Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 409: Unstoppable

Xuan Hongyu’s trick is to make everyone stunned and full of incredible.

Xuanming family, known as the six blood family, the six most physique family, the most mysterious family, the mysterious ability, the unpredictable strength, the strange personality...

All this makes the Xuan Ming family seem to have covered a veil.

At this moment, the ability of Xuan Hongyu to show off between the understated is even more stunned.

This...what is what happened, how Xuan Hongyu did it.

Everyone’s heart, for a time, has produced a big question mark.

"How is it possible, are you likely..."

The first and foremost, the ice and snow World of Warcraft is even more wide-eyed, full of face.

No one knows more about the energy and attack power of these ice fronts than him. How could it be solved by Xuan Hongyu's understatement?


After stunned, it turned to anger.

This is an anger that is ridiculed and despised.

After the ice and snow, World of Warcraft roared, it was another hand, once again blasting an endless ice peak attack.

The dense and numb, I don’t know that the geometric ice peaks are overwhelming and moving toward Xuan Hongyu again.


When these ice peaks swept over, Xuan Hongyu’s face suddenly showed a sneer of ridicule.

These ice peaks are completely out of their eyes.

"Yin and Yang reverse."

I only saw him rubbing his eyes slightly, the next moment, the hands were caught, the front of the eyes, the Xuan dynasty that had already formed agglutination suddenly, quickly rotated, black and white, two energies greeted these ice peaks Go up.

Black and white energy, yin and yang, instantly blended into the endless ice peaks.

"Yin and Yang are reversed."

After these energies were incorporated into the ice peak, only the cold voice of Xuan Hongyu came again.

The next moment, the scene that happened in front of you was enough to make everyone stunned.

I saw only those ice fronts that whizzed, and then they fixed again, and then disappeared.

Nothing, no trace, no trace, as if these ice peaks have never been seen before.

"The sun."

When everyone is immersed in the hustle and bustle, Xuan Hongyu is once again cold.

Slightly open mouth, after a light sigh, endless white gas emerged from the Xuan dynasty.

Yin and Yang II, white is yang, black is yin.

At this moment, the gushing out is naturally pure yang.

The germination of this pure yang gas makes the temperature of the air suddenly increase.

Between the blink of an eye, the world that was originally snow and ice, began to melt snow and ice, and everything returned to spring, which is completely reversed the performance of yin and yang.


Ice and snow melted, Wanhua changed, watching this scene, everyone was stunned.

Xuanming family, it is the most mysterious family. Today, the shock brought to everyone is really too big.

How is this done?

"I know, this is the greatest ability of Xuan Mingyin, Yin and Yang are upside down."

After a moment, within the crowd, Bai Chen suddenly exclaimed.

This exclamation has attracted everyone's attention.

"Xuanming, this is yin and yang, yin and yang, it is the greatest ability of Xuan Ming family. They have the ability to control yin and yang and turn things around.

This ability, perhaps on weekdays, can't exert such tremendous power, but in the face of Ice and Snow, it is a nemesis.

Yin and Yang are twisted, water, yin, ice, and nature is also yin. Now, he reverses yin and yang, and transfers a large amount of yang gas to suppress the yin.

The power of pure yang is the power of stars and the power of flames.

Under this energy, ice and snow naturally melt, and everything is naturally controlled.

In fact, the power of ice and snow that Ice and Snow Warcraft is proud of is controlled at this moment.

Before, those ice fronts, the energy is very big, but, in the face of the power of pure yang, in an instant, the sweep of the horrible power of pure yang, naturally melted and disappeared.

White morning explained to everyone.

The truth is nothing more than the word yin and yang.

It is a good use of the yin and yang, Xuan Hongyu has produced the magical energy before.

If there is no barrier to enchantment, I believe that just the moment the ice peak disappears, everyone may be able to feel a horrible flame.

Unfortunately, this breath is enchanted by the barrier, so no one feels it.

"This is the case."

When I heard Bai Chen’s explanation, everyone was sighing and sighing.

Unexpectedly, the ability of the Xuan Ming family, even here, has been so good.

"So, the power of the Xuan Ming family is exactly the nemesis of the Snow World of Warcraft, in this case..."

