Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2652 This is my rule

Chapter 2652 These are my rules!

While Ye Xinghe laughed loudly, he slashed out with another sword.

Zhou Mingji's divine body was directly chopped into pieces amidst the shrill screams.

He turned into his original form and fell to the ground.

His body was covered in cuts and bruises, like a bloody man.

Ye Xinghe also quit the colorful dragon body.

After all, this thing consumes demon blood, which is very precious.

Can use less or use less.

He held the nameless broken sword upside down and slashed at Zhou Mingji.

At this moment, Zhou Mingji roared: "Senior Brother Sun, save me, save me!"

His mouth opened wide, as if he was hoarse.

But strangely, his voice was not high.

It can't spread very far at all.

Ye Xinghe estimated that it wouldn't even be possible to spread the news outside this courtyard.

But he could feel an invisible wave spreading rapidly towards the surroundings.

Obviously, this is a special way of transmitting sound.

And a moment later, a figure came to the courtyard in an instant.

Looking at the robes on his body, he is a disciple of Yuehua Holy Land.

Thin eyebrows and thin lips, with a bit of meanness and coldness.

Seeing Zhou Mingji's miserable state, he frowned, and a strong murderous intention flashed through him.

Seeing him arriving, Zhou Mingji quickly wanted to crawl over, but was stepped on by Ye Xinghe.

He could only say in a trembling voice: "Senior Brother Sun, save me, save me!"

Ye Xinghe frowned.

This person, Sun Hanrong, turned out to be a disciple of Yuehua Holy Land.

It seems that he should be Zhou Mingji's backer.

Sun Hanrong glanced at him.

"Leave this to me."

"Of course, the benefits you give me these days will not be in vain."

Ye Xinghe stared at him, feeling wary in his heart.

This person is very powerful and has reached the eleventh level of the Martial God Realm.

Sun Hanrong stared at Ye Xinghe and walked forward slowly.

As he walked, he said solemnly: "On the first day I came to the Taoist temple, I made trouble without permission."

"In order to steal the spiritual veins, he brazenly attacked others, causing serious injuries and near death!"

"Confronting the disciples of Yuehua Holy Land and refusing to change despite repeated admonitions!"

"The criminals should be killed!"

He actually didn't give Ye Xinghe the slightest chance to argue.

As he said this, he was already charged.

Ye Xinghe laughed angrily.

This person clearly did not intend to deal with the matter fairly, and came here with the intention of killing himself!

These crimes are all heart-breaking!

Ye Xinghe pointed towards the ginkgo tree.

Under the ginkgo tree, there is a stone tablet with the rules of Yuehua Holy Land on it.

There are only three rules, which are extremely simple.

First, obey the orders of Yuehua Sheng and do not violate any orders, otherwise you will be killed!

Second, those who seek quarrels and cause trouble without authorization will be killed!

Third, if the oppressed party fights back and kills him, he is not guilty!

Ye Xinghe sneered and said: "Zhou Mingji blackmailed me and I was forced to fight back, which is in line with the sect's rules."

"He is guilty and I am not at fault. Why do you kill me?"

Sun Hanrong said calmly: "I am the rule here!"

"Oh, that's it!"

Ye Xinghe nodded suddenly.

His reaction immediately stunned Zhou Mingji.

At this time, Sun Hanrong seemed to realize something.

He shouted in shock: "Ye Xinghe, how dare you!"

Ye Xinghe sneered: "See if I dare!"

The next moment, he stepped down hard.

The ferocious Xuanhuang divine power struck Zhou Mingji's heart instantly.

So, at this moment, the tyrannical Xuanhuang power surged out and destroyed Zhou Mingji's heart.

It traveled along his internal organs and blasted all his internal organs to pieces!

In an instant, Zhou Mingji died completely!

Sun Hanrong roared in surprise: "How brave!"

Ye Xinghe clapped his hands, smiled lightly and said: "These are my rules!"

"good very good!"

Sun Hanrong said word by word: "You are very brave, you succeeded in irritating me!"

"Next, I will let you know what regret is!"

After that, he moved forward step by step.

Many people from the Tianzi No. 9 Taoist Temple around were furious and roared one after another.

"Master Sun, kill him!"

"That's right, if he dares to kill Brother Zhou, kill him!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Sun, we will all testify for you!"

Especially Zhao Zheyi, even louder: "Just feel free to kill him, we are all witnesses!"

Sun Hanrong struck out with his palm, not showing any mercy to Ye Xinghe.

He knows it very well.

I have reaped so many benefits over the years because of these Taoist temples.

Zhou Mingji is his younger brother and is always respectful.

He also offered so many offerings and was very filial.

If he dies, I don't care.

Then, other people will definitely be disappointed and will not be willing to give benefits in the future.

Therefore, no matter what the reason, he must deal with Ye Xinghe and warn others!

As soon as Sun Hanrong made a move, Ye Xinghe knew it very well.

I am no match for him!

This person's strength has reached the eleventh level of the Martial God Realm.

At this time, he had a better understanding of the foundation of Yuehua Holy Land.

Any disciple has a cultivation level of the 11th level of the Martial God Realm, which is terrifying!

Ye Xinghe did not panic.

When his palm fell, something appeared in Ye Xinghe's hand.

He smiled and said, "You should know this thing, right?"

In an instant, Sun Hanrong's offensive froze in the air.

He naturally recognizes this thing.

It is the Sky Shadow Pearl.

The Sky Shadow Bead can record images and sounds and can be saved for a long time.

Ye Xinghe smiled lightly and said: "Guess, the scene that just happened has been recorded in it?"

"Guess, if a high-level powerhouse from Yuehua Holy Land sees this thing."

"Does he think you are the right person, or am I the right person?"

"Does he believe it, or does he believe your words?"

Sun Hanrong looked ugly.


Ye Xinghe is a naked threat!

Facing him, Ye Xinghe was not afraid and instead took out this thing.

He felt a little aggrieved.

The level of the Sky Shadow Pearl is not that high.

But it is extremely rare and very expensive, and it is definitely not available to ordinary people.

Unexpectedly, there is actually one here in Ye Xinghe.

Moreover, it has been used just now!

In fact, Ye Xinghe had obtained two Sky Shadow Pearls before, but had never had the chance to use them.

Although this item is of low level, it has miraculous effects.

So, I kept it.

But then, Sun Hanrong's eyes turned.

He waved his hand.

Suddenly, everyone felt that an invisible force surged out instantly.

Directly cover this day from Taoist Temple No. 9.

Although I looked up, I still couldn't see anything.

But everyone knows that an invisible shield has enveloped this place.

In an instant, the sounds outside were cut off.

Even the spiritual energy seemed to be isolated.

Sun Hanrong sneered and said: "Ye Xinghe, I didn't expect that you are quite capable and have already made preparations."

"But unfortunately, you can't play with me!"

There was a mocking look on his face.

"see it?"

"With this light covering, it can isolate all sounds and breath from the outside world."

"Even if you scream here until you die, no one will hear you!"

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