Supreme Magus

Chapter 2660

Chapter 2660 Glass Cannon (Part 2)

As for Faluel, one head countered the gravity field, one head healed her wounds, one head dealt with the arrows coming at her, two heads counterattacked the elven formations, and the final two showered M’Rael respectively with acidic venom and a tier five Spirit Spell.

‘Are you kidding me? How can Hydras be listed at the bottom of the Lesser Dragons?’ M’Rael combined the Library and Workshop to conjure a Davross shield that took the brunt of the damage.

‘They are glass cannons.’ A prolonged pang forced the Tree to answer the question. ‘Her body is enduring seven times the mana abuse a normal Awakened would. In a while, she will collapse.

‘Until then, however, she’s worth seven bright violet-cored Awakened on her own.’

‘How long is “a while”?’ The High Chancellor inwardly cursed.

‘Usually, not much. With the Life Maelstrom and the Royal Fortress armor, however, long enough.’

M’Rael cursed again, wishing he could use tower tier spells. Sure, he had the tower but the Tree knew none that they could teach him, M’Rael lacked the skill to create one on the fly, and Solus answered every one of his questions with long-winded explanations.

She used abstruse terms whenever she could and mixed Odi words and English since her “master” had never specified in what language he wanted the answer. The only true weapons left to M’Rael were the empowering effects of the tower and the Master Mirror from the Mirror Hall.

It boosted and amplified his spells, bringing them above the bright violet core but not enough to deal with Faluel, Ajatar, and Lith at the same time.

Alas, that was if one considered his magical prowess by itself.

‘Then I only have to take out the Hydra first.’ The High Chancellor wielded the Fury in his right hand, the Sage Staff in his right, and mixed multiple spells inside the Sage Crown.

Faluel quickly shapeshifted into her hybrid humanoid form to not offer a big target and wielded her enchanted glaive, Strife. That along with the Life Maelstrom coursing through her was supposed to give her a great edge against a violet-cored elf.

Menadion’s tower boosted his core and body and, in its battle form, the tower had fused with Solus’ Voidwalker armor, turning it into an exoskeleton. The armor now increased M’Rael’s mass and accompanied every one of his movements with the vigor from the world energy it drew from the Fringe.

It gave the elf a mass akin to a Divine Beast and a physical prowess that far exceeded his mana core. To make matters worse, there was also the gap in their weapons.

Faluel was a great Forgemaster and Stife was an outstanding weapon but it couldn’t compare with Menadion’s masterpiece, especially after Salaark had updated and forged it herself.

The Davross head channeled the power of the tower to perfection, each strike as heavy as it was precise. The Hydra would have had the range advantage if not for M’Rael using the Sage Staff to block and conjuring the Davross shield to intercept the attacks he missed.

To make matters worse, the Eyes were quickly deciphering Faluel’s spells as soon as she started weaving them, taking away the effect of surprise and giving him the time to weave counters.

“Thief!” The Voidfeather roared, unleashing a barrage of spells that M’Rael nullified with the Hands of Menadion.

Or rather, he tried. The moment he negated one element, the spells changed their nature. The Eyes allowed him to keep up with the changes but Faluel didn’t let him focus enough to anticipate them.

That and the Drake and the Tiamat were charging at him from behind.

M’Rael’s eyes went wide in fear and his jaw opened in a silent scream. Then, when he was about to be overpowered, he dropped the mask and a smug grin appeared on his face.

“Idiots.” He released the spells imbued in the Sage Crown, triggering an emerald blast that reduced the three Beasts into a pulp.

Unlike the Sage Staff, the Crown lacked the Balor Eyes and couldn’t draw in the elements with the Staff’s same efficiency. What it could do, instead, was act as a multi-spells holding ring that boosted the effects of the enchantments the longer they were stored.

Thanks to the power of the Yggdrasill wood, the High Chancellor had fused multiple tier five Spirit Spells together, using the Crown to enhance them and the tower to fuel them.

The final result was less powerful than a Nova Spirit Spell but way more versatile. Countless emerald bullets from Manastorm hit with the strength and speed of trucks. Upon hit they released a noxious blast comprised of Breakdown and Rainstorm.

The former used the power of the elements to affect the area around its target and make the air poisonous with darkness while the ground turned into molten lava. The latter used water to drench its victims and carry the other elements past the layers of protection.

Emerald bullets hit the Wyrms like a flurry of fists from a giant with one hundred hands, Breakdown turned Mogar into hell and Rainstorm dealt them internal damage, all at the same time.

With a single move, M’Rael had halted the charge, making his enemies fall to their knees and choking on their own blood.

“There’s a reason a mage is considered invincible inside his tower and I’m wearing mine!” Faluel had seven heads but only one heart so the High Chancellor struck at her chest with the Fury.

The Davross of the Royal Fortress armor blocked the blow, but the Davross head of the hammer still caused a shockwave strong enough to crack her ribs and send them piercing the organs they were supposed to protect.

Faluel’s left lung collapsed, sealing her breathing technique while her heart went into ventricular fibrillation. All of her eyes rolled back and her heads went limp as only the healing powers of the armor kept her from losing consciousness and with it her life.

The Voidfeather kept striking with everything he had, but aside from blackening M’Rael’s armor, he achieved nothing.

“Did you really think a measly spell could damage a mage tower?” He said with a laugh while hitting Lith’s face and smashing the frontal half of his skull. “Keep firing. I like hearing that wench’s screams of pain.”

The Voidfeather roared in horror and shock, reminded that every attack the tower suffered would also affect Solus.

“Once I’m done with you, I’ll take my sweet time taming her, so thanks for softening that stupid girl for me.”

The Voidfeather disappeared, replaced by the Void who attempted to grab M’Rael. He just sidestepped out of reach and hit Ajatar in a descending blow to the crown of his head.

The squishy sound the Drake emitted horrified Solus and brought the rest of the group to turn around in shock. Blood poured from Ajatar’s helm, seeping out the eyes and mouth slits and from the cracks that the hammer strike had opened.

“Master!” Morok screamed in fear as he saw the life force of his mentor slowly fading away.

The Void roared in rage, spreading his deadly black fog but in an open space, M’Rael only had to take a few steps back to escape its reach.

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