Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 247: The final result!

Yes, this time Nalan is stupid. Om//Welcome to read //

He doesn't know what the Stars are offering. What does this mean?

He was ready to die, because he knew that this battle was lost, and that was to lose everything, including life.

Xingchen Zong will not let their royal family continue to exist, so this is undoubtedly a tiger.

But now...

This answer really makes him surprised.

Why did the Stars do this?

"You are listening, the royal family is still the royal family, the kingdom of the wind, still the kingdom of the wind, you are still the king."

The big offering seems to be very satisfied with Nalan’s performance at the moment, laughing.

Asked, Nalan slammed his mouth and didn't know what to say.

Including the purple orchids, the purple orchids that were previously saddened, can not help but look up at the moment, looking towards the big offerings.

Before, Zilan was also prepared for everything. Even, she knew that as long as her father left a life and the tribe left a life, this is already the best result, and she will follow the people. Leave, leave the king's house, and leave the Stars.

Betrayed once, this is treated as compensation, which is what he owes to the royal family.

Because she wants Wang Chen to keep the royal family, and it is not difficult to maintain the royal family with Wang Chen’s status.

Having done such a thing, she knew that she had no reason to continue to stay in the royal family, she hurt the Wang family.

However, whoever thinks of it today has actually got this answer, which makes people not surprised.


Finally, after the surprise, Nalan's breathing gradually accelerated, with a hint of low voice, hoarse voice.

Why, yes, this is the biggest doubt in Nalan’s heart.

He wants to know why the Stars will make such a decision.

"Wang Chen helps you to ask for love."

The big offerings took a deep look at Wang Chen and said with a smile,

In a word, the stone broke through the sky, and the atmosphere became even more weird.

Unconsciously, Nalan’s eyes looked toward Wang Chen, and his eyes were complicated.

It turns out that this is the case, it is him, he turned out to be pleading.

Why did he do this? At the beginning, the demise of the Wang family was inseparable from his kingdom of the wind.

Tianfeng City, as the capital of the Tianfeng Kingdom, if the Tianfeng Kingdom does not want to let the Wang family perish, relying on Luojia, relying on Donglin Mountain, relying on a group of outsiders, can destroy the Wang family, though, the group of outsiders, The strength is very strong, it is from the mainland, but here is the capital of the country, the kingdom of the wind and the kingdom, you can let them wild.

At the very least, they can't make the Wang family almost exhausted.

And this thing is precisely because the royal family of the Tianfeng Kingdom has remained silent, with a tacit attitude, and finally let the Wang family all ruin.

Wang Chen, should hate the royal family, isn’t it?

Then, after the Wang family re-established, Nalan was the idea of ​​playing the royal family everywhere. After Wang Chen disappeared, the Wang family fell into a hot and hot situation, surrounded by all sides. At this time, Nalan also made another a decision.

He decided to abandon the royal family and even help the ruined king to achieve his goal.

Under such circumstances, he has almost become the enemy of the Wang family, and the enemy of the Nangong family, the Oriental family, and the Ouyang family,

Wang Chen, he destroyed the Nangong family, the Oriental family, the Ouyang family, and they should have destroyed the royal family of the Tianfeng Kingdom, right?

But now, he turned out to be...

All this makes him feel incredible.

Just, very soon, but he also knows, it turns out that it is Wang Chen.

Today, Wang Chen’s status is different today.

The strength of the Wang family, the status of the stars, so that Wang Chen has a great voice.

It’s only her opening that allows Stars to make such a decision.

"Because of the purple orchid."

Finally, Nalan皓 put his eyes on the purple orchid and asked with a bitter bitterness.

He is ruthless, but Wang Chen and Zilan are not unrighteous. For a time, his heart is bitter.

Again, Zilan is also looking at Wang Chen at this moment.

He just hopes that the royal family will save his life, but he did not expect Wang Chen to be...

At this moment, the water mist in the eyes of Zilan is filled, touched, self-blaming, and there is a bit of incomprehensible complexity.

He is for himself, yes, this is for himself.

Feeling the eyes of Nalan and Zilan, Wang Chen sighed secretly.

To be honest, this is really not his own idea.

Because, he just said a word to the elders of the Stars: I hope to leave the life of the royal family.

The elders of Xingchenzong seem to know why Wang Chen is so, and he readily agreed.

And, the following decision was made more refreshingly.

At the beginning, Wang Chen was a little different, and then, after hearing the explanations of the elders, he gradually became clear.

Unexpectedly, nowadays, the big offering directly throws this person's feelings on his own body, which makes Wang Chen have to smile.


