Supreme Magus

2696 Special Guests (Part 2)

2696 Special Guests (Part 2)

"We know where natural strongholds can be found. We know about the position of all the magical resources and geysers that the creatures from Zelex will need. More importantly, we know how to hunt." Vladion said.

"We undead are relentless and hard-to-kill predators. Even though monsters provide us with poor nourishment, quantity can make up for quality. We can wear the monster tides down at night while you Sunwalkers attack them during the day.

"A constant onslaught that would whittle the monsters' numbers while also never giving them the time to recover their strength or numbers."

"A tempting offer indeed." Meron nodded. "Yet I doubt that you'd do it out of the goodness of your heart. What's in it for you?"

"My people are still dying, Your Majesty." Vladion said with a steel voice. "The Eclipsed Lands can't feed all those who escaped Jiera's fall and those we can't help, end up at the mercy of the Undead Courts.

"All we want is the opportunity to go back home and take our rightful place in society. You are too smart a man to not know that where power and life thrive the undead follow.

"I'm offering you the chance to make a difference. To choose between the Undead Courts which will infiltrate your ranks anyway and feed on your success from the shadows and the Eclipsed Lands which will help you out in the open.

"You can have a sly enemy or a willing ally. Your choice."

"What about the Empress?" Sylpha pondered.

"Jiera is big and the monster tides are massive." Ilthin stepped forward while waving at Lith and Kamila.

They could almost hear her mentioning the "promised" threesome and something about Lith's bloodline. An argument with which they were certain Le'Ahy would happily ride along.

I was enough to make their present and future selves facepalm in embarrassment.

"You can't have one without the other. The Empire will strike at the monsters from one side while you attack them from the opposite. There's plenty of space in Jiera for two players and it's better to work together instead of against each other while also dealing with the monster tides.

"Besides, do you think you have better margins of negotiation with Overlord Salaark? With her, it's always her way or the fight way. Together, we can beat her. Here on Garlen, it's impossible, but on Jiera we have every advantage on her, but only if we join our forces."

"You two make several excellent points." Meron nodded. "Points too good to be overlooked just based on prejudice and old grievances. You can tell the Empress that the Crown will take this matter into serious consideration and relay our ruling through the proper channels."

"Is there anything else?" Sylpha asked while looking at Lith who simply shook his head.

"Actually, yes." Ilthin Demere, Elf Lady and Firstborn Banshee, said, making Lith and Kamila brace for impact.

She had hair of gold, eyes of silver, and a heart still scarred by the man who had ripped it out of her chest in the search for immortality after swearing his eternal love to her.

'After visiting the Fringe, I finally understood why she's so flirty. Also, I bet that she passed those absurd elven customs to all those she sired.'Lith thought.

'It would explain why no matter their race of origin, Banshee behave like elves.'Kamila replied via the mind link.

Usually, seeing such beauties and knowing they lusted after her husband would have angered Kamila to no end. Thanks to the Dragon scales on her hand and Lith's arm, however, she could feel his embarrassment and how his heart skipped a beat only when looking at her.

"Are you really a Svartalf?" Ilthin asked Br'ey who nodded in reply. "It's amazing! Your race fell so long ago that I had almost forgotten what you look like. Did you find a way to revert the process on your own or did the cutie help you?"

The reverted orc looked at Lith to whom the Banshee was pointing, wondering how could a cold-blooded mass murderer be considered cute before saying:

"Neither. We were victims of the experiments of a crazy Tyrannical Eye. There's still no permanent solution. Just this." She pulled down the collar of her dress revealing the Harmonizer. "If not for the mana geyser, I would still be an orc."

"Too bad." If Ilthin was disappointed, she shrugged it off quickly. "I'm happy to meet my lost cousins no matter your appearance as long as you don't mind mine. I'm a Banshee and I'm a few tens of thousands of years old."

"Oh, gods!" Le'Ahy chimed in with undeserved enthusiasm while Br'ey gasped in shock. "It's amazing! You've found a way to Awaken and become truly immortal. Care to share with our people how?"

Ilthin raised her delicate eyebrow in a thin arc, looking at the huntress like someone who had regained consciousness after a blow to the head.

"I just did. As I said, I'm a Banshee."

"And I'm sure that's an impressive title for your accomplishment." Le'Ahy replied. "My question is how do I become one?"

"For the gods' sake, let me explain or this will take all night!" Lith took Le'Ahy's hand who gladly misinterpreted his intentions and blushed wildly.

A quick mind link reminded the huntress of the undead race, its subspecies in general, and Banshees in particular.

"I changed my mind. I'm fine as I am, thank you." Le'Ahy took a step back, looking at the beautiful Elf Lady with fear.

She also hid behind Lith's back to play the "damsel in distress" card.

"I admit that I'm a bit scared." Br'ey said. "Undead have a terrible reputation but so do fallen races so I think we are even. I'd like to know you better, especially if our respective races are going to work together.

"I'd like to meet you on a neutral ground, though. Rena?"

"Maybe." She replied with flaming eyes. "But if we do this, only in the absence of my husband."

Senton was very, very loyal which made him very, very delicious to Ilthin's eyes. She threw occasional glances at him that awakened his wife's Tiamat's blood.

"Party pooper." The Banshee pouted. "But I'll take your offer, whatever your demands are. I've longed to be reunited with my brethren for too long to mind the small details."

Lith sighed in relief as the different parties built the foundation for a future alliance or just a friendly exchange of knowledge.

The Royals were the most satisfied with Lith's birthday, immediately followed by the Awakened Council. They both would benefit from the help in colonizing Jiera but only the Royals had interest in the collaboration with the Empress.

Just like she wanted to steal from them the secret of the Trains and Tablets, the Royals wanted to learn about the Empire's flying fortresses and its many magical wonders. Diplomatic efforts were the backbone of espionage and both parties knew it.

The Council had to content itself with the study of the Harmonizers, Glemos' evolutionary opus, and maybe with befriending the elves enough to learn about the position of the Fringe.

The members of the fallen races, instead, discovered a growing kinship with the undead and simply loved Tezka just because he was one of them and everyone was afraid of him.

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