Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 273: The gods are present!


As long as the soul of Jiang Baiyu is integrated into the soldiers of Yuanli and let it become the spirit, it is the final step. The power of Wang Chen’s Yuanli will definitely increase. .

So, at this moment, Wang Chen did not dare to care.

Looking at the seal of the pearl, he took a deep breath.

At first, the white pheasant was killed by the magic dance, and the flesh blood was refining into a battle armor. The dragon ribs were extracted and became one of the main materials of the soldiers of Wang Chen refining.

As for the white pheasant, it is a golden scorpion shelling. It chose to give up the flesh and escape the spirit, trying to escape the chasing of the illusion.

But who thinks, everything is in the mastery of magic dance.

Finally, the soul of the day is still sealed by the magic dance.

White, this is a powerful existence. If you use its soul as the soul, Wang Chen’s soldiers can be simple.

However, this process is also difficult. If you are not careful, Wang Chen may fail. Even, let his power force be destroyed and let the soul of the white escaping escape to heaven.

Zhou body Zhenyuan force blocked this seal Lingzhu, Wang Chen opened the seal of Feng Lingzhu according to the method left by the magic dance.


In a flash, a burst of roaring sounds skyrocketing.

The seal was lifted, and the soul of the day reappeared in the heavens and the earth. It began to struggle wildly, as if to smash the imprisonment of the seal.

"Hume." Seeing this scene, Wang Chen sneered.

With one hand and one wave, Feng Lingzhu was suppressed by his real power, and the endless real power was injected into Feng Lingzhu.

"Bastard, you dare..."

The sorrowful voice of the white sorrowful voice, loud anger.

"Don't dare."

Wang Chen sneered.

"The deity is the ancient beastmaster, you can't do this to me, hurry up and put the deity, the deity will not care about things before you, if you dare... this deity will not forgive you."

Knowing what Wang Chen wants to do, the soul of Bai Yu struggles in Feng Lingzhu and growls loudly.

"It’s just the soul of the gods, and the imprisonment of Feng Lingzhu, and how do you think about it.” In the face of the roar of the soul of the white, Wang Chen sneered a little.

The next moment, the hand prints, and is constantly injected into the seal beads.

After a moment, Feng Lingzhu was touched, and the soul of Bai Yu rushed out. A majestic atmosphere rose to the sky, and he did not know much more than Wang Chen.

However, Wang Chen was prepared, and the endless seal that had been condensed before, under his handcuffs: "He."

A sneak peek, these embossed moments merged into a cage, and the paintings were made to prison, and the soul of the day was once again confined.

The true power of the majestic rushes out, and the dragon of the real yuan not only suppresses the soul of the white scorpion.

"How is it possible that this kid has broken through to the saints in a short period of time, so imposing, even the second-order saints may not be able to confront him.

After a while, when the deity saw this kid, but the sixth-order martial arts, how could there be such a big improvement.

Feeling the power and strength of Wang Chen, he was shocked by the soul of the white scorpion that was banned in the cage.

"This kid is unparalleled, and his relationship with the Phoenix Girl..."

At the same time, think of the Phoenix girl, the soul of the white tremble trembled, but it is one of the strongest who can not fight! Wang Chen, even close to the Phoenix girl, what is going on.

"What is this reincarnation of Wang Chen?" In the end, the soul of the day has come to an amazing conclusion.

Also, if it is not a reincarnation, how can it be so powerful, how can you get the favor and help of the Phoenix girl.

You know, even in the ancient times, in the mainland where the strong is like a cloud, you can enter the ranks of saints in the early 20s, and there are very few, not to mention the era of this decline.

Isn't the era of even the gods of war not falling?

In the Eastern family for thousands of years, Bai Hao naturally learned about the situation of today's Xuan Continental...

So, Wang Chen’s cultivation talent is even more shocking to him...

In this case, he even concluded that Wang Chen was a reincarnation.

There is only one possibility, whether it is from his cultivation speed, his talent, or the relationship of the Phoenix girl, Wang Chen may be a turn of power.

The past life, he was categorically cultivated to the point where he reached the peak, in order to choose reincarnation, or Nirvana.

He, who is it?

Bai Yu’s heart was shocked.

"Kid, don't refine me, my soul is willing to drive you the time of the previous year, how."

Thinking of Wang Chen’s identity, Bai Hao quickly said loudly to Wang Chen.

Be refining, then it will be finished, and by then he will only be a spirit.

At this moment, under this enchantment, Bai Hao is hard to escape, so he can only serve soft.

"Different spirits, what do you want?"

Wang Chen smiled a little.


After that, a scornful sigh will smash the squad that is bounded by Yuan Li.