Therefore, in the face of Nalan's inquiry, Wang Chen faintly answered.

Put it all to the purple orchid. He knows that Zilan, although he left the royal family for the royal family, but this time, it is to let Zilan worry about the royal family.

The bitterness in Zilan’s heart is only clear to her.

Wang Chen, I hope that through this matter, the relationship between Zilan and the royal family can be resolved.

"You, what are the conditions."

When I heard Wang Chen’s words, I nodded and Nalan continued to ask.

The requirements of Zilan are important, but Wang Chen’s face is important, but the Stars are definitely not just because of Zilan, just because Wang Chen made such a decision.

A decision to make, must have his purpose.

Xingchen Zong is not a good man or a woman. Otherwise, it will not be done. Moreover, in the Tianfeng Kingdom, it has developed for decades. In one fell swoop, they will not simply want to go to northern Xinjiang. Showing strength, not just simply wanting to stand up, they must have the rest.

"Tianfeng Kingdom, endorsement by your royal family, inheritance within the royal family, my star sect, the kingdom things, the royal family, the kingdom, I have the right to decide."

When I heard Nalan’s words, the big offerings squinted and said slowly.

There was a saying that made Nalan’s face look bad in a moment.


Finally, he said bitterly.

Yes, this is not what you are.

Xingchenzong, this trick is high, it is equal to directly control the lifeline of the royal family.

The royal family, it seems, it is still the supremacy of the kingdom of the wind, but they are nominal, which means that the kingdom of heaven, on the surface, is still the kingdom of their royal family, but, actually, it is It is entirely up to the stars to be cāo vertical, they, the royal family is just a spokesperson, just a spokesperson, famous and without power.

The inheritance of the royal family must be constrained by the stars, and the royal family is the embarrassment of the stars.

No wonder the Stars will be like this.

In an instant, Nalan is stunned.

This decision is high.

Before, he knew that if the royal family died, the stars would inevitably have a headache.

The kingdom of Tianfeng is not too big or small. How to say it is also a country. A sect of Xingchen Zong has the ability to manage. Within the kingdom, millions of people can obey. This is definitely the biggest difficulty that the Stars must encounter. question.

Who thought that the Star Zong would have solved this way.

Let the royal family continue to manage, the royal family of the Tianfeng Kingdom, within the kingdom, has absolute prestige, they manage, can make the Tianfeng Kingdom recover as usual in the shortest possible time.

At the same time, to do so, the Stars have reduced a lot of pressure, reduced a lot of difficulty, and the purpose, they have reached.

Thinking of it all, Nalan’s emotions are enormous.

"Hey, no."

Seeing Nalan’s expression, he said with a big smile.

Oh, of course not, if it’s just awkward, why is it so expensive? "Your royal family still has absolute rights, ordinary affairs, you have absolute autonomy. Perhaps, you can say that your Tianfeng Kingdom royal family, now, the only thing that needs to be changed is: inheritance needs to be recognized by my Stars, and, in addition, some big Things I have the right to decide, of course, such a big thing, I believe, there will be very few, isn't it, ordinary affairs, my star zen will never intervene, your royal family, still majestic, "

The big offering continues to add.

If you want to say awkwardly, you can only say that the royal family of the Tianfeng Kingdom is a high-ranking embarrassment, or a partner. However, the Stars are in a dominant position in cooperation.

Under the interpretation of the great offering, Nalan皓 seemed to understand what he was, and he gradually silenced.

A long time, after a long time, Nalan looked up and looked at the big offerings, and the eyes were complicated.


The big offering is squinting and asking.

This is their final decision. If it is, the royal family of the Tianfeng Kingdom cannot accept it. He does not mind, to wipe out the royal family of the Tianfeng Kingdom, or to look at Wang Chen’s face and let them exile.

Xingchenzong stepped out of this step, naturally it is fully prepared, how could it be difficult for them because of a royal attitude.

Obviously, Nalan is also aware of this.

He knows that he has no choice, and this condition must be accepted.

So, after Lanthan sighed, he nodded hard: "I know."

This sentence means that he has promised the requirements of the Stars, and at the very least, he has promised now. "But, after this period of time subsides, I think, I will choose to give way, I am old, it is not suitable for sitting in this position, the times are progressing, now is the world of young people, maybe... the world, the Handed over to young people."

Nalan said weakly.

"So, I hope we can have a good cooperation."

When I heard Nalan’s words, the big offerings flashed a glimmer of color and laughed.

The cooperation between the two parties, at this moment, seems to have been established.

Wind and rain, the kingdom of the wind, this moment, began to calm down.

However, no one can think of it, and in the end it will come to a curtain in such a way.


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