Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 447: Do not die (second more)

Under this vine's palm, there is no resistance, and Wang Chen is slammed.

With a dull roar, the tears spread and spread.

There was no time for even a screaming scream. Under the eyes of utterly and desperately, Wang Chen’s whole person, in such an instant, was torn apart and disappeared without a trace.

"Ha ha ha, Wang Chen...hahaha... but this is true, the blood of the gods, how is it, not killed by me... hahaha... From now on, Tian Xuan mainland, no king Chen."

Looking at Wang Chen’s flesh and blood, in the blink of an eye, disappeared without a trace, and Fujisawa sneered loudly.


Yes, at this moment, Wang Chen died completely, and there is no residue left in the meat. This is not death. What is it?

The face is full of crazy and sneer sneer, the vine roars and vents.

At this moment, he feels that the world is underground, only he is the king, the blood of the gods, nothing.

"Zhu family, next, it's your turn, you wait to die."

After a moment, after a deep breath, the vine sneered loudly, looking at the distant sky, muttering.

This time, Fujita suffered repeated blows. Undoubtedly, in the view of Fujisawa, this is definitely what Wang Chen is heading, Zhu Jiafu Zuo, can do things. Otherwise, with Wang Chen’s ability, how can it be done? Such a big thing, especially outside the purgatory, the thing that the Fuji family suffered, this must be done by the Zhu family, and even the rest of the family who loyal to the true blood of the gods also participated in this matter.

Now, Wang Chen is already dead, so, below, it is his turn to retaliate.

The fifth floor of Purgatory, there seem to be several people in Zhujia, so let's start with these people.

With his eyes open, the vines quickly decided.

"Domain, receive."

After a moment, a scorn, only to see the vines in the blink of an eye, is to close the enchantment.

With his gathering, the field disappeared without a trace, and the field of the Shenwu people disappeared at this moment.

And at the moment of gathering the field, Fujisawa did not notice that in the grass that was a hundred meters away from him, there was a piece of flesh and blood that was squirming at the moment, as if there was life, constantly The growth, the power of the stars around, is rapidly gathering toward it.

Blood, flowing on it, looks, shocking.

If you can identify it carefully, it will be a big surprise.

Because this is not ordinary flesh and blood, this is the heart.

Yes, it is the heart, the most important place for a person, a warrior, a place for the storage of blood.

And this is the heart of Wang Chen.

When the arms were torn open, Wang Chen realized that it was not good.

He knows that he has fallen into a position of mortality, but how can he be willing to die, he must find a way to break through the predicament.

Soon, Wang Chen found hope, saw hope, and brought hope to him. It was a powerful star quenching body.

Yes, it’s the star quenching body.

The star quenching body, after being cultivated into the ranks of the stars, the body's ability to recover is already greatly enhanced.

And, in the eightfold body, the ranks of the nine heavy bodies have been able to regenerate the broken arm and reborn the limbs, not to mention that Wang Chen, nowadays, has stepped into the tenth body, and the tears of King Kong are not bad. .

Although under a thousand times of gravity, Wang Chen’s King Kong’s not bad body defense was greatly reduced, which led to the tearing of his arms.

But, Wang Chen is not worried at all, King Kong's body, not bad body, Wang Chen stepped into the ranks of the ten heavy body, to restore the broken arm, it is only a matter of minutes and seconds.

In terms of the ability of the ten-fold body, as long as the blood does not die, Wang Chen is immortal. Therefore, after entering the ranks of King Kong, it can be said that Wang Chen has already stepped into the immortality. Among the ranks of extinction.

As long as there is a drop of blood still there, then Wang Chen can quickly restore the flesh by relying on this drop of blood, and reshape the flesh with the power of the stars. This is the strongest place for the stars to quench, and few people Know the place.

So, at that time, Wang Chen was not thinking about the broken arms, the consequences, or how to regenerate his arms.

He is more about how to escape.

In this case, Wang Chen quickly decided...

He knows that it is impossible to jump out of this field by his own strength, and it is impossible to escape the pursuit of the vine.

With the strength of Fujisawa, killing Wang Chen ten times eight times, there is no problem at all.

Once, when he discovered the problem of Wang Chen’s blood and let the vines destroy the blood, then it’s finished.

So, Wang Chen can't continue to compete against it.

In this case, he chose to take risks.

That is death.

