Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 472: Resurrection

The vine is actually a rattan. Visit the download txt novel.

After seeing the person who appeared here at this moment turned out to be a vine, the vine's expression was instantly distorted.

Who is it, who is doing this to Fujisawa.

The moment of Fujisawa, it is anger.

"Fuji, actually turned into a rattan, he... how could he do this."

"Who did it."

"God, it’s Fujisawa, it’s actually him..."

These martial artists around, at this moment, after seeing Fujisawa, they were shocked.

No one can think of it. The person buried under the rubble is actually the vine, the martial artist of the Fuji family.

This Fuji family, in the sixth floor of Purgatory, is also considered to be a small force. The three martial artists are more than the warriors of the warriors, and the Zhu family, the Xuanwu family and the Liu family. Poor, only the four martial artists of the White House have one more than them.

Moreover, the boss of the Fuji family, Teng Li, that is the top five strong, second only to the three kings, and the strongest of the Liu family.

Now that Fujisawa is made to look like this, this is a big deal.

Who is who will do this kind of thing.

Everyone has a face and looks differently.

"Vine 霾...嘿嘿..."

And seeing that Fujisawa appeared here, Qing Tianqiu’s mouth showed a sneer...

This Fuji family was originally considered to be attached to his staff. Unfortunately, in the past ten years, with the rise of the Fujiko boss, there seems to be some signs of getting out of his control.

Just, he is too lazy to pay attention to it.

Teng Li, his Qing Tianqiu has not been put in the eye, originally thought, after a while, after the customs clearance, to clean up these guys, he would like to see how the Fuji family resisted.

This did not happen, someone shot first than himself.

Now, it seems to be lively, and Fujisawa is made like this. Rattan is the scorpion of the vine, and what kind of performance will the vine have?

Qing Tianqiu’s mouth reveals a playful smile.

"Fuji, it is him."

The white night of one side, this moment is also a wrinkle, subconsciously looked at Qing Tianqiu.

Teng family, who was originally a Qing Tianqiu, what reaction would he have, just to see the expression of Qing Tianqiu, the white night sighed.

Tengjia, it really is a gap with him. Now, he is estimated to be watching the fun, and even if the Fuji family does not have any gap with him, it is estimated that he will not react, this Qingtian Enmity, can not care about the life and death of anyone.

Not to mention the rattan that has the opposite signs.

This makes White Night sigh a sigh.

At the same time, the brow is locked.

Who is doing this thing.

His secret doubts;

"Sure enough, it is a rattan, it seems..."

The difference between Bai Yeming and Qing Tianqiu is that after seeing the vine, the pupil of the blood Tianxiong suddenly shrinks.

Sure enough, as he expected, this thing has something to do with the vine, and the vine is now buried under the rubble, dying, the culprit, except Wang Chen, he can hardly think of other people.

This thing, for sure, is what Wang Chen has done.

Wang Chen, when did he have such strength? This scene, this momentum, this is not the ordinary Shenwu can not do.

And he...

After a sudden, he has something that is not calm.

How did Wang Chen do this, and this moment became the most wonderful thing for Xue Tianxiong.

According to Xue Tianxiong’s understanding, it seems that more than four months ago, Wang Chen was under the hands of Fujisaka, but it was a counterattack force, and he was almost killed. If it was not the last ambassador of the sacred mountain, Wang Chen It’s already dead.

This kid, but did not step into the ranks of the gods of war, it seems that relying on the stars of the stars, the strength of the Shenwu.


Do you say that...he...the star quenched, with such terrible power.

This is not right.

The atmosphere inside the venue, this moment, suddenly surprised, everyone thinks.

"Qing Zu, this thing, you have to be the master of our rattan."

After the heartbreaking roar, Fujisawa was in the first place, seeking help from Qing Tianqiu.

Although, the Fuji family has the signs of reversing, but on the surface, they are still not able to be fair and arrogant, resentful against Qing Tianqiu, isn’t it?

And, now they may need the help of Qing Tianqiu.

"I, uh... I can't do this Lord, vine, let him go."

When you heard the vines, there was a faint glimmer of light in the eyes of Qing Tianqiu.

Tengjia, he will also help Fujia, a joke.

Now, he is curious about who has such strength, and he doesn’t even know it. This makes him want to see it.

His favorite is such a strong.

The words of Qing Tianqiu can be said to make the face of Fujisawa change again and again.

This Qing Tianqiu......

Did he perceive what they were, and they wanted to rebel against the shackles of Qing Tianqiu, and that was also acting in secret, no outsiders knew, this Qing Tianqiu...

