Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2065 A great harvest

Ye Xinghe smiled slightly and said: "It's all yours, eat as much as you like!"

Upon hearing this, the gold-seeking rat immediately rushed forward crazily and devoured it.

Ye Xinghe watched from the side and couldn't help but sigh.

The appetite of this gold-seeking rat was much greater than he imagined!

Ye Xinghe had originally estimated that he would get several kilograms of rare metals last time.

No matter what happens to the gold-seeking rat, it will last for several months.

But he didn't expect that it would be eaten up before Ye Xinghe returned to the Divine Sword Sect!

After that, I fell asleep until now.

Ye Xinghe estimated that the pile in front of him would be enough for him to eat for three to five days.

Fortunately, it will sleep for a while after eating.

If I eat like this every day, I'm afraid I really can't afford it!

Ye Xinghe's eyes fell on those magic weapons again.

There are six of these magic weapons in total, including long swords, giant knives, and spears.

They are all well maintained and sparkling.

The levels are also very high.

The lowest one is the seventh-grade magic weapon.

The highest one has reached the realm of eighth-grade magic weapon.

Thinking about it, this should be the weapon worn by the strong humans that the silver giant ape hunted in his life.

After they were killed, this became the silver giant ape's trophy.

There is no use for Ye Xinghe to keep these things. Maybe they can be sold at an auction house for a high price.

After thinking about it carefully, it was far more cost-effective to just give him the Nameless Broken Sword and use it to improve it.

Ye Xinghe flicked the Wuming Broken Sword lightly.

"These things are yours!"

The Nameless Broken Sword also flew out happily and circled in the air.

A few "chichi" sounds.

Then he chopped all these weapons into small pieces.

Then he began to absorb the purest Gengjin energy.

It seems that this guy is also a very picky eater. He doesn't like those rare metals and doesn't absorb them.

It is very cunning to only absorb these high-grade magic weapons that have been forged and formed.

Next, Ye Xinghe took stock of other things.

There are more than thirty inner elixirs in total, and most of them are the inner elixirs of monsters in the outer world.

Only one of them, orange, is a half-step demon god.

Ye Xinghe also took out the inner elixir of the silver giant ape.

The inner elixirs of two half-step demon mirrors are placed together, shining brightly.

In the two inner elixirs, each has a thin line of black and yellow divine power brewing.

Ye Xinghe felt extremely happy when he saw it.

These things alone are enough for this adventure.

What a rich reward!

After absorbing the inner elixirs of those outer world realm monsters, you can directly break through to the half-step Martial God realm!

And these two inner elixirs of the half-step demon god realm refined its black and yellow power.

He can even increase his Xuanhuang power to three levels!

He put these precious inner elixirs into the jade box and put them away.

The rest are a dozen bottles of various elixirs.

Ye Xinghe took a look and found that the level of the elixirs inside was generally not high.

But for him, it was very suitable.

Because these elixirs are basically all used for healing injuries.

Ye Xinghe's demand for this type of elixir is very large.

Then he put it away.

His elixirs had been exhausted a long time ago, and these things came at just the right time.

In addition, there is a lot of all kinds of mess.

There are dozens of magical secret books.

It is estimated that it killed many human cultivators and accumulated it over the years.

Ye Xinghe didn't have time to read it, so he had to put it away for now and talk about it later.

In addition, there are a lot of various non-weapon magic weapons and props.

Ye Xinghe also had no time to take a closer look.

However, he knew that those who could be favored by this silver giant ape were mostly high-quality products.

Maybe you can find a lot of treasures inside in the future.

But Ye Xinghe's eyes suddenly fell on a small jade pendant.

This jade pendant is only about the size of half a palm, with magic circles engraved on it.

When Ye Xinghe first went to get it, he found that he had not picked it up.

He was stunned for a moment, then realized.

It turns out that above this magic circle, phantoms and light appear all the time.

This creates a false impression, making it seem like you have got it, but in fact you have not.

"This thing is interesting!"

Ye Xinghe held it in his hand, looked at it for a moment, and suddenly felt happy.

It turns out that this thing is called a shield talisman.

After wearing it, it can create phantoms around the body and block the breath.

Of course, there are restrictions on use.

After it is turned on, it can be turned off.

However, the total time can only last for two days, and it will expire after two days.

Ye Xinghe was overjoyed.

He is now worried about how to leave here.

You know, this place goes very far into the Great Sumeru Mountains.

If he just walked out carelessly like this, I'm afraid he would be beaten to death by all kinds of monsters before he had to go far.

With this thing, you can hide your aura and image, and there will be hope when you get out of here!

Chu Shuangqiu looked at these and marveled.

"The gold belt of murder and arson, as expected, robbery is the best way to make money!"

"What you gain from this trip is probably equivalent to the entire wealth of a small sect!"

But at this moment, Chu Shuangqiu's figure suddenly fell into a trance.

Then, it started to become very thin.

It has returned to the way it was when it first appeared, the way it was when it was swallowed by the tiger demon.

And it seems to be a little thinner than before.

Shaking and shaking, it may disappear at any time!

Ye Xinghe exclaimed: "Senior Chu, what's wrong with you?"

Chu Shuangqiu felt it carefully for a moment, then shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Old man, I still underestimated the laws of the world. I thought that a ray of remnant soul could survive secretly, but I didn't expect that I still couldn't withstand the mighty power of this world!"

He pointed at himself and said: "I was devoured first, and then died for hundreds of years, and very little of my soul power dissipated."

"Although the last remnant soul survived and waited for you, the original soul power has almost disappeared now."

Ye Xinghe said eagerly: "Can't we rely on the Brain Worm God to replenish our soul power?"


Chu Shuangqiu shook his head.

"Soul power is soul power. It can only delay my survival time, but the original soul power is my foundation. If the original soul power dissipates, I will no longer be able to exist in this world!"

Ye Xinghe felt a little uncomfortable after hearing this.

In the past two months of getting along, he and Chu Shuangqiu had a very close relationship.

It is not that master and disciple are better than master and apprentice.

Chu Shuangqiu was elegant and gentle, and her hundreds of years of experience as a ghost did not distort her character.

Ye Xinghe respects him very much.

He asked eagerly: "There must be a solution!"

"Yes, yes."

Chu Shuangqiu shook his head.

"But it's very difficult. It's very difficult to find what you need." Ye Xinghe gritted his teeth and said: "Don't worry, no matter how difficult it is, I will find it for you. Senior has given me the kindness to rebuild, and I will never forget it!"

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