"No, you can't do this, kid, I can still condense the real body, the deity has stepped into the **** level, the spirit is powerful, not what you can imagine. If you put the deity now, you are willing to drive you the year before, if there is enough material The deity can quickly condense the real body. Within a year, you will have a powerful servant of the martial arts. The deity is willing to sign a contract with you."

Seeing that Wang Chen is going to start refining, the soul of the white sorrow is flustered, and he growled loudly.

God-level monster servant! What a glory, even in the ancient times, few of those great powers had servants of the god-level monsters, even in those days, the god-level servant servants were still enough to make people jealous.

Not to mention today.

Now, as long as Wang Chen has a servant of the god-level monster, it is enough to let him sweep the eight sides, he must become the strongest person in Tian Xuan.

Isn't this enough?

A thousand years, in order to survive, the soul of the day is forbearing.

This is definitely an enticing condition.

But, Wang Chen just sneered: "I have a monster."

"Red Moon Demon King, is the Red Moon Demon King? Then I can make a vow of oath, this is okay."

The vows of the devil, a vow of terror for the martial arts.

The martial arts people go against the sky, the hearts and minds are endless, and the disasters are endless.

A powerful demon is enough to make a warrior completely ruined, and the vows of the heart are one of the most horrible oaths.

"No, I need a powerful monster now."

Wang Chen snorted.

God-level monster, Wang Chen can not expect it, this is a time bomb, this is a dead end.

Wang Chen will not leave such a dangerous person around, let alone his hatred of himself can really be eliminated, impossible.

So, Wang Chen will not believe in the words of Bai Yu.

狠狠's seal is integrated into the soldiers of Yuanli, along with the nature...the soul of the day.

"Ahhhhh... I am not willing, not reconciled! Wang Chen, I am fighting with you."

Incorporated into the forces of Yuanli, the eyes are pressed and refining, and the soul of the white singer is not willing to growl.

The next moment, I began to struggle with all my strength.

"Hey, there is no Lord, and you dare to let go, little soul, you can turn the sky."

Wang Chen smiled a little.



Two handprints blasted out, and the endless Suzaku flames wrapped the soldiers of Yuanli, and the endless dragons of the real yuan poured into the soldiers of Yuanli.

The inner world of Yuan Lizhi is a **** of **** and fire.

The sacred flames of the sacred to the beginning of the Suzaku began to refine the soul of the day.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Become a tool and become a tool for others."

The endless stream of Suzaku's flames is constantly refining, and the white face is not reconciled.

However, his roar is useless, because the flames of the Suzaku can just restrain the energy of the soul.

The world inside Yuan Lizhi is the world controlled by Wang Chen. On this side, Wang Chen is the king. Here, Wang Chen’s strength is super strong, while the white soul is the dead pressing.

A little refining, leaving only the soul of the white sorrowful resentful roar and roar.

The fire burned the sky, and Wang Chen continued to devour one after another, returning to Yuan Dan to make up his true power.

After seven days, everything came to an end.

The seven-day Suzaku Flame refining, finally transforming the soul of the White Scorpion into his own spirit, and controlling the soldiers of Yuanli.

The deep red force of the soldiers, now no longer illusory, but the essence, spending endless materials, the force of the soldiers is done.

On the surface of the Yuanlizhi soldiers, a white dragon is alive and vivid, as if it has its own life...

The soldiers of Yuanli are connected with Wang Chen's flesh and blood, as if they were part of Wang Chen's body.


A roar came.

Next, it was a majestic pressure to pressure Wang Chen.

"The world is thundering."

Feeling this pressure, Wang Chen brows.

The thunder of heaven and earth is coming again.

The reincarnation of the white scorpion also attracted the thunder of heaven and earth. Now it is the turn of the forces.

The completion of the refining of Yuanli’s soldiers also attracted the thunder of heaven and earth and a more powerful thunder.

"Also, after the refining of the gods, it is time to go out."

The robbery is coming, Wang Chen knows that he must face it. This is the last level of the birth of the gods. If it fails, the gods will be destroyed.

Wang Chen must face.

His goal was also achieved, just in time for this thunder.


The body shape flashed, and in a blink of an eye, Wang Chen rushed out of the secret room.

Sky, dark clouds make up, lightning flashes, winds and clouds move, so horrible...

Seeing this, Wang Chen looks awesome.

"The gods are present, he is successful, you don't go see."

This scene naturally attracted the attention of everyone in the Xingyue family.

At the moment, in the depths of the Crescent Family, within a pavilion, two women looked up at the sky and looked awe.

One is a wonderful young woman in a white dress, one is a woman in a dark gauze and a face towel.

At this moment, the masked woman asked the woman in the white skirt.

"No, this robbery can't hurt him."

In the face of the inquiry, the woman in the white skirt confidence, and a smile appeared in the corner of her mouth: "You, did not let me down, finally refining the heaven and earth soldiers who belong to you..."

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