Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 416: Select

In the house, at this moment, Xuan Hongyu sat opposite Wang Chen.

Looking at Wang Chen and Liu Xinyan, Xuan Hongyu’s look has some complications.

And for Xuan Hongyu, Wang Chen and Liu Xinyan are still quite respectful, because they are very clear that they owe a huge humanity to Xuan Hongyu.

At the beginning, when I came to the fourth floor of Purgatory, if it wasn’t because of the great help of Xuan Hongyu, now, Wang Chen and Liu Xinyan have long known how long they have died.

At that time, not only did they have to deal with them, but there were people from Bandung and Wanjia who wanted to get rid of Wang Chen and Liu Xinyan. At that time, the strength of Wang Chen and Liu Xinyan was only the strength of the first-class holy warriors. Well, under such strength, no matter which side of the staff, they can easily kill them.

If it wasn't for the time, Xuan Hongyu's help, the help of the Ming dynasty, Wang Chen, they can persist until today.

So, Wang Chen and Liu Xinyan owe a huge humanity to Xuan Hongyu.

Because of this, for Xuan Hongyu, Wang Chen always has a respectful and respectful attitude.

"I don't know if Xuantong is looking for me."

After sitting, Wang Chen looked at Xuan Hongyu and asked.

Xiao Hongyu smiled when he heard Wang Chen’s words.

Just, this smile has changed a lot since three years ago.

There are gratifications, complexities, and an indescribable feeling in this smile.

Looking at Wang Chen and Liu Xinyan in front of him, Xuan Hongyu sighed secretly.

Three years ago, Wang Chen and Liu Xinyan had just arrived in the purgatory. At that time, the two were within the fourth layer of Purgatory and could only belong to the prey.

And now, three years later, after all the hardships, two of them, one person has grown up to be the captain of a team, close to the perfect saints, and the other one... no longer knows where to break through. .

Rao is the strength of Xuan Hongyu, and can't see clearly how Wang Chen reached the realm.

This result makes people feel ashamed.

"Three years have passed..."

After sighing, Xuan Hongyu said with emotion.

Three years have passed.

When I heard this sentence, Wang Chen and Liu Xin studied a glimpse, and then, as if thinking of something in general, the two looked at each other and saw the strangeness from the other's eyes.

Three years...

Yes, if it wasn’t for Xuan Hongyu’s reminder, they really had forgotten it.

Three years have passed.

What has been said for three years, how can they not be clear?

Standing in purgatory, resisting Warcraft, killing Warcraft, a term is three years.

Three years ago they entered purgatory, and now three years have passed, which means they have the right to choose to return to the mainland.

I didn’t expect the time to pass so fast, so people didn’t even have time to react.

Wang Chen smiled a bit.

It seems that the cultivation of these three years has made him forget too many things.

The same, Liu Xinyan is also true.

Three years, because of the disappearance of Wang Chen, so she chose to continue to practice and fight, deliberately ignored the time, and now being reminded, this suddenly realized.

"Choose back..."

Wang Chen lowered his head and sank.

If three years ago, he faced this choice and would inevitably choose to return to the mainland without hesitation.

Because there are too powerful enemies here, in the mainland China, he still has too many things to do. He will leave here and return to the mainland and revenge. This is what he wants to do most.

But now, after three years of tempering, Wang Chen’s idea has changed.

As most people think.

Most people, just three years of purgatory as a trial, hope to end as soon as possible, even as a task for the Holy Mountain.

But, why in the end there are too many people to stay and accumulate, and, injecting people like Xuan Hongyu, staying in purgatory for decades or even centuries.

How many rounds this is, why have they not chosen to go back.

This kind of person is no longer a minority, and can even be called the majority.

Why do they have this choice?

The reason is simple, that is because they recognize their own deficiencies and recognize the power of the enemy.

In the Central China, in Tianxuan mainland, almost all the strong people are in the purgatory. After their strength reaches the holy warrior, there are almost few opponents.

They naturally start to inflate and think that they are already at their peak in this world.

And only after entering the purgatory, will you find yourself small.

It turns out that they are so small.

It turns out that the strong is so much.

An ordinary saint warrior, that is, on the fourth floor of purgatory and may die at any time.

The fifth layer of purgatory, within the sixth floor, how many strong, how many powerful enemies.

Under this pressure, let them recognize themselves again, want to pursue the true meaning of the martial arts, and pick up the heart that was once ruined.

It is precisely because of this that they chose to stay, in this place full of danger, full of fighting, full of killing, continuous cultivation, continuous improvement.

And now Wang Chen and Liu Xinyan have encountered this situation.

Going back, or choosing to stay and practice, seems to be their multiple choice.

"Chen brother, I am with you."

A deep breath, Liu Xinyan gave the answer directly after the silence.

Wang Chen left, she stayed, killing thousands of miles, blood stained.

When Wang Chen left, she left and returned to Tian Xuan mainland, even if it was a massacre.

This is the choice of Liu Xinyan.

When I heard Liu Xinyan’s words, Wang Chen’s words showed a touch of emotion.

"Leaving..." Wang Chen was stunned and seemed to have chosen to leave, not because of himself, but because of Liu Xinyan.

Because he does not want Liu Xinyan to stay in this dangerous place, he wants to protect Liu Xinyan.

"Kid, you'd better... choose to stay."

Seeing that Wang Chen seems to be making a choice to leave, Xuan Hongyu frowned and said quietly.

Leaving... Of course he knows Wang Chen’s thoughts and knows what Wang Chen is worried about, but he hopes that Wang Chen will stay because the mainland China is no longer in the world of Wang Chen. He needs a bigger one. The world is going to improve.

This world is undoubtedly purgatory.

Returning to the mainland, Wang Chen wants to continue to improve. Compared with being in purgatory, it is more than a hundred times more difficult.

He doesn't want Wang Chen's genius to fall.

More importantly... within purgatory, maybe something big will happen soon.

Recently, the actions of Mount Athos are unusual...

Wang Chen stayed, can help a lot, and improve himself, this is undoubtedly the best choice, isn't it?

This time, it is a huge challenge and a huge opportunity.

Xuan Hongyu hopes that Wang Chen will stay.

When I heard Xuan Hongyu’s words, Wang Chen, who did not know Xuan Hongyu’s thoughts, was frowning.

" Soon after, there will be big changes in the purgatory, boy, you choose to stay, maybe you will get more.

The current Tian Xuan mainland, can not accommodate you, purgatory, is your world.

As for the Wang family, you can rest assured that the people of my Xuan Ming family will stand on the side of the king's house, and the family will survive.

And if you want to deal with Wanjia... If you want to completely eliminate it, you must solve all the people in Purgatory.

The fifth floor of Purgatory, there are two thousand people. Among them, the deputy commander of the fifth floor of Purgatory is a peak of the Emperor. It is said that it has reached a point of perfection. If this person cannot be killed, If you rush to move thousands of homes, it must be..."

Xuan Hongyu sighed and said.

When I heard Xuan Hongyu’s words, Wang Chen’s brow was locked.

I didn’t expect that there is such a strong presence in Wanjia, the deputy commander of the fifth floor. This is almost the peak of existence. Further, it is the Shenwu.

There will be big changes in purgatory.

How did the news come from?

Why, the people of the Holy Mountain also noticed the changes in the mainland of the Red Crescent and knew about the return of the Yanyue to the mainland of the Red Moon.

Wang Chen’s heart sank at once.

Moreover, as Xuan Hongyu said, today's purgatory is its own world, in order to make itself better progress.

And, if you stay, you can still get support from the Xuan Ming family.

Although, it is not certain that the entire Xuan Ming family will help themselves, but if there is Xuan Hongyu's support, I believe that I can draw a lot of people from the Xuan Ming family.

If this is the case, deal with the warrior...

Wang Chen bowed his head.

I have to say that the conditions for Xuan Hongyu are very good.

However, why should he be so against himself, Wang Chen has some doubts.

"Don't doubt me, I won't hurt you."

Feeling Wang Chen’s suspicion, Xuan Hongyu said directly.

"If you think about it, give me a reply within three days. After three days, it is when you return. When you apply again, it is already late."

Xuan Hongyu took a deep look at Wang Chen, and then he turned and left Wang Chen’s room.

In the house, Wang Chen and Liu Xinyan were left behind.

"Chen brother, I support you."

Feeling the eyes of Wang Chen, Liu Xinyan said with a smile, she knows that Wang Chen must have an idea.

No matter what the idea, she will have no support.

When listening to Liu Xinyan's words, Wang Chen showed a hint of embarrassment.

She is always so understanding, always accommodating herself, and herself...

"I will stay, Xiner, or else you..."

Wang Chen said with a sigh of relief.

There will be great changes in purgatory. This is the main reason left by Wang Chen. He is worried that Yanyue will lead the Warcraft army.

He must try to stop this thing.

And, as Xuan Hongyu said, in order to get rid of thousands of homes, you must rid of the roots, otherwise, these changes in the purgatory will be revenge...

This is another reason he left behind.

"No... I will stay with you.

Chen Ge, if you stay, you must enter the fifth floor, I will soon go to the fifth floor to find you, rest assured. ”

Liu Xinyan stopped Wang Chen’s words and said directly.

At this moment, there was a decision between the two.

Leave, stay in prison for another three years.

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