Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 324: Zhu Jia finds a door

The ratio has just ended, Wang Chen and others are preparing to leave the Warriors Square, but they are far away to see a group of people coming towards this side,

Looking at the group of people coming to their side, Wang Chen’s brows are slightly wrinkled,

At the same time, I don’t know how many eyes around, all poured in at the moment,

"Good play, it started."

Many people have come up with this idea,

Because, at this moment, people who are going toward Wang Chen and others are not other people. Isn’t it the big family ratio of this family, the fourth Zhu family?

Zhu family of the Suzaku family, why did they find Wang Chen, this is already a clear thing,

If he doesn't look for Wang Chen, then it makes people feel strange,

Know that Wang Chen is now a treasure of heaven and earth with the eyes of Suzaku,

This Suzaku's eye is the magic weapon of the ancient Suzaku, the inheritance of the magic weapon, after the fall of the Suzaku, the Zhu family did not know how long it took for hundreds of years, thousands of years, has been looking for the existence of Suzaku's eye,

The eyes of Suzaku, for Zhu, can be said to be sacred objects, inheritance, and also a spirit,

Such things like this, Zhu family will certainly take back the family and will not let it flow outside,

It’s a pity that now, the eyes of Suzaku are in Wang Chen’s body, Zhu Jia, how could this be the case,

The ratio is over, they are looking for Wang Chen, this is something that can grow again,

"Under this, Zhu Jia is going to return to Suzaku’s eyes with Wang Chen."

"No, they can keep the eyes of Suzaku stay with Wang Chen."

"Yes, but...the eyes of Suzaku have obviously been refining by Wang Chen, and Wang Chen is willing to hand it over."

"I will definitely not be willing, don't say anything else, just say the eyes of Suzaku, this is the magic weapon of heaven and earth, the top magic weapon, I don't know how much stronger than the golden mirror of Wanjia, this is good. No one wants to call out."

"Zhu family, will not be willing to give up."

"Wang Chen, this is troublesome."

The people who watched Zhu’s family walked toward Wang Chen. Within the crowd, there was a lot of discussion,

A lot of people have chosen to stop and watch, not leaving immediately,

Obviously, in the eyes of these people, the meeting between the Zhu family and the Wang family will be a meeting of Mars hitting the earth,

"Wanjia, people from Wanjia have come over..."

Suddenly, there was another exclamation in the crowd,

"Hey...this million, it seems that I want to take this opportunity to put pressure on the Wang family."

"No, Jinjing, how can Wanjia really give up, if Jinjing is really controlled by Wang Chen, Wanjia really does not need to mix."

"This next Wang Chen is really troublesome."

Wanjia, when I saw Zhu’s coming toward Wang Chen and others, I even followed it. There is quite a feeling of fox and tiger...

"Oh my God, there is a warrior, and there is a drug king, is this to let the king's family be destroyed?"

Just, after the exclamation, another burst of exclamation came,

Because, in addition to Zhu Jia, Wan Jia, this time, the company and the drug king door are all dispatched,

Pharmacy Wangmen, why did you move, you can imagine, the warrior, now it is estimated that hate to death Wang Chen, such an opportunity, how can they give up, at this time, if they do not participate, they are still worthy of themselves,

As for the warrior, it is because the warrior is the ally of Wanjia and Yaowangmen,

Now, allies are being bullied, they can stand by,

So, under such circumstances, everyone is coming to this side, and the situation seems to have suddenly fallen into an explosive situation,

Looking at the Zhu family, the warrior, the Wanjia, the Yaowangmen, these people all walked toward themselves, and Wang Chen’s brow was locked up,

These people want to join forces,

If they join forces... the Wang family is really not an opponent,

Wang Chen’s face has some bad looks for a moment,

"Oh, these bastards, fight."

The madman came to Wang Chen’s side and screamed,

"Hey, how many people are bullying people?" The blood wolf is also sneer,

These big families, a big family that is self-evident and great, is so shameless,

"Hey...two of the six big families, there is also an institutional family and one of the five major sects of Hongzhou. The squad is not small."

At this time, Ling War came to Wang Chen's side, squinting and sneer,

The side of the battle is Ling Feng,

I believe that both of them are ready,

If these people dare to come together, I believe that Ling War and Ling Feng will definitely not mind killing,

With the strength of both of them, dare not say anything else, killing one hundred and eighty people is still no problem,

Not only two people, but also the people of Su Yuan and other stars have come here,

Wang Chen, is the elder of the Stars, the Wang family, can be said to be the closest ally of the Stars, and of course they can not look at it,

For a time, the stars, the Wang family, all gathered together, the war is stunned,


A whisper came, I don’t know when, in the distance, a blue shadow is coming towards this side,

It’s amazing, it’s amazing.

