Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 431: Blood legend (below)

Wang Chen was shocked by the information at the moment.

The warrior... actually...

The current warriors are actually the inheritors of the washing blood, that is, the inheritors of the false blood. They betrayed the real warriors, betrayed the original warriors of the blood of the gods, the inheritors of the true blood.

No wonder...

No wonder this Zhuqiu will say that the current warrior is nothing but a slave, a anti-bone, a betrayal...

It turns out that there is a deeper reason for this.

No wonder, today's warriors will be so depraved, and their strength will drop so badly.

In the beginning, the well-deserved first family, nowadays, is only ranked fifth. Even, it seems to be surpassed by the Tengzi family and become the last of the six bloodline families. This is because of the false blood. .


Wang Chen asked very curiously.

"Why, huh..."

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, Zhu Qiu’s brow was picked and sneered.

Why betrayed, this requires too many reasons.

"Humanity is greed, and ambition is unlimited." Zhu Qiu took a deep look at Wang Chen.

When he heard this, Wang Chen glanced, and then smiled bitterly.

Yes, humanity...this word, who can read it.

Humanity is greedy, because they use insufficiency, ambition is unlimited, because there is no end to pursuit.

At the beginning, those who were selected by the warriors were the geniuses of Tian Xuan mainland. They had this great future, but the warriors gave them a better future.

They are not willing to be outside the warriors, they are not willing to be led by the dying warriors, and even less willing to be slaves by outsiders.

They want to be masters, so they only betray.

At the time, the true inheritors of the Shenwu blood family were less than ten people, and the ten were still fighting...

Finally, the war days are falling, and Wang Chen knows this.

The days of the war, the rest of the warriors must have been better.

In this case, the inheritor of the true blood of God is almost extinct.

At this time, the night attacks of these... slaves bloomed and they began to betray...

The results are imaginable and they have succeeded.

"The true blood, all..."

Wang Chen brows tightly...

The true blood of the gods is betrayed, is it really all ruined, I don’t know why, there is a trace of sadness in Wang Chen’s heart, and there is a hint of anger growing...

At this moment, the hatred of the warrior seems to come from the depths of the blood, from the depths of the soul.

"The true blood." Zhu Qi smiled.

Then, looking at Wang Chen with deep meaning: "The true blood is the inheritance of the true God, can be so ruined, the true blood family, one person escaped, and ... is with the help of my Zhu family... ..."

Zhu Qiu smiled and said.

"Who." Wang Chen quickly asked.

"The last true bloodline owner, the seriously injured Warrior Miss, the battle autumn geese." Zhu Qiu said slowly.


Wang Chen took a breath of air.

The next moment, his face changed a bit.


This name, Wang Chen is no stranger, on the contrary, still very familiar, he is familiar with the point that can no longer be familiar.

战秋雁, this is...

This is the ancestor of the royal family, and it is the one who takes the royal family to the glory.

A few thousand years ago, the grandmother of the Wang family.

Wang Chen couldn’t think of it. War Qiuyan turned out to be a warrior, and he was the inheritor of the true blood of the gods. He escaped the last true bloodline owner of the disaster.

"I think, you know, aren't you?"

Seeing Wang Chen's face change again and again, Zhu Qiu asked with a smile.

A lot of things are already clear when it comes to this point.

"This is the case."

Wang Chen’s eyes flashed a trace of sadness, bitterly said.

Zhan Qiuyan, the inheritor of the last warrior's true blood, she escaped the catastrophe, and with the help of Zhujia, went to northern Xinjiang.

Then, for some reason, at the time, a man named Wang was married and had a son.

Although serious injuries, it is difficult to recover, but with only the strength left at that time, it is enough to make a world in northern Xinjiang.

So, with her help, the ancestor of the Wang family formed the Wang family and took root in the Tianfeng Kingdom.

This is the origin of the Wang family.

Wang Chen also knows why he will contain the blood of the gods.

That is because the ancestor is the battle autumn geese.

As for why, it was only when Wang Chen came to the blood of Shenwu. This is very doubtful.

At this moment, Wang Chen knows that perhaps the history of the Wang family is not as simple as he knows.

Because of the Qiuyanyan, the descendants of the Wang family may have blood vessels.

For example, aunt, for example, myself.

Just because the battle autumn geese are women's sake, this leads to the blood is not very pure.

In the descendants of the Wang family, the blood of Shenwu, which may appear, is very weak and it is difficult to reach a pure level.

