Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 366: Hazardous

Speaking of Yinhua Valley, Liu Xinyan is full of tension and worry. If Wang Chen is really going there, how is it, this Bandung is obviously trying to kill Wang Chen, if he goes Isn't that a self-seeking death,

When I heard Liu Xinyan’s explanation, Wang Chen’s brow was locked up,

This Yinhua Valley is so dangerous,

Bandung, it’s really not concealed,

"Go." After a moment of indulging, taking a deep breath, Wang Chen said,

"Chen brother..."

This time, after hearing Wang Chen’s decision, Liu Xinyan was in a hurry,


If this is the case, then it’s still there, knowing that it’s dangerous, Wang Chen still has to choose,

"Go, you must go." Take a deep breath, Wang Chen said: "Bandung, obviously wants to target me. If you don't go, you must find another chance to deal with me, and even if I don't go He can promise."

Wang Chen sneered,

"Ha ha ha...good..."

When Wang Chen’s voice fell, there was a laugh outside the house,

The next moment, a figure walked in slowly,

"Deputy leader."

Seeing people, Wang Chen and Liu Xinyan quickly greeted,

The person who came is the deputy leader Xuan Hongyu,

"Yes, this time, you are going to go, don't go, you have to go. If you don't go, Bandung will take you on the spot, and you must obey it in purgatory."

Hongyu went to Wang Chen and sighed,

"How is that good?" Liu Xinyan asked,

"Only go, don't go, you must die, because of the relationship between the warrior and the family, Bandung wants to let you die, he won't let you have a chance to refuse, and if he doesn't, he won't be jealous. Killing you will inevitably let you go with you, so it’s even more dangerous,

It would be better to choose yourself.

Hongyu brows tight,

When he decided to let Wang Chen go alone to Yinhua Valley, he opposed it. Not only him, but also several captains opposed it, but they were all rejected by Bandung,

In the words of Bandung, that is: I believe in him, he also needs to get exercise, young people, need to hone,

This sentence is added to the attitude of Bandung, and there is no chance of opposition,

So, now that's the situation,

"Kids, this time, the trip to Yinhua Valley, you are careful, three months time, maybe also your chance, Yinhua Valley, the farthest distance from the patrolling of the moon, and there is no chance for Yu Chengyue. Kill you,

If you are in the past, three months is enough to get you a lot,

In the Yinhua Valley, there are a lot of stones of the Yin spirit. These stones of the Yin spirit contain pure and incomparable energy. This is the energy left after the shady wind has been blown. For thousands of years, Accumulated, these energies, the military can directly swallow, there are huge benefits,

I heard that your kid and the king of the ancient monsters are in the body, and there is also an ancient Warcraft in the body,

Maybe, Yinhua Valley, for them, is a great opportunity for improvement and recovery..."

Hongyu took a deep look at Wang Chen,

This Yinhua Valley is a dangerous place, but it also contains unlimited opportunities,

If you can get enough phantoms, three months is enough for Wang Chen to get a huge boost,

His monsters are able to make great progress, which will allow him to accumulate enough capital in the future, when dealing with the moon,

"Thank you for your guidance." When he heard Hongyu, Wang Chen nodded and showed a gratitude,

Hongyu’s remarks can be said to make Wang Chen gain a lot,

Unexpectedly, there are also the existence of Yinling Stone in Yinhua Valley, and even great help for Yanyue and Emperor Huang,

As Hongyu said, this may be an opportunity,

This is the best opportunity to deal with the moon,

"Okay, Liu Ni's Xiao Nizi, you don't have to worry about it, worry about uselessness, it's better to upgrade, there are people from Liujia, who can't dare to treat you for the time being,

But, no accident, this year, your Liu family is the strongest in the fourth layer of Purgatory, Liu Qingfeng must break through, when it will enter the fifth floor,

There was a loss of his sitting, and the rest of the Liu family were unable to hold back the moon. He is likely to start with you,

Want to deal with this guy, improve your strength. The Tianzhu Valley you are in is the best place to patrol the fourth layer of Purgatory. It has plenty of aura and plenty of energy. It is most beneficial to cultivation. /

Three months of hard work, at least equivalent to three years of hard work,

Maybe, upgrading to the fifth-order holy warrior is not a dream.

After introducing the situation of Yinhua Valley, watching Liu Xinyan, Hongyu continued,

"It’s all said, you are so self-sufficient."

After finishing these words, Hongyu sighed at the two people and walked outside the tent,

I originally wanted to give Wang Chen some tips and tell him about Yinhuagu. Now it seems that it is no longer needed,

If this is the case, he does not have to continue to stay here,

Looking at Hongyu's departure, Wang Chen and Liu Xinyan looked at each other and gave a gratitude to Hongyu's back.

