Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 424: Resolve the crisis

At this moment, the atmosphere inside the camp became solidified.

Wang Chen has even prepared for killing Wan Cliff.

When Wan Ya took the lead, Wang Chen certainly would not stand here and wait for death. He is not such a person. Although Wang Chen does not want to cause trouble here, he does not want to go directly to Wanya, and It is not good for him on such an occasion, but if necessary, Wang Chen does not mind to do it directly.

How about killing Wanya.

With his current strength, the strength of the star quenching body, if it is not possible, the direct tearing space to escape is.

Does the three cliffs, the trenches or the vines, can follow the tearing space to kill him.

Wang Chen, this moment, there is no fear.

The body is actually rolling, he is ready to shoot, the stars are starting to expand under the operation of the stars, and Wang Chen’s momentum is gradually rising.


When Wang Chen was ready to fight back, a scream was coming at this time.

Afterwards, a virtual shadow flashed, and at the crucial time, Fujisawa shot, without warning.

The figure is not flashing. In the case that no one has reacted, Fujisawa is in front of Wang Chen.

Seeing that Wan Ya is on the side, Fujim’s brow has already wrinkled.

This million cliffs are getting more and more excessive.

What is going on today? They all know that they are still doing this kind of thing. Therefore, Fujisawa can't sit idly by.

Moreover, the content of the family's letter over the other side he saw, and at this time, he did not sit down and ignore the reasons.


In front of Wang Chen, a cold voice, finally, Fujisawa shot.


After a dull roar, Fujisawa shook the cliff out.

"Okay, this thing, stop here."

The vine's face is cold and cold.

Looking coldly at the trenches and Wan Ya.

"Teaching, what do you mean?"

Seeing Fujisawa stand up and maintain Wang Chen, Wan Ya’s face is also a piece of iron, and he asked if he was not angry.

He is not afraid of Fujisawa.

"What do you mean."

In the face of Wan Ya’s impolite tone, Fujiko’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Before , he had already given face, let them check Wang Chen's body and see if he could find out what traces.

Otherwise, he will not let them verify and how. After all, this thing, Wan Ya and the trenches can be without evidence.

Let them check, this is to give face, and it is to face the trenches.

Otherwise, it’s a man, oh...

Teng Yu will not give this face.

What is his Wanya, what is Wanjia, he will be afraid, they will be afraid.

It’s just a matter of minutes and seconds, and he can still scream.

And, what happened to Wan Canghao.

That is that he ran out to find death, and who can blame who, let him go out.

It’s not bad to not pursue this matter yourself.

Now, after verifying that there is no evidence, Wan Ya still wants to turn his face.

In this case, there is still no one in the end. This is simply not giving yourself a face. Fujisawa can not be angry.

"I said before, if there is no evidence, this thing ends here."

Thinking of this, Fujisawa is also ruthlessly snoring.

Then, a cold glance glanced at Wan Cliff: "This thing, so far, if anyone else dares to give me a small hand and foot... Hugh, I am ruthless."

Speaking of this, the vines are quite impressive.

In the face of Fujiko’s cold tone and indifference at the moment, Wan Ya’s heart jumped awkwardly. He felt the murder and felt the murder of Fujisawa.

Feeling this murder, he knows that Fujisawa is not a joke.

His look is even more intense, and his face changes.

"Hey, Wang Chen, you remember, don't let me catch the evidence, otherwise I will definitely want you to die."

A handful of hands, Wan Ya left behind Wang Chen and then walked outside the house, not staying.

"At any time." Wang Chen is also a cold-blooded person who is not willing to show weakness.

Wan Ya, Wang Chen is a complete enmity with him, not endless.

"Wrong deputy commander, do you have any opinion?"

Seeing that Wanya left, Fujisawa just sneered a little, then looked at the trenches and asked.

The tone of the war is relatively polite.

On the one hand, the trenches are not so excessive, and on the other hand, because the trenches are the warriors, the Fuji family and the warriors have not torn their faces, and even count as friends.

In the face of Fujisawa’s inquiry, the look of the trenches changed, and then sighed: “Since you have said this, that’s it, this thing, stop here.”

The trenches sighed.

This shows that Fujisawa doesn't want them to cause trouble. He can still do it. He doesn't want to rip the face with Fujisawa. He is not the fool of Wan Ya.

Why does Wan Ya really think that the warriors will go to the opposite side with the Fuji family because of the Wanjia.

With the enemy of Liu family, his warriors do not want to offend the Fuji family.