The vine, don’t you want to let Wang Chen die?

Wang Chen simply died to show him, let Fujisawa completely relax his vigilance. In addition, Wang Chen is very convinced that once the battle is over, Fujisaki will not think of so many things, and will not think that he can still be resurrected. Next, he is bound to withdraw the field.

At that time, it was the opportunity of Wang Chen.

Because of this adventure plan, Wang Chen will be hit hard in the final stage, without the slightest resistance. Finally, even under the palm of the vine, the ash is annihilated, and the death cannot Die again.

But, whether it is Fujisawa or anyone, who can think of it, this is a plan of Wang Chen.

In the moment when the body was torn apart, Wang Chen, who had already prepared, was controlling the gods to jump out of his body. With the help of the vines, the gods escaped and saved the infant of reincarnation.

Next, it is forced to get dirty.

His blood, all in the heart, in the scene of broken meat, the heart flies out together, the vine is also difficult to pay attention to, he also can not think of Wang Chen will do so.

So, to do so, Wang Chen is equal to the capital of the resurrection.

The blood, the gods are saved, and Wang Chen still needs to worry about.

The eye of Suzaku, but it has already merged into the **** of Wang Chen, and it has merged into the existence of Wang Chen's blood, and it is impossible to disappear.

Death, for Wang Chen, it is not a matter of fear.

At most, I can only say that this is the first time I did this kind of thing. Wang Chen had a little nervousness and worry.

Fortunately, Wang Chen’s plan was going very smoothly, and everything was in his plan.

As he expected, as the battle ended, the quick vines removed the space.

After all, the vines that have just stepped into the ranks of the martial artists, supporting the double-attribute field of a thousand times of gravity, need to spend energy, which is difficult to estimate and anticipate.

He can't hold on for too long.

All this has been counted by Wang Chen.

At this moment, Wang Chen is using the essence of blood, under the control of the gods, quickly began to restore his life, with the power of the stars, reshape the body.

And all these things, the vines that I don’t know at all, are still full of joy, thinking that Wang Chen has completely disappeared, and the blood of the true **** has completely disappeared.

So, after sneer, he quickly moved forward.

This time, he has to take the initiative.

Suzaku family, it is time to let this **** family pay some painful price.

Teng Yu, but I don’t know, a huge threat is rapidly approaching him.


The wind and the wind, the power of the stars, the mysterious power, although Fujisawa noticed something wrong, but it is not the power of such stars, he can not think of Wang Chen actually took advantage of this opportunity, here, quickly Reinventing the flesh and attempting to resurrect.

It’s just that after the battle, the residual energy is raging in the space. It can only be said that the death of Wang Chen is really letting the vines relax too much and lose their vigilance...

This is another great opportunity for Wang Chen.

As the vines turned and left, under the control of Wang Chen, the endless energy was integrated into the blood of Wang Chen.

With the heart as the center, Wang Chen’s body, at this moment, in the messy grass, began to quickly reshape, and began to evolve rapidly at the speed visible to the naked eye.

"Give me a call..."

There was a roar in my heart, and I felt that the vines walked out of the kilometer, and Wang Chen was engulfing energy with unbridled madness.

Brushing brush...

Under the control of the soul, I don’t know how much energy is coming together.

These energies, as if they were the rivers of the Yangtze River, were poured into the body of Wang Chen, which was twisted and not completely formed.

The body is reshaped and the bones are reshaped.

The blood of Shenwu, the blood of the whole body, is re-growth under the guidance of the blood...


The flow and evolution of energy bursts, even bringing a low voice.

In less than a moment, it is clear to see that Wang Chen’s body has re-condensed.

This is the body of the complete star power, from transparency to solidification...

The resurrection of Wang Chen is being carried out step by step.

It’s been a while, and as another energy is completely merged, Wang Chen’s whole person becomes solid.

"Give me up."

Finally, after the main parts of the whole body have been reshaped, Wang Chen sneaked, and from the messy grass, it was instantly popping up...


With Wang Chen playing, suddenly bursts of crisp blasting sounds, Wang Chen's body, as if it was a small universe, began to violently blast.

Under the new body, let Wang Chen feel that the whole body is full of strength.

With the further improvement of the body, Wang Chen suddenly realized that he had an unexpected harvest.


After realizing this harvest, Wang Chen’s eyes widened and a smile on his lips began to spread gradually.

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