Supreme Mage of Hogwarts

Chapter 177: Glass Water

Chapter 177: Glass Water

"Put this glazed water on me first." Lin Xiao doesn't agree with any destiny at all. What he always believes in is that I order my lord, and man will conquer the sky.

"Okay, then I'll take you to see other things! The honest and honest man of 35 said with a calm face that he didn't even sell a single thing, which made him a little excited.

When! when! when!

The three ringing bells came from the inside of the pawnshop. Lin Xiao and Harry looked at each other, and the two entered into a state of combat readiness in a very tacit moment, staring vigilantly at the honest and honest man and the strange White-haired old man.

"Don't be so nervous," the old man said slowly, "This is the sound of the auction opening."

"Oh, look at my brain!" The honest and honest man patted his head, "I forgot to tell you, we have an auction here today, and it happens to be open. If you are interested, you can come with me. , I will take you to see.

The man said with a sincere face, Lin Xiao hesitated for a while, then nodded.

The man became even more enthusiastic, and took Lin Xiao and Harry07 to the interior of the pawnshop.

They had just walked a few steps, Lin Xiao turned his head to look at the strange old man, the old man didn't speak, just took the beads off his hands and played with them. Seeing Lin Xiao looking back at him, he nodded to them with a smile.

Lin Xiao and Harry, following the honest and honest man, walked into a dark corridor. Lin Xiao stood at the intersection of the corridor and did not walk in immediately, but prepared all the magic tools in his heart.

The thick and honest man, who seemed to have no accident, just stood there waiting for him, and when he felt that he was ready, he continued to move forward.

Sure enough, as expected by Lin Xiao, not long after they left, something strange happened again.

The honest and honest man held a small stick in his hand and tapped it in the air. Lin Xiao felt the air in the entire corridor twist up and slowly began to change color. Finally, in the previously empty corridor, a gate appeared, and the honest and honest man looked calm, as if the gate was here before, but they didn't see it.

"We have to go in from here, let's go!" The honest and honest man walked first, "There will be many people inside, if you are not particularly confident in yourself, it is best not to conflict with others. Also, be sure to Follow me closely, if I get lost, I may not be able to find you."5

Lin Xiao looked at the honest and honest man's back and asked, "Are you bringing every guest who comes in casually to this kind of place?"

The honest and honest man smiled and said sincerely, "We only bring people who need to come here, come here.

"How did you know we needed?" Harry asked.

The honest and honest man stopped, faced them, pointed to his eyes, "I have eyes, I can see."

Pointing to his temples, "I also have a brain and can think. 35

"It's actually quite obvious, isn't it?" said the honest and honest man.

Lin Xiao didn't know what to say for a while, and the honest and honest man didn't give them a chance to speak, "It may be a little dizzy, you can close your eyes. 99

After speaking, Lin Xiao only felt the world spinning for a while. When he opened his eyes, Lin Xiao found himself standing on a very old street, how old is it?

The streets here are all ancient, and the houses on both sides of the street exude a traditional ancient atmosphere everywhere. There were many people on the street, and they all walked in one direction, as if they were going to a market.

They appear here and are particularly prominent. But no one looked at them, as if they were used to it.

"Welcome to the China Auction. This is the largest auction in the magical world, and it is also a place to witness the development of the magical world from ancient times to the present." The honest and honest man said with his hands folded in awe.

Lin Xiao knows that the awe of honest and honest men is not towards them, but towards this place, this place that has been preserved since ancient times.

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself to you yet, hello, I am the member manager of China Auctions, my name is Abru.

Lin Xiao doesn't know why a very traditional Chinese person has such a western name.

Lin Xiao and Harry nodded and introduced, "I'm Lin Xiao, he's... Dali.

Lin Xiao hesitated for a while, but still didn't say Harry's real name. After all, the name Harry Potter is also very famous in China, especially in the possible magical world of China, there should be no one who has not heard the name of Harry Potter.

Just in case, it's better to be safe.

Harry seemed very dissatisfied, and Lin Xiao introduced himself as Dali, one of the people he hated the most. Looking at Lin Xiao's expression, he didn't refute in the end, but he was obviously a little annoyed.

Abru took Lin Xiao and Harry down a street. They didn't go to any auctions. They just looked around and found that there was actually something to do on the street.

There are also a lot of things to be auctioned. The auction floor here is not as they imagined. In a fixed high-level occasion, everyone sits below, and then the host above them takes out an auction item, and the people below start bidding. The higher bidder gets it.

Here, it seems that everything can be auctioned, and the low point of the auction is not so limited. Put a piece of cloth and you can auction it. Auctions can be held anytime, anywhere, as long as two people start bidding.

They saw that there was a large group of people not far in front of them, and it was obviously more lively than other places.


"What's going on there, Abreu. Harry pointed in that direction and asked.

"There, it's the golden area of ​​the auction house. It is estimated that there are some novel treasures there? If you are interested, I will take you there to see it!"

Abru explained patiently.

A few people walked over slowly and walked out of the crowd, Abru greeted everyone skillfully, "Hi, old man, long time no see, but sorry, you may have to let me go, I brought two The children came over and wanted them to go in and take a look.

While greeting the others, Abru pushed aside the crowd stuck in front of them, and soon, Lin Xiao and Harry took up the front row.

Lin Xiao walked over and saw that the person surrounded by people was not an auction item, but a teenager about their age. The young man looks very handsome, and Lin Xiao can't feel any attack on him.

The young man was wearing a plain face, with long hair tied up on his head and pinned at will with a wooden hairpin.

"Long time no see, Song Ming."5

PS: Kneeling for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, automatic subscription, all bookings!

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