Speaking of this, suddenly, the trenches are added: "If you find evidence, I hope you give me an account."

When he said this, he looked at Wang Chen.

"Okay, no problem, if there is evidence, I will not tolerate it."

The vine is very refreshing, and this face is still to be given.

"If this is the case, then I will go first." After receiving the guarantee of Fujisawa, after watching the Wang Chen, the trenches turned and left.

The eyes are quite cold.

In the blink of an eye, within the camp, Wang Chen and Fujisawa are left again.

"Thank you for your help." Looking at the trenches, Wang Chen turned and said to Fujisawa.

This rattan, how to say it is a shot, out of courtesy, Wang Chen should also thank.

As for the intention of Fujisawa, that is not the most critical.

This guy, the idea still makes Wang Chen unable to understand, but at the very least, what is certain is that Fujisawa is not his enemy, or that he is not his enemy.

From the previous move, Fujisawa still wants to maintain a relatively good relationship with himself.

After all, if he is standing on the trenches and the cliffs, he can still stand here.

And, from this incident, Wang Chen seems to see it. The relationship between this trench and Wan Cliff seems to be...not good.

This gave Wang Chen a chance.

Perhaps, this is not a breakthrough for him.

Wang Chen secretly thought.

"It’s just a matter of raising your hand. I will never allow anyone to be defamed." In the face of Wang Chen’s thanks, Fujisawa smiled.

Then, I looked deeply at Wang Chen: "This Wanya can be difficult to deal with, and the mind is narrow. In the future, you can do it yourself. If you need help, you can come to me."

Teng Yu smiled and continued.

"Thank you for your leadership." Wang Chen said again.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, let's go to rest if it's okay, one month's adaptation, after a month, you will go to the crack to guard, when the time... Hehe... Wanya won't forget it, you only have one month. Time."

Teng Yu said with deep meaning.

"Thank you for your mention."

After Wang Chen’s ceremony, he turned and prepared to leave.

"Yes, my ancestor's ancestors asked me to greet him like your ancestors' ancestors. If you have time, you can go to my rattan house and exchange the experience of the avenue. My Fuji family must be entertained."

At the time when Wang Chen turned around, Fujisawa suddenly said.

When you heard the vines, Wang Chen’s figure was a meal, and the steps he took out stopped.

There was a smile on his lips.

It’s finally known.

This vine, the reason why you don’t be against yourself, help yourself, not because of yourself, but more because of the battle, and perhaps Lingyu.

Wang Chen smiled a bit.

Own strength, perhaps not able to get such help and recognition from Fuji, isn't it?

The only people who have reached the point of the battle and Lingyu will be valued and respected. This is the mainland where the strong are respected.

"Okay, if you have nothing, go. If you have nothing to do, you can go to the Eagle Cliffs outside the hundred miles. There is a good scenery there." After hearing the words of Wang Chen, after laughing, the vine suddenly Said.

This makes Wang Chen frown.

Eagle Cliff, Wang Chen remembered the name.

Just, this vine suddenly said this place to himself. If you say this sentence, what is the meaning of it? What is the meaning of this?

Wang Chen’s secret doubts.

However, Wang Chen always feels that there is definitely something in it.

Eagle Cliff, it seems that I still have to go.

This time, learn more about this place, then check it out...

When he left the vine's camp, Wang Chen secretly thought.

Looking at the sky, he showed a smile.

A crisis has been resolved, but it has made him a bit strange.

However, this is always a good thing, isn't it?

With the help of Fujisawa, there is no need to be an enemy of Fujisawa, which makes Wang Chen a good start in the fifth floor of Purgatory.

Now, the rest is against Wanya.

"Wang Chen, hehe is interesting, you don't look so simple on the surface. It seems that everyone is still underestimating you. How strong is your strength? It is really curious, can It’s easy, killing Waryang and Wan Canghao without any effort. This is not something that an ordinary Emperor can do.

Don't let me down, I gave you two people..."

And after Wang Chen left the camp, in the camp, at this moment, Fujisaka was sitting in his position, squinting, watching the direction of Wang Chen’s departure, using the voice that others could not hear, Muttered to himself.

The corner of his mouth, this moment, with an intriguing smile.

If Wang Chen is here and sees the expression of Fujisawa, it will definitely change the view of Fujisawa.

This vine is really unfathomable.

Moreover, Fujisawa sees Wang Chen's unusual and hidden strength at a glance, which is the most surprising place for Wang Chenhui.

This rattan is not simple, it is not easy.

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