Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 441: Shenwu!

The voice fell, and the figure flashed. In the blink of an eye, Wang Chen rushed toward the vine.

The body of the star-hardened body is completely strengthened.


In the body, there was a sudden burst of blasting sound.

Every cell is fully mobilized at this moment.

Each piece of bone began to strengthen, making a burst of blasting sound.


A roar, Wang Chen hands his fingers and tears away toward the vine.

"Looking for death."

Seeing Wang Chen rushing toward himself, Fujisawa is also a gloomy anger.

Wang Chen dared to take the lead in front of him, this is not looking for death.

Since I know that Wang Chen is a member of the black hand behind the scenes, Fujisawa’s anger is even more so. Today, he must kill Wang Chen.

Under a roar, the real element on his body rolled and moved out.

In a moment, the red light is shining.


After then, a flash of anger on his face flashed his hands toward Wang Chen.

The figure flashed, and in the twinkling of an eye, the vines rushed to the front of Wang Chen.

This time, he chose a direct impact.


The general bang of the landslides came.

The whole moment of the earth seems to have shaken.


A powerful force rushed into Wang Chen’s body, leaving Wang Chen’s face with a different expression and shocked expression...



After the bang, Wang Chen went all the way.


Suppressing the tumbling blood in the body, Wang Chen looked at the vines incredulously.


Wang Chen finally couldn’t help but say it.

Shenwu, isn't it? At this moment, Wang Chen is completely clear, and this vine is actually a **** warrior.

A powerful and powerful warrior.

No one can think of it. Fujisaki has already broken through the last obstacle and entered the ranks of the gods, among the Shenwu people.

This is something that Wang Chen did not expect.

If it is a vine or a martial artist, even if it is a great perfection, Wang Chen will not have any fear. You must know that under the martial arts, now, Wang Chen is invincible.

Even if it is the great perfection of the Emperor, Wang Chen is not afraid.

But now, this vine is stepping into the ranks of the martial arts.

Although it is only the first-level Shenwu, but this is also the Shenwu, Shenwu and the Great Perfection, although there is only one line, but it is a thousand miles.

This line is an insurmountable gap, and it is a huge scorpio.

The strength of this line is a thousand miles, thousands of miles.

Be aware that although Wang Chen has reached the body of King Kong, it is only the strength of a quasi-sword warrior. Yes, it is a quasi-sword warrior, because the real warrior has the ability to control the field, but It is not Wang Chen's possession. In essence, the gap between Wang Chen and Shenwu is not small. Perhaps the only advantage is the powerful body and the ability to shuttle space.

Now, Fujisawa is a martial artist, and Wang Chen really does not have much confidence to kill this person.

Now, Wang Chen can only hope that the vine has no ability to control the field. Only in this way can there be hope for victory. Otherwise, it is really dangerous.

"Shenwu, hahaha... Yes, the deity is stepping into the ranks of the martial arts, Wang Chen, you can't think of it, hahaha... Today is your death,~"

Sneering again and again, Fujisawa, murderous at this moment.

"Sure enough, it is a warrior." Wang Chen's heart jumped, and the tone suddenly fell.

This time, it is a huge danger.

"Hey, if you don't have a helper, you will die. If you don't think that your body is so strong, it seems that you are practicing, and the stars of the stars are quenching. However, Even so, you have to die."

Next, after seeing Wang Chen did not help out to help him, Fujisawa sneered, his body shape flashed once and flew toward Wang Chen.

_"Teng snake winding."

Under the light drink, Fujisawa exhibited a powerful entanglement of the snake, which is the inheritance martial arts of the Teng snake family.

Although, some time ago, Wang Chen had easily destroyed this trick. At that time, Wang Chen easily killed Fujii.

But at this moment, this trick, which was displayed in the hands of Fujisawa, is not the same. This power does not know how many thousand times and tens of thousands of times.


With a low roar, after this move was displayed, it was only under the air that a huge snake snake came out of operation, and then rushed toward Wang Chen, huge and huge. Body, want to completely annihilate Wang Chen, crushed.


The face was dignified, and Wang Chen shouted.

You can't make the snake snake entangled successfully. Otherwise, waiting for yourself must be death. Wang Chen can't wait for the moment.

Now that this vine is still squatting on its own strength, when the little 瞧 瞧 star quenched, Wang Chen knew that he had to find an opportunity to kill the vine, otherwise it would be really finished.


