Supreme Martial Dao

Chapter 229: Mysterious Oriental Niu Hao

Wu Dao Supreme 229_ Wudao Supreme full text free reading _ 229 chapter mysterious Oriental Niu Hao from (.)

Oriental family, one of the four hidden families in Northern Xinjiang! It is enough to compete with three families such as the Nangong family. .

Donglongtan, a place that is fascinating in the empire. Because, on the edge of Donglongtan, there is an oriental family that once had a lot of scenery and is now gradually hidden.

A few hundred years ago, the Oriental family used to be infinitely beautiful, and it was bordered by northern Xinjiang! Then, the Eastern family gradually began to converge and shifted more energy to the mainland.

In the past 100 years, the Eastern family has gradually disappeared into the eyes of everyone, and even some ordinary people have forgotten their existence.

However, for any family or sect, don't dare to look down on the Oriental family. Although they have been unknown for centuries. However, no one dares to deny their strength. They just faded out of sight of northern Xinjiang. Their strength is even stronger than when they were in northern Xinjiang hundreds of years ago.

In fact, such a family, after another hundred years, will leave the northern Xinjiang to become a force in the mainland, and let the people of northern Xinjiang forget.

However, in the past year, the Oriental family has been abruptly once again in the northern Xinjiang, allowing everyone to appreciate the power of this ancient family.

In the past year, the Oriental family, the Ouyang family, the Nangong family, and the three hidden families of the four major families have even started to work with the Wang family to divide the Wang family, which has risen strongly in recent years.

This makes the Oriental family once again into the people's sight.


Donglongtan, a beautiful place. The middle-aged mist is lingering, making people unable to see its true face!

In the rumors, inside the East Dragon Pool, living with the ancient monsters, hehe! This time, you can call the wind and rain, swallow the clouds, and be powerful! Donglongtan crosses the border between the Empire and the Kingdom of Haoyue, and the Oriental Family is the guardian of Donglongtan!

At the moment, one kilometer outside Donglongtan, hundreds of figures, abruptly appeared here.

"Donglongtan, Oriental Family?" Squinting, looking at the misty land in front, a man headed slowly said.

This pedestrian is Wang Chen and others.

After three days, they rushed from the Nangong family to Donglongtan, the target, the Oriental family! Wang Jia, Blood League, Star Zong, the three forces, once again gathered here, **** winds and winds are coming!

"Hey, kid, how? Direct kill?"

Standing next to the young man, a middle-aged man wearing a blood-red robes asked with a touch of playful expression.

Blood League boss, Gorefiend! Not him, who is it?

Looking at the East Longtan in front, his eyes flashed with a hint of curiosity.

The Eastern family is a rare place in his blood league that has not penetrated. Donglongtan, this place full of mystery, even if it is his blood alliance, it is difficult to penetrate.

For decades, the **** alliance’s constant attempts have ended in failure. Here, they have left too much blood in their blood league. This also makes the blood league, more curious about this place.

Know that even the Nangong family and the Ouyang family, their blood alliances are all infiltrated, but the Oriental family is because of the cover of Donglongtan, so that they can't... close!

At this moment, Gorefiend stands here and has some excitement.


When he heard the Gorefiend, Wang Chen squinted and said slowly, but the tone was very cold.

Three days ago, they destroyed the Nangong family. Now, it is the turn of the Eastern family.

For this family that dared to start with the royal family, Wang Chen would not be soft.

"Kids, this Donglongtan is not a normal place. The clouds are haunting all the year round, huh, huh, it’s very bad to go in!" When I heard Wang Chen’s words, the star Zongda’s offering was a sigh of sigh, and said with a heavy tone. .

When I heard the big offer, for a time, the people present, the brows were slightly wrinkled, looking up and looking forward.

This is a place that is haunted by the clouds, and it’s really troublesome.

If you rush into, it will inevitably lead to huge troubles. It is easy to be attacked by the other side.

"Take me the martial artist!"

Wang Chen took a deep breath and said Shen Sheng.

"Hey, boss, I am coming!"

Wang Chen’s voice just fell, and I saw that the madman jumped in front of Wang Chen’s excitement. In his hand, he was still holding a half-dead man, about 50 years old.

If, at this moment, someone from the Eastern family is present, they will definitely recognize it at once.

This person is not someone else. It’s not the Eastern family three days ago, sent out to the Nangong family to prepare for the Nangong family to kill Wang Chen’s head. It was him who took the other family martial artists of the Eastern family and dozens of imperial martial artists to the Oriental family members of the Nangong family.

Yes, that's him! Two days before, Wang Chen and others met this one of the Oriental family in the middle of the road.

Then, under the leadership of Wang Chen, they decisively shot.

In the face of attacks by Wang Chen and others, this team has no resistance! The two martial arts heads, a third-order martial artist, a fourth-order martial artist, where is Wang Chen’s opponent?

