Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 397: Bing Snow World of Warcraft

Although the power of this tactic is not much, but this is enough,

Under a trick, the sky is turned upside down, the whole world is filled with the horrible atmosphere, the giant sword falls, and the horror is unparalleled,

And after showing this trick, Wang Chen finally felt a little powerless, and the whole person was soft on the ground,


At the same time, the power of the move finally broke out,

The wind swelled, the waves were raging, the endless power slammed, and the Warcraft that flew toward Wang Chen all showed a horrible look,

The sword is pushed forward like a wave, and the giant sword is like a meat grinder.


The earth begins to tremble,

In this trembling, there was a burst of mourning and horror of World of Warcraft,

The blood is floating, and the flesh flies between the eyes. In the sword, these Warcraft are all even smashed into pieces,

I don’t know how much Warcraft was resisted by Wang Chen’s move, killing...

Between the blink of an eye, the black pressure of a piece of Warcraft, it is the loss of not knowing how much, a pungent **** smell filled the wind,

Before the mountain, the snow is rolling, and finally a huge avalanche follows,


The horrible avalanche brings a horrible momentum that makes everyone's face change,

Even the Warcraft, this moment, is a panicked look,


Under such an avalanche, these World of Warcraft have issued an uneasy scream...

The next moment, let Wang Chen and others happen unexpectedly, only to see these World of Warcraft under such avalanche, even with a trace of fear began to retreat,

Yes, it’s back, they’re starting to shrink,

This kind of retreat makes people feel abnormal,

Although this avalanche is in turmoil, it seems dangerous, but the people present are some of them, these Warcraft,

This kind of avalanche will bring them huge troubles, even certain dangers, but they will never bring a deadly threat. So, at this moment, both sides are anxious to enter the most critical moment of the battle, who will be willing to back down ,

Especially for these Warcraft,

These Warcraft are not fools. With their strength, they naturally have a lot of IQ, not even inferior to any ordinary human being,

They won’t know this,

At this time, the ones that should not be retracted should be them,

Because, after so much effort, relying on constant impact, they are hard to see a tear, a tear.

Although this crack has not been torn open, it was repulsed by Wang Chen with a slap in the face, but this is only a matter of short time,

Why can Wang Chen display the second move,

This is their best chance, they should be charged,

If you give up this opportunity, it will give you the time and opportunity to wrestle with Wang Chen and others,

Once you miss this opportunity, they want to hit it again, it’s almost impossible,

To the time...

So, at this moment, the retreat of Warcraft has made Wang Chen and others feel surprised,

When Wang Chen and others are surprised, these World of Warcraft have made things that make Wang Chen and others strange,

On the next moment, these Warcraft seem to have encountered something extremely fearful. After a few screams of fear, the head quickly turned to the distance, and escaped on the hillside. The speed is called a Fast, it’s just a runaway with a tail,

The direction in which they the direction of the avalanche,

They actually went to the avalanche... This looks like a suicide, this scene is definitely a surprise to Wang Chen and others,

What happened in the end, how could this happen,

Looking at this scene, Wang Chen and others frowned,


At the same time, with the escape of Warcraft, they are inevitably exhaled,

Especially Wang Chen, in time in such an ice and snow, he is also cold and sweaty at this moment,

The cold water of the bean is running down the back of his body, and it seems that all the strength is running out, so that he can't even stand up,


After a while, after seeing that World of Warcraft escaped hundreds of meters, Bai Changsheng said to everyone,

Although such an avalanche does not require their lives, it is quite troublesome to deal with it. It is naturally best to leave this dangerous area.

After Bai Changsheng's voice fell, Liu Xinyan's body shape flashed. In the twinkling of an eye, he came to Wang Chen's side. When he reached out, Wang Chen was helped: "Chen Ge, go..." /

Liu Xinyan snorted and took Wang Chen quickly and flashed away in the distance,


When everyone just turned around and ran out less than a hundred meters away, suddenly, a majestic roar came,

This roar, how earth-shattering,

This roar sounds as if it has broken the sky and it seems to tear the sky,

This roar of anger shook everyone’s ears and shocked everyone’s mind.

A horrible atmosphere instantly covers a few kilometers, tens of thousands of meters, so that everyone feels a trace of fear and fear from the heart,

"Not good..."