Under the roar, Wang Chen’s body shape flashed, and he went away from the side.

Then, with both hands claws, Wang Chen tore away from both sides.

"Give me over."

A huge suction force was produced, and Wang Chen’s hard-nosed smashed the snake, and then slammed it.


The dull penetration of the sound came.


Under the pain, Tengzi virtual shadow began to struggle and growl, rolling and twisting in the air.


The huge body, producing infinite power, the place where it hits, all things, at this moment, turned into pieces, shredded, and smashed.

"Hey, I want to tear, think about it, give me a twist."


Seeing this scene, the vines flashed a glimmer of light and shouted directly.

Teng Snake can be torn in such a light and easy way.

Stepping into the ranks of the martial arts, representing the blood of the vines of the vines, has also entered the level of perfection. Under such a level, under such strength, the power of the snakes entangled and produced But it is hard to imagine.

This snake has even had a preliminary aura and has autonomous life. It was the original, and Fujii’s their snakes were comparable.

Under the command of Fujisawa, although seriously injured, but the snake is still entangled in the past toward Wang Chen.

The wind whispers and the power is endless.


The body of a thousand feet, in a twinkling of an eye, entangled, completely covering Wang Chen.


The bones contract, as if they were in substance, and the sound of contraction came.

For a time, Wang Chen, who was wrapped in it, seemed to feel the power of tens of millions of pounds to squeeze him.

The bones of the whole body seem to be broken, and the blood of the whole body seems to be squeezed out.

Wang Chen’s eyes are red, and the blood in his mouth is constantly flowing out.


This word flashed through Wang Chen’s brain.

"Ahhhh... I don't think about it."

In the moment when the death thought flashed, Wang Chen was not willing to roar.

He doesn't want to die, he can't die.

If even Fujisaka can't solve it, then how can he accomplish the great cause?

How to lead a big family to support the blood of the true God, restore the glory of the true God, and restore the glory of the blood of the gods.

He must keep going.

If even Rattan can't deal with it, how can he deal with the more powerful enemies that will appear next.

So, in the roar and roar, Wang Chen began to struggle.

"Blood suppression, right, and **** suppression." Under the will of survival, Wang Chen suddenly thought of this matter.

Isn't it? He has no blood pressure to suppress it.

Blood suppression, suppression of everything, Teng snake, since there is already spirituality, you can feel the power of blood pressure suppression.

Wang Chen’s blood pressure suppression is definitely effective for it. After all, it is only a spiritual thing. Even if it is powerful and instinctive, it will be fearful of blood pressure suppression.


Thinking of this, Wang Chen did not hesitate to directly display the blood pressure suppression.

"Give me a crush." ​​Under the roar, a majestic momentum emerged.

The momentum is skyrocketing, the sound is roaring...

"How is it possible?"

Feeling this momentum, the outside world, originally looking at Wang Chen was entangled, can only wait for the death of the vine, the sneer on his face disappeared, as if he was aware of what it was, the face became difficult to look instantly, revealing A look of awkwardness.

"What the **** is this happening, how is it possible..."

He was shocked.

This momentum, even he was affected.


Sure enough, in the horror, what Fujisawa worried about happened.

After all, there is only a little spirituality, and there is not enough wisdom and mind. Under the influence of this momentum, the snake seems to have discovered what it is. After a panic of roaring for a while, it turns into a wave. Disappeared without a trace.

Teng snake escaped.

In ancient times, Teng Snake was the spiritual thing under the true God. Under the command of the true God, the blood of the gods, Wang Chen has reached the level of the king. This is already the blood of the real body. The momentum is the momentum of the true God. The snake contends with the true God. It naturally does not dare, so it chooses to disappear.


With the disappearance of the snake, Wang Chen seems to have gained vitality, bending over, and taking a breath of the image. Just a little bit, he was really finished.

Teng snake entangled, really horrible, Shenwu, is even more horrible, Wang Chen's face became more dignified, and looked at the opposite Fujisawa.

"True blood, king level, I didn't expect you to be..."

Teng snake disappeared, and the face of Fujimori was ugly, watching Wang Chen screaming coldly.

At this moment, his heart is shocking.

The true blood of the gods, who can think of it, Wang Chen really has the blood of the true God, not the blood of the false gods, and the blood of Wang Chen actually stepped into the king.

This impact on it is simply earth-shattering.

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