Until my birth.

Because after birth, my blood is of high purity, so the family is fully trained and cared for.

It’s a pity that something happened to the genocide...

Wang Chen gradually clarified this history.

After knowing all this, he is more angry with his family.

The warrior, the warrior was betrayed, and the betrayal of them is the genius they cultivated. The current warrior is the white-eyed wolf...

Wang Chen is in a hurry.

"At the time, thirty-six people were all..."

Wang Chen was not willing to ask.

"Oh...not like this, thirty-six people, more than half chose betrayal, and ten others left, no, exactly nine people, sacrificed in battle, so their loyalty did not work. .

Then, twenty-seven people brought their new generations with their descendants.

Just, among these twenty-seven people, there is still one person who is very fond of the real warrior and with a hint of guilt.

And he knows that he can't take revenge, so he has been forbearing until now.

Zhu Qiu said with emotion.

The voice fell, and in the distance, a figure appeared in Wang Chen’s line of sight.


When I saw the figure coming from afar, Wang Chen was shocked.

Yes, the person who appears here at the moment, not the trench, who is who.

It’s the trench, this warrior who has been silent and let Wang Chen not understand.

He appears here, isn't it...

"War, see the host."

When Wang Chen was puzzled, the trenches had already come to Wang Chen's face, and then suddenly fell on the ground in Wang Chen's doubts and strange eyes.


Looking at this scene, Wang Chen was deeply shocked.

"Oh, tremble, get up, he still has a lot of places that you don't understand, let's talk about it."

Zhuqiu said after a smile without any surprise.

When I heard Zhu Qiu’s words, the trenches did not rise, but squatted in front of Wang Chen and looked at Wang Chen: “At the end of the Middle Ages, those **** guys chose to betray, 36 people, twenty Six people are betrayed.

My ancestors and ten others are hard to resist.

Finally, under the discussion, my ancestors chose to bear the hope of keeping the last revenge, and returned to the bastards.

There was no accident in the first battle. The lords all died. Only Missy, with the help of my ancestors and Zhu family, fled and went to the northern Xinjiang.

After the ancestors sent a person to the northern Xinjiang to help Missy resist the possible danger, it was the peace of mind to stay in this sly warrior, waiting for the opportunity of revenge.

It’s a pity that for thousands of years, although our strength has continued to grow, it is still difficult to fight the entire warrior.

But we didn't give up..."

The trenches said with a hint of hatred, slowly.

His words made Wang Chen look complicated.

The last loyalist of the warrior, he didn't know what to say. Who could have thought that there was such an energy inside the warrior, and the warrior was not as calm as it was seen on the surface...

Just, this thing, another force knows.

"Okay, now you know it. Don't worry, the trenches won't hurt you. Otherwise, you don't know how many times you have died.

Know why Warriors know that you are in danger, but have not been able to kill you.

Know why the royal family died and you can escape.

This is what the trench father and grandfather did.

Now, although they are still unable to completely complete the entire warrior, they have already occupied one-third of the strength of the warriors in the development of the millennium.

They are waiting for an opportunity.

The opportunity for the return of the true blood, then let the blood of the true God return to the warrior, clean up the portal, and lead the warrior back to the peak..."

When Wang Chen was silent, shocked, and the heart was choppy, Zhu Qi added at this time.

"It turns out that." Hearing Zhu Qiu's explanation, Wang Chen could not calm down.

This is the case, I am able to go to today, it seems that the war has a lot of strength.

Wang Chen does not doubt that this is a false statement because he saw sincerity and could not see lies from the eyes of the trenches and Zhu Qiu, and he also saw the **** things. Things.

Because, he is now the blood of the king, and the warrior, always stays in the blood of the eight products, and even keeps falling...

At the very least, this history is true.

"One-third of the power."

A deep breath, watching the trenches, Wang Chen muttered to himself.

There was still such an identity in the trenches. It is no wonder that he is not cold or hot to the warriors. No wonder he can't understand him.

Wang Chen fell into silence.

Because, tonight, this sudden news made Wang Chen shocked.

Also broke all the preparations and plans before Wang Chen.

The emergence of the trench, the appearance of Zhu Qiu, so that Wang Chen had to change the plan.

Warrior, I didn’t expect to have such a relationship with the warrior...

At this moment, Wang Chen is in chaos.

He needs to sort out his thoughts, think about it, what to do next, how to deal with it, how to deal with it...

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