Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 352: Unexpectedly

Stepping into the heart of the Death Valley, in an instant, Wang Chen and Ling Zhan only felt that the wind was stronger,

It’s already like entering the night, it’s dark and dark,


In the distance, in the darkness, there was a roar of screams, and it was not the sound of the whistling wind, or the roar of some beasts,

The air is dead, the black fog is heavy...

Stepping into it, in less than a moment, Wang Chen feels dizzy and dizzy,

This strong death suffocation makes you suffocate,

The thick fog, with the breath, enters the body, instantly spreads, and even automatically invades into the body of Wang Chen along the pores. Preventing accidental prevention, these poisonous mists are really pervasive,

Wang Chen is obviously aware that these black fogs that have entered the body begin to swallow his true power quickly, and begin to follow his veins, destroying every cell of his body, and going deep into Dantian. Going to Jin Dan and Yuan Shen, trying to let Wang Chen kill directly from the inside...

The emergence of this situation is really a surprise to Wang Chen,

If this time, another energy in Wang Chen’s body quickly resolves the destruction of black fog, Wang Chen may be dangerous now,

This energy is the energy produced after taking the drug,

This is really lucky,

If it’s an ordinary person, if you don’t have the slightest preparation, if you rush into this place, then it’s gone now,

Death Valley, it’s a well-deserved reputation,

This is just the most direct and simple test, not to mention the endless beasts and beasts, and the dangers of mysterious unknowns,

"Kid, luck expulsion."

It seems that I feel the situation of Wang Chen, and the battle on one side, this time I quickly sent a voice to Wang Chen,

In the Death Valley, this horrible poisonous fog is beyond the imagination of the battle,

I didn’t expect even a hundred poisons to be resolved. The top antidote pills on Tian Xuan’s mainland are almost useless here...

At this time, relying on the detoxification pill can not completely restrain the poisonous fog here. It must be accompanied by the expulsion and resolution of the real yuan force. Otherwise, even if the detoxification pill can temporarily make them no danger, however, As time goes by, I believe that I don’t want an hour, they will still die,

When I heard the battle, Wang Chen was shocked and quickly started running the real yuan, and began to expel the black fog with the potency,

Sure enough, with Wang Chen running the real element of the expulsion, his situation gradually earned, the poisonous fog was quickly resolved,

At the same time, the pores around the body are completely closed in an instant, which is a major channel to eliminate the invasion of poisonous mist,

"Kids, hurry to find yin and yang, we can only stay here for an hour."

Seeing the situation of Wang Chen improved, Ling War quickly reminded,

When he heard the battle, Wang Chen nodded,

He can feel that the power generated by the drug is constantly decreasing,

This way, you can’t hold on for a lot of time, maybe an hour, maybe it’s already the limit,

Thinking of this, Wang Chen speeds up,

Zhen Yuanli is constantly resisting the poisonous mist, which makes Wang Chen’s real yuan quickly consumed,

This also makes Wang Chen’s mood heavy. If this continues, the real power loss will be exhausted. If they encounter a powerful monster, they will be really dangerous,

Swallowing a returning Yuandan, Wang Chen quickly recovered the real yuan, hoping to maintain the supply of the true power and maintain a balance...


Bone bones, after entering the core area, Senran’s white bones gradually increased, and the entire canyon was completely replaced by dead air,

The thick corpse smells like a slap in the face, making people sick,

This is a scent of corpse that has accumulated for thousands of years,

Between the vagueness, even the rotten monster body can be seen everywhere, this is a powerful monster that does not know when to die,


The sound of roaring in front of him immediately made Wang Chen and Ling war vigilant,

"Black Tiger, be careful."

The next moment, the battle suddenly shouted,

When the voice of the battle fell, in front of it, a black shadow flashed in the blink of an eye and rushed to the front of Wang Chen and others,

Hurry, too fast,


A sound of penetration came, and immediately, Wang Chen felt the warm blood drifting down,

Although the subconscious is trying to avoid it, his chest still leaves four deep scratch marks,

Blood, flowing quickly, with a trace of horrible black,

Poisonous, highly toxic,

Long-term living in the Death Valley has caused a huge variation in the monsters here,

In the adaptation and transformation of thousands of years, all the monsters living on this side have already possessed the horrible toxicity,

This kind of toxicity is the most poisonous existence of Tian Xuan, which is the most poisonous poison,

When suddenly, Wang Chen was dizzy and felt a little weak,


In his mind, a roar came out, and at this moment, in his mind, there was a scene of a scene,

The battlefield of killing, the horrible Shura, the boundless demons, the boundless strongmen...

