Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 240: White cockroaches die!

At this moment, the means of magical dance is completely shocking everyone, and everyone present is stunned.

The powerful white 蛟 is not the enemy of the magic dance, and the magic dance is so powerful.

Now, what happened to the day, what the magical dance is.

They are all very curious.

When everyone is curious, the magic dance is very cold and cold, looking at the front, struggling, rolling, screaming white, eyes cool.

Just, if, at this moment someone can carefully observe the magic dance, you may find a trace of anomalies.

Because, this moment, the face of the illusion dance... seems to be pale... some, she breathes, there are some disorders, it seems...

Unfortunately, at this moment, no one noticed this.

And the magic dance, but also did not show this.

She took a deep breath and looked coldly at the white mourning in her mourning. The expression did not change at all.

"Feng female, I am wrong, I am wrong, spare me, spare me a life, I will not dare anymore, after today, I will concentrate on practicing in Donglongtan, and will never come out again. Forgive me... ah ah..."

Mourning, rolling, and the white sorrow for help.

He is afraid,

Who is standing in front of his eyes! This is a phoenix woman. In ancient times, she was a famous phoenix woman. At this moment, the heart of the white sorrow is shaking. He is completely desperate. After a thousand years of cultivation, he is still not an opponent of the phoenix woman. Moreover, The phoenix girl wants to kill him, it is a matter of minutes and seconds.

At this moment, the white cockroaches are not only chilling in the heart, but the body is even thinner and bears the test of incomparable.

Every cell is burning, and every cell is mourning, especially his soul.

No, the main goal of this illusion attack is the soul of the day, his god.

The fierce flame, in the body, burns his soul, his god.

The daylight can clearly feel that his life is dying rapidly, and he is going to die.

He didn't want to die. It took tens of thousands of years of hard work to get him to the point where he is today. How can he be willing to die?

At this moment, the day is a remorse.

The phoenix girl, how can it appear here, he wants to break his head and can't figure out how the Wang family is related to the phoenix girl.

If you know this relationship, you won’t dare to mess up when you kill the day! Killed him, and did not dare to find the troubles of Wang Chen and others.

Even, Wang Chen they are very attractive, Shenwu blood, Red Moon demon king, Emperor Huang, Qinglong blood, Xuan Ming physical, Xingyue physique... These are even more attractive, and no life is important.

If, once again, the opportunity will definitely be lurking in Donglongtan, and will not come out to do these things...

But now, there is no chance to come again.

There is no regret in the world. It is a pain at the moment, it is a despair.

He can't figure out how the Phoenix girl will appear here.

He wondered, after he evolved into the chalk level, how to say it is also the existence of the quasi-god-beast level, but also stepped into the **** level, but why is it not the enemy of the Phoenix girl?

Does the gap between them really be really big?

In the face of the mourning and forgiveness of the heartbreaking, the magical dance is unmoved.

In her eyes, she flashed a stern look: "I said, you are going to die, those who dare to hurt him will die."

The magic dance does not bring a cold feeling of cold feelings.

Then, the eyes turned back and looked at Wang Chen, revealing a hint of tenderness: "Now, you can die."

The magic dance turned back and looked at the cold and cold road.

The voice fell, and the fascinating eyes flashed a faint color.

A signature in your hand condenses...

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Fight with you."

Under despair, the day is crazy.

In the scream of madness, he paved his way to the illusion, and he planned to die.

Looking at Bai Hao’s move, the magic dance is just a sneer of flashing disdain.

"Into the god, how, you, still too far, in ancient times, just a power, you can make you broken, kill you, easy."

The sigh of faint dance, muttering to himself.

In the face of the madness of the white rush, she did not move.

The next moment, when Bai Bai’s eyes were about to be killed before the magic dance, suddenly, a flame rose up.

This time, the flame is rising from the body of the day, and the power is unparalleled.


Under the boring burning, the action of the day is stopped...


The next moment, the breath of white cockroaches suddenly disappeared. His body of hundreds of feet, in a roar of sound, fell to the ground, nowhere.

White, strong and unparalleled white, even in such a situation, it is dead.

With the commandment, the body of the white **** quickly began to contract.

The body of Baizhang’s length is instantly dried up and turned into a pair of skins.