Liu Xinyan, Liu Jialiu Xinyan, this time is also coming here,

"Liu Jia, also joined in."

"The first family, Liu family, hey, really lively, I didn't expect it..."

"Things have actually developed to this point. I heard that Wang Chen’s relationship with Liu Xinyan is very good."

"That is a must, haven't you heard of it? At the time of Bai's family, Liu Xinyan almost helped Wang Chen to kill thousands of people. Even the warriors, she did not give face."

The appearance of Liu Xinyan has attracted a while,

Liu Jia, also involved, this thing is getting bigger and bigger,

It’s just an instant thing. On the Warriors Square, everyone’s attention is concentrated here,

Before the high platform, the brows of the sacred mountain guards who have not left are slightly wrinkled,

Looking at the people on both sides of the field, he showed a trace of concern,

Or, to be precise, he is worried about Zhu Jia, Wan Jia,

Because, from the previous battle, he found a very important point: that is, the two ancestors of Xingchen Zong and Wang’s family are extremely powerful,

If there is no accident, it is the strongman who was robbed in the 100,000 mountains a few days ago,

If it’s these two strong guys...that...their strength is unfathomable,

Even, both of them have stepped into the Shenwu level,

If it is true... Zhu Jia and Wan Jia, these people, looking for the troubles of Wang Chen and Xing Chenzong, will be very miserable,

These people are not the opponents of the two, the power of the two martial artists, not the ones they can resist,

Maybe, if those old guys are still there, there is still a fight,

But now, those old guys are not there, they fight,

When the guardian of the Holy Mountain was worried, the Zhu family was the first to come to Wang Chen and others,

"Wang Chen."

The head of a middle-aged man faintly asked Wang Chen, the tone has some pride, high above,

"You already know."

Wang Chen brows a wrinkle, a faint snoring, he feels a little uncomfortable in this tone,

At the same time, Wang Chen’s eyes swept past, more than a dozen Zhu’s people, and saw two people he was familiar with. These two were the two sisters of Zhu’s family who met in the secret of Bai’s family. Zhu Xi and Zhu Yan,

Feeling the eyes of Wang Chen, at this moment, Zhu Xi and Zhu Yan are also complex expressions,

After half a year or more, they have seen Wang Chen, which is within the secret of Bai’s family,

At that time, Wang Chen had already offended the Wanjia and the warriors. At that time, it was precarious. At that time, Liu Xinyan helped Wang Chen. At that time, Wang Chen was still Yan Chen. At that time, Wang Chen attracted them. Attention,

Then, in the secret of Baijia, Wang Chen is even more impressive,

However, even if this is the case, no one can think of it. After a short period of more than half a year, Wang Chen grew from the weakest and most perfect emperor to the present holy warrior... This is an insurmountable gap. Ah,

See you again, but it’s like a world,

Just, what they don’t think about is that he turned out to be Wang Chen, and the eyes of Suzaku are on his body...

Undoubtedly, at that time, in the secret, they vaguely felt a familiar atmosphere, but at the time they observed, but nothing was found, they thought they were wrong...

I didn’t expect that they didn’t feel wrong,

At that time, if they could find the atmosphere and determine Wang Chen, then there would be no trouble today,

Wang Chen at that time was only a great perfection, and, within the secret of the White House, in that case, they could completely recapture the eyes of Suzaku...

But now, more than half a year later, Wang Chen is no longer the original Wang Chen. He is a holy warrior. He is the family of the Wang family. He reappears in front of everyone with the family of the Wang family. One identity is the sovereign of the Stars,

This time, Wang Jia, Xing Chenzong, shows the incomparable strength...

Think of these, the two look complex, bitter,

"The eyes of Suzaku are on your body."

When Zhu Yan and Zhu Xi’s expressions are incomparably complex, the middle-aged man again asks faintly,

Eye, but it’s a straight look at Wang Chen, which exudes a sultry light...

Between the vagueness, under the eyes of Wang, Wang Chen even felt that he was as if he had been stared by the beast, a cold breath, and his own heart,

Strong, dangerous, Wang Chen’s heart was suddenly alert,

He looked at this middle-aged man, this should be the owner of the Zhu family, and the Zhu family leader who passed the Suzaku blood,

"Yes, Suzaku's Eye is on my side."

A deep breath, Wang Chen’s real body, running slightly, resisting the eyes of the monk, faintly said,

A word fell, the atmosphere of the scene solidified in an instant, and it suddenly became tense...

Finally, this moment has come, and there is silence on the square. Everyone has focused on the family of Zhu,

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