When you heard this sound, Bai Changsheng’s face changed dramatically, and it was pale,

At the same time, Liu Xinyan and others are also in shape, their faces are changing,

The momentum and breath contained in this roar, let them feel the horror, they suddenly realized,

Where, where is World of Warcraft escape, they are simply summoned, avoiding the powerful existence, and this powerful existence, the one that is now roaring at this moment, he is the king of today, even This is the lead of this beast,

Judging from this momentum, it can even be concluded that the strength of this Warcraft is beyond the level of the holy warrior,

This should not appear on the fourth floor of Purgatory at all,

Unexpectedly, the annual beast tide has brought such a strong existence, which is even a rare event in the history of thousands of years of purgatory,

The last time, the monsters of the Emperor’s strength level appeared in the fourth layer of Purgatory, which was something hundreds of years ago,

At that time, the fourth layer of Purgatory suffered heavy losses, and all the personnel stationed in the crack were lost,

Finally, the fourth-level deputy commander of Purgatory, commanding the two to join hands is to kill that powerful monster,

The price paid is the death of the deputy commander, leading the serious injury,

The lesson of that time is profound,

Who can think of today...

No wonder, today, the animal tide is so abnormal,

Before, Wang Chen always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn’t think of anything wrong at the moment,

Now, he knows,

Yes, he knows, that is the strength of the animal tide,

Know that what happened today is the annual animal tide, which happened only once in this year and the most dangerous day of the year. Within a year, the people who lost in Purgatory, most of them lost It was lost when the annual animal boom broke out,

And today, although the animal tide is appearing, it seems to be very dangerous, but Wang Chen always feels wrong, that is, the threat is missing,

Although the previous situation seems to be dangerous and precarious, it is a little less than the real danger,

This kind of animal tide, how could not have a strong World of Warcraft command, you know, as usual, the emergence of animal trends, always accompanied by a group of powerful Warcraft,

These World of Warcraft, along the trend of Warcraft, rushed into the space crack, into the purgatory,

In particular, those who have surpassed the level of the holy warrior, as in the past few hundred years ago, the monster of the mighty armor, it is reasonable to say that it is impossible to rush into the fourth layer of purgatory. It seems that this space has Certain rules and restrictions, so that these powerful World of Warcraft can not enter, can only enter the fifth layer of purgatory and even the sixth layer of purgatory, but when the animal tide is coming, they seem to be able to hide the number of Warcraft by the animal tide The restrictions of the rules appear in places that should not appear, a hundred years ago, that is the case,

Even in this hundred years, there has not been such a change and a powerful World of Warcraft, but it is also a lot of Warcraft's great level of Warcraft,

And today...

Until the moment just now, World of Warcraft is a crisis that has accumulated in numbers, and the real powerful World of Warcraft has never appeared. Even if there are some powerful World of Warcraft, it is only the strength of the eighth-order holy warrior, or the nine-order holy The existence of the strength of the military, but the number is only two, which was resisted and solved by Qi Chengyue and Bai Changsheng,

This strength seems to be...not a real crisis,

Now, Wang Chen and others understand that the real danger has been hidden behind the scenes, and now it appears,

Now, this powerful monster that appears to be the real leader, the real strong, this is the most dangerous existence of the beast,


Between the crowds, the avalanche that had been rolling towards the foot of the mountain seemed to be exploding, and the endless snow covered all the people,

Afterwards, a World of Warcraft with a small size appeared in the eyes of everyone,

The height is ten feet, the body length is several hundred feet, the tiger and the tiger are born, the whole body is white, with a trace of black lines, the eyes of the copper bell are twinkling with a strange blue light,


A roar, the ice and snow that were shaken out of the air instantly turned into a hidden weapon, and swept toward Wang Chen and others at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye. In a blink of an eye, it rushed to the depths of Wang Chen and others. It is necessary to run through Wang Chen’s body,


At the same time, there are two roars, above the sky, I don’t know when the university of goose feathers becomes more horrible. The snowballs of one by one begin to fall, and the squatting on the ground seems to be wearing. Everything,

Bing Snow World of Warcraft,

Seeing this scene, Bai Changsheng secretly whispers,

Control ice and snow, ice and snow demon, ice and snow World of Warcraft, no accident, the appearance of ice and snow World of Warcraft,

No wonder, in the past few days, the weather in the Black Tiger Mountain has suddenly changed. It seems that a few days before the animal tide should happen, but I don’t know why, because of the reason, the ice and snow Warcraft has been suppressed, and he, It is hidden on the Black Tiger Mountain,

These ice and snow are produced because of his appearance,

Today, he launched the offense...

He is waiting for time, using these days to create his own battlefield, suitable for his battlefield,

In the snow and ice, the fighting power of the Snow Devil will be geometrically improved,

Although it is only the ninth-order primary World of Warcraft, but in such ice and snow, with the help of time and place, they can even burst out the strength of the ninth-order intermediate-level Warcraft, which is the strength of the mid-level Emperor Wu,

Thinking of this, don’t mention the face of Bai Changsheng, how ugly it is,

"Hurry up and run away."

After judging the strength of the other party, Bai Changsheng naturally knows that even if they continue to block, there is no chance of winning,

So, after an exclamation, he shouted loudly to Wang Chen and others,

Escape, this moment seems to be the only choice,

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