Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 514: Death is pervasive

After the wind, Wang Chen did not stop, it was directly exposed to thunderstorms,


A loud noise came.

The horrible power that Wang Chen saved before, suddenly broke out at this moment, and broke out before the vines had time to escape.


With this release of energy, there is no time to escape the vines. This is a wide-eyed, stunned look with a stunned look.

Unfortunately, his voice was quickly drowned in the explosion.


The explosion at this moment seems to have shaken the heavens and the earth.

The horrible temper, which merged with Suzaku Hunting, turned into a tiger and swallowed away toward the vine.


The blood is floating, and the vines are not directly resisted, and they are directly blasted out.

The whole body seems to be broken.

The soul of the soul has been hit hard. At this moment, the body has also suffered a terrible blow.

This time, the vines were assaulted and flew out like a shell.

Where the body passes, everything is turned into smash.

This is a thunderstorm, but it absorbs the real power of a layer of Fujisawa and incorporates the power of Wang Chen’s stars and the power of a layer of real power.

Even, it is the effect of incorporating the flames of Suzaku.

In this case, the power is imaginable.

Fuji, under this trick, no direct commandment is a very good luck.

Seeing that Fujisawa was so blasted out, the water in the distance, and other people, the mouth is stunned.

"This kid..."

"Wang Chen, he turned out to be..."

Looking at this scene, everyone is speechless, they are already ignorant of what to say.

This is the strength of Wang Chen, it is really terrible.

A martial artist has such a strong anti-Japanese power, no wonder he can kill the vine.

Now, even the vines are...

When watching the scene where Fujisawa was smashed out, Wu Kun took a breath of cold air.

Think of the scene before playing with Wang Chen, he is a lucky one.

Wu Kun is not arrogant.

If he really starts with Fujisawa, he really can't beat the Fujisawa, and even the chance of defeat is very high.

And now, Wang Chen has taken a few tricks to see what it looks like now...

At that time, if Wang Chen’s shot was to deal with himself with all his strength, if you use these moves, then you are not...

Wu Kun is afraid to think about it.


When everyone looked at each other, Wang Chen was not idle.

Under a roar, after the smashing of the vine, he mentioned the last real body shape flash in his body, and he went straight to the vine.

Getting started, how can he let go of such an opportunity?

Wang Chen is very clear that the reason why he can get such a situation at this moment is not really because his strength is super strong.

In contrast, if you say the true strength, Wang Chen is not able to catch up with Fujisawa, and that speed field is enough for him to eat a pot.

The main reason why he can get the current situation is that in the speed field, the advantage of Fujisaka is too great. The advantage is already so big that the vines are unscrupulous and the vines are so big. Take it lightly, he believes that he must be able to kill Wang Chen.

In this case, he gradually relaxed his alert.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Chen was given the opportunity to attack.

Under the mantra of the nine-character manuscript, the vines that rushed to the front are forced to retreat. Of course, there is also a lot of luck in this.

When Wang Chen was again a blue light burst into the speed field.

This speed field is very powerful, and it is definitely a strong combat field. However, there are often some defects in this field, that is, the defense is very low.

Otherwise, if Wang Chen can directly destroy the field, it is really hard to say.

If it is impossible to destroy the field... It is death to meet Wang Chen.

Fortunately, he was ruined.

So, he has devastated the **** of the vine.

Finally, the combination of wind and thunderstorm martial arts is surprisingly successful.

Wang Chen’s battle, the luck component has to be said.

Wang Chen, who knows all these reasons, is afraid to have a big intention and a lighthearted attitude in such a situation.

He must be cautious.

When you are sick, you want to kill, Wang Chen can still let go.

It’s not that the vine died, that is, he died.

He doesn't want to die, that is naturally to let the vines die.

Rely on the Yuanyuan force that Yuanyuan Dan has continuously recovered, Wang Chen has a sigh of relief and his body shape flashes. Fengshen stepped out quickly.


Incorporating the step of Fengshen, the speed is greatly improved.

It’s just a blink of an eye, Wang Chen rushed hundreds of meters.

Shrinking into the inch, one step ten meters.


When the body of Fujisawa’s body fell on the ground and spit blood, Wang Chen had once again approached the front of Fujisawa.

"Zilong Thunder."

