Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 3468: Monster Clan Invasion

The bloodthirsty demon bat could no longer fly and fell down.

Ye Xinghe stared at it and roared: "How many demon clans are there behind you?"

The bloodthirsty demon bat laughed strangely.

"You think I will tell you, you despicable human race, that when your death comes, they will avenge me!"

Ye Xinghe sneered, not politely, and pressed his hand on its head.

In an instant, the bloodthirsty demon bat let out a shrill scream, its whole body began to tremble violently, and it foamed at the mouth.

Ye Xinghe used the iron claw soul searching technique.

With his current status and strength, he has naturally learned the spells commonly used in this demon-suppressing army.

In an instant, Ye Xinghe's mind was shaking wildly, and memory fragments were extracted, impacting his soul.

Fortunately, Ye Xinghe’s soul is extremely hard.

This kind of cleansing doesn't matter to him.

But, after seeing those few fragments clearly.

Ye Xinghe was shaken all over, his face turned slightly pale, and his eyes showed disbelief.

He shouted uncontrollably: "How is this possible?"

Clearly, he was greatly shaken.

After a while, Ye Xinghe let go of the bloodthirsty demon bat's head and killed it with a wave of his hand.

After all, he was very human. He quickly regained his composure and slowly exhaled a breath.

Hu Quanzhong keenly sensed something was wrong and asked in a low voice: "Sir, what happened?"

Ye Xinghe's voice was a little difficult, and he said softly: "The demon clan has invaded in a large scale."


Everyone was shocked.

They naturally knew it, based on Ye Xinghe's strength.

He can say the words "massive invasion". How big is the scale of this monster clan?

Hu Quanzhong still had some hope in his heart, his voice was hard and dry. M..

"Sir, how many demon clans are there?"

He pretended to be relaxed and made a joke, saying: "It seems that the number of monsters we face this time must be thousands. Haha, there will be a fierce battle to fight this time!"

"Can our team of three thousand people defeat each other?"

Ye Xinghe knew that he was enlivening the atmosphere, but he couldn't hide the matter.

He slowly shook his head and said with a solemn expression: "The demon clan we have to face this time is not tens of thousands, but a full three million demon clan!"

"What, three million monsters!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the scene fell into a dead silence, and you could hear a pin drop.

Everyone's brain is blank.

At this time, there was no panic, no shock, or even fear in their minds, just paleness.

Everyone didn't even come back to their senses.

They are all still savoring what the number three million represents.

After a while, a captain of ten thousand men stammered in a hard voice: "Sir, are you kidding me?"

Ye Xinghe said with a stern face: "Do you think I'm joking?"

At this time, everyone came back to their senses and suddenly felt like a pot was exploding.

"Three million monsters are invading. God, are the monsters going to destroy my Xuanhuang world?"

"Yes, although the world of Sky Demons is extremely vast, the physical resources required by each Sky Demon are astronomical. In total, they can only support hundreds of millions of Sky Demons. Three million Sky Demons came all at once. This is What concept?”

"Yes, our demon-suppressing army only has a total of about three million teams of ten thousand people and more than three million strong men. These three million heavenly demons can wipe out my demon-suppressing army!"

Hu Quanzhong's voice trembled, almost filled with despair.

"We haven't encountered a celestial demon invasion on this scale for tens of thousands of years. The last time was probably a hundred thousand years ago. How could we catch up with something like this? It's unlucky, it's really unlucky!"

In an instant, everyone's emotions dropped to freezing point, their hearts were filled with fear, and they all wailed.

From this we can see what kind of shock the three million demon clan brought to them.

Ye Xinghe took a deep breath.

At this time, the uneasiness and fear in my heart had disappeared, and instead it was filled with excitement.

The demon clan invaded in a large scale and almost started a full-scale war with the Xuanhuang World.

His mind was racing and he immediately filtered the information he had just received carefully.

Finally, accurate information was obtained.

Among the four demon kings of the demon clan, Nan Tian Wang and Xi Tian Wang teamed up to invade the Xuanhuang World.

There are more than three million troops in total.

There are 2,300 four-star Tianzun level experts inside, and more than a dozen five-star Tianzun level experts.

The two heavenly kings are both six-star heavenly masters.

This kind of fighting ability is not bad.

As for the purpose of this trip, it is currently unknown.

Ye Xinghe immediately put away the body of the bloodthirsty demon bat.

Then, carefully clean the surrounding area without leaving any traces.

Then spray this area with special chemicals.

This potion is a specialty of the Demon Suppression Legion.

After spraying here, the opponent will become a strong man who is proficient in the rules of time and can recall the past.

Nothing to be found here either.

Then, Ye Xinghe took out a bamboo shoot with a light yellow color all over its body.

Bamboo shoots have a jade-like texture.

It is about two feet long and three fingers wide.

It has strange textures and an indescribable rhythm.

There are also lines of magic formations appearing.

The most surprising thing is that the lines of these magic formations do not appear to have been carved by humans later.

Rather, it is naturally occurring and extremely strange.

Ye Xinghe thought for a moment, and then carved a line of words on it.

Tell the general process of the matter.

The Nine Heavens Battlefield is extremely special. The rules of heaven and earth were once transformed by the demon clan.

Even the teleportation array cannot be used, and it is extremely difficult to deliver messages.

It took the Demon Suppression Corps many years to figure out this method.

This kind of bamboo is a very high-level spiritual creature.

It is only produced in a special place of Jiutian battlefield.

Bamboos growing from the same root system can be split into bamboo slips.

If you write words on one side, the same words will appear on the corresponding bamboo slips on the other side.

It is the best choice for conveying information in this demon-suppressing army.

However, due to the suppression of the rules of the Nine Heavens Battlefield.

Such bamboo slips will become useless after one use, and they are extremely precious.

Therefore, it can only be used when conveying the most important information.

Ye Xinghe knew that now was the time to use it.

After writing the above, Ye Xinghe flicked his fingers.

The bamboo slips spontaneously ignited in the air without any wind and turned into ashes in a matter of seconds.

And almost at the same moment, on a high-rise building in the Zhendong Grand Commandery Mansion.

The bell rang suddenly.

The commander-in-chief of Zhendong and several deputy commanders who were discussing the matter were shocked and hurried to the bell tower.

Under the bell tower, in a small room, there are several bamboo joints.

On one of the bamboo slips, writing appeared.

Cao Zhaoxiong was shocked and said: "This is the news from Ye Xinghe. He has been fighting in the Nine Heavens Battlefield for half a year. Could it be that he encountered some danger?"

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