Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2191 From today on, I am the master of the Divine Sword Sect.

Chapter 2191 From today on, I am the master of the Divine Sword Sect!

Zhu Qingtan was a little anxious next to her: "Master, why not kill her now!"

Master Dan frowned and said, "Is it possible to kill her now?"

Seeing what Zhu Qingtan wanted to say, Master Dan said miserably: "When you ascend to the position of sect leader, you can unlock the supreme realm of the Divine Sword Sect."

"When I enter the situation and complete my plan, I will look like Chu Qingqiu."

He pointed at Chu Qingqiu, who was fighting bravely in the formation.

"It's just an ant. I can crush her with just one hand!"

Zhu Qingtan nodded heavily, and then he sneered and glanced at Chu Qingqiu, who was imprisoned in the Chaos Tower.

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, he turned around and strode out.

soon. Just come to the sect's main hall and ring the bell.

The nine bells rang, instantly shocking the entire Divine Sword Sect.

Originally, the sect leader's retreat place had made such a big noise, which had already shocked the Divine Sword Sect.

This made many people panic. When they heard the bell, everyone rushed over.

As a result, I only saw him here, wearing a gorgeous robe. Zhu Qingtan sits majestically on the throne of the sect leader!

Suddenly everyone was shocked.

"Why isn't the sect leader here?"

Everyone asked questions.

Zhu Qingtan said calmly: "I have found out that the sect leader Chu Qingqiu betrayed the sect and has committed an unforgivable crime. Now, I have imprisoned her."

"From today on, I am the leader of the Divine Sword Sect!"


Upon hearing this, everyone was in an uproar.

The identity of the leader of the Divine Sword Sect is so noble, and what a big deal this is, how can it be changed just by saying it?

Some elders immediately shouted loudly: "You said that the sect leader betrayed the sect. Since the sect leader has a noble status, can you do whatever you want with him?"

"Besides, no matter what, we have to meet the sect master and let him come out and say something, so that everyone can be convinced!"

Many elders shouted loudly.

Zhu Qingtan didn't stop him, just looked at them with squinted eyes.

After their emotions calmed down a little, a sneer appeared on the corners of their mouths.

"Are you done?"

Before anyone could react, he flashed and came directly to the people who had just scolded and questioned him.

A fierce murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he took it down with one palm.

The screams suddenly sounded, one after another.

Zhu Qingtan's figure flickered in the hall.

Then, he grabbed the bodies of those people and threw them under the steps in front of everyone.

He himself sat slowly on the throne of the sect leader.

He looked down at everyone, smiled and said, "Now, who is still dissatisfied?"

Everyone was shocked.

No one expected that Zhu Qingtan would dare to kill people so brazenly. This was quite different from the Zhu Qingtan they had in mind!

Before, he was cautious in his words and actions and very cautious in doing things.

Why are you so murderous now? Is this exposing your true nature?

For a moment, everyone was intimidated by him and dared not speak out in anger, but they were still unconvinced in their hearts.

Zhu Qingtan was not angry, but said calmly: "Your regards, Elder Yun!"

As his voice fell, a light door appeared in the void.

A haggard old man walked out of it, with a dull look on his face, but the aura on his body was extremely terrifying.

It is none other than Yun Haokun, one of the Supreme Elders!

Seeing him arriving, everyone bowed down and saluted.

Yun Haokun's voice was dry and he said calmly: "Everyone, I have confirmed that Chu Qingqiu rebelled against the sect. It was my intention that Zhu Qingtan came to serve as the leader of the Divine Sword Sect. You don't need to think too much about it."

After hearing what he said, everyone's anger immediately subsided a lot.

Although the Supreme Elder's status in the Divine Sword Sect is not as noble as that of the sect leader, his strength is still superior.

The three supreme elders are the cornerstones of the sect, and since he has already spoken, what else do you have to question.

And a moment later, a figure appeared again.

But it was none other than Zhenren Dan.

He stood next to Zhu Qingtan, with a faint smile on his face but said nothing.

What's the meaning?

Seeing this scene, everyone was in an uproar.

"I didn't expect that Zhu Qingtan would win over Lian Dan!"

"Yes, Master Dan's strength is terrifying. It is said that he is even above the Supreme Elder. With his support, this position is secure!"

Although Master Dan rarely appears in the Divine Sword Sect and seems to be outside the system, everyone knows his strength.

With the support of these two people at this time, Zhu Qingtan's position seems to be extremely stable.

A moment later, the other two Supreme Elders, Yuan Yichi and Ren Lingsong, who had just received the news, arrived together.

There was a somewhat solemn expression on their faces.

Chu Qingqiu betrayed the sect and was suddenly imprisoned, and Zhu Qingtan ascended the throne as the sect leader.

Day and night, the news caught them off guard.

After the two arrived at the main hall, Zhu Qingtan said calmly: "Two Supreme Elders, Supreme Elder Yun and Master Dan have already supported me as the sect leader. What do you think?"

Although he said it politely, the threat in his words came to his face.

Yuan Yichi and Ren Lingsong looked at each other, with a look of embarrassment in their eyes.

Zhu Qingtan's meaning is obvious.

If you don't support him as the sect leader at this moment, then I'm afraid there will be a war immediately.

According to the rules of the Divine Sword Sect, if you want to succeed as the sect leader, you must have the nod of the three supreme elders.

Among the three supreme elders, Yun Haokun, who had attacked Ye Xinghe, had a very good relationship with Zhu Qingtan.

He was his supporter.

The other two, Yuan Yichi and Ren Lingsong, tended to be neutral.

Basically, they would listen to whoever was the sect master.

The two evaluated in their hearts.

Zhu Qingtan had obviously broken through the bottleneck. Although he was weaker than them, he was not much weaker.

The other side had Yun Haokun, Zhu Qingtan and a Dan Zhenren, and there were two people on their side.

Even if they started a war, they would lose and it would also cause the Divine Sword Sect to split.

Thinking of the latter layer, the two sighed in their hearts.

Then they all bowed their hands and said loudly: "Hello, Lord Sect Master!"

This action naturally meant that they had surrendered and were willing to respect Zhu Qingtan as the sect master.

Seeing the two of them bow their heads, Zhu Qingtan knew that there was no problem with this matter anymore.

He laughed loudly, and his heart was extremely happy.

He had coveted the position of sect master for hundreds of years, and today he finally reached this position!

Then, in the hall, all the red-robed elders and green-robed elders saw this situation, and there was no meaning in their hearts.

They bowed and saluted: "Greetings, Lord Sect Master!"

Zhu Qingtan's laughter resounded throughout the entire sect hall.

The next moment, his voice spread throughout the entire Divine Sword Sect.

"From today on, I, Zhu Qingtan, am the Sect Master of the Divine Sword Sect!"

This voice spread far to the lake in the back mountain, and even Ye Xinghe heard it clearly.

A look of understanding flashed in his eyes, and he whispered to himself.

"Sure enough, it's just as I thought, my guess was right!"

Zhu Qingtan couldn't wait to ascend to the position of Sect Master, and this move further confirmed Ye Xinghe's guess.

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