In a twinkling of an eye, one death and one injury.

This is the injured guy! He was brought here by Wang Chen.

At this moment, maybe he can already use him. At this point, he was thrown in front of Wang Chen, dying.

"Say, how do you get here!"

After glanced at the man in front of him, Wang Chen asked faintly. " guys, what do you want to do? I won't tell you, no! Hahaha, you will wait to die! My oriental family will not spare you! You can't think of it from my mouth. Any information!" Dantian was abolished and became a waste person. This made the oriental family's enshrined elders look cold and cold. He was full of grievances and glared at Wang Chen and the Wang family.

"Hey, look for death!"

When he heard the man, Wang Chen did not speak, and the madman standing on one side was unhappy.

The ankle is on the belly of this guy.


A stream of blood sprang up, making this man's face pale for a moment.

"I won't say if I kill him! Hahaha, Wang family, do you think that you can kill my oriental family if you destroy the Nangong family? Hahaha, you are too naive, hahaha... impossible, If you regret it, you will regret it for your choice.

My oriental family is not comparable to the Nangong family. My oriental family, not what you can deal with!

Spouse a blood, his face is slightly pale, this man is full of face Wang Chen loudly drink.

At this moment, his madness makes people frown. "Boss, hey, give it to me, for half an hour, I promise that this guy will spit out all the information we want, how?" Seeing this guy, his mouth is so hard, the madman’s eyes flashed and Wang Chen asked. trial! This is what the madman likes most.

"Alright!" Wang Chen quickly agreed to the next two.

This piece of cloud, if there is not enough information, rushed into it, it is easy to get lost and not to talk about it, it is even more dangerous, Wang Chen will not take risks.

"Hahaha, I won't say if I kill, I won't say, I won't say it!"

When I heard the madman’s words, the eyes of the Oriental family’s men were resolutely determined and screaming loudly.

"Oriental Niu Hao, do you still have a tortoise turtle standing there? You are so chop, you dare to come back to revenge, when my oriental family spared you a dog, you dare to come back, you are dead It’s dead!”

Then, his eyes flashed, and the man saw the Eastern Niu Hao, and he was roaring wildly.

When he heard him, everyone looked strange and looked at the Oriental Niu Hao.

It seems that the relationship between the Oriental Niu Hao and the Oriental family is not simple.

Moreover, the Oriental Niu Hao is also surnamed the East.

Is it...

For a time, everyone’s eyes have changed. "Remember me?" Hearing this man's words, the Orientals had a glimmer of cold light in his eyes and sneered.

At this moment, the Eastern Niu Hao is far from the one who is very jealous.

"Yes, I am back. Forty years, I have waited for this day!"

The Oriental Niu Hao added a deep breath and added. "You are coming back to die!"

The man drank loudly. "Whoever is born, who is dead, you will see it soon!" Dongfang Niu Hao said faintly.

Then, look at this cloud: "Forty years, don't you know if the Oriental family is still the same? Oh, I am very curious! Maybe, some things should be clear!" "Mixed, you hybrid, you will It’s hard to see! In the beginning, if you were not the homeowner, you can live? Now the old master is gone, hahaha, I want to see who can keep you!” The man continued to laugh wildly.

His expression is very incomparable.

"The old master is gone, the oriental family is changing, and sure enough. Otherwise, you will not get involved in the northern Xinjiang!"

When I heard the man, Dongfang Niu Hao flashed a murder in the eyes, with a heavy weight, said.

Obviously. For this old owner, the Oriental Niu Hao seems to be...

Listening to the conversation between the two, Wang Chen and others on the other side have some surprises.

Unexpectedly, the Oriental Niu Hao actually went with the Oriental family...

For a time, the atmosphere in the venue became weird and dull! "Oh, kid, very unexpected?" Seems to feel the change of Wang Chen, the Oriental Niu Hao showed a smile, with a trace of exhaustion toward Wang Chen asked.

"One point!"

Wang Chen nodded and said.

Unexpectedly, the Oriental Niu Hao and the Oriental family turned out to be...

To be honest, this is something that Wang Chen didn't expect!

"Kid, rest assured, I have nothing to do with the Eastern family. If there is, then the rest is hatred! Perhaps, you will know this soon.

Now, you only need to know that the old man, I will not harm you, will not harm you! This time, I am coming back to settle accounts!

The Oriental Niu Hao took a deep breath and said with a long-sighted look.

Then, exhaled: "Don't interrogate him, he won't say it. This way, let me bring it!"

The eyes of the Oriental Niu Hao flashed in the eyes, watching a large cloud, slowly said.

The voice fell, and he laughed loudly: "Ha ha ha... kid, go, let's go to the oriental family!"

Said, the Eastern Niu Hao took the lead to go inside the clouds.

Looking at the back of the Oriental Niu Hao, for the first time, Wang Chen felt heavy and felt complicated.

He, it seems to be a man with a story. What is he carrying?

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