A worldly battle began to unfold,

The **** of the moment is shocked...

This is the scene of the battle of the Death Valley thousands of years ago. This is the illusion of endless resentment within the Death Valley...,

Before, Wang Chen Lingtai was clear and kept vigilant, so that these grievances could not be invaded,

Now, in an instant, he was traumatized and poisoned, causing him to fall in time,

In the case of a fall, these grievances suddenly invaded his god,

These illusions are born of grievances,

So, at this moment, Wang Chen is in an extremely dangerous situation,

Cold and sweaty, bursts of cold sweats, making Wang Chen’s face pale,


The breath of the big mouth, Wang Chen’s expression is very painful,

Seeing this scene, the face of the battle has changed dramatically, and the secret is not good,

Black Yanhu, equivalent to the existence of the peak of the Holy Warrior, especially known for its speed, its speed is definitely not inferior to any Emperor, or even the ordinary warrior,

In the Death Valley, after thousands of years of evolution, the speed of the Black Tiger is even more horrible,

Under the dim environment, the danger it poses is even comparable to a warrior,

So, just now, in a flash, even the war can not protect Wang Chen, directly hurt him,

Seeing Wang Chen’s situation, Ling War instantly understands what kind of danger he is in now,

"Hey, let the animals, find death."

The heart raging and angering, watching the black-fire tiger once again, the battle is very cold,

A roar, directly offering his weapon of the gods,


After that, one step at a time, quickly resisted in front of Wang Chen, a sword swept away,


The sharp sound of the air broke through, and the sword was overflowing, turning into a sweeping squad of a hundred feet,


The flash of cold light, the black cold light, even in such a dim environment, it is glaring,

Sparks flashing, this time, the battle has a certain amount of preparation space, so it smoothly resisted the black-fire tiger's blow,

After a move, the battle has taken three steps in succession, and it’s like a wind. It’s like a tiger, it’s fast,

The long sword fell again and swept away toward the black tiger that was flying out,


A roar, the black-skinned tiger made a roar, opening his mouth, it was spit out a pair of hellfires,

"It has evolved to such a point that this black tiger is not the strength of the holy warrior."

There was a big shock in the battle, and he quickly went away,

Hellfire, but one of the most violent flames is stronger than the real fire of the sun. It is comparable to the three fires that the Suzaku Flames radiate. This is the top flame, the most terrible flame,

It’s a great deal,


The wind is raging, the sleeves are in the air,

Under this sleeve, these hellfires are instantly turned into nothingness,

This hand can be described as beautiful,

Although, now the black inflammation tiger mutates, with the strength of the Emperor, but who is the war,

Under this sleeve, but the majesty of the warrior, plus the mysterious means, even Yu Yu can charge, let alone go to the flames of hell,


After turning to the flames of hell, the battle is blasting,


The palm of the hand roars, the tiger roars,

Under the palm of your hand, you will gather together a giant tiger,

The tiger screams and goes straight to the black tiger,


Looking at the white-eyed giant tiger, the black-hot tiger made a low-pitched sound, and the cold light flashed through the giant tiger,

Tears are coming,


The slamming sounds come out,

The white-eyed giant tiger was directly torn by the black inflammation tiger,

Under the power of terror, the Black Tiger is also being shaken out,


A scream of screaming, Black Yanhu instantly turned around and fled,

The power of the battle, it has seen it,

The more powerful the beast, the higher the IQ, the more like the black tiger, their IQ is not even under the ordinary people,

The strength of the war, let it know that there is no chance, continue to face the battle, it is very dangerous, so it decisively chose to retreat,

Alive, the most important thing for the beast,

As for killing the prey, it will only be done on the premise of being alive. Once it is found to be wrong, the first time to retreat, and then to find the remaining opportunities, this is the king,

So, Black Yanhu did not hesitate to choose to retire,

Looking at the black inflammation tiger retreating, the battle is not chasing,

The figure flashed and came to Wang Chen: "Wake up."

A scream, instant,

This roar is suddenly introduced into Wang Chen’s ear and directly shocks the soul,

This roar is like a Hong Zhong, constantly swirling in the brain of Wang Chen, squeaking,

Under this roar, Wang Chen’s soul suffered a huge impact, and then all the illusions disappeared,

In front of the eyes, Wang Chen’s body is soft and directly falls into a coma,


A light drink, one hand pulled Wang Chen, a force at the foot of Ling Zhan, a flash of shape, swept away from the death canyon,

The first time they entered the canyon, they suffered a horrible attack, and the danger ended in failure...

Death Valley, really is not an ordinary place, forbidden, veritable,

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