Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 428: Disappointment

The appearance of Wang Chen is undoubtedly a huge doubt for Fujisawa.

Originally, in the eyes of Fujisawa, no doubt, Wang Chen is the biggest object of doubt. Besides him, Fujisawa is hard to imagine, and who can kill Wan Ya this guy.

But now, Wang Chen suddenly appeared here.

This is basically impossible for him to do in terms of time. Then, what is going on?

Does... the murderer has another person, is it true that Warcraft has appeared.

The vine's brow was locked up. He seemed to have encountered a problem. He looked at Wang Chen with suspicion and the vine was dull.

"Take the adults, what happened."

And Wang Chen, watching the vines look like silence at the moment, but my heart is clear.

He knows what happened.

This rattan, now it must be doubts, he can't think of it, he will appear here.

Yes, Wang Chen is killing Wanya. According to normal circumstances, he is unlikely to return to the camp so quickly.

But, Wang Chen is different.

Although it is not a martial artist, but Wang Chen has stepped into the star-hard body, the level of the body of King Kong, this level, has the greatest ability of the Shenwu, tearing space, shuttle time and space .

Even, his ability is even stronger than that of ordinary warriors.

After destroying the body of Wan Ya, Wang Chen directly tore the space and returned directly to the camp through time and space.

This is because Wang Chen knows the idea of ​​Fujisawa.

Teng Yu began to doubt himself very early, and he told himself about Wanya.

Now, Wanya has fallen like this. In any case, Wang Chen knows that his suspicion is the biggest.

This vine, don’t know what it is, Wang Chen certainly won’t let him grab the handle.

So, after the space was torn back to the camp, he came to the front for the first time.

This time, Fujisaka can still doubt himself.

"Wang Chen, I didn't expect you to come."

In the face of Wang Chen’s inquiry, Fujisawa said quietly.

"Let's go, go to the eagle cliff, and something went wrong."

Teng Yu said after a deep look at Wang Chen.

Now, there is no evidence, he can only go to Yingying Cliff first, hope to find strong evidence.

As for Wang Chen, why is it here? Rattan can’t figure it out.

"Hey, hurry up."

The war on one side couldn’t help but rush.

The appearance of Wang Chen makes the trenches very uncomfortable.

Yes, before the war, I had to admit that he also suspected Wang Chen.

Although, he is hard to believe, or simply does not believe that Wang Chen has the ability to kill Wan Cliff, but he has to doubt it.

Wang Chen is undoubtedly the most suspect.

Even, even if Wang Chen is not suspected, he will find a way to make Wang Chen suspect.

And now, Wang Chen suddenly appears here, it is a complete break of his plans and premeditated.

Thinking of this, the trenches can have a good look.

"Eagle Cliff, well, I will go and see."

When he heard the trenches, Wang Chen didn't pay much attention to it, but after he smiled, he quickly followed.

Eagle Cliff, they really went to investigate the death of Wan Cliff.

However, if you want to come, Wan Ya is the deputy commander. The person with identity is dead. The fifth floor of Purgatory is undoubtedly a shock. If you don't investigate, then there is a ghost.

Unfortunately, these people are destined to investigate nothing... because Wang Chen is very clean.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen smiled a little and followed.

Under the leadership of Fujisawa, a group of people, the speed to the extreme.


The popularity of electricity.

Between the blink of an eye, these people are heading towards the eagle cliffs.

After an hour, these people finally came under the eagle cliff.

Looking up and looking at the towering clouds, the eaglely eagle cliffs, all the people frowning, are nervous.

If there is really a powerful monster, it is really dangerous.

Thinking of this, everyone looks at each other.

"Go, go up."

A sneak peek, the vines took the lead toward the cliff.

The rest of the people who saw this scene can only follow suit.


After half an hour, everyone came to the top of the mountain.

"This side." Finally, after coming to the middle of the mountain, an exclamation attracted the attention of everyone.

The new caves have signs of excavation. In addition, the surrounding venues, although clean, are inevitably still left with traces of battle.

Yes, it is the trace of the battle.

Although, Wang Chen will kill Wanya very thoroughly, very clean, but, after all, Wan Ya is a great perfect emperor, Wang Chen can not kill, the confrontation is inevitable, since the confrontation, to two The strength must be to leave traces, or even destroy the land, let Wang Chen make up for it, these traces can not be fully compensated, this can be confirmed.

So, very quickly, these traces were discovered.

"It should be here, where the battle has been, Wan Wan led him to..."