A member of the Zhu family on the side, after seeing this scene, suddenly showed a hint of excitement, asked in the morning.

Zhu's Suzaku Flame is also the nemesis of Ice and Snow World of Warcraft. At the beginning, Wang Chen used the flames of Suzaku to compete with a powerful ice and snow World of Warcraft.

It’s a pity that today, the three Zhu family members in the fourth layer of Purgatory are not strong enough, without the help of Suzaku’s eye. Their Suzaku Flames are hard to do any substantial damage to the Ice and Snow World of Warcraft. Threat.

So, they can only pin their hopes on Xuan Hongyu.

When I heard the words of the Zhu family members, everyone else on the scene showed a hint of joy.

Is it really true?

If this is the case...

The powerful Ice and Snow World of Warcraft makes everyone feel a huge threat and pressure.

If Xuan Hongyu’s ability is to restrain Snow and Ice World of Warcraft, then today’s crisis may be resolved.


When the voice of Zhu’s staff fell, everyone was still enjoying the dance, and an abrupt voice came from the audience.

"Xuan Hong."

After looking at the source of the sound, after seeing the person who spoke, the people frowned.

At this moment, the person who spoke is not the Xuanhong of the Xuan Ming family.

Xuan Hong, a member of the Xuan Ming family, within the fourth floor of Purgatory, one of the four Xuan Ming family members.

Before , he had not spoken. At this moment, after hearing what everyone said, he couldn’t help but speak.

The mood is low, with a trace of coldness, making people feel that he is not feeling at the moment.

"He can't resist it."

When everyone put his eyes on him, he suddenly said.

"Can't resist."

Xuan Hong’s words, so that everyone’s heart can not help but sink, revealing a trace of worry.

"Xuanmingyin, practicing to the highest level, may be able to restrain the ice and snow World of Warcraft, but... now..."

Looking at everyone, Xuan Hong’s brows are slightly wrinkled, and he says: “Now, it’s impossible to resist it.”

"How is it possible?"

The person at Zhu’s family made a strange voice.

"His Xuan dynasty, the most cultivated to the extent of seven layers, this level, reverse yin and yang, barely incomparable, want to use yin and yang, control time and space, control everything, impossible." Xuan Hong continued to explain.

"That now."

Looking into the distance, at this moment, Xuan Hongyu easily resolved the ice and snow World of Warcraft two attacks, faintly occupying the upper hand of Xuan Hongyu, everyone still has some do not understand.

If this is the case, then at this moment, Xuan Hongyu...

"The essence of blood, into the yin and yang, he can not last long, once the ice and snow World of Warcraft full attack ... Xuan Mingyin can not resist the time of a quarter of an hour."

Xuan Hong's brow is locked.

When I heard Xuan Hong, everyone looked at it carefully.


The next moment, everyone sucked in a cold air.

Some people with sharp eyes have already seen it.

At this moment, in order to control the Xuan dynasty, Xuan Hongyu has already squeezed out the blood from the fingers, and is integrated into the yin and yang.

This only works for a short period of time.

If it is Ice and Snow World of Warcraft... launching a storm, how long can he last?

Blood blood, not endless, blood loss, how much damage to the military, but everyone can imagine.


White morning face became ugly and angered.

"Hey, blood, gas, Xuan Ming family, oh... dead."

Not only did Bai Chen and others notice the situation, but Snow World Warcraft also noticed it.

You know, Ice and Snow World of Warcraft is the closest to Xuan Hongyu, and how powerful it is, he can naturally find out.

Seeing the performance of Xuan Hongyu at the moment, the ice and snow World of Warcraft has stabilized and revealed a sneer.

The next moment, the body shape flashed, and even gave up the ice and snow attack, let the yang suffocate, control the enchantment, and turn to their greatest advantage, but directly deceive and attack.

Even if the loss of ice and snow is lost, his strength is still the strength of the middle-class emperor, and it is not enough to deal with a second-order emperor.

He would like to see, relying on Xuan Mingyin, how long Xuan Hongyu can persist.


Seeing the snow and ice World of Warcraft to make such a move, Xuan Hongyu looks very incomparable.

