Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 319: Forcing into a desperate situation

Today, Wanjia seems to be caught in a dilemma,

Directly lose, or continue to fight,

Directly admit defeat, the result must be a failure, and they will thoroughly sweep the face, a big physique family, has always been one of the top ten families of Tian Xuan mainland, the Vientiane family, will actually Ordinary family admit defeat,

This blow to the Vientiane family is not as big as it is,

Even if it is their turn to challenge, they try to save a little face, but it’s useless,

This time, the admission will inevitably become the laughing stock of Wanjia,

Take a loss to the enemy and admit defeat to the ordinary family...

And if they don’t admit defeat, they still can’t get rid of the failure,

Even, if you don’t admit defeat, Wanjia will lose one person or even two people in the next battle,

The next two battles, they... have been unable to return to heaven,


The wind, passing through the boundless Kunlun world, is just this moment, but it makes people feel so cold,

The sky has been a chill,

"The fourth battle, Wanjia, who is your debut."

At this time, the words of the ambassador of the Holy Mountain came again, and it made the brows locked up,

He clenched his teeth and took a deep breath, but his face was constantly changing,

"I...we admit defeat."

Finally, Wanjia still made the choice to admit defeat,

Wan Tian, ​​after all, is the patriarch of a family. It was crazy before because the ancestors were killed and the stimulation was too great,

Now, he has gradually calmed down,

At this time, he knows what choices to make,

Even if you lose face, there is no way,

Do you look at the younger generation of Wanjia, the hope of the future, continue to be killed,

If this is the case, then they will really be finished...

In this case, all he can do is admit defeat...

One choice to make, the whole person, it seems to have been exhausted, and the body shakes a little,

Family ratio, they admit defeat to the most hateful family, this is how ridiculous,

And, now they have a total score of two to one. In this case, it is a confession... This is even more ridiculous,

Also, the Wang family killed their ancestors, just now... Now they have chosen to admit defeat...

Everything is a big blow to the sky, not a big deal,

Looking at the horrible face of Wan Tian, ​​listening to the answer he announced, this sacred mountain ambassador’s mouth showed a bitter smile...

This time, Wanjia is lost,

Hey... This time, the blow to Wanjia is really not that big,

If, before the younger generation battle has not yet started, they will admit defeat, that would be better,

But now...


The battle of the younger generation has now begun,


Their Wang family has taken the lead in admitting one, so that Wanjia takes the absolute initiative,

At this time, Wanjia, two to one lead, in such a case of admit defeat, it will make people look down on it...

And, the one that worried him the most, that is...


When the Holy Mountain Messenger was worried, he heard the distance and Wang Chen suddenly shouted,

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, the brows of the sacred mountain ambassador’s brows twitched, and the corners of his mouth were pumping, and a bad hunch began to permeate,

"Does this king's house... really want to..."

"The third round of combat begins, we have the right to ask for a life-and-death battle, and death to the end."

When the sacred mountain ambassador smiled, Wang Chen suddenly said,

In a word, let all the people in Wanjia brush their faces and become pale...

The sacred mountain ambassador is even more so that he has a bitter smile...

Wang, this is really the case,

Before the millennium, this rule is already in place,

Once, once a round of competition begins, halfway, if one party chooses to admit defeat, the other party has the right to refuse, especially in the case of backwardness, they have the right to propose a dead battle...

In other words, if it is the third round, before the start of the younger generation, Wanjia chooses to admit defeat, then the Wang family has no reason to refuse,

But now, it’s starting, and the Wang family is still behind,

In this case, they have taken the initiative and broke the back road of Wanjia,

The backward party refuses to accept the loss from the leading party... Within a round of competition, it can be so...

This rule is due to the chaotic family ratio before the previous year,

And now, for the millennium, this rule has not been used,

But now...

Thinking of this, the holy mountain sighs with a sigh...

Wanjia, this is pushing yourself into this Jedi,

"Wang Chen, you are this..."

The moment of ten thousand days is also very complex, and his eyes wide open, watching Wang Chen, angry roaring up...

This bastard...he turned out to be...

This is absolutely unimaginable.

Wanjia, has been pleading for the whole, choose to admit defeat, which is a humiliating thing for them,

But now, they admit defeat, but the Wang family still does not let...

This is not even more grievous,

In a flash, people in Wanjia even felt desperate,

Never die,

This challenge has fallen to the battle of life and death,

This time, the remaining two games, even the chance to admit defeat is gone,

Once you upgrade to such a life-and-death battle, there is only one party to win, and the other to die...

This kind of life and death challenge, for almost a thousand years, but almost never appeared,

Even a family of two enemies will not use such a challenge on such an occasion...

Know that anyone who participates in Daby is a family or sectarian elite,

Any loss is irreparable,

When the life and death war is opened, someone must die,

Who is willing,

I didn’t expect the Wang family to be...

They have to kill so much,

"No, we don't agree."

The sky is like crazy, loud shouting,

"You... have no right to refuse, now, your leading party, and, the third round of fighting has been opened, the Wang family has the right to propose a life-and-death battle." The sacred mountain sigh sighed with a smile,

In a word, let the days go stagnation,

At this moment, he seems to have thought of this rule too,

The **** rule...

"Bastards, Wang Jia... They have been waiting for this moment, yes, it must be."

The sky is finally realized,

Aware of why the Wang family sent a blood wolf directly after the start of the third round, and chose to admit defeat...

This is a conspiracy, a conspiracy to push them into a desperate situation,

Think of this, the whole person is even angry and begins to tremble,

This time, what about the face,

Thinking about his family, he is willing to admit defeat. If the ordinary family doesn't know what to look like, but this **** king's family wants to kill it, which makes Wantian not angry,


The curse of the skull screamed, and the face of Wantian changed again and again,

"Wanjia, the fourth battle, who will debut."

Just, the face of Wantian is changing again and again, but the ambassadors of the Holy Mountain are not idle, and they don’t give them more time to think,

The contract of life and death has already been established. At this time, the battle will continue,

Looking at the sky, at this moment, the ambassador of the Holy Mountain has some sympathy,

This poor guy, before the second round ended, the third round has not yet begun, isn’t he already reminding him,

But he didn’t listen...

Now, regret is late,

If the family wants to break the contract and does not engage in a life-and-death battle, the Wang family has the right to pursue it,

When the time comes, in the Qiankun area, where can Wan family escape?

In terms of the strength of the ancestors of the Wang family, Ling Tian, ​​everyone in the family will die,

This is not worth the loss,

Know that if you fight, they will die at the top of two, no fight, four people will die,

It’s very light and heavy...

乾坤界, the atmosphere seems to be solidified,

And in the Warriors Square, the atmosphere is even more boiling at this moment,

Wang Jia, actually at this time, the road to the death of Wanjia, even rejected the confession of Wanjia...

This is something that no one can think of,

Wang Jia, actually chose the battle of life and death, this is even more unexpected,

This king's family, after the Wanjia, how much hatred is there...

This Wang family is clearly going to kill it.

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