Supreme Magus

Chapter 2512

Chapter 2512 Clean Up (Part 2)

The Royal Court was assembled for the emergency and she couldnt afford to show any crack in the relationship between the Crown and their Supreme Magus. Too many people in the room shared Neforces view about the non-human citizens of the Kingdom.

An argument between Lith and Sylpha would add arrows to their quivers, widening the divide in the Royal Court.

The last thing we need is another internal struggle so soon after the War of the Griffons. Sylpha thought. I noticed that for a while Verhen had lost his usual cool and I kept him out of politics because he was a liability.

Yet recently he seemed to be back to his usual self. I dont understand why hes suddenly acting recklessly again. The timing of the changes that the Queen had noticed matched with Solus leaving and returning.

She was now following Eryon far away, leaving Liths mind unguarded and burdened by both her and his own resentment toward the city of Nesra.

I know. Lith nodded. But as far as I know, death row inmates are considered already dead. Such privileges dont apply to them.

Thats true, but only for the soldiers and mages who dared attack you. Sylpha shook her head. You could have blown them to bits or tortured them to death and I would have been fine with that. The law is the law and thats the problem.

Captain Neforce addressed you improperly and failed to control his troops. Along with his previous attitude toward the Great Mages Verhen, its an offense worthy of imprisonment, court martial, and death penalty at worst.

Not Sylpha had seen many things in her life but she failed to find the word to describe the pitiful state the former captain of the army had fallen. That. Permanently altering someones life force is not Forbidden Magic but its highly unethical.

Same for Mage Palaar. She might not be very bright or decisive, but she has served the Crown for decades. She indeed needs to be reprimanded for her lack of leadership and initiative, but something like stripping her of her title of Head Healer would have sufficed.

Taking her magic away is beyond cruel and unheard of. Compared to that, death would be merciful.

My thoughts exactly. Lith replied with a wolfish smile that exposed two rows of pristine fangs. With all due respect, Your Majesty, I find the punishments fitting. Neforce let his hate blind him to his duty and honor, I just made it evident for everyone to see.

As for Palaar, an incompetent leader is worse than a corrupt one. She delegated her authority to Neforce, betraying the trust of the Association and compromising the separation of powers of the Kingdom.

As you said, the law is the law. The King controls the army, the Queen the Association, and the Court keeps the Royals in check. The system is made to prevent abuse of power like Arthans and both of them broke it! Lith pointed his finger at the former captain and Head Healer.

Neforce was the factual lord of Nesra, trampling the authority of the rightful noble ruler of the city and bending the Association to his political agenda despite Your Majestys orders. Thats high treason to me.

Of course, if you dont agree with my judgment, I can fix them both in an instant. He gave Sylpha a deep bow to ease the tension.

The words of the Queen and her showing him the assembly of the Royal Court had made Lith realize his blunder. He had much more leeway when dealing with the Royals in private whereas politics were still a minefield to him.

Luckily for me, I left those two idiots alive. Had I killed them, I would be now in a really bad spot. This might have triggered another trial like Phlorias. If I know nobles, however, if theres one thing that they hate above all its someone threatening their status.

Some members of the Court may not like me, but they sure love my trains and Tablets. Also, Ive just given them a perfect scapegoat for their frustration. Lith thought.

The nobles who until a few seconds ago asked for disciplinary actions against the Supreme Magus for overstepping his authority were now praising him for his decisiveness.

Especially after the local nobility confirmed that after the first monster horde Neforce had invoked martial law to dictate decisions regarding Nesras security. They had never authorized the banishment of Solus group or even agreed on the former captains policy about beasts.

Just like Palaar, they had delegated their freedom to him in exchange for protection. Yet they were magicless nobles whereas she was a powerful representative of the Association who was supposed to protect them and their interest.

A human being afraid of monsters was understandable, but for a mage such behavior was outrageous.

I agree with Magus Verhen. Its high treason. Gunyin Ernas was the first to speak. Neforce ordering around a Magus is unforgivable. It demonstrates no respect for the title issued by the Royals and the honor it carries.

An Archmage is the same as an Archduke and a Magus is above that. How can a mere captain mistreat an Archduke? His words rallied both the mages and the nobles, leaving the army representatives alone.

I also agree with the high treason sentence. Archmage Lema said. Neforce is no different from the traitorous Ranger Quaron, he just lacks powerful allies. Weve already seen what happens when a corrupt member of the military exploits a situation of emergency to become a tyrant.

Sure, Neforce lacks the necessary magical power to do that, but with her cowardice, Palaar gave it to him. She allowed him to control the Association henceforth Mage Palaar is guilty by association!

The mention of the coup that had opened the road to the War of the Griffons was the last straw, bringing even the military to agree.

The Royal Court agrees with your judgment, Supreme Magus Verhen. The King said, setting the record in stone. Detain the traitors until a Constable arrives. After that, you are free to go. Thank you for your service. King Meron out.

Meron zoomed the amulets hologram out, showing to the members of the Royal Court that while they were deliberating Neforces treason charges, the Demons were helping to clear the debris and searching for survivors.

They were also providing medical assistance to those in need.

Lith hoped that the case would be assigned to Jirni, but a male Archon came instead. It wasnt just a matter of a high-profile case, but the Royals also wanted to avoid claims about conflict of interest during the investigation.

Archon Arenia and his assistant Constables collected the statements of the witnesses, Lith included, before letting him go. Faluel and the others arrived a bit later.

Sorry for the wait but unlike you, we had to wait to be dismissed by both the Royals and the Council. The Hydra said and the Drake nodded. After repelling the invaders, we tried to catch them but they had planned their escape route carefully.

While chasing the monsters, we fell into an ambush and even though in their fallen state they pose no threat to an Awakened, they still bought the time for their leader to get away.


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