Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3486 Plan!

After everyone heard this, their eyes were full of envy.

But he was also convinced.

After all, Ye Xinghe’s contribution was too great.

It can be said that he single-handedly saved the entire Zhendong defense line.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the Zhendong defense line has been breached by now.

Only Nie Chengxiao's eyes flickered slightly, showing a hint of jealousy.

Then he suppressed this expression.

Kong Aoyang also nodded and said: "Yes, if it weren't for Ye Xinghe, between us and Haste, facing an army of three million monsters, the entire Zhendong defense line would have been directly shattered."

In fact, Ye Xinghe's goal has been achieved.

Due to his previous delay, he continued to harass the demon army.

While causing losses to the demon army, it also slowed down their speed.

As a result, they arrived a full month later than originally scheduled.

Originally, they should have arrived at this demon town as early as a few days ago.

But now, the demon army has not yet arrived.

It is estimated that it will take at least close to a month for them to arrive here.

Moreover, the significance of what Ye Xinghe did did not end there.

Ye Xinghe discovered the whereabouts of the demon army in time.

Otherwise, in this demon-suppressing city, three million demon clan troops are waiting.

It's not the more than 400,000 troops under the command of Zhendong Commander.

Instead, there were only the 30,000 troops originally stationed in Demon Suppression City.

Everyone could have predicted that result.

If Ye Xinghe hadn't discovered the demon army in time, he would have been dead.

When the army of three million monsters descended from the mountain with the force of tigers, they rushed out from the Nine Heavens battlefield and approached the Demon City.

When he arrived at the most important defensive fulcrum under the command of the Commander-in-Chief of Dongda.

The three teams of ten thousand people inside will have no power to fight back.

will be destroyed directly.

The demon-suppressing city will also be directly captured by the demon army.

The demon-suppressing army's defense line, which stretches for tens of millions of miles, will lose an extremely important defensive support point.

As a result, a quarter of the defense line will collapse directly.

Ye Xinghe asked: "When will the reinforcements arrive? Commander, is there any reply from the headquarters?"

Having said this, Cao Zhaoxiong's face turned slightly gloomy.

He whispered: "The news only circulates among a few of us. Even if we are at the level of captain, we are not allowed to leak it. Do you understand?"

Everyone was shocked, knowing that the news was not good.

Cao Zhaoxiong sighed softly: "The legion headquarters may have its own ideas. Logically speaking, the reinforcements should have arrived a month later at the latest."

"But I just received an order from the legion headquarters today, asking us to stay here for three months."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Three months, what a joke!

Millions of demon clan troops came in full force, and defending for a month was already the limit they thought before.

And now it has to be kept for three months!

In three months, the number of people faced was almost ten times that of myself.

Moreover, the demon army is more powerful individually.

No matter how you think about it, it's a dead end, just a desperate situation!

Nie Chengxiao first said angrily: "Has the legion headquarters already regarded us as abandoned children?"

"Just leave our 400,000 troops outside and don't care!"

"Are you kidding me? Guarding for three months is obviously going to kill us!"


Several vice-commanders were also talking gibberish.

Even Kong Aoyang looked gloomy and sighed softly.

Ye Xinghe frowned and asked: "Is there anything going on at the legion headquarters, or do they have some big plan?"

Thinking of this, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, frowned and said: "The legion headquarters won't treat us as bait!"

"Let us fight to the death with the demon army here, drag the demon army into the quagmire, and then change the one-month deployment time into three months, so that they can mobilize countless armies and be able to push these demon army The army is here to stay!"

Hearing this, everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

Suddenly I realized that this is probably the truth!

Cao Zhaoxiong was about to speak.

At this time, an old and majestic voice sounded.

"Don't worry, the headquarters has its own plan, but it doesn't ask you to die. Even if you really die, I will die with you!"

Beside, in the void, several figures came out.

After seeing him, Cao Zhaoxiong was full of surprise.

Then, he quickly saluted and said loudly: "I have seen the general!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

Is this person actually one of the four Shangzhu Kingdom generals?

You know, the top four beings in the Demon Suppressing Legion are these four generals of the Shangzhu Kingdom!

And Ye Xinghe also saw a familiar figure behind the old man.

It was Yao Chengchuan.

Yao Chengchuan quietly winked at Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe was sure that this person was indeed Gongsun Yu, one of the four generals of Shangzhu Kingdom.

Yao Chengchuan is his confidant.

Everyone also quickly saluted.

The person who arrived was none other than Gongsun Yu.

He glanced at everyone and said calmly: "I won't say any more unnecessary words. I, Gongsun Yu, will live and die with you. If you die in this battle, I will never survive!"

Gongsun Yu's arrival also refreshed everyone's spirits.

No matter what you say, a general from Shangzhu Kingdom has arrived.

It brings more than just confidence.

Moreover, he and those around him have extremely terrifying strength!

Moreover, Gongsun Yu also brought good news.

It was he who brought 30,000 soldiers from the general altar.

These 30,000 personal soldiers are his bodyguards and personal soldiers.

Although there may not seem to be many of them, every one of them is an elite, enough to defeat one against ten.

The combat effectiveness of these 30,000 Qing soldiers is no less than 300,000 ordinary soldiers of the Demon Suppression Army.

This also means that the combat power of Demon Suppression City has been directly doubled!

Everyone went down the city wall and came to the city's meeting hall.

The magic circle rises, blocking out all sounds inside and outside.

At this time, there were only less than ten people in the meeting hall.

This is the core and most elite powerhouse in Demon Suppression City.

Gongsun Yu glanced at Ye Xinghe with a deep look, showing a hint of approval.

"Ye Xinghe, right? I've known about what happened to you for a long time. I didn't expect that after not seeing each other for several years, you'd already come to this point. I'm so happy to congratulate you!"

He faced everyone and said: "What Ye Xinghe said before is actually correct. The legion headquarters has a grand plan to annihilate all these monster armies here."

Everyone looked at Ye Xinghe with admiration.

Unexpectedly, he really got it right.

After Gongsun Yu said it, everyone knew.

It turned out that the news of the demon army's invasion was transmitted back to the legion headquarters.

The legion headquarters was furious and frightened at first.

And then, they realized that this was an excellent opportunity.

They had been informed of the news in advance.

And if the layout is calm and proper, these monster armies can even be wiped out in one fell swoop!

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