Under the coldness, in the panicked eyes of Fujisawa, Wang Chen directly blasted the purple cloud thunder.

This trick may not be the most powerful, but the speed of display is the fastest, and the real power consumed is the least.

For this moment of Wang Chen, this move is undoubtedly the best choice.


With the display of Zilong Thunder God, suddenly, the black clouds rolled, and the lightning flashed above the sky.

Endless thunder and lightning, like raindrops, smashing down.

A thunder and lightning, as if it were a dragon, a snake, and a flash.


These lightnings fell, igniting the sound of the tremors of the sky, the majesty and the sensation.

In addition to these lightnings, at this moment, in the air, a purple dragon is added to the air.

After the long scream of the dragon, he swooped down and went straight to the vine.


Feeling the suffocating momentum, watching the purple dragons swooping down and the endless lightning that fell, the vines snarled.

His body shape suddenly jumped, and the infinite potential of the body was stimulated.

The hand-held soldiers are resisting toward the front.


Changlong, the smashing impact on the vines of the vines, endless thunder and lightning, the entire body of the vines covered up the purple.

White light rises into the sky, and the screams of the vines are covered in the roar, and his figure gradually disappears into the eyes of everyone.


After showing this trick, Wang Chen stood in the same place and gasped with a big mouth.

He is really powerful, almost exhausted, returning to Yuan Dan, still helping him recover, physical strength is also the loss of the eye.

Looking at the falling thunder and lightning, this time, he did not continue to pursue, but waited quietly.

Waiting for it is Wang Chen alone.

There are still people like water, they are waiting.

Looking at the rattan covered by lightning, their mouths twitched.

Whoever thought that it would develop into such a result, Fujisaka turned out to be...

He, it won't die.

There was a strange feeling in the hearts of everyone.

The next moment, they subconsciously stood on the side, holding the soldiers of Yuanli, bending over, and Wang Chen, who was slightly breathing, looked at Wang Chen. The eyes of these people are complicated and weird. .

This Wang Chen, really is a voluptuous existence, this is simply against the sky.

If the vine is really killed by him, then... Today, within one day, he killed two martial artists, and killed the two martial artists in succession. What a feat of this, there is no one before, and it is difficult to come behind.

And Fujiko, perhaps because of today’s World War I, is on the road to decline.

In the past 100 years, the strength of the Fuji family has grown steadily, and gradually competed with the other five major blood families. After the First World War, they must be badly hurt. Within a hundred years, there is no chance to compete with the major families. what.

The rattan family was planted in the hands of Wang Chen alone.

The family of Nuo Da was actually taken to the path of decline by one person. This is unprecedented.


The lightning flashed down and formed a strong grid covering the vines.

The blue light above the power grid flashed past and dazzled.


"Give me a break, ah ah..."

After a quiet moment, when everyone was waiting for the result, a sudden roar came from the grid.



The next moment, a burst of crisp sound came, and thunderstorms came.

I saw that the power grid that covered the vines in the past was instantly smashed and blasted.

The endless thunder and lightning, as if it were in substance, should be broken.

The lightning flashed apart and the next moment, the figure of the vine was turned into a stream of lightning and rushed out.

The blue smoke rolled, and when the vine appeared in front of everyone, everyone was shocked.

This... Fujisaki, even this is not dead.

It was covered by lightning and bombarded by Zilong. At the moment, the vines are so miserable, that is how miserable.

Being black, the clothes have disappeared without a trace, and the pieces of bare ~ exposed muscles ~ skin at this moment, as if it is for coke, black and white.

Even, you can smell the smell of cooked meat.

The Seven Miles at this moment, covered with the already painted black blood, make him seem to climb out of hell.

It’s only the eyes that can be seen, and the eyes are covered with red blood, because of anger, but also because of pain.


After rushing out of the power grid, at this moment, Fujisaka was soft on the ground, breathing and screaming.

He has exhausted all his strength.

At this moment, he felt that the body did not seem to be his own, he was dying.


In this case, when the vines came back without breathing, Wang Chen’s cold snoring came again.

The purple thunder dragon did not kill the vine, and Wang Chen was not surprised. He was well prepared.

So, in the first time that Fujisawa was killed, Wang Chen was screaming and rushed toward the vine.

He, once again, went to the vine.

This time, Fujisawa is inevitable.

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