be a good rest, if not the two brothers of the Xuanwu family help the king three days ago. Chen’s words, now Wang Chen is already dead.

Today, this is not to avenge, but to do something.

After seeing Teng Li and Wang Chen, those martial artists who were present could not help but sigh.

The things of Wang Chen and Fujiki have spread a year ago, and before three days, they have deteriorated to the point where they can't be added. This is the result of endless death. How can people not know.

"This time Wang Chen is in trouble."

"The vine is also coming."

"I heard that Teng Li has exchanged a heavy gold with the drug king for a continued life and strengthens Dan. It is definitely intended to let Fujisawa reply before Tiancheng opens."

"Continue Dan and strengthen Dan, this cane is really bloody, hey, even the Fuji family is going out."

After seeing the vines appearing here, everyone is even more at a loss.

There is obviously a spread of vines in exchange for medicinal herbs.

After all, everyone turned their attention away from the upcoming token battle, and placed it on Teng Li and Wang Chen.

Tengjia, one of the six major families, the Wang family, the most powerful new force, what kind of sparks will be rubbed by the collision of these two sides.

I heard that the Wang family also has an ancestor in the sixth floor of Purgatory, that is, there are few appearances, mysterious battles, and he, how did it not appear...

After looking around, everyone’s heart raised a trace of doubt.

Wang Chen has such a big thing, the Wang family’s ancestors’ battle is indifferent, which is a bit unscientific.

"Oh, kid, your troubles are coming."

When everyone’s arguments were speculated, not far from Wang Chen’s side, the water and the wit with Wang Chen came together and looked at each other with a smile. The water was worry-free and did not speak. It is said that Tianqi said to Wang Chen.


A deep breath, Wang Chen nodded.

The trouble is coming, not only trouble, but even a dead end.

"Kid, how, there is no helper."

咲天启见见王辰 did not speak, continue to ask.

Wang Chen shook his head.

"Hey... take your trouble, the old man and the water will not participate in such a thing." Yan Tianqi brows, then screamed.

Obviously, he will not participate in this battle, especially the family fight.

Dissipation, the most taboo is such a thing, even if his strength is very strong.

After 咲天启, let Wang Chen’s heart sink more.

The result he guessed, so below...

Today, it seems that no one can help myself. It seems that I have to solve this problem on my own.

Teng Li, Fujisaki.

The threat of death is approaching Wang Chen at this time.

Is it impossible to avoid a battle today,

The appearance of the vine and the vines not only made Wang Chen fall into extreme danger, but also broke a series of plans before Wang Chen.

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