Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2099: Obtaining the Bloodline Curse

Chapter 2099 Success! Bloodline Curse!

After that, leave quickly.

Dongmen Daiyun was also a little worried, and his anger became more intense, and he smashed something again!

Time moves forward one hour, deep in the Yuling Mountain east of Lingyun City.

Yuling Mountain is not a big mountain range, it is just a branch of the Great Sumeru Mountains.

But there are hundreds of thousands of miles in the radius, and although there are not too strong monsters in it, there are still some in the early stages of the Demon God Realm.

The most powerful one among them is a red-faced demon bear at the first level of Demon God Realm.

This red-faced demonic bear is not only powerful, but also has hundreds of other demonic beasts under his command, dominating here.

On this day, it was practicing in the cave, and suddenly it heard a "squeaking" sound.

The red-faced demon bear frowned.

"Those kids patrolling the mountains outside are really getting rougher and rougher, and they even let rats in!"

"It seems that I need to kill a few to establish my authority and let them have some memories!"

But when he opened his eyes and took a look, his eyes suddenly lit up.

I saw a golden beast, like a little fox, scurrying back and forth in the cave.

It seems like he is looking for something.

But in its mouth, there is still a huge inner elixir, with a black and yellow divine power rising and falling inside.

It turned out to be a gold-seeking rat! And this guy also hides an inner elixir!

The red-faced demon bear didn't think about it at all and immediately pounced on him.

There is nothing to say. For these demon gods, every gold-seeking rat is a treasure that they long for.

Now that I have seen it, there is no reason to let it go.

Everything else can be ignored for now.

Unexpectedly, this gold-seeking rat was extremely slippery and ran away like crazy.

The red-faced demon bear chased after him and roared after leaving the cave.

Immediately, hundreds of monster beasts responded in the forest, following its orders, chasing and intercepting him.

It's just that this gold-seeking rat is extremely fast, can dig holes, and is very slippery.

Soon, they broke through the siege of these monster beasts and ran towards the distance.

The red-faced demon bear naturally refused to give up and chased after him all the way.

And this gold-seeking rat seems to be not that fast because he is underage or injured.

It has been chased from a distance.

Unknowingly, the huge herd of beasts approached a certain place outside Lingyun City!

It was only a moment after Zhao Fengjing left.

Next to the backyard is an exquisite rockery with lush flowers and trees, hiding many snake-like insects and ants.

Therefore, it is natural to hide people here.

A figure slowly emerged.

At this time, there was no one in this small courtyard.

Zhao Fengjing has left, and the other servants have been dismissed by him.

A black shadow emerged from behind the rockery and approached the room.

His footsteps were very light. Dai Yun, who was in the east door of the house, heard the sounds outside and cursed angrily: "What kind of dog is here to mess with me again? He is looking for death, isn't he?"

He suddenly opened the door and cursed outside.

But at this moment, the expression on his face solidified.

It turned out that the moment the door opened.

A black and rusty broken sword was placed on his neck.

The cold light on it seemed to invade his body, making his blood freeze.

There was a man standing outside the house, dressed in black and with a handsome face.

It turned out to be the untouchable who had a conflict with him on the street that day!

Dongmen Daiyun instantly realized the extreme danger, and the arrogance on his face disappeared without a trace.

He is arrogant, but not stupid.

He knew very clearly that his threats were of no use to the person in front of him.

So he just opened his mouth and squeezed out two words dryly from his throat.

"Spare your life!"

Ye Xinghe smiled slightly and answered him in two words, very simply.


The next moment, Wuming Broken Sword waved, and Dongmen Daiyun's head flew out, making him completely dead.

Between the sword light and flint, Dongmen Daiyun had no room to react and was killed directly!

But at this moment, suddenly a drop of blood flew out of Dongmen Daiyun's body and fell straight towards Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe resisted again and again, but this drop of blood was like a phantom, unable to be broken or touched.

It fell directly on Ye Xinghe and quickly penetrated into it.

Then Ye Xinghe felt a burst of red light coming from his body, feeling indescribably uncomfortable and strange.

Then the feeling disappeared again.

"How is this going?"

At this time, Chu Shuangqiu suddenly appeared and frowned: "You have been cursed by blood!"

"What blood curse?"

Ye Xinghe asked with a frown.

Chu Shuangqiu said in a deep voice: "This is an ability that only people with special bloodline have. Before death, they can nail their own blood into the body of the person who kills them, causing them to suffer a bloodline curse."

"In this way, people with the same bloodline as him can sense your existence."

Ye Xinghe smiled bitterly.

"I didn't expect that he has such a trick!"

"No matter how hard I try, I can't figure this out!"

He asked: "Senior, can you remove it?"

"If you can go, you can go."

Chu Shuangqiu said: "But it takes time, at least twenty-one days."

Ye Xinghe nodded solemnly.

He dragged Dongmen Daiyun's body into the house, closed the door, and then searched inside.

This is Dongmen Daiyun's bedroom, and his most precious treasures are here.

Ye Xinghe didn't have time to take a closer look, so he plundered it all, and then took away its space container.

In just a few breaths, all this was done.

He slowly exhaled a breath.

The task was completed just like that. It seemed simple, but in fact, no one knew how much effort was put into it.

Apart from anything else, the Daiyun mansion in the east gate is extremely well guarded.

Just on the outside, half of the Martial God Realm guards had more than a dozen people patrolling around.

And beside him, Zhao Fengjing, a second-level warrior in the Martial God Realm, was almost never leaving.

This is why Dongmen Jinyan thinks Ye Xinghe can't do it.

In the past month, after Ye Xinghe became completely familiar with the state of Night Travel God, he came here in the state of Night Travel God.

I have explored this house many times and am already very familiar with everything here.

He also knows everything about Dongmen Daiyun.

He is naturally very clear about his hobbies, his tricks, and even the people he cares about.

As a powerful member of the Zichen Chamber of Commerce, Dongmen Daiyun is one of the most powerful candidates for the future president.

He recruits people and does various things on a daily basis, which also requires a huge amount of money.

And his money bag is the Bauhinia Marble Mine outside the city!

So he carefully arranged a killing situation.

Very simple, but simpler is often more effective.

Since the Zichen Chamber of Commerce cannot arouse the suspicion, Dongmen Jin Yan cannot provide him with any manpower.

But this does not mean that Ye Xinghe fights alone, don't forget, he also has a gold-seeking rat!

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