"Okay, Xinyan, this is an opportunity. As the deputy commander said, in three months, we must upgrade as soon as possible. It is our biggest enemy, the biggest threat,

After three months, together to guard the crack channel, when the time is dangerous, if you can't improve your strength, you will die, and it is better to fight.

When, Chen Chen turned and said to Liu Xinyan,

"Well, Chen Ge, then you should be careful."

When I heard Hongyu’s words, I heard the words of Wang Chen now, Liu Xinyan nodded solemnly,

In the purgatory, the crisis, the internal crisis, is even more dangerous,

They have no way out now, they can only fight,

After a long time with Wang Chen, Liu Xinyan returned to his tent to prepare things, and tomorrow dawn is the time to leave,

In the early morning of the second day, the sky has not yet fully lit up,

Besides the camp, Wang Chen and others have already slammed here,


Standing in the forefront, Bandung glanced at a circle of people, his eyes fixed on Wang Chen's body, flashing a sneer, a faint announcement,

With the announcement of Bandung, under the leadership of several old members, Wang Chen and his party went their separate ways and went to the place where they belonged,

"Chen brother, be careful, I...wait for you."

When they were separated, looking at Wang Chen, Liu Xinyan bit his lip and said softly,

"After three months, see you."

Wave a wave, bite your teeth, Wang Chen turned and left,

Three months, Wang Chen may have to meet the most dangerous three months since life,

Yinhua Valley, how many dangers there are, waiting for him,


After three days, outside the Yinhua Valley, Wang Chen and an old member of a purgatory around him stood here,

The cold wind whistling, the wind blowing, the roaring sound, screaming,

The valley in front of the valley formed a huge hustle and bustle, lying on this barren land, swallowing the sky and swallowing the ground,

"Yinhua Valley is here..."

Standing at the entrance, this old member did not move on, looking at Wang Chen, sighed and said,

At the same time, looking at Wang Chen’s eyes, there is some sympathy and some pity,

A newcomer, even one person is stationed in this Yinhua Valley, nine dead for a lifetime,

This place, their old members are familiar, dangerous places,

Every year, stationed here, 12 batches of people, one batch in January, a group of two, a total of 24 people, but among these 24 people, four people can safely leave the Yinhua Valley, even if it is very Not bad,

Every year, within the fourth floor of Purgatory, 40% of the injured people are from the loss of Yinhua Valley,

It’s conceivable how dangerous this place is,

And now, Wang Chen is one person to come to the station... This is really a life of nine deaths,

This guy, offended Bandung, really...

"Go yourself to hand over." After telling Wang Chen to arrive at the destination, the man sighed and said,

In front, he is not willing to take another step. It seems that he thought of the scene two years ago,

At that time, he was also the person who guarded the place. At that time, if he was not lucky, he was already dead. This is so, but it left an indelible impression,

Where will he go in,

"Right, this thing is holding, maybe, it helps you."

Hesitating for a moment, the man took a piece of sheepskin from his arms and handed it to Wang Chen,

"This is..."

When I saw this, Wang Chen was amazed,

"The topographic map in Yinhua Valley, two years ago, I was stationed in Yinhua Valley." The man smiled: "Xuan's deputy commander asked me to give you some tips, only this is the best for you."

When he heard the man, Wang Chen looked at the man strangely,

I also thought that this person is a man of Bandung. I did not expect that it was a Hongyu person. This made Wang Chen more grateful to Hongyu,

"Okay, go, three months, I hope to see you again, you don't need to hand over, the two people who were stationed in the Yinhua Valley before, three days ago, have all died, in the spirit of the spirit... ..." After handing the sheepskin roll to Wang Chen, the man shook his hand and then turned and left directly,

Leaving Wang Chen alone, after carefully collecting the sheepskin rolls in the same place, this is going to go inside the Yinhua Valley,

The two people who had been stationed here were all killed...

When I heard the last words left by the man, watching the back of the man’s departure, Wang Chen opened his mouth, but he couldn’t say anything,

This place is really dangerous,

I arrived here and I heard this news...

This Bandung, this time in order to deal with himself, it seems that there is no way to stay, he wants to let himself completely kill here,

"Bandung... Wanjia, maybe, I will let you down, let me go, wait for me, Xinyan, wait for me."

Squinting, turning and looking at the entrance to the Yinhua Valley in front, Wang Chen muttered to himself,

It’s not that simple to let him die,

Yinhua Valley, how dangerous it is, how horrible... he wants to see it,

At this moment, Wang Chen walked toward the Yinhua Valley,

A new opportunity is presented to him,

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