Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 369: Yin Lingfeng Wave

This unexpected discovery made Wang Chen show a strange expression,

When he came to the body of Warcraft, Wang Chen saw a glimmer of white light from the wound he had blasted,

This silky light caught the attention of Wang Chen,

The condensed force of the force, Wang Chen picked from this wound, the blood was floating, suddenly, a white crystal fell on the ground, the crystal covered with a layer of blood, this layer of blood quickly Surrounded by flowing, revealing the white solids wrapped in it,


Seeing this scene, Wang Chen almost exclaimed,

Yin Lingshi, and, this is a phantom stone larger than the thumb, which is larger than the last phantom stone that Wang Chen obtained, such a large yin stone, containing energy. Imagine,

The body of Warcraft actually contains a ghost stone, what is going on here,

The energy contained in the Yinling Stone is extremely cold and incomparable. If such an energy stone is swallowed into the body, the consequences are unimaginable,

Ordinary Wicked Beast, even if it is an eighth-order holy monster, swallowing such a phantom stone, it will inevitably return to the explosion after a moment, and the monster in front of it is undoubtedly the eighth-order monster, but But there is nothing wrong with it...

Wang Chen frowned, quickly searched on the body of Warcraft,

But, this time, he has no more gains,

But this accidental acquisition of a phantom stone is enough to make Wang Chen harvest a lot,

After the search, Wang Chen immediately left the canyon, two small Yinling stones plus a relatively large Yinling stone, enough for Wang Chen to spend a few days,

The search in these three days is a huge harvest,


After five days, Wang Chen absorbed all the three phantom stones,

The absorption of these three phantom stones makes the strength of Wang Chen almost come to the middle ranks of the fourth-order sages,

This makes Wang Chen even more confident. With the help of the Yinling Stone, his cultivation speed shows a horrible momentum. Moreover, he absorbs the Yinling Stone, does not need to worry about any ignorance, or encounters a bottleneck. The things in this Yinling Stone are extremely pure and even bring more benefits. This is the place where Wang Chen is most relieved,

After the absorption of the Yinling Stone, Wang Chen stepped into the canyon again...

Between the next five days, Wang Chen killed seven or eight World of Warcraft, but it is a pity that in these World of Warcraft, Wang Chen did not find the existence of Yin Lingshi,

When the five days, Wang Chen was only found two Yinling Stones in Yinhua Valley...

This makes Wang Chen quite disappointed. Under such circumstances, Wang Chen is moving towards a further core area,


The wind is whistling, cold and incomprehensible,

The yellow sand is full of sky, this in-depth Yinhua Valley seems to have completely formed another world. The yellow sand is endless and endless, making people quite uncomfortable,


In front, a black whirlwind swept through, making Wang Chen’s face suddenly change...

"Not good...Yin spirit..."

When you see this black whirlwind, Wang Chen’s face changes dramatically,

It’s been half a month since I came to this Yinhua Valley,

In the half-month period, Wang Chen went deep into the Yinhua Valley, and there were nearly ten days. Within ten days, Wang Chen met several times, but those who were in the spirit The wind is not so strong,

In front of you, this feminine wind is really horrible...

A whirlwind, rising from the sky, tens of meters high, the black wind roaring, the diameter of at least reached more than 20 meters, swept through, all the destruction,


And just after the first huge yin spirit appeared, Wang Chen saw the second, and the third yin spirit appeared one after another,

The fourth and fifth yin spirits,

After another generation of yin spirits, Wang Chen realized that it was not good...

"No, this is the once-in-a-kind yin spirit."

Seeing so many yin spirits appearing constantly, and moving quickly, Wang Chen’s face changed greatly, and cold sweat instantly flowed down,

At this moment, Wang Chen realized that the situation is serious,

In the Yinhua Valley, every month, there will be a wave of Yinling wind sweeping. Under such a wave, even if the powerful military is strong, it is difficult to resist,

Under such a yin-like wave, all creatures will die,

In this period of Yinhua Valley, Wang Chen constantly searched for the spirit of the spirit, and even forgot such a thing,

More importantly, there is no fixed time for this wave of yin spirit, and the time of appearance every month has changed,

This is hard to ponder, and it is precisely because of this that the wave of the spirit of the spirit is even more dangerous,

Unexpectedly, when I entered further, I encountered such a wave of yin spirit, and Wang Chen’s face could not change much,

After realizing that it was not good, Wang Chen immediately turned around and walked away, and he would leave,


And at the moment when Wang Chen turned around, the wind whistling, this horrible whistling sound is like a wild animal roaring, wild ghost howling,

At this moment, around, there was a lingering wind that didn’t know much. In all directions, I didn’t know when to wrap Wang Chen in the most central position.