Struggling out of the air, suddenly, the white body of the white man hangs up and floats in front of the magic dance.


Under a faint snoring, the white body was quickly wrapped up in a flame.

There is no time here...

The sound of the burning sound is very quiet.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes are placed on the magic dance.

White is dead.

The powerful white is really so dead.

Looking at the magical dance that is refining the body of the white scorpion, everyone’s heart has raised such an idea in unison, how can this feel so unrealistic! This...

The crowd is messy.

Fantasy dance has become the focus of everyone's attention, becoming the focus of the whole world and becoming the core.

The moment of burning sounds, it looks unusually harsh.

Time passes by, and the space seems to be fixed. In the entire space, everyone has not made any moves.

I don’t know how long it took, the flames disappeared. The next moment, in front of everyone’s eyes is a pair of armor, pure white armor, pure white like jade.

The body of the white scorpion was turned into a battle armor and presented to everyone.

This is a battle armor refining with a powerful white, and watching this pair of life-like armor is even more jaw-dropping.

This scene is really shocking.


When the crowd was shocked, the armor was struggling.


Before the sky, I don’t know when, the thunderclouds are dense and roaring.

The artifact is now, and the thunder is robbed.

Obviously, this pair of armor refining the body of the phantom dance with the white body reached the level of the artifact, which is not allowed for the heavens and the earth.


Feeling that the thunder will fall, the illusion of the eyes flashed a trace of disdain, cold snorted.

"Receive." A cold voice, the armor was quickly received by her.

In one hand, the seal is sealed: "Flock."

Under the cold, the 81-story seal slammed into the armor and blocked the armor.

The breath disappeared, and the thundercloud could not find the target and gradually dispersed.

And the armor, this moment is concentrated to the size of the palm, crystal clear, beautiful.

"Come on."

When the battle armor was solved, the magic dance was a wave of hands. In an instant, a full size of a fist, the crystal-clear Nedan appeared in her hands.

The inner liner of the white scorpion, the inner Dan of God.

Into the gods, this is the sign of entering the level of the Shenwu, this is the symbol of becoming a god.

This is the inner Dan of the tenth-order monster.

The energy flow in the white inner Dan is not full.

With the emergence of Nei Dan, there is a white transparent long whip that does not know how long.

Or, to be precise, this is not a long whip, but a white gluten. Yes, this is a dragon rib.

White, burned out, only the three things are left, but these three things, without exception, are all worthless.

The most essential things in the white scorpion are here, except the blood.

Although the dragon has not been completely refining, the blood preciousness of the white pheasant has been almost the same as that of the dragon's blood. It is a good way to cleanse the body and strengthen the body.

However, these bloods are not very helpful for Wang Chen, who is now a heavyweight, so it is not a loss, let alone these blood is really gone.

No, certainly not. How can the magic dance not know the preciousness of the blood, but she understands the situation of Wang Chen and refines all these blood into the armor.

It can be said that there is no waste, but the best use.

After putting away these things, the magic dance exhaled, and there was a sweat on the forehead, with a trace of exhaustion and weakness, and turned to walk toward Wang Chen.

When looking at Wang Chen with a soft look, came to his body and stared at Wang Chen deeply. After that, the magic dance looked at Wang Yan: "White 蛟 armor, defense unparalleled, wait until After he stepped into the holy warrior, he let him unblock the seal, and led him to buddy, baptism with blood, and praise the artifact."

The armor was handed over to Wang Yan, and the illusion was faint.

Before, seal the breath and put an end to the thunder, it is for Wang Chen.

Otherwise, once the armor resists the thunder, if it can't be baptized into the gods with blood, the performance will be greatly reduced, and this is left to Wang Chen. Of course, the magic dance can't make it appear any flaw, so... She made a seal.

When Wang Chen stepped into the holy warrior, he handled it himself. This is the best way. She can only do this.

Looking at the magical dance to give such a precious armor to Wang Chen, for a time, Wang Yan was stunned.

Not only Wang Yan, but everyone around them took a breath.


Yes, everyone is envious.

Who doesn't like the armor of this beautiful artifact.

Don't you see how strong the defense of the day before? The attack of the holy warrior can't make much damage! Such a defense...

Unexpectedly, this set of armor, magic dance was so easily given to Wang Chen...

Everyone has a complicated expression...

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