In the heart of Fujisawa, suddenly there was a trace of uneasiness.

"This kid, still have a sigh of relief, don't want him to die, now rescue, there is a chance... otherwise, oh..."

Ignore the feeling of Fujisawa, and Qing Tianqiu said faintly again.

When I heard Qing Tianqiu, the vines slammed, and the next moment, I quickly returned to God and carefully patted the vines.

A carefully preserved purple jade box was taken from his arms, and the vines pulled out a black medicinal herb from the inside.

Take out this medicinal herb, and the vine's mouth is pumping out, showing a trace of reluctance.

And with the emergence of this medicinal herb, for a moment, a scent of fragrance, in an instant, it spread a distance of tens of meters.

The fragrance is elegant and refreshing.

"Continue Dan, hehe... I didn't expect it..."

Seeing this medicinal herb, Qing Tianqiu’s eyes flashed through, revealing a strange, sneer.

"Continue Dan, I did not expect that this Fuji family still has a continued life Dan."

"Oh my God, it is a continued life."

Everyone around, this moment is also very strange.

Continue the life of Dan, this is a magical medicine that can live a dead man and a flesh-and-blood bone. A hundred years ago, a generation of medical sages, all the hardships, wading through the mountains, seeking the treasures of heaven and earth, and struggling with hard work, this refines the thirty Six, the strongest in the world, for this reason.

I don’t know how many strong people, I have to work hard, I want to get one, but there is no chance at all.

It is said that only six bloodline families were awarded the continuation of life, and there were some hidden powers and some people who contributed Tianmudibao. It is also hard to get one of the life-changing Dans. The rest are Is it not qualified?

This continued life Dan is almost equal to one more life.

Unexpectedly, the vine's life-changing Dan, even though it still exists, is on this vine.

Looking at the continued life Dan, many people swallowed and swallowed, this temptation is too great.

If you know that this vine has such a treasure, perhaps, I don’t know how many people have already started with Fujisaka.

When seeing Fujisawa, he continued to send Dan to the mouth of Fujisawa, and everyone was filled with emotion.

Continue the life of Dan, the entrance is instant, and in an instant, a warm stream flows through the vines.

A dying, life-saving vines, this moment, under the moisturization of this warm current, instantly, I feel a chance to survive.

Zhen Yuanli runs autonomously and integrates into this warm current. In an instant, the inside of the body seems to be like a dew, and a glow occurs,

Continue to Dan, it really is a well-deserved reputation. In the blink of an eye, the naked eye can be seen, the ruined body of Fujisawa, the horrible wound, this moment, under the eyes of everyone, began to recover quickly.

This scene really makes many people stunned.

Continue the life of Dan, it is really strong.


I don't know how long it took, finally, this vine, the body shook a little, and gave a scorn.

"Vine, Rattan..."

Seeing this scene, Fujisawa suddenly became nervous and cried.

"Vine... Rattan are come."

Under the call of Fujisawa, Fujisaka slowly opened his eyes and looked at the rattan in front of him. After swallowing his throat, he opened his mouth and asked with a slightly hoarse voice.

" are...nothing...nothing."

Seeing that Fujisawa is still so weak, Fujisaki asked with concern.

"Nothing... Nothing, continue life... Continue to die Dan, you give me... Use the life-changing Dan."

After the vines felt their physical condition, some of them moved to look at the vines.

Teng family, there are only two pieces of life-changing Dan, one, used to Vinegar 50 years ago, and one, in the hands of Fujisawa, has been preserved, I did not expect that this is actually ... used by myself It is.

How precious is this continuation of Dan?

Can vines not be touched?

"Bastard... Wang... Wang Chen... Wang Chen, you bastard, I want to kill you... Kill you, kill you, ah, ah..."

The next moment, there was a bit of strength, the vines struggled for a moment, began to grind their teeth, and madly roared.

In his eyes, this moment, it is full of hatred...

In his heart, this moment, it is full of anger...

He couldn’t wait for Wang Chen’s skin, took his ribs and drank his blood.

I actually ate such a big loss in front of Wang Chen, so that he could be willing.

Clearly, my own strength, compared to Wang Chen, I don’t know how much, but I actually ate a big loss. Whoever put it on it, whoever has to endure it.

The face is lost, life and death are a moment, this is the tone that makes him unable to swallow.

"Wang Chen."

"What, Wang Chen."

After hearing the roar of Fujisawa, all the people present were surprised. Everyone was wide-eyed and looked at the vines incredulously.

Wang Chen.

This name is like a thunder at the moment, exploding in the hearts of everyone...

At this moment, everyone is lost, they are all surprised, and they are shocked.

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