These whirlwinds, each one hundred meters high, are more than 30 meters in diameter, and are still growing rapidly, and the speed is extremely fast,

Between the blink of an eye, it turns into a kilometer, 10,000 meters...

The black whirlwinds of the road are like the pillars of the sky,


After arriving, these whirlwinds even made a loud voice,

"It's not good, you must leave as soon as possible, otherwise you will die."

Wang Chen’s brows are locked, his face is ugly, and his heart is secretly exclaimed,

Now, the space left for him is only less than a few hundred meters,

The distance of hundreds of meters, in the blink of an eye, the yin winds in all directions return to complete coverage,

When you are in the dark, Wang Chen can't die,

But now, how can Wang Chen be able to look around in all directions, it’s all sinister, there is no place to let him escape, and there is no route that allows him to break through,

It seems that at this moment, Wang Chen is caught in a dilemma and falls into a desperate desperate situation,

Looking at this road, the overwhelming stone of the sky swept over, and Wang Chen was sweating,

It seems that at this moment, he feels that the black whirlwind is the scythe of the **** of death, and the squatting direction is cut down. It seems that he is the fish on the cutting board, waiting for the slaughter,


A deep breath, Wang Chen sighs lightly, and the whole body suddenly erupts,

It’s better to stay here than to stay here,

When I looked around, Wang Chen quickly searched for it, hoping to find a gap in the embarrassing Yinling wave, a gap that could even rush out,

Unfortunately, this time, Wang Chen was disappointed again,

Because there is no gap at all. The Yin spirit of this road is huge, but it is tightly squatting, even overlapping, there is no breakthrough route. These sinister styles are like It is a wall that is impenetrable, trapping everything in it...

"Bastard." This discovery made Wang Chen's face even more ugly, and couldn't help but scream,

The situation is quite dangerous, quite bad,

"Do you really want to die here?" Wang Chen is not reconciled,

If he dies here, it’s not like the idea of ​​Bandung, he stunned his wish,

He can't...can't die here, Wang Chen doesn't want to be like those who used to guard the Yinhua Valley, so he is here to kill...

He still has a lot of things to do,

If you really let death here, then the king family is in danger, and Liu Xinyan is also dangerous,

Wang Chen’s heart is full of unwillingness,

However, in the face of the yin spirit, Wang Chen is so weak,


Although the wave of the yin spirit is far from the distance of Wang Chen, but some scattered yin spirits have torn the clothes of Wang Chen in a flash, even tearing him Skin...

Blood, a little bit of penetration, the pain continues to spread,

The wounds that were torn by the yin spirit, not only the blood, but also quickly began to fester, the red blood, instantly turned into black venom,

A chilly breath penetrated into Wang Chen’s body and spread quickly,

Cold poison...

The spread of this coldness makes Wang Chen’s face change,

This genital wind, the subject has not yet arrived, but it is already terrible to exude a lot of scattered yin spirits,

Know that Wang Chen is a star-stirred body, even if it is a powerful samurai, it is difficult to break Wang Chen’s defense easily. Wang Chen’s defense is even stronger than the ordinary Emperor. At least it can match the defense of the ordinary high-ranking Emperor,

However, the fragmented wind of this sinister wind can be easily done,

Not only that, this Yin spirit wind also contains the horrible cold poison, these cold poisons, fierce, so that Wang Chen's blood seems to solidify, let Wang Chen's wounds, a layer of frost ,

And, Wang Chen’s wounds, as well as signs of poisoning, the blood that has flowed out is already black,

However, under the influence of cold poison, Wang Chen could not feel the slightest pain, this is the biggest problem,

"Give me a break."

Between the blink of an eye, Wang Chen’s whole person is turned into an ice sculpture,

This time, Wang Chen screamed, and the whole body rushed out, and instantly covered the ice layers on the surface of the body,


However, in the moment when the ice layer was smashed, Wang Chen once again had more wounds that he did not know. These wounds were more horrible and more serious,

At this moment, the wave of Yin Lingfeng has been less than 50 meters away from Wang Chen, and the scattered power of the wind is more fierce than before...

It seems that at this moment, Wang Chen has only to wait for death, and can only passively wait for the situation of slaughter. He does not seem to have the slightest resistance,

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