A middle-aged man said quietly.

"Well, except for this, the rest of the place can't find the trace of the battle."

Another person is attached.

Just, with these two conclusions coming out, everyone’s face is even more ugly.

This is the place to fight. So, here, it is also the place where Wanya died.

When Wanya died, why can't he find a trace of the body?

Is it...


The vines took the lead in not being calm, and he turned his head and looked at Wang Chen subconsciously. However, Wang Chen did not change his face.

It’s not him, who is it, this must be artificial, yes, this is artificial killing, excavating caves, traces of battle, covered scenes... all this shows that this is not Warcraft. Warcraft can't do this.

And, the body, the body of Wanya, how can I not find the body.

Moreover, from the current situation, it is quite easy for the other side to kill Wanya. Wanya has almost no resistance. The strength of the other party is completely beyond the strength of Wanya...

This shows that the other side can kill Wan Cliff, which can also kill everyone present.


It seems that the cold wind has swept through, and everyone is subconsciously wary.

This horrible opponent may now stare at them in the dark.

"Bastard, nothing found."

The trenches are also angry and angry, and the vines think of it, and the trenches also think about it. This time, they met a horrible opponent, and the trenches have already excluded Wang Chen in their hearts.

Wang Chen can't do this, and the trenches believe.

"Look, find me all the eagle cliffs and give me clues, fast."

After a moment of silence, Rattan yelled.

He is not reconciled.

Wang Chen, is he? If it is him, what is the strength of him? If not, who is it, Fujisawa wants to figure it out.

At the request of Fujisawa, the crowd quickly spread out and searched.

After a full day, everyone will meet again.

"Not found."

"I didn't find it either."

"Damn, who is it, how powerful."

"In addition to this, the entire eagle cliff, and then wireless cable ..."

Returning these news, the Fujisawa and the Warriors are even more black.

"Wang Chen, what do you think."

Looking at Wang Chen with his eyes open, Fujisaki asked.

"It is artificially strangled, it must be a master, and the strength is stronger than that of Wanlian. We may not have such a strong person in the fifth layer of purgatory."

Wang Chen said very seriously after sinking.


When he heard Wang Chen’s words, Fujita’s eyes narrowed and his eyes flashed a look that could not be understood.

This Wang Chen, even so refreshed to say this judgment, is artificial, much stronger than Wan Ya.

Looking at his expression, it doesn't seem to be lying.

So, is this thing really not done by Wang Chen?

"Hey, no matter who you are, you have to find out for me." The trenches are cold at this time.

Just, he said this verbally, but there is no way.

"This matter, you then investigate, the deputy commander, it seems that we can only report the holy mountain." Fujisawa smiled.

A deputy leader is dead. This is a big event. It is impossible to tell the holy mountain.

After arranging a few people to stay in the vicinity of Eagle's Cliff to find clues and news, Fujisawa said to the trench.

The two quickly agreed to leave a few people, and the rest were divided into two.

On the one hand, return to the resident town, and on the other hand, go to the holy mountain to report.

The report was of course handed over to the trenches, while Fujisawa returned to the camp with Wang Chen and others.


After returning to the camp, it is already afternoon.

When Wang Chen was taken into the camp by himself, the vines browed and locked, and this Wang Chen looked.

Rar is now, he still does not want to let go of doubt Wang Chen.

"Teaching, do you have any instructions?"

After being seen by Fujisawa for a long time, Wang Chen asked with a smile.

It’s so uncomfortable and less accustomed to being watched.

"Command, oh... No, that... tomorrow is the time for you to guard the cracks. This was originally arranged by Wan’s commander. Now, I have encountered this...

This way, tomorrow, you will go to the No. 1 crack to guard and help the people there to guard the crack in No. 1.

That's it... If you're fine, go back first.

After returning to God, Fujiko said after sinking for a moment.

No. 1 crack.


When he heard the vine, Wang Chen took a breath.

No. 1 crack, the fifth most dangerous layer of Purgatory, the most powerful Warcraft always comes from here.

This vine, even arranged himself to this place... It really is a speculation.

He wants to test himself or want to let himself die.

Wang Chen’s brow is locked.

I believe that Wan Ya will only make such an arrangement.

This vine, help Wanya to do the last thing.

"I want to find my evidence, this time, you have to be disappointed."

Sneering a little, Wang Chen muttered in his heart.

If Wanya wants to take this opportunity to find evidence, he must be disappointed.

Wang Chen, will not give him a chance.

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