He knows that a hard battle is about to begin.

A flash of resilience in his eyes, Xuan Hongyu screamed coldly: "Go."

Between the waves, he directly blasted the Xuan dynasty.

Since it is seen through, there is no need to continue to hide. Since it is seen through, there is no need to wait.

Decisive battle, this moment begins.


Between Xuan Hongyu’s wave, I saw that the Xuan dynasty that floated in front of him suddenly surged ten times more, with the sound of whistling and roaring, directly rushing toward the ice and snow.

At this moment, above the Xuan dynasty, the yin and yang are reversed, and the yin and yang are converging. It seems that the sun and the moon are vying for the glory, which contains a natural and horrible atmosphere.

This breath is enough to make everything tremble.

Xuan Mingyin really shows its power.

Especially after the blessing of Xuan Hongyu's blood, the power of this Xuan Mingyin is a geometric increase.


As Xuan Ming printed and blasted, above the sky, the dark clouds seemed to feel the yin and yang of this vast world, and a low roar.

In this low-pitched roar, a thunderbolt with a thick arm is on the enchantment.

This thunderbolt slammed the whole enchantment and began to tremble violently.


The body and mind are connected with the enchantment, and the enchantment is the Acer of the Thunderbolt, which makes the body of the Ice and Snow World of War a slap in the face, revealing a sly look of anger.

In his body, the blood violently rolled, and the power of lightning made him suffer a little damage.

This makes him even more angry.

Humble humans, dare to do this to him, to find death.

Under a roar, the ice and snow World of Warcraft double-handedly smashed into the past.


In an instant, two fists, with the power of the scorpion, squatting on the Xuan dynasty.

It’s like a hill-sized Xuan dynasty, which trembles fiercely.

"Yin and Yang fusion."

Seeing this scene, in the rear, Xuan Hongyu quickly squeezed out a few screams and screams.

The combination of yin and yang, I saw the black and white yin and yang of the Xuan dynasty, and began to merge at this moment.


Dragon and phoenix dance, on the Xuan dynasty print, black dragon white phoenix hovered up, long 吟 吟 霄.

After the merger of the dragon and the phoenix, Xuan Mingyin suddenly burst into a horrible light.

Can't tell if it's black or white, this light directly covers the ice and snow Warcraft.

Overwhelming, the battle of heaven and earth.

Fighting, this moment is fierce, fighting, this moment, the sky is falling apart.

The scene inside the scene, everyone is stunned.

This is the confrontation between the absolute powers.

Sure enough, it’s terrible.

Under the cover of black and white, everyone was shocked to see the situation inside the enchantment.

At this moment, how is Xuan Hongyu, at this moment, how is Ice and Snow World of Warcraft.

At this moment, in the dark smog, the enchantment of white air, who is the advantage.



And when everyone looked at each other and wondered, suddenly, a burst of horror blast came.

The sound of this blasting sound caused the whole world to collapse.

The sound of the blast came and I saw the ground trembled.


After then, a burst of crisp cracks came.

The ground, at this point, cracks began.

A horrible crack began to pervade the surrounding, and a huge spider web was interwoven on the ground.

"Not good, hurry back."

Seeing this scene, Bai Chen quickly exclaimed.

The intensity of the battle is even beyond their imagination.

There are few moves in the confrontation, but each trick is terrible.

Every time, the confrontation is thrilling.

Every confrontation can bring death.

At this moment, the intensity of the battle, the energy brought by it, has penetrated the ice and snow enchantment, and the energy in it can be imagined.

This energy has at least surpassed the most powerful energy of Ice and Snow World of Warcraft, and it is not beyond a little bit, but many times.


When the ground began to crack, suddenly, there was a shocking sound inside the enchantment.


The next moment, another explosion, the whole enchantment trembled madly. In such a trembling, the black and white breath quickly disappeared.

"No, Xuan Tong failed."

Seeing this scene, in the field, Bai Chen and others changed their face.



When the white morning exclaimed, in the enchantment, as the black and white air dissipated, I saw a figure madly spit out a blood, and then the whole person was smashed out. Suddenly hit the enchantment.

Xuan